• Title/Summary/Keyword: National innovation capabilities

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National Food Distribution and Business Performance of Large State Plantations in Indonesia

  • Moehamad Irwan MAULANA;Sucherly SUCHERLY;Kurniawan SAEFULLAH;Martha Fani CAHYANDITO
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a strategic business conceptual model for large state plantations in West Java Province and Banten Province, Indonesia. The model was built through causal relationships and interrelationships between marketing strategies and business strategies that affect business performance on large state plantations. The plantation sector provides the largest contribution to gross domestic product and is an important part of national food distribution efforts. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used a literature review adapted from Pret and Logan (2019), which followed the guidelines of Tranfield et al. (2003), derived from the Scopus website with Q1/Q2 quartiles and inclusion/exclusion criteria published from 2012 to 2021. Results: Based on a systematic literature review approach, we constructed the strategic business conceptual model for large state plantations based on a combination of four causal and interrelationship variables that affect business performance, namely, industry attractiveness, unique capabilities, innovation management, and collaboration strategy. Conclusions: This research explains the relationship between industry attractiveness variables and unique capability as independent variables that can affect business performance through collaboration strategy and innovation management as intervening variables in the plantation sector, especially large state plantations, which have not been found in previous studies.

The Effects of Entrepreneur's Competence and Technology Commercialization Capabilities on Business Performance of Technology-based Start-ups (기술창업기업의 기업가 역량과 기술사업화 능력이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Soo-Hee;Kim, Myung-Seuk;Jung, Hwa-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.195-213
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the performance of technological start-ups from resource-based view of firm. This study analyzed the correlation among the entrepreneur's competence, technology commercialization capabilities and business performance. This study is designed to examine (1)the effect of entrepreneur's competence, technology commercialization capabilities on business performance; and (2) the causal relationships and the mediator effects among the latent variables and business performance. Data for the study was compiled through surveys on entrepreneurs representing 125 technological start-ups. Empirical results of the hypothesis testing are summarized as follows : The results indicate that both two variable groups have positively influenced the outcome of business performance. Especially strategic competence was highly related to commercialization capabilities and business performance. The technology commercialization capabilities as a parameter had a significant influence on business performance.

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Spatial Characteristics of Manufacturing Production and Innovation Networks of the Long-live Area of Gangwon and Jeju (강원.제주 장수지역의 제조업 생산 연계와 혁신 네트워크의 공간적 특성)

  • Jeong Eun-Jin;Song Kyung-Un;Park Sam-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.1 s.112
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2006
  • Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze production and innovation networks of manufacturers in the rural, long-live areas of Gangwon Jeju and to suggest an ideal regional development model of rural areas in the knowledge-based information age. For this purpose, we compared the areas of Gangwon Jeju with the long-live belt areas in the rural pan of the Honan region and Gwangju Jeonju, the urban part of Honam. The findings from the study are summarized as follows. Firstly, the stronger the local networks in terms of supply of the necessary input materials and labor, the more successful the manufacturing industry is in the given area. Secondly, the more diverse and lasting the networks (in terms of the location of manufacturers, local area and national area) and cooperation agents(businesses, research institutions, the local government, the central government) they have, the more prosperous the manufacturing industry is. These results indicate that the successful development model for rural areas requires that we take the approach of fostering potential innovation capabilities of total areas by fully utilizing their innate resources so as to create an internal cooperative network and further build extensive networks encompassing external entities to create a virtual innovation cluster.

A Study on the Influence of Regional Competency in Science and Technology Policy on Performance (지역 과학기술 정책역량이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Sang-Gyun;KANG, Min-Jung
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Recently, the fourth industrial revolution is rapidly progressing, and the central government-led innovation system is not able to flexibly cope with changes in science and the economy and society. To solve these problems, it is necessary for local governments, which can easily identify and flexibly respond to local sites, to become self-centered and ready to respond more quickly to massive changes. Through this research, this study investigated the awareness of the elements of Jeonnam Province's capabilities in the field of science and technology policy, the importance of R&D, and how network cooperation among the base institutions might affect performance. Research design, data, and methodology - In fact, the data used in this study only 115 people were polled, excluding five who did not respond to the necessary variables. The methods of the survey were sampled, and the means of the survey were investigated via a self-contained electronic file (e-mail). Statistical analysis, including hypothesis verification, was performed by SPSS 19. The regression analysis was used. Results - All factors significantly affect performance by dividing them into five sub-fields: R&D strategic establishment, R&D demand survey, R&D planning, R&D evaluation, and R&D project management. These results suggest the importance and need for local scientific technology policy capabilities. Besides, it was confirmed that the relationship between regional science and technology policy capabilities and performance was moderated by the recognition of the importance of science technology and network cooperation among the core organizations. Conclusions - As a result, independent variables regarding the capabilities of each scientific technology policy were found to be statistically significant and have a significant effect on performance. Second, the regression analysis has shown the moderation effects of R&D importance awareness between the capabilities of science and technology policies and their performance. On the other hand, a regression analysis showing that the capabilities of science and technology policies and network cooperation between the base regions were not significant, indicating that there is no effect of moderation of network cooperation between the base regions between the capabilities of science and technology policies and performance.

Shaping the Innovation Policy in the Post-COVID era: Focusing on Building Creative Learning Capabilities (포스트 코로나 시대 기술변화와 혁신정책 방향성 재정립: 창조적 학습사회 전환을 중심으로)

  • Yeo, Yeongjun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2020
  • The routinized tasks in the post-COVID era are to be replaced by digital technologies, while there is a high possibility that digital transformation technologies and non-routinized tasks have strong complementarity. In particular, looking at the job composition within Korea's industries, the intensities of routinized works appear to be continuously rising. It suggests that the potential side effects on the labor market caused by the acceleration of digital transformation in the post-COVID era will be greater within Korean innovation system. With this background, this study aims to provide a conceptual framework for dealing with potential crises such as, job polarization and widening gaps between workers in terms of economic earnings, based on an in-depth understanding of the inherent properties of digital transformation that will lead to structural changes in our economic and social system. In particular, focusing on the interaction between digital transformation technology and learning in the post-COVID era, this study attempts to redefine the role of the innovation policy for making a successful transition to a new equilibrium state. In addition, this study examines the institutional conditions of the Korean innovation system which affect the creative learning activities of economic actors to draw policy implications for establishing future-oriented innovation policy. Based on these approaches, this study highlights the importance of coevolution between the skills demand and skills supply to spur inclusiveness of Korean innovation system in the post-COVID era.

Industry-Academy Collaboration as National Innovation System (우리나라 산학협력의 현황과 과제;국가혁신시스템 관점)

  • Sohn, Byung-Ho;Lee, Byung-Hyun;Jang, Ji-Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-52
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    • 2006
  • Industry-academy Collaboration alms to produce synergy-empowerment through co-opt between university and business within R&D and human resource management. The lack of indigenous R&D capabilities makes Korean small businesses not have sustainable competitive advantages. While the Korean government has increased the budgetary supports on small businesses since the late 1990s to enhance technological capabilities of small businesses, the competitiveness gap between large and small firms has been widened. The alternative for the government support is considered as active industry-academy collaboration. After exploring various policy measures for the collaboration with classifying them and pointing out their problems from a technological innovation perspective, this study shows the more expected roles of the collaboration to be a catalyst coordinating the R&D activities among the local small businesses, local universities, and public research institutes. Based upon the analyses, this study suggests several policy alternatives to facilitate the technological innovations of small businesses in the regional innovation clusters.

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A Study on the Impact of Competency of Technology: Based Startups on Performance Using ETRI Technology (ETRI 기술을 활용한 기술창업기업의 역량이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Hongbeom;Song, Minkyung;Kim, Seokyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2018
  • In a rapidly changing environment, such as globalization, technology-based startups are attracting attention as a new growth engine that creates jobs and added value and promotes national competitiveness. At present, countries around the world recognize the development of technology-based start-up companies as a major policy task and strive to make policy efforts to revitalize start-ups and strengthen innovation capabilities of companies. Especially, in order to secure superiority in the fierce market competition, it is becoming more and more important for the growth and development of technological start-up companies that pioneer new markets and energize the economy based on original and innovative technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to study systematically and plan for survival and growth of technology start-up companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the entrepreneurial spirit of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Risk Sensibility and Technology Innovation Capacity, R&D ability, Technology Accumulation Capacity, Technology Innovation System, The results of this study are as follows. the effects of marketing ability on technical performance and financial performance are examined. First, the CEO 's entrepreneurial spirit has an effect on the technical performance and financial performance of the management performance. Second, the technology accumulation ability and the R & D capability have a positive effect on the technical performance. Finally, it was found that the ability to commercialize the technology commercialization capacity affects both technical performance and financial performance. The policy implications that can be gained through this are as follows. First, by strengthening cooperation between universities and research institutes, related technology entrepreneurship education programs should be upgraded so that technology entrepreneurs or preliminary entrepreneurs can capture business opportunities and secure market price competitiveness. Secondly, R & D for the purpose of start-up should be developed and marketable technology should be developed and linked to direct start-up. Third, it is necessary to activate the program to match the company with the honorary retirement manpower of large enterprises and SMEs, which have more experience in field experience than the founders.

Growth Factors and Policy Implications of Hokkaido University Research & Business Park in Japan (일본 홋카이도대학 리서치 & 비즈니스파크의 성장요인과 정책적 시사점)

  • Jang, Hoo-Eun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.339-356
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    • 2022
  • This study focuses on Hokkaido University Research & Business Park in Japan as an example of establishing a regional innovation ecosystem on campus based on the outstanding research and university-industry collaboration capabilities of local universities in non-metropolitan areas with weak foundations for start-ups and corporate growth. Hokkaido University Research & Business Park established a mid-to long-term plan using the idle sites on campus, and was developed through a gradual development process since 2003. The promotion of university-industry collaboration was pursued through an industrial-based approach of establishing a bio-industry cluster considering the characterization of local universities and the foundation of local industries. It also provides various corporate support services through cooperative governance between local industry, universities, research institutes and the government. This strategy for creating Hokkaido University Research & Business Park provides important policy implications for various policies and projects that promote regional development by utilizing university campuses like the campus innovation park project.

A Study on The Effect Business Performance of Convergence Capabilities on Corporate (기업의 융합역량이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seung-Il;Song, Seong-Bin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2015
  • Modern society is rapidly going digital as blowing hot air about it Convergence castration. Iran fusion product management, technology, and services such as free from black-and-white logic of various activities such as management of alternative recognition by further series of management innovation in the way of trying to fill the other gaps win-win. In addition, the company is to survive through the creation and unceasing. Performance of firms in contemporary globalization, which is still more sensitive. In this study, based on the fusion needs of the enterprise and explores how this convergence competencies affect to business performance. Results showed that the fusion capacity is affecting the financial performance and non-financial performance. That fusion technology education learning capability and convergence capabilities appeared to affect the financial performance and non-financial performance.

The Triple Helix System of Innovation in the Oresund Food Cluster (외레순 식품 클러스터의 트리플 힐릭스 혁신체계)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Yeon;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.388-405
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    • 2009
  • This paper examines the triple helix innovation system in the Oresund food cluster, considered as one of the most competitive food clusters in the globe. The result of the case study represents that the triple helix system of the Oresund food cluster is composed of three layers of triple helix spaces. Such three triple helix spaces play a crucial role in making the industry-university-government relationships interactive and dynamic. First, knowledge spaces in the Oresund food cluster are very strong and competitive in education and R&D capabilities in related to the food sector. 14 universities in the Oresund region are connected and coordinated by the integrated organization body, called the Oresund University. Second, the Oresund Food Network(OFN), as a central consensus space in the Oresund food cluster, functions as a pivotal organization that facilitates and coordinates cooperations between firms and universities. Third, most important innovation space in the triple helix system of Oresund food cluster can be science parks and business incubators such as Ideon Science Park, which contribute to linking, between research and commercialization, and between firms and universities in the region. In a nutshell, the Oresund food cluster has been evolved as an innovative regional cluster on the basis of well-established three-layered triple helix spaces of regional innovation system.

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