• Title/Summary/Keyword: National Geographic Information

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Surficial Sediment Classification using Backscattered Amplitude Imagery of Multibeam Echo Sounder(300 kHz) (다중빔 음향 탐사시스템(300 kHz)의 후방산란 자료를 이용한 해저면 퇴적상 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yo-Sup;Lee, Sin-Je;Seo, Won-Jin;Gong, Gee-Soo;Han, Hyuk-Soo;Park, Soo-Chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.747-761
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    • 2008
  • In order to experiment the acoustic remote classification of seabed sediment, we achieved ground-truth data(i.e. video and grab samples, etc.) and developed post-processing for automatic classification procedure on the basis of 300 kHz MultiBeam Echo Sounder(MBES) backscattering data, which was acquired using KONGBERG Simrad EM3000 at Sock-Cho Port, East Sea of South Korea. Sonar signal and its classification performance were identified with geo-referenced video imagery with the aid of GIS (Geographic Information System). The depth range of research site was from 5 m to 22.7 m, and the backscattering amplitude showed from -36dB to -15dB. The mean grain sizes of sediment from equi-distanced sampling site(50 m interval) varied from 2.86$(\phi)$ to 0.88(\phi). To acquire the main feature for the seabed classification from backscattering amplitude of MBES, we evaluated the correlation factors between the backscattering amplitude and properties of sediment samples. The performance of seabed remote classification proposed was evaluated with comparing the correlation of human expert segmentation to automatic algorithm results. The cross-model perception error ratio on automatic classification algorithm shows 8.95% at rocky bottoms, and 2.06% at the area representing low mean grain size.

A Study on the Satisfaction Analysis on Officially Assessed Land Price Using Time Seriate Geostatistical Analysis (시계열적 공간통계 기법을 활용한 공시지가의 만족도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Hyeon, Chang Seop;Cho, Tae In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2018
  • This study has the purpose of suggesting the method to analyze the spatiotemporal change of satisfaction concerning the officially assessed land price using geostatistical analysis. Analyzing the spatial distribution characteristic of officially assessed land price using present GIS (Geographic Information System) or is staying at qualitatively suggesting the improvement method of the officially assessed land price system. Grouping the appeal strength based on the official price and opinion price of officially assessed land price, GIS DB (Database) was constructed and the time seriate satisfaction were analyzed and compared through spatial density analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis. As a result, it was found that the difference between the official price and the applicant's price differed depending on individual land, but most of the respondents requested the increase or the reduction of the average land price, which resulted in a large number of request. Analyzing the satisfaction of the officially assessed land price by using GIS, it was known that satisfaction of officially assessed land price could be analyzed by using the difference of the opinion price and not only the officially assessed land price. Spatiotemporal change of officially assessed land price satisfaction was known to be possible through spatiotemporal pattern analysis method such as spatiotemporal auto-corelation analysis and hotspot analysis etc using GIS. In short, regionally positive or negative significant relationship was investigated through spatiotemporal analysis using annual data.

Spatial Location Modeling for the Efficient Placements of the Super WiFi Facilities Utilizing White Spaces (화이트 스페이스를 활용한 슈퍼 와이파이 시설의 효율적 배치를 위한 공간 입지 모델링)

  • Lee, Gunhak;Kim, Kamyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.259-271
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    • 2013
  • This paper addresses the efficient facility placements to adopt a super WiFi network, taking significant considerations as the next generation 'information highway'. Since the super WiFi has a wider geographic coverage by utilizing the white spaces of TV broadcasting which are empty and available frequencies for the wireless communications, it would play an important role in releasing digital divide of the internet access for low populated or mountainous areas. The purpose of this paper is to explore systematic and efficient spatial plans for the super WiFi. For doing this, we applied optimal location covering models to Gurye-gun, Jeonlanamdo. From the application, we presented optimal locations for super WiFi facilities and significant analytical results, such as the tradeoff between the number of facilities and coverage and marginal coverage for establishing super WiFi network. The results of this research would be usefully utilized for decision makers who wish to adopt a super WiFi, to extend wireless networks in a city or build a regional infrastructure of wireless facilities.

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A Study on the Spatial Mismatch between the Assessed Land Value and Housing Market Price: Exploring the Scale Effect of the MAUP (개별공시지가와 주택실거래가의 공간적 불일치에 관한 연구: 공간 단위 임의성 문제(MAUP)의 스케일 효과 탐색)

  • Lee, Gunhak;Kim, Kamyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.879-896
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    • 2013
  • The assessed land values and housing prices have been widely utilized as a basic information for the land and house trades and for evaluating governmental and local taxes. However, there exists a price difference in actual markets between the assessment level and assessed land values or housing prices. This paper emphasizes the spatial mismatch between the assessed land values and housing market prices and particularly addresses the following two aspects by focusing on spatial effects of the modifiable areal units, which would substantially affect the estimation of the assessed land values and housing prices. First, we examine the spatial distributions of the assessed land values and housing market prices, and the gap between those prices, on the basis of the aggregated spatial units(i.e., aggregation districts). Second, we explore the scale effect of the MAUP(modifiable areal unit problem) generally embedded in estimating the prices of the sampled standard lands and houses, and calibrating the correction index for the land values and housing prices for the individuals. For the application, we analysed the land values and housing prices in Seoul utilizing GIS and statistical software. As a result, some spatial clusters that the housing market prices are significantly higher than the assessed land values were identified at a finer geographic level. Also, it was empirically revealed that the statistical results from the regression of regional variables on the assessed land values for the individuals are significantly affected by the aggregation levels of the spatial units.

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The Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Gifted Education Units in Seoul (서울시 영재교육기관의 공간적 분포특성 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyeun;Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.711-729
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to derive the regions in Seoul that lack gifted education units by analyzing the spatial distribution of the units and to investigate the factors related to the unit locations. The gifted education units are divided into the three following types: the first type is a gifted class at a school, the second type is a gifted education center at a provincial office of education, and the third type is a gifted education center at a university. The results of using a GIS-based spatial analysis were as follows. First, a buffering analysis showed that even though there were gifted educational blind spots in Jongno-gu and in parts of the outskirts of Seoul, the spatial distribution of gifted education units in Seoul seemed homogeneous because they were too small. Second, a special quotient analysis showed that there was a hub unit of gifted education in Guro-gu. Third, an analysis of local Moran's Index showed that Jung-gu was a cold spot and Songa-gu was a hot spot. Fourth, a correlation analysis investigated that the number of gifted education units had generally no statistically significant relationship with economic factors. These results will help to improve the efficiency and equity of the management of the gifted education units in Seoul that will be established or expanded in the future.

Evaluation of GPS and Totalstation Surveying for Facilities Mapping (시설물 현황도 작성을 위한 GPS와 토털스테이션 측량의 적용 및 성과분석)

  • 박병욱;이대근;양경주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2003
  • This study presents the detailed methods for facilities mapping using GPS and Totalstation. From the control survey by GPS network adjustment, the level of significance fur the height value of fourth order triangulation stations used in this study was estimated about 10cm. According to the result of verification for the transformation coefficients of national coordinate, which were announced by the National Geographic Information Institute, RMSE f coordinate transformation was found out as $\pm$0.546m that can be applied to a map scale less than 1/10,000. The accuracy analysis of height determination by Totalstation for the traverse points spaced average 90m showed that RMSE came out $\pm$9mm on the basis of direct leveling, so it indicated that trigonometric leveling by Totalstation was correct comparatively. The result of accuracy analysis of GPS/RTK surveying on traverse points showed that RMSE came out $\pm$33mm in horizontal location on the basis of Totalstation's outcome and $\pm$15mm in height value on the basis of direct leveling. In the construction survey, GPS/RTK surveying is quicker and more economical than Totalstation surveying in the feasible areas of GPS surveying. but there were many impossible areas for GPS/RTK surveying by the obstacles like a building.

Potential Mapping of Mountainous Wetlands using Weights of Evidence Model in Yeongnam Area, Korea (Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 영남지역의 산지습지 가능지역 추출)

  • Baek, Seung-Gyun;Jang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2013
  • Weight of evidence model was applied for potential mapping of mountainous wetland to reduce the range of the field survey and to increase the efficiency of operations because the surveys of mountainous wetland need a lot of time and money owing to inaccessibility and extensiveness. The relationship between mountainous wetland location and related factors is expressed as a probability by Weight of evidence model. For this, the spatial database consist of slope map, curvature map, vegetation index map, wetness index map, soil drainage rating map was constructed in Yeongnam area, Korea, and weights of evidence based on the relationship between mountainous wetland location and each factor rating were calculated. As a result of correlation analysis between mountainous wetland location and each factors rating using likelihood ratio values, the probability of mountainous wetlands were increased at condition of lower slope, lower curvature, lower vegetation index value, lower wetness value, moderate soil drainage rating. Mountainous Wetland Potential Index(MWPI) was calculated by summation of the likelihood ratio and mountainous wetland potential map was constucted from GIS integration. The mountain wetland potential map was verified by comparison with the known mountainous wetland locations. The result showed the 75.48% in prediction accuracy.

Water Depth and Riverbed Surveying Using Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR System - A Case Study at the Gokgyo River (항공수심라이다를 활용한 하천 수심 및 하상 측량에 관한 연구 - 곡교천 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jae Bin;Kim, Hye Jin;Kim, Jae Hak;Wie, Gwang Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2021
  • River surveying is conducted to acquire basic geographic data for river master plans and various river maintenance, and it is also used to predict changes after river maintenance construction. ABL (Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR) system is a cutting-edge surveying technology that can simultaneously observe the water surface and river bed using a green laser, and has many advantages in river surveying. In order to use the ABL data for river surveying, it is prerequisite step to segment and extract the water surface and river bed points from the original point cloud data. In this study, point cloud segmentation was performed by applying the ground filtering technique, ATIN (Adaptive Triangular Irregular Network) to the ABL data and then, the water surface and riverbed point clouds were extracted sequentially. In the Gokgyocheon river area, Chungcheongnam-do, the experiment was conducted with the dataset obtained using the Leica Chiroptera 4X sensor. As a result of the study, the overall classification accuracy for the water surface and riverbed was 88.8%, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.825, confirming that the ABL data can be effectively used for river surveying.

Electromagnetic Interference of GMDSS MF/HF Band by Offshore Wind Farm (해상풍력 발전단지에 의한 GMDSS MF/HF 대역 전자파 간섭 영향 연구)

  • Oh, Seongwon;Park, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the share of wind power in energy markets has sharply increased with the active development of renewable energy internationally. In particular, large-scale wind farms are being developed far from the coast to make use of abundant wind resources and to reduce noise pollution. In addition to the electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by offshore wind farms to coastal or air surveillance radars, it is necessary to investigate the EMI on global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) communications between ship and coastal stations. For this purpose, this study investigates whether the transmitted field of MF/HF band from a ship would be subject to interference or attenuation below the threshold at a coastal receiver. First, using geographic information system digital maps and 3D CAD models of wind turbines, the area of interest is electromagnetically modeled with patch models. Although high frequency analysis methods like Physical Optics are appropriate to analyze wide areas compared to its wavelength, the high frequency analysis method is first verified with an accurate low frequency analysis method by simplifying the surrounding area and turbines. As a result, the received wave power is almost the same regardless of whether the wind farms are located between ships and coastal stations. From this result, although wind turbines are large structures, the size is only a few wavelengths, so it does not interfere with the electric field of MF/HF distress communications.

Performance Evaluation of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite DSM in Overseas Testbed Area (해외 테스트베드 지역 아리랑 위성 3호 DSM 성능평가)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Hwang, Jeong-In;Yoo, Woo-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1615-1627
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the performance of KOMPSAT-3 Digital Surface Model (DSM) made in overseas testbed area. To that end, we collected the KOMPSAT-3 in-track stereo image taken in San Francisco, the U.S. The stereo geometry elements (B/H, converse angle, etc.) of the stereo image taken were all found to be in the stable range. By applying precise sensor modeling using Ground Control Point (GCP) and DSM automatic generation technique, DSM with 1 m resolution was produced. Reference materials for evaluation and calibration are ground points with accuracy within 0.01 m from Compass Data Inc., 1 m resolution Elevation 1-DSM produced by Airbus. The precision sensor modeling accuracy of KOMPSAT-3 was within 0.5 m (RMSE) in horizontal and vertical directions. When the difference map was written between the generated DSM and the reference DSM, the mean and standard deviation were 0.61 m and 5.25 m respectively, but in some areas, they showed a large difference of more than 100 m. These areas appeared mainly in closed areas where high-rise buildings were concentrated. If KOMPSAT-3 tri-stereo images are used and various post-processing techniques are developed, it will be possible to produce DSM with more improved quality.