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Effects of Crude Protein Levels in Total Mixed Rations on Dry Matter Intake, Digestibility and Nitrogen Balance in Early Pregnant Korean Black Goats (섬유질배합사료 내 조단백질 수준이 임신초기 흑염소의 건물섭취량, 소화율 및 질소출납에 미치는 영향)

  • HwangBo, Soon;Choi, Sun-Ho;Lee, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Sang-Woo;Kim, Young-Keun;Sang, Byung-Don;Jo, Ik-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of different levels (10, 12 and 15%) of crude protein (CP) in total mixed ration (TMR) on dry matter intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance of Korean black goats in the stage of early pregnancy and to obtain information on their optimal dietary levels of CP. In the present study, 12 Does of Korean black goats in the early pregnancy were allotted to four unreplicated groups by dietary level of CP and then they were housed in individual metabolism cages with completely randomized design throughout 30 days with 20 days adaptation and 10 days collection periods. Does in Control were fed a conventional diet and does in TMR10, TMR12 and TMR15 were fed a diet adjusted to about 10, 12 and 15% CP, respectively. Dry matter(DM) contents ranged from 89 to 91% in treatments. There were no differences fur fiber contents among three CP levels of TMR, showing that ADF and NDF had 18.57 to 19.85, and 53.41 to 54.80, respectively. Crude protein contents for three TMR treaements had 10.61, 12.15 and 14.97%, respectively. However, non-fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) contents decreased with increasing CP levels in treatments. Meanwhile, Intakes of DM, nutrients and digestible nutrients were significantly (p<0.05) higher in TMR15 and control than in TMR10 and TMR12. Moreover, DM intake per metabolic body weight and theit ratio per body weight was significantly (p<0.05) higher for control and TMR15 than other treatments. DM digestibility was not significantly different among treatments, but ether extract digestibility of treatments was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of control, but there was no significant difference among treatments. Nitrogen retention significantly (p<0.05) increased with increasing CP levels in TMR, and TMR15 was highest among treatments. Our results showed that the increasing CP levels in TMR increased DM intake and nitrogen retention and suggested that the optimal dietary CP levels under TMR feeding system in early pregnant Korean black goats could be estimated for at least 15%.

Tosa Mitsuyoshi's Screen Paintings Gathering on the Year's First "Day of the Rat" and Boating on the Oi River from the National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관 소장 도사 미쓰요시(土佐光芳) 필(筆) <무라사키노 자일 놀이(紫野子日遊圖)·오이강 유람도 병풍(大井川遊覽圖屛風)> 시론)

  • Jung, Miyeon
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.98
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    • pp.176-199
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    • 2020
  • In 2018, the National Museum of Korea purchased a pair of Japanese folding screens, respectively entitled Gathering on the Year's First "Day of the Rat" and Boating on the Oi River. Both of these two screens (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "NMK edition") have a gold background that bears the seal and ink inscription of Tosa Mitsuyoshi (1700-1772), who served as edokoro azukari, a painter in the court of Kyoto. According to the seller in New York, the screens were brought from Japan to the United States in the early twentieth century, but no other details are known. Each folding screen has six panels. The screen on the right (i.e., Gathering…) depicts "nenohi no asobi," an annual event conducted on the first "day of the rat" (according to the Asian zodiacal calendar), wherein the Kyoto imperial court ventured to the woods to gather pine seedlings. The left screen (i.e., Boating…) shows three boats traveling down the Oi River in Kyoto, representing the ritual known as "mifune" (literally, "three boats"), which involves three boats representing Chinese classical poetry (kansi), Japanese classical poetry (waka), and Japanese imperial music and dance (gagaku). Notably, these two screens are identical in theme and iconography to two screens with the same respective titles that were commissioned by Emperor Komei (1831-1867) and painted by Ukita Ikkei (1795-1859), an artist of the Yamato-e Revivalist School (fukko yamato-e), now in the collection of Sennyu-ji Temple in Kyoto (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Sennyu edition"). While both of these themes have been painted independently numerous times, the NMK edition and Sennyu edition are the only known cases of the themes being painted as a single set. According to Diary of Official Business Between the Court and Shogunate (the journal of a court official named Hirohashi Kanetane, 1715-1781), Tosa Mitsuyoshi was commissioned in 1760 to replace the fusuma (rectangular sliding panels) of Tsunegoten, one of the buildings of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, which had been built in 1709. Notably, records show that Tsunegoten once contained a series of fusuma painted by an artist of the Kano school on the themes "Outdoor Procession on a Spring Day" and "Three Boats Cruising on the Oi River." Hence, it seems probable that Tosa Mitsuyoshi was influenced by the theme and iconography of the existing fusuma in producing his own folding screens depicting the court's visit to the forest and a cruise on the Oi River. While the practice of collecting pine seedlings on the first "rat day" of the year was an auspicious event to pray for longevity, the mifune ritual was intended to honor the greatest talents of the three aforementioned arts, which were of crucial importance to the court of Kyoto. Folding screens with such auspicious themes were commonly featured at the ceremony to enthrone the emperor or empress. Significantly, the Diary of Official Business Between the Court and Shogunate also records that Tosa Mitsuyoshi, while working as a court artist, produced two pairs of folding screens for the coronation of Empress Go Sakuramachi (1762-1771), which was held in 1763. Hence, research suggests that the NMK edition is one of the pairs of royal folding screens produced at that time.

A Study on the Forest Land System in the YI Dynasty (이조시대(李朝時代)의 임지제도(林地制度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Mahn Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-48
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    • 1974
  • Land was originally communized by a community in the primitive society of Korea, and in the age of the ancient society SAM KUK-SILLA, KOKURYOE and PAEK JE-it was distributed under the principle of land-nationalization. But by the occupation of the lands which were permitted to transmit from generation to generation as Royal Grant Lands and newly cleared lands, the private occupation had already begun to be formed. Thus the private ownership of land originated by chiefs of the tribes had a trend to be gradually pervaded to the communal members. After the, SILLA Kingdom unified SAM KUK in 668 A.D., JEONG JEON System and KWAN RYO JEON System, which were the distribution systems of farmlands originated from the TANG Dynasty in China, were enforced to established the basis of an absolute monarchy. Even in this age the forest area was jointly controlled and commonly used by village communities because of the abundance of area and stocked volume, and the private ownership of the forest land was prohibited by law under the influence of the TANG Dynasty system. Toward the end of the SILLA Dynasty, however, as its centralism become weak, the tendency of the private occupancy of farmland by influential persons was expanded, and at the same time the occupancy of the forest land by the aristocrats and Buddhist temples began to come out. In the ensuing KORYO Dynasty (519 to 1391 A.D.) JEON SI KWA System under the principle of land-nationalization was strengthened and the privilege of tax collection was transferred to the bureaucrats and the aristocrats as a means of material compensation for them. Taking this opportunity the influential persons began to expand their lands for the tax collection on a large scale. Therefore, about in the middle of 11th century the farmlands and the forest lands were annexed not only around the vicinity of the capital but also in the border area by influential persons. Toward the end of the KORYO Dynasty the royal families, the bureaucrats and the local lords all possessed manors and occupied the forest lands on a large scale as a part of their farmlands. In the KORYO Dynasty, where national economic foundation was based upon the lands, the disorder of the land system threatened the fall of the Dynasty and so the land reform carried out by General YI SEONG-GYE had led to the creation of ensuing YI Dynasty. All systems of the YI Dynasty were substantially adopted from those of the KORYO Dynasty and thereby KWA JEON System was enforced under the principle of land-nationalization, while the occupancy or the forest land was strictly prohibited, except the national or royal uses, by the forbidden item in KYEONG JE YUK JEON SOK JEON, one of codes provided by the successive kings in the YI Dynasty. Thus the basis of the forest land system through the YI Dynasty had been established, while the private forest area possessed by influential persons since the previous KORYO Dynasty was preserved continuously under the influence of their authorities. Therefore, this principle of the prohibition was nothing but a legal fiction for the security of sovereign powers. Consequently the private occupancy of the forest area was gradually enlarged and finally toward the end of YI Dynasty the privately possessed forest lands were to be officially authorized. The forest administration systems in the YI Dynasty are summarized as follows: a) KEUM SAN and BONG SAN. Under the principle of land-nationalization by a powerful centralism KWA JEON System was established at the beginning of the YI Dynasty and its government expropriated all the forests and prohibited strictly the private occupation. In order to maintain the dignity of the royal capital, the forests surounding capital areas were instituted as KEUM SAN (the reserved forests) and the well-stocked natural forest lands were chosen throughout the nation by the government as BONG SAN(national forests for timber production), where the government nominated SAN JIK(forest rangers) and gave them duties to protect and afforest the forests. This forest reservation system exacted statute labors from the people of mountainious districts and yet their commons of the forest were restricted rigidly. This consequently aroused their strong aversion against such forest reservation, therefore those forest lands were radically spoiled by them. To settle this difficult problem successive kings emphasized the preservation of the forests repeatedly, and in KYEONG KUK DAI JOEN, the written constitution of the YI Dynasty, a regulation for the forest preservation was provided but the desired results could not be obtained. Subsequently the split of bureaucrats with incessant feuds among politicians and scholars weakened the centralism and moreover, the foreign invasions since 1592 made the national land devasted and the rural communities impoverished. It happned that many wandering peasants from rural areas moved into the deep forest lands, where they cultivated burnt fields recklessly in the reserved forest resulting in the severe damage of the national forests. And it was inevitable for the government to increase the number of BONG SAN in order to solve the problem of the timber shortage. The increase of its number accelerated illegal and reckless cutting inevitably by the people living mountainuos districts and so the government issued excessive laws and ordinances to reserve the forests. In the middle of the 18th century the severe feuds among the politicians being brought under control, the excessive laws and ordinances were put in good order and the political situation became temporarily stabilized. But in spite of those endeavors evil habitudes of forest devastation, which had been inveterate since the KORYO Dynasty, continued to become greater in degree. After the conclusion of "the Treaty of KANG WHA with Japan" in 1876 western administration system began to be adopted, and thereafter through the promulgation of the Forest Law in 1908 the Imperial Forests were separated from the National Forests and the modern forest ownership system was fixed. b) KANG MU JANG. After the reorganization of the military system, attaching importance to the Royal Guard Corps, the founder of the YI Dynasty, TAI JO (1392 to 1398 A.D.) instituted the royal preserves-KANG MU JANG-to attain the purposes for military training and royal hunting, prohibiting strictly private hunting, felling and clearing by the rural inhabitants. Moreover, the tyrant, YEON SAN (1495 to 1506 A.D.), expanded widely the preserves at random and strengthened its prohibition, so KANG MU JANG had become the focus of the public antipathy. Since the invasion of Japanese in 1592, however, the innovation of military training methods had to be made because of the changes of arms and tactics, and the royal preserves were laid aside consequently and finally they had become the private forests of influential persons since 17th century. c) Forests for official use. All the forests for official use occupied by government officies since the KORYO Dynasty were expropriated by the YI Dynasty in 1392, and afterwards the forests were allotted on a fixed standard area to the government officies in need of firewoods, and as the forest resources became exhausted due to the depredated forest yield, each office gradually enlarged the allotted area. In the 17th century the national land had been almost devastated by the Japanese invasion and therefore each office was in the difficulty with severe deficit in revenue, thereafter waste lands and forest lands were allotted to government offices inorder to promote the land clearing and the increase in the collections of taxes. And an abuse of wide occupation of the forests by them was derived and there appeared a cause of disorder in the forest land system. So a provision prohibiting to allot the forests newly official use was enacted in 1672, nevertheless the government offices were trying to enlarge their occupied area by encroaching the boundary and this abuse continued up to the end of the YI Dynasty. d) Private forests. The government, at the bigninning of the YI Dynasty, expropriated the forests all over the country under the principle of prohibition of private occupancy of forest lands except for the national uses, while it could not expropriate completely all of the forest lands privately occupied and inherited successively by bureaucrats, and even local governors could not control them because of their strong influences. Accordingly the King, TAI JONG (1401 to 1418 A.D.), legislated the prohibition of private forest occupancy in his code, KYEONG JE YUK JEON (1413), and furthermore he repeatedly emphasized to observe the law. But The private occupancy of forest lands was not yet ceased up at the age of the King, SE JO (1455 to 1468 A.D.), so he prescribed the provision in KYEONG KUK DAI JEON (1474), an immutable law as a written constitution in the YI Dynasty: "Anyone who privately occupy the forest land shall be inflicted 80 floggings" and he prohibited the private possession of forest area even by princes and princesses. But, it seemed to be almost impossible for only one provsion in a code to obstruct the historical growing tendecy of private forest occupancy, for example, the King, SEONG JONG (1470 to 1494 A.D.), himself granted the forests to his royal families in defiance of the prohibition and thereafter such precedents were successively expanded, and besides, taking advantage of these facts, the influential persons openly acquired their private forest lands. After tyrannical rule of the King, YEON SAN (1945 to 1506 A.D.), the political disorder due to the splits to bureaucrats with successional feuds and the usurpations of thrones accelerated the private forest occupancy in all parts of the country, thus the forbidden clause on the private forest occupancy in the law had become merely a legal fiction since the establishment of the Dynasty. As above mentioned, after the invasion of Japanese in 1592, the courts of princes (KUNG BANGG) fell into the financial difficulties, and successive kings transferred the right of tax collection from fisherys and saltfarms to each KUNG BANG and at the same time they allotted the forest areas in attempt to promote the clearing. Availing themselves of this opportunity, royal families and bureaucrats intended to occupy the forests on large scale. Besides a privilege of free selection of grave yard, which had been conventionalized from the era of the KORYO Dynasty, created an abuse of occuping too wide area for grave yards in any forest at their random, so the King, TAI JONG, restricted the area of grave yard and homestead of each family. Under the policy of suppresion of Buddhism in the YI Dynasty a privilege of taxexemption for Buddhist temples was deprived and temple forests had to follow the same course as private forests did. In the middle of 18th century the King, YEONG JO (1725 to 1776 A.D.), took an impartial policy for political parties and promoted the spirit of observing laws by putting royal orders and regulations in good order excessively issued before, thus the confused political situation was saved, meanwhile the government officially permittd the private forest ownership which substantially had already been permitted tacitly and at the same time the private afforestation areas around the grave yards was authorized as private forests at least within YONG HO (a boundary of grave yard). Consequently by the enforcement of above mentioned policies the forbidden clause of private forest ownership which had been a basic principle of forest system in the YI Dynasty entireely remained as only a historical document. Under the rule of the King, SUN JO (1801 to 1834 A.D.), the political situation again got into confusion and as the result of the exploitation from farmers by bureaucrats, the extremely impoverished rural communities created successively wandering peasants who cleared burnt fields and deforested recklessly. In this way the devastation of forests come to the peak regardless of being private forests or national forests, moreover, the influential persons extorted private forests or reserved forests and their expansion of grave yards became also excessive. In 1894 a regulation was issued that the extorted private forests shall be returned to the initial propriators and besides taking wide area of the grave yards was prohibited. And after a reform of the administrative structure following western style, a modern forest possession system was prepared in 1908 by the forest law including a regulation of the return system of forest land ownership. At this point a forbidden clause of private occupancy of forest land got abolished which had been kept even in fictitious state since the foundation of the YI Dynasty. e) Common forests. As above mentioned, the forest system in the YI Dynasty was on the ground of public ownership principle but there was a high restriction to the forest profits of farmers according to the progressive private possession of forest area. And the farmers realized the necessity of possessing common forest. They organized village associations, SONGE or KEUM SONGE, to take the ownerless forests remained around the village as the common forest in opposition to influential persons and on the other hand, they prepared the self-punishment system for the common management of their forests. They made a contribution to the forest protection by preserving the common forests in the late YI Dynasty. It is generally known that the absolute monarchy expr opriates the widespread common forests all over the country in the process of chainging from thefeudal society to the capitalistic one. At this turning point in Korea, Japanese colonialists made public that the ratio of national and private forest lands was 8 to 2 in the late YI Dynasty, but this was merely a distorted statistics with the intention of rationalizing of their dispossession of forests from Korean owners, and they took advantage of dead forbidden clause on the private occupancy of forests for their colonization. They were pretending as if all forests had been in ownerless state, but, in truth, almost all the forest lands in the late YI Dynasty except national forests were in the state of private ownership or private occupancy regardless of their lawfulness.

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Studies on the Development of Food Resources from Waste Seeds -II. Chemical Composition of Apple Seed- (폐기종실(廢棄種實)의 식량자원화(食糧資源化)에 관(關)하여 -제(第) 2 보(報) : 사과씨의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成)-)

  • Yoon, Hyung-Sik;Choi, Cheong;Oh, Man-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.128-132
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    • 1983
  • The apple seed contained 25.96% of crude fat and 37.62% of crude protein. The lipid fractions obtained by cilicic column chromatography were mainly composed of about 93.52% neutral lipid, whereas compound lipid was only 6.48% level. Among the neutral lipid separated by thin layer chromatography, triglyceride was 92.17%, sterol ester, sterol, diglyceride and free fatty acid were 3.53, 2.25, 1.44 and 0.56, respectively. The predominent fatty acids of total and neutral lipids were linoleic acid (59.79-69.37%) and oleic acid (20.04-29.82%), but those of glycolipid and phojspholipid were linoleic acid (29.20-36.04%). The major fatty acids of triglyceride separated from neutral lipid were oleic acid (44.31%), linoleic acid (36.66%) and palmitic acid (12.48%). The salt soluble protein of apple seed was highly dispersible in 0.02M sodium phosphate buffer containing about 1.0M $MgSO_4$, and the extractability of seed protein was 37%, Glutamic acid was the major amino acid in salt soluble protein, followed by arginine and aspartic acid. The eletrophoretic analysis showed three bands in apple seed protein, and the collection rate of the main protein fraction purified by Sephadex G-100 and G-200 was 76.6%. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and arginine were the major amino acids of the main apple seed protein. The molecular weight for the main protein of the apple seed was estimated to be 45,000.

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Development of cardiopulmonary resuscitation nursing education program of web-based instruction (웹 기반의 심폐소생술 간호교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Sin, Hae-Won;Hong, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a web-based instruction Program(WBI) to help nurses improving their knowledge and skill of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Using the model of web-based instruction(WBI) program designed by Rhu(1999), this study was carried out during February-April 2002 in five different steps; analysis, design, data collection and reconstruction, programming and publishing, and evaluation. The results of the study were as follows; 1) The goal of this program was focused on improving accuracy of knowledge and skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The program texts consists of the concepts and importances of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR), basic life support(BLS), advanced cardiac life support(ACLS), treatment of CPR, nursing care after CPR treatment. And in the file making step, photographs, drawings and image files were collected and edited by web-editor(Namo), scanner and Adobe photoshop program. Then, the files were modified and posted on the web by file transfer protocol(FTP). Finally, the program was demonstrated and once again revised by the result, and then completed. 2) For the evaluation of the program, 36 nurses who in K university hospital located in D city, and related questionnaire were distributed to them as well. Higher scores were given by the nurses in its learning contents with $4.2{\pm}.67$, and in its structuring and interaction of the program with $4.0{\pm}.79$, and also in its satisfactory of the program with $4.2{\pm}.58$ respectively. In conclusion, if the contents of this WBI educational program upgrade further based upon analysis and applying of the results the program evaluation, it is considered as an effective tool to implement for continuing education as life-long educational system for nurse.

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Studies on the Development of Food Resources from Waste Seeds IV. Chemical Composition of Red Pepper Seed (폐기종실(廢棄種實)의 식량자원화(食糧資源化)에 관(關)하여 제(第) 4 보(報) : 고추씨의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成))

  • Yoon, Hyung Sik;Kwon, Joong Ho;Bae, Man Jong;Hwang, Joo Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 1983
  • In order to find out the possibility of utilizing red pepper seed as food resources of fats and proteins, a series of studies were conducted. The red pepper seed contained 27.6% of crude fat and 22.2% of crude protein. The lipid fractions obtained by silicic acid column chromatography were mainly composed of 95.4% neutral lipid, where as compound lipid were 4.6%. Among the neutral lipid separated by thin layer chromatography, triglyceride was 85.6%, sterol ester 4.9%, free fatty acids 3.4%, diglyceride 2.5%, sterol 2.2% and monoglyceride 1.1%, respectively. The predominant fatty acids of red pepper seed oil were linoleic acid (57.1-75.4%), palmitic acid (13.9-21.3%) and oleic acid (8.0-15.1%), especially glycolipid contained 1.7% of linolenic acid and small amount of myristic acid and arachidic acid. The salt soluble protein of red pepper seed was highly dispersible in 0.02M sodium phosphate buffer containing 1.0M $MgSO_4$, and the extractability of seed protein was about 25.0%. Glutamic acid and arginine were major amino acids of red pepper seed protein. The electrophoretic analysis showed 6 bands in seed protein, and the collection rate of the main protein fraction purified by sephadex G-100 and G-200 was about 62.2%. Glutamic acid (19.9%) was major amino acid of the main protein, followed by glycine and alanine. The molecular weight of the main protein was estimated to be 93,000.

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Development and Evaluation of Validity of Dish Frequency Questionnaire (DFQ) and Short DFQ Using Na Index for Estimation of Habitual Sodium Intake (나트륨 섭취량 추정을 위한 음식섭취빈도조사지와 Na Index를 이용한 간이음식섭취빈도조사지의 개발 및 타당성 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Sook-Mee;Huh, Gwui-Yeop;Lee, Hong-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.677-692
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    • 2005
  • The assessment of sodium intake is complex because of the variety and nature of dietary sodium. This study intended to develop a dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) for estimating the habitual sodium intake and a short DFQ for screening subjects with high or low sodium intake. For DFQ112, one hundred and twelve dish items were selected based on the information of sodium content of the one serving size and consumption frequency. Frequency of consumption was determined through nine categories ranging from more than 3 times a day to almost never to indicate how often the specified amount of each food item was consumed during the past 6 months. One hundred seventy one adults (male: 78, female: 93) who visited hypertension or health examination clinic participated in the validation study. DFQ55 was developed from DFQ112 by omitting the food items not frequently consumed, selecting the dish items that showed higher sodium content per one portion size and higher consumption frequency. To develop a short DFQs for classifying subjects with low or high sodium intakes, the weighed score according to the sodium content of one protion size was given to each dish item of DFQ25 or DFQ14 and multiplied with the consumption frequency score. A sum index of all the dish items was formed and called sodium index (Na index). For validation study the DFQ112, 2-day diet record and one 24-hour urine collection were analyzed to estimate sodium intakes. The sodium intakes estimated with DFQ112 and 24-h urine analysis showed $65\%$ agreement to be classified into the same quartile and showed significant correlation (r=0.563 p<0.05). However, the actual amount of sodium intake estimated with DFQ112 (male: 6221.9mg, female: 6127.6mg) showed substantial difference with that of 24-h urine analysis (male: 4556.9mg, female: 5107.4mg). The sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 (male: 4848.5mg, female: 4884.3mg) showed small difference from that estimated with 24-h urine analysis, higher proportion to be classfied into the same quartile and higher correlation with the sodium intakes estimated with 24-h urine analysis and systolic blood pressure. It seems DFQ55 can be used as a tool for quantitative estimation of sodium intake. Na index25 or Na index14 showed $39\~50\%$ agreement to be classified into the same quartile, substantial correlations with the sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 and significant correlations with the sodium intake estimated with 24-h urine analysis. When point 119 for Na index25 was used as a criterion of low sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value was $62.5\%,\;81.8\%\;and\;53.2\%$, respectively. When point 102 for Na index14 was used as a criterion of high sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value were $73.8\%,\;84.0\%,\;62.0\%$, respectively. It seems the short DFQs using Na index 14 or Na index25 are simple, easy and proper instruments to classify the low or high sodium intake group.

Effects of Different Feeding Systems on Nutrient Availability, Nitrogen Retention and Blood Characteristics in Native or Crossbred Korean Black Goats (사료급여체계가 재래종 및 교잡종 흑염소의 영양소 이용율, 질소축적 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Gi-Woung;Jo, Ik-Hwan;HwangBo, Soon;Lee, Sung-Hoon;Song, Hai-Bum
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2008
  • This trial was conducted to investigate effects of different feeding types of conventional or total mixed rations (TMR) provision on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen retention and blood metabolite characteristics in different breeds of native and cross bred Korean black goats. Ten Korean native male goats and 10 Korean crossbred black male goats (Korean native $\times$ Australian feral crossbred, 50:50), average 18 kg of BW, were used in this trial, and each breed of Korean black goats was separated into conventional and TMR diets treatments in a randomized complete block design. Conventional diet was based on forages and commercial diet. All animals were housed in individual metabolism crates and were fed ad libitum. Water was available at all times. Experimental period totally lasted for 38 days, consisting of 14 days of adaptation, 10 days of preliminary period and 14 days of sample collection period. Daily dry matter intake was significantly (p<0.05) higher in TMR treatments of the crossbred goats. Within breeds, crossbred rather than native-bred consumed more highly, and within the feeding type, TMR diets were more fed in comparison with conventional diet. Average daily gain ranked the highest in crossbred : TMR, followed by crossbred: conventional diet, native-bred: TMR, and native-bred: conventional diet (p<0.05). Dry matter digestibility was significantly (p<0.05) higher for TMR than for conventional diets, and it was higher in crossbred than in native-bred Korea black goats. Nitrogen retention was highest in TMR treatments of crossbreed, whereas it was lowest in conventional diet of native breed (p<0.05). Plasma glucose and urea nitrogen concentrations were significantly (p<0.05) higher in crossbred than in native-bred Korean black goats. Overall, the results indicated that feeding total mixed ration to crossbred rather than native-bred Korean black goats had more favourable influences on their performances, intakes, digestibility, nitrogen retention and blood metabolite characteristics. In conclusion, it is conceived that the results may contribute to economical benefit to farms producing Korean black goats together with establishment of an efficient feeding management system.

Changes of Mating Type Distribution and Fungicide-resistance of Phytophthora infestans Collected from Gangwon Province (강원지역 감자 역병균 Phytophthora infestans의 교배형 및 약제저항성 변화)

  • Park, Kyeong-Hun;Ryu, Kyoung-Yul;Yun, Jeong-Chul;Jeong, Kyu-Sik;Kim, Jeom-Soon;Kwon, Min;Kim, Byung-Sup;Cha, Byeong-Jin
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.274-278
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    • 2010
  • Potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans was the most constrain disease at potato cultivation areas. The mating type distribution and fungicides response of P. infestans were investigated to elucidate the changes of pathogen from Gangwon province. On the fungal isolates in 2006, 58.7% were A1 mating type and 41.3% were A2 mating type. In 2007, A1 mating type isolates increased to 93.3% and A2 mating type isolates were collected from Jinbu areas as much as 6.7%. About 234 isolates analysed for metalaxyl response, the results was resistance 73.7%, intermediate 18.8% and sensitive 7.5% in 2006. And it was resistance 59.4%, intermediate 4.0% and sensitive 36.6% in 2007. It meant that mating type distribution and fungicide response were very different over the collection sites. Minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) of dimethomorph examined with 126 isolates in 2006 and 106 isolates in 2007. MIC over $1.0\;{\mu}g/ml$ was 56.3% in 2006 and it was 3.8% in 2007. The average $EC_{50}$ value of P. infestans was $0.37\;{\mu}g/ml$ in 2006, but it decreased to $0.12\;{\mu}g/ml$ in 2007. Fungicides response and pathogenesis of P. infestans should be monitored continuously to enhance the chemical efficacy at potato fields.

Effect of Bark and Drying Waste Liquor of Larix kaempferi Used as An Additive on The Fuel Characteristics of Wood Pellet Fabricated with Rigida Pine and Quercus mongolica Sawdust (첨가제로서 낙엽송의 수피 및 건조폐액이 리기다소나무 및 신갈나무 펠릿의 연료적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, In;Chae, Hyun-Gyu;Han, Gyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.258-267
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    • 2017
  • In this study, pitch pine (Pinus rigida, PIR) and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica, QUM) pellets were fabricated with bark or/and drying waste liquor (DWL) of larch (Larix kaempferi, LAK) as an additive. Based on the results of fuel characteristics of the pellets, optimal conditions for producing the high-quality pellets were provided. In the analysis of chemical composition, bark contained holocelluose and lignin of 90% and over. DWL had 0.1% solid assumed to sugars which are generated from the oven-drying of LAK logs. QUM showed high ash content (2.2%) by containing of bark in the sawdust. Bark and DWL of LAK had high ash content of 4% and over. Calorific values of all specimens and additives were higher than that of the $1^{st}$-grade standard of wood pellets designated by NIFOS (18.0 MJ/kg). PIR and QUM pellets were fabricated with additive of 2 wt% based on the solid weight of oven-dried sawdust using a piston-type flat-die pelletizer, and thus ash content and calorific value of the pellets did not affect by the use of additive. Durability of the pellets increased with the use of additive. Durabilties of pellets, which were fabricated with bark as an additive and DWL as a controller of moisture content for sawdust, did not differ from those of pellets without additives and were lower than those of pellets either with bark or DWL. However, use of both bark and DWL for the production of wood pellets might be favorable because it can make a profit from the collection process of DWL. Based on the results of fuel characteristics of the pellets, QUM and PIR pellets were produced by a flat-die pelletizer. Moisture content (MC), bulk density and durability of the pellets improved with the use of additive. Particularly, sawdust MC of 10% and the addition of bark or DWL for PIR as well as sawdust MC of 12% and the addition of bark for QUM might be optimal conditions for the production of high-quality pellets. Except for the ash content of QUM pellets, other properties of PIR and QUM pellets exceeded the $1^{st}$-grade wood pellets standards of NIFOS.