• 제목/요약/키워드: NasalView

검색결과 68건 처리시간 0.026초

서울 치과기공사의 호흡기장애 호소율에 대한 조사 (Study on the complaint ratio of Respiratory sysmptomos of the Dental Laboratory Technicians in Seoul)

  • 손향옥
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1989
  • This study was carried out from June, 20, to October 22, 1988, for the purpose of researching on the complaint ratio of Respiratory symptoms of the dental laboratory technicians in Seoul. In this study, aiming to find out complaint ratio of respiratory symptoms of the dental laboratory, SNU-81-AL were applied, at random, to 193 dental laboratory technicians at 39 dental laboratories, as the research group, and to 178 clinical laboratory technicians at 10 general hospitals, as the control group, and above two groups were compared with each other. The following results were obtained from this research. 1. The quantity of respirable dust under 5$\mu$m measured at the dental laborartories was, on an average as well, 5$mg/m^3$-minimum 1.56$mg/m^3$), and the density of CO was, on an average as well, 5.0ppm(Mx 7.0-Mn 3.0). 2. The complaint ratio of five main respiratory symptoms(cough, phlegm, wheezing, nasal catarrh & cold, breathlessness) was, on an average, 44.3% at the dental laboratory technicians, phlegm was the major symptom complained by the greatest number of the technicians. 22.4% of the clinical laboratory technicians complained above 5 main respiratory symptoms, nassal catarrh & cold was the mostly complained symptoms among them. There showed a consideraly significant difference at the complaint ratio between the above 2 occupations(P<0.005). 3. There showed no paticular significant difference between male and female, at the complaint ratio of the dental laboratory technicians. However, there showed a considerable significant difference according to their sexuality, in case of the clinical laboratory technicians. 4. Considered from th view point of age, the highest age group was 20-29 with its average 48.5%, in case of dental laboratory technicians. The highest age group among the clinical laboratory technicians was over 40 age with its 28.7%. There showed no particular significant differences between to tow occupations. 5. Considered from the view point of work period, the highest work period group was 0-3 years with average 47.8%, in case of dental laboratory The highest work period group among the clinical laboratory technicians was 16 years with its 25.2%. There showed no particuar significant differences between the two occupations. 6. Considered from the view point of smoking, phlegm was complained by much more smokers than non-smokers, in both occupations. In case of non-smokers, many complained about nassal catarrh & cold. There showed no particular significant differences between the smokers and the non-smokers.

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  • 이정훈;김용덕;신상훈;김욱규;김종렬;정인교
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2005
  • Although there have been many clinical studies about the facial trauma in the recent as well as in the past, severity and frequency of facial trauma are reported multifarious. It seemed to be because of variety of social, cultural, and environmental factors, and the view point of investigators. In this study, we investigated about the patients visiting emergency room during recent 5 years(1999-2003), and compared with retrospective study during former 5 years(1992-1996) in Dept. OMS Pusan Univ-Hospital. We are assessed the cause, type, demographic ect. And analyzed alterations of facial bone fractures during past 2 periods. the results were as follows. The total number of patients was increased slightly. 429 patients treated for maxillofacial fractures between January 1992 and December 1996 and 466 patients treated between January 1992 and December 1996. The male-to-female ratio reduced in the second period by a factor of 0.7. Patients in the age groups of 10-19 years and 20-29 years increased by a factor of 4.2 and 7.9 in the second period. Assaults and falls in the second period decreased by a factor of 15.4 and 7.9. But, traffic accidents and slip downs in the second period increased by a factor of 6 and 6.6. The mandibular fractures(70.6%) showed the highest incidence, followed by zygomatic bone and arch fractures(7.5%), maxillary bone fractures(4.0%), and nasal bone fractures(4.0%). In the second period, the mid-face fracture was increased slightly. So, the mandibular fractures(69.0%) followed by maxillary bone fractures(12.9%), zygomatic bone and arch fractures(8.0%), nasal bone fractures(7.0%). Ramus fractures and body fractures of mandible was increased slightly in the second period.

관골궁 골절의 정복시 수술 중 C-Arm 사용의 유용성: 증례보고 (The Avalibility of C-Arm in Reduction of Zygomatic Arch Fracture Intraoperatively: Case Report)

  • 서미현;천강용;윤준용;유충규;이은경;이원덕;서제덕
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.359-362
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    • 2010
  • The zygoma is second most commonly vulnerable facial bone in fracture, in number only by nasal fractures. It is difficult to evaluate reduction state intraoperatively, because almost surgeons reduce the fractured zygoma by blind method. We suggest the use of orthopedic C-arm intraoperatively. We use plain radiography, CT to evaluate preoperative state. Gilles approach or intraoral approach were used to reduce the fractured zygomatic arch. The C-arm was positioned at chin area, used to evaluate reduction intraoperatively. We got postoperative image by CT or submento-vertex view. There are variable methods to evaluate reduction intraoperatively: palpation, ultrasonography, CT, plain films. C-arm is considered superior diagnostic tool to other methods. The use of intraoperative C-arm was very efficient, it could bring better results.

두경부에 발생한 점막형 악성흑색종의 임상적 특성 (Clinical Characteristics of Head and Neck Mucosal Melanoma)

  • 최종욱;석윤식;최건;유홍균
    • 대한두경부종양학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.188-192
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    • 1996
  • 점막형 악성흑색종 10례에 대한 임상분석 결과 비강에서 가장 호발하였고 증상은 비폐색이 가장 많았다. 치료 성적은 수술을 우선적으로 선택한 후 방사선요법을 시행한 경우군에서 평균생존기간이 20.8개월이었고 방사선치료를 우선적으로 선택한 경우군에서는 14.7개월로, 접막형 악성흑색종의 경우 광범위 절제술 후 방사선요법을 시행하는 것이 도움이 될 것으로 생각되나 윈격전이 6례를 포함한 8례의 환자에서 재발이 있어 예후가 극히 불량한 암종으로 생각된다.

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녹농균의 Exoenzyme 산생능 및 임상검체별로 본 항균제 감수성 (Production of Exoenzyme of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Susceptibility to Antimicrobial Agents)

  • 최병주;조양자
    • 대한미생물학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1981
  • The Pseudomonas infection has been increased in incidence and suspected as a cause of opportunistic pathogen. Protease and elastase produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are reported to be closely associated with pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We examined, in this work, the relationship between production of exoenzyme of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents in view of possible application to the management of Pseudomonas infection. 1. In 295 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical specimens, 34.6% were from pus, 20.7% from sputum, 15.6% from wound including burn sites and 12.9% from urine. 2. Distribution of protease and elastase production by clinically isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa, showed that protease and elastase producing strains were 83.1%, protease producing strains were 7.5%, elastase producing strains were 2.0%, and non producing strains were 7.5%. 3. MIC(minimum inhibitory concentration) peak for tetracycline and chloramphenicol were observed at 25mcg/ml and 200mcg/ml respectively, but there were no Pseudomonas aeruginosa which correspond to MIC peak, 6.25mcg/ml. Gentamicin of aminoglycosides was highly susceptible to Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinically isolated from pus, sputum and wound sites, but susceptible to isolates from nasal discharge and urine. Regarding MIC peak of carbenicillin, 100mcg/ml, 81.8% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were from urine, 54.8% from wound including burn sites, 52.7% from pus, and 50.8% from sputum. 4. Enzyme producing strains showed no susceptibility to kanamycine and carbenicillin at low concentration, but protease producing strains tend to resistant to antimicrobial agents.

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Dyke-Davidoff-Masson 증후군 환자의 두개골 변형: 증례보고 (Craniofacial Deformity in a Patient with Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome: A Case Report)

  • 이승현;이혜경;정희선
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome is a rare disease entity that was first reported in 1993, and it is characterized by not only the cerebral hemiatrophy that is accompanied by the ipsilateral ventriculomegaly and ipsilateral compensatory osseous hypertrophy, but also the overgrowth of the paranasal sinuses. No studies have attempted to examine it from perspectives of the skull deformity and plastic surgery. Here, we report our case with a review of the literatures. Methods: A 45-year-old man with Dyke-Davidoff-Masson visited our medical institution with nasal bone fracture. Based on the previously taken brain MRI scans, we measured the degree of craniofacial deformity, and the horizontal distance, which is based on the margin of the skull, as well as the falx cerebri. Results: We made a comparison of the degree of craniofacial deformity. This showed that the mean horizontal distance on the axial view was shorter by approximately 28.46%, as compared with that of the left unaffected side. Conclusion: The Dyke-Davidoff-Masson is characterized by a concurrent presence of the atrophy of the cerebral hemisphere, with the cranial deformity. For the reconstruction of the bone and soft-tissue deformity with Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome, it is needed to perform objective assessments.

심도 청각장애 아동의 조음 특성: 포먼트 대역폭을 중심으로 (The Articulation Characteristics of the Profound Hearing-Impaired Children with Reference to Formant Bandwidth)

  • 최은아
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2014
  • This study measured formant bandwidths of profound hearing impaired children and examined the characteristics of their articulation. For this study, 10 cochlear implanted children(CI), 10 hearing aid children(HA) and 10 normal hearing children(NH) were asked to read 7 Korean vowels(/ɑ, ʌ, o, u, ɯ, i, ɛ/). The subjects' readings were recorded by NasalView and analyzed by Praat. The analysis of the formant bandwidths explains the degree of vocal fold opening and the characteristics of radiation. Through the analysis of formant bandwidth, we can see that the hearing-impaired maintain vocal fold tension when they speak high vowels and characteristics of radiation. Narrower B1 means better maintain vocal fold tension, wider B2 means more front and wider B3 means the rounder lips. CI's B1 was widest and NH's was narrowest. And females' B1 was wider than males'. Among vowels, B1 of /a/ was widest, and B1 of /i/ was narrowest. In the case of B2, HA and NH's B2 was wider than CI's. Females' B2 was wider than males'. And B2 of /i/ was widest, and B2 of /ʌ/ was narrowest. In the case of B3, NH's was widest, and CI's was narrowest. Males' was wider than females'. Among vowels, B3 of /o/ was widest, and B3 of /ɛ/ was narrowest. As a result, first, through the analysis of B1, we can find that NH and males could better maintain vocal fold tension than the hearing-impaired or females, and all children articulate /i/ with vocal fold tension than other vowels. Second, through the analysis of B2, NH and HA articulate vowels with the weaker rounded than CI does. And females articulate vowels with the weaker rounded than males do. Third, through the analysis of B3, NH articulate vowels with the rounder than HA or CI do, and males articulate vowels with the rounder than females do. Through the results, we can expect that the analysis of formant bandwidth will be applied to the therapy of articulation for the hearing-impaired with hearing aids or cochlear implant.

알레르기성 鼻炎 患者에 對한 臨床的 考察 (Clinical Observation of The Allergic Rhinitis)

  • 김남권;임규상;황충연
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.367-382
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    • 1997
  • The author analyzed 46 cases of allergic rhinitis patients, who were treated in the Kwang-ju Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from January 1997 to April 1996. I've examined the 46 cases in the view of age and sex distribution, seasonal distribution, distribution of the job, duration of the disease, past history, family history, distribution of complicated signs, the degree of recovery about the total patient, the relationship of the ages and the remedial value, the relationship of the duration of disease and the remedial value. The following results are obtained. 1. The ratio of under teenagers was $32.61\%$(15 cases), teenagers was $30.43\%$(11 cases), 2th decade was $17.39\%$(8 cases), 3th decade was $17.39\%$(8 cases), 4th decade was $4.35\%$(2 cases), 5th decade was $2.17\%$(1 case), over sixty was $2.17\%$(1 case). 2. The ratio of the male was $58.70\%$(27 cases) and femal was $41.30\%$(19 cases). 3. The ratio of spring was $21.74\%$(10 cases), summer was $8.70\%$(4 cases), fall was $43.48\%$(20 cases), winter was $43.48\%$(20 cases) and unknown was $10.87\%$(5 cases). 4. The ratio of the students was $45.65\%$(21 cases), house-wives was $15.22\%$(7 cases), office men was $10.87\%$(5 cases), farmers was $4.35\%$(2 cases), driver was $2.17\%$(1 case) and unemployed was $21.74\%$(10 cases). 5. The ratio of the under six months was $8.70\%$(4 cases), under 1 year was $17.39\%$(8 cases), under 3 years was $32.60\%$(15 cases), over 3 years was $41.31\%$(19 cases). 6. The ratio of atopic dermatitis was $32.61\%$(15 cases), allergic dermatitis was $21,74\%$(10 cases), the asthma was $17.39\%$(8 cases), digestion disorder was $6.52\%$(3 cases) and etc. 7. The ratio of paternal line was $21.74\%$(10 cases), maternal line was $13.04\%$(6 cases), paternal and maternal lines was $4.35\%$(2 cases), brother or sisters was $13.04\%$(6 cases) and non-significant was $47.83\%$(22 cases). 8. The ratio of sneezing was $100\%$(46 cases) , nasal discharge was $100\%$(46 cases), nasal obstruction was $86.96\%$(40 cases), pruritus was $45.65\%$(21 cases), headache was $13.04\%$(6 cases), asthma was $10.87\%$(5 cases), digestion disorder was $6.52\%$(3 cases), light phovia was $6.52\%$(3 cases), tears was $4.35\%$(2 cases), nosebreeding was $2.17\%$(1 case). 9. The total remedial value of the 46 patients was revealed $52.17\%$. 10. The remedial value of under teenagers, teenagers were higher than the total remedial value($52.17\%$). 11. The remedial value of under 6 months, under 1 year were higher than the total remedial value($52.17\%$). These results demonstrated that in the point of remedial view, the patients who were younger and shorter of the duration of disease, would be well recovered.

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직장암 유래 전이성 구강 암종의 진단예 (A Case of Metastatic Oral Carcinoma from Rectal Cancer)

  • 신금백;강기현;채규삼
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1999
  • 최근 저자들은 좌측 안검하수, 안면마비, 좌측 협궁부의 부종 및 안모비대칭을 호소하는 49세 한국 여성 환자로부터, 임상적으로 우측 하악지 부위에서의 융기성 경결성 병소를 발견하고, 이에 대한 진단 및 감별진단을 위해 (1) 문진상 직장 선암(直腸 腺癌)에 대한 과거 수술병력 소견, (2) 두부 전산화단층촬영사진상 우측 하악지 전내방에서의 비교적 균질한 괴(塊)의 존재와 이것에 의한 우측 하악지 내측 피질골의 파괴, 또한 경사대(傾斜臺)를 중심으로 뇌실질 조직에 비해 약간 고밀도를 보이는 불규칙한 괴(塊)의 존재와 이것에 의한 접형동(蝶形洞)과 주변 골 및 좌측 상악골의 파괴, 그리고 전신 골스캔상 비강 부위와 좌측 상악골 부위에서의 hot spot의 존재, 그리고 후전방 흉부 일반방사선촬영사진상 전폐야에 걸친 다양한 크기의 수 많은 결절의 산재를 나타낸 영상화 검사 소견, (3) 과거 전신병력 추적 소견상 간 우엽에서의 중심부에 hyperechoic focus를 가진 과녁 모양의 경계가 양호한 괴(塊)의 존재를 나타낸 간부위 초음파 검사 소견을 채득한 후 이들 자료를 종합, 분석, 평가한 결과, 과거 전신병력상의 원발성 직장 선암의 원격 전이에 의해 발생된 것으로 판단되었으며, 또한 영상화 검사에서 관찰된 우측 하악지 내측 피질골의 파괴상 및 좌측 상악골의 파괴상 역시 원발성 직장 선암의 원격 전이에 의해 발생된 것으로 판단되었다.

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코곁굴 두정비극방향 검사 시 안와이공선과 아래턱뼈 몸통각도의 상관관계를 이용한 새로운 자세잡이 기준에 관한 연구 (A Study of the New Positioning Guide Based on the Correlation between the Orbit Meatus Line and Mandibular Body Angle in Paranasal Sinus Parietoacanthial Projection(Water's Method))

  • 손용민;김한용;주영철
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구에서는 한국인의 두개골 측방향 방사선 검사 영상을 통해 안와이공선(OML)과 아래턱뼈 몸통(Body of mandible) 각도 간의 상관관계를 알아보고, 임상에서 PNS Water's view 검사 시 자세 잡이의 용이성과 정형화된 영상 구현을 위한 검사 자세에 대한 새로운 기준을 제시하고자 한다. 상급종합병원 방사선 검사실에 내원한 환자 중 두개부 측방향 방사선 검사를 시행한 총 202명의 영상과 두부 팬텀을 대상으로 진행하였고, X선 발생 장치와 EOS 장비를 사용하여 두부 팬텀 영상을 획득하였다. 본 연구는 PACS를 이용하여 환자의 두개부 측방향 영상에서 OML과 아래턱뼈몸통 각에 관련된 약어를 설정하여 턱뼈 가지 각(RIA), 정확한 OML 각(TIA), OML과 IR의 각(OIA), 아래턱뼈 길이(TML), 턱뼈 가지 높이(RH), 턱 끝점, 턱뼈 각점, 관절 돌기점이 이루는 각(MA)을 측정하였고, 두부 팬텀을 이용하여 유효성을 확인했다. RIA의 연령별 평균값 범위는 22.67~26.04°이었고, 남성은 23.14°, 여성은 24.78°로 측정되었다. 연령에 따른 TIA와 OIA의 평균값 범위는 35.98~38.31°와 72.27~75.25°이었고, 남성은 36.74°와 72.73°, 여성은 36.43°와 73.38°로 나타났다. TML과 RH의 연령별 크기는 85.73~89.60 mm와 62.60~70.87 mm의 범위로 나타났고, 남성과 여성의 값은 각각 90.54 mm 70.78 mm와 85.13 mm, 61.54 mm이었다. MA의 연령별 평균값의 범위는 55.95~58.63°이었으며, 남성은 57.96°, 여성은 57.76°이었다. 각 변수 간 상관관계 분석 결과 RIA와 OIA, TIA는 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 본 연구 결과, 아래턱뼈몸통 각과 OML 과의 관계가 양의 상관성을 나타내는 것으로 보아 아래턱뼈를 영상 수용체에 수직으로 조정하는 방법을 적용한다면 PNS Water's 검사 시 보다 정확한 영상 구현에 도움이 될 것으로 사료되며, 새로운 자세 잡이를 위한 기준으로 활용가치가 있다고 생각된다.