• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural Space

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The Directivity of Traditional Architectural Space in Korean and Japanese (한국${\cdot}$일본 전통건축공간의 지향성)

  • Kim Dong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2005
  • As a circumstantial-existance character (the human character who takes action after grasping circumstances and fears things with reason) the Japanese were more interested in the active doctrines of Wang Yang-ming than other speculative studies. All of people were inhumanely incorporated into the rigorous class system under pressure in the samurai society. In the atmosphere of the society a natural phenomenon was understood as the ksana of change, and instead of the whole, the part was mainly described with emphasis on the reality. Therefore nature came near to the man after being reduced and then was symbolized in the Interior space. Also the classification of spaces, that is to say, the settlement of borders by the social position was shown in the great interior space like a labyrinth. As a self-existance character(the human style who carves out for and does not have a regard other's feeling), however, the Korean were much influenced by the Taoist Idea as they tried to be similar to nature in nature itself. Therefore the idea of Asaniskrota was in their origin. There was a tendency for space to be extended toward the outdoor in Korea, since the Korean people who are speculative and like to be natural tried to be close to nature. Therefore the division of spaces according to class and sexuality and the settlement of borders were already shown in outside by Che-Na-Num(Divided-Mass:Koren's own style). These are closely related with that houses were built after a village settle down in Korea while built before a village settle down in Japan. Architectural space consists of the interior and the exterior. The layout and (on of architectural space has a great variety of characters by region and culture. In other words, it can be understood which has a priority between the interior and the exterior in developing the layout and the form of architectural space. Belonging to the culture area of Chinese characters with Korea, Japan has maintained its own Identity. It has an identity in the layout and form of architectural space as well. Therefore, the architecture and architectural theories of the two countries were compared and analyzed with priority given to the traditional architecture, also the backgrounds of architecture and architectural theories of two countries were examined in this study. This study shows that each country has different characters in how to introduce nature, how to expand space and how to compose windows, including the view of nature and the cult of space. As a result, the space in Korean architecture has relatively the exterior-oriented character but in Japan architecture spatial character is interior-oriented. The interior-oriented character can be relevant to the word 'reduction' and the exterior-oriented character to 'extension' after all. Also it can be thought that each character has a great relation with climate and idea of people in power.


  • Kim, Chang-Bum
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 1998
  • We give the new formulas counting the total number of all lines planes and tetrahedrons in the n-dimensional Boolean space.

On the gauss map of quadric hypersurfaces

  • Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.429-437
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    • 1994
  • Let $M^n$ be a connected hypersurface in Euclidean (n + 1)-space $E^{n+1}$, and let $G : G^n \longrightarrow S^n(1) \subset E^{n+1}$ be its Gauss map.

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An Evaluation of Rural Landscape and Comparative Analysis in Accordance with Space Types : Focused on Residents and Visitors of Seondong Region, Gochang-Gun, Jeollabuk-Do, Korea (공간유형별 농촌경관 평가 및 비교 분석 - 전북 고창 선동권역의 주민과 방문객을 대상으로 -)

  • Baek, Jong-In;Ban, Yong-Un;Woo, Hye-Mi;Choi, Na-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • This study has intended to evaluate rural subjective landscape through participation of residents and visitors according to space types, and to perform comparative analysis of evaluation results between residents and visitors. This study has employed a survey method for which 58 residents of 8 villages within Seondong region at Gochang-gun and 70 visitors to Green Barley Field Festival in the target region have participated. 42 landscape view points were selected according to landscape scopes and space types, and then the preference was evaluated using landscape adjectives after showing pictures already taken for each landscape view point. This study has found the following results. First, whereas residents gave high points to natural landscape and artificial one at the historical culture areas in comparison with other landscape scopes, visitors gave them low points on the other hand. Second, visitors evaluated the cultivated area among space types of mixed landscapes with high value. Third, based on t-test for comparative analysis, the statistically significant differences of evaluation results appeared at 6 places among 8 natural landscapes, 3 places among 12 artificial landscapes, and 3 places among mixed landscapes.

Simulation Study on the Performance Evaluation of Light-shelf According to Geometric Shape of Ceiling (천장의 기하학적 형태에 따른 광선반 성능평가 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Lee, Henagwoo;Kim, Yongseong;Seo, Janghoo;Kim, Duk-Su
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2014
  • Light-shelf is one of the most efficient natural lighting systems due to the improved function of the inflow level of the outdoor natural light. However, the existing research on the light shelf limits to the rectangular parallelepiped space, so do not provide sufficient data for various shapes of spaces. Thus, this study aims at deriving proper plan and relationship of the light shelf through its performance assessment depending on the indoor space shapes and utilizing them as basic data of light shelf design. The conclusions are as follows : 1) for 6m space depth, standard intensity of illumination satisfaction depth has shown 8.3%~26.3% improvement through the adjustment of the angle and width when installing light shelf compared to no light shelf installation; 2) $-30^{\circ}$, $-20^{\circ}$ and $-10^{\circ}$ light shelves set by this study play only as a blind regardless of the shape of ceiling on the summer solstice, and it is unsuitable; and 3) this study has derived proper plan of light shelf upon space shapes based on energy reduction and indoor evenness. The study results provide expanded data of the performance assessment of the light shelves according to the different space shapes and light shelf factors, which serves as a basis of the light shelves designing.

Hemeroby Mapping and its Application in Open Space Planning -The Case of Daegu Metropolitan City- (Hemeroby 도면작성과 녹지계획에서의 활용 -대구시를 사례로-)

  • 나정화
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to assess naturalness of each and use type for Daegu and provide the basic data for urban green space planning. The results are as follows: 1) As a result of periodic analysis, It is known that in the 1400´s that the rate of a-/oligo-/meso-hemeroby was over 90% of that area, in which naturalness was very high. By the 2020´s, the population will increase to about 3,500,000 and the occupation rae of meat-and poly-hemeroby, where naturalness is very low, is expected to increase rapidly. 2) The recent land uses of Daegu are divided ito 17 types. In the survey of a occupation rate of each land use type, a forest are occupies 48.8% of the entire area. The military installation zone is lowest with 0.07%. 3) Investigation of a dominant hemeroby grade in each land use type showed that the urban complex area in characterized by meta-hemeroby : and the space for pavement and building construction where naturalness is lowest. On the other hand, oligo-hemeroby that is worth being preserved was surveyed to be dominant in woodlands and natural forests. 4) In the analysis of hemeroby mapping in the process of a green space planning, it is clear that hemeroby will be used a s a tool that assesses the suitability for recreation activity of each sample case. For example, it enables a poly-hemeroby region to be utilized as a near-natural recreation area including $\beta$-and $\alpha$-euhemeroby region in Daegu. Besides, hemeroby can provide basic data to make a value judgement of each sample case with a view to preservation of nature.

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A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of $M\'{e}diath\'{e}ques$ in France -Based on the Twelve case studies of the BMVRs- (프랑스 미디어테크 공간적 특성에 관한 연구 -12개의 BMVR을 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Ho-Kyun;Lim, Che-Zinn
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2007
  • The research made a study of the spatial characteristics of $m\'{e}diath\'{e}ques$ based on the twelve case studies of the BMVRs constructed with the financial support of the government since 1992 in France. The $m\'{e}diath\'{e}que$ is the community center for local residents to collect information, to have relationship with others and to shape public opinions. Thus it should have easy accessibility, liberal flow plan and the diversity of the newest information. The architectural elements to offer these faculties are summarized as follows. Firstly, the $m\'{e}diath\'{e}que$ as the public facility should have the easy flow plan and the high recognition for visitors. Second, it should be the efficient space for both managers and visitors. thus, it should not need more managers or have the difficulty to move. Third, it should be planed to support the change of the form of information and the needs of the visitors. It, therefore, should have the wide space with no wall and divide the space by movable furnitures. Lastly, it should be the space with the natural light, and it does not need the special artificial lights like museums. It is considered that the planning of the $m\'{e}diath\'{e}que$ should be from the four principles. Additionally, the program of the $M\'{e}diath\'{e}que$ should reflect the each local traits.

A Study on the Plans of Apartments Underground Parking lots to Prevent Women's Criminal fear Psychology - Focused on apartment design competitions of Suwon A region - (여성의 범죄불안심리를 고려한 공동주택의 지하주차장 계획 연구 - 수원A지구 공동주택 현상설계를 중심으로 -)

  • Li, Jin-Ji;Kim, Nam-Hyo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of study was understanding necessity of environment design for underground parking lot in residential design plan and grasping design plans of 'Activity Support' that considerate women, exclude women's unsecured feeling at underground parking lot. The inquiry analyzed 6 design plan in design competition that considerate women according to precede studies, a theory of CPTED, a design guide for wayfinding, and survey. A ramp, circulation, entrance, lighting, ventilation, and space design plan are proceed on this study The result are as below. First, a rectilinear figure ramp suits entrance plan on the circulation, but if it is not possible, cross-using of rectilinear and curvilinear figure ramp plan is desirable. Second, on the circulation plan, vehicles circulation plan and equality parking distribution plan got accomplished generally, and help senses of direction because it is planed network systemize. On a large scale underground parking lot, simplify parking circulation to convenience entrance and exit for weak in sense of direction. Third, the shape and material that‘s environmentally conscious will be in use to the entrance plan. As the first stage to the underground, artwork that women prefer can modulate the rejection of underground space. Forth, natural lighting system and ventilation can make the environment-friendly space, decrease the women’s rejection to the underground, it can also keep a natural watch on the space. Fifth, on the space design plan, it can use bright and comfortable design of wall and ground to decrease the women‘s rejection, also it is useful to the sense of direction. LED indirect lighting plan that 58.7% of women prefers on survey reflects women’s state of desire that bright and atmosphere. In addition, proper use of plans that subsidiary facilities, rest area with Sunken, and nature-friendly material can minimize differences of underground and ground parking lot.

A study on the planning of circulation path through analysis of visitor's behavior and exhibition layout in museum exhibition area (관람행태 특성과 전시 레이아웃 분석에 의한 박물관 단위전시공간에서의 동선계획에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jun-Hyuck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2007
  • Circulation planning for exhibition space depends on visitors, exhibition documents and exhibition space. To make visitors feel sympathy for the exhibition and meet visitors' movement and its spatial factors in the exhibition, guidelines for the planning layout of exhibition and exhibition space are needed. This research was aimed at gathering guidelines about the circulation planning for exhibition space for visitors who can acquire exhibition information in a natural way and enjoy the whole aspect of exhibition or enjoy preferential exhibition by investigating and analyzing viewing types of visitors, layout of exhibition and space unit exhibition. The result of this research was summarized as the following. 1) It needs optional viewing space large enough to be seen clearly so that all exhibition space can be seen at a glance at the main entrance of exhibition. 2) Layout of exhibition is needed for island-exhibition position and optional space preparation, when visitors pass by an article on exhibition short-cut. 3) Layout of exhibition is needed for double sided exhibition.