• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nano-alloy

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Doctor Blade Tape Casting of In-based Low Melting Point Alloy (In 계 저융점합금의 닥터 블레이드 테이프캐스팅)

  • Youn, Ki-Byoung
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2015
  • Tape casting is an important forming operation used to prepare flat sheets in the various industries. In this study, Doctor Blade tape casting of In-based low melting point alloy was carried out. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the possibility of applying the Doctor Blade tape casting process to the manufacture of low melting point alloy sheets that can be used as thermal fusible parts of battery safety systems. In-based molten alloy that has a melting point of $95^{\circ}C$ was produced; it's viscosity was measured at various temperatures. The molten alloy was used as a slip in the caster of the Doctor Blade tape casting system. The effects of the molten alloy temperatures and carrier speeds on the produced sheet shape were observed. For the casting conditions of 1.5 cm slip height, $120^{\circ}C$ slip temperature, 0.05 mm blade gap and 60 m/min. carrier speed, an In-based alloy thin tape well shaped with 0.16 mm uniform thickness was continuously produced.

Corrosion Characteristics of Cell-Covered Ternary Ti-Nb-Ta Alloy for Biomaterials

  • Kim, W.G.;Yu, J.W.;Choe, H.C.;Ko, Y.M.;Park, G.H.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2009
  • Ti and Ti-alloys have good biocompatibility, appropriate mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance. However, the widely used Ti-6Al-4V is found to release toxic ions (Al and V) into the body, leading to undesirable long-term effects. Ti-6Al-4V has much higher elastic modulus (100 GPa) than cortical bone (20 GPa). Therefore, titanium alloys with low elastic modulus have been developed as biomaterials to minimize stress shielding. The electrochemical behavior of surface-modified and MC3T3-E1 cell-cultured Ti-30(Nb,Ta) alloys with low elastic modulus have been investigated using various electrochemical methods. Surfaces of test samples were treated as follows: $0.3{\mu}m$ polished; $25{\mu}m$, $50{\mu}m$ and $125{\mu}m$ sandblasted. Specimen surfaces were cultured with MC3T3-E1 cells for 2 days. Average surface roughness ($R_a$) and morphology of specimens were determined using a surface profilometer, OM, and FE-SEM. Corrosion behavior was investigated using a potentiostat(EG&G PARSTAT 2273), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was performed (10 mHz to 100 kHz) in 0.9% NaCl solution at $36.5{\pm}1^{\circ}C$. The microstructures of the Ti-30(Ta,Nb) alloys had a needle-like appearance. The $R_a$ of polished Ti-30Ta and Ti-30Nb alloys was lower than that of the sandblasted Ti alloy. Cultured cells displayed round shapes. For polished alloy samples, cells were well-cultured on all surfaces compared to sandblasted alloy samples. In sandblasted and cell-cultured Ti-30(Nb,Ta) alloy, the pitting potential decreased and passive current density increased as $R_a$ increased. Anodic polarization curves of cell-cultured Ti alloys showed unstable behavior in the passive region compared to non-cell-cultured alloys. From impedance tests of sandblasted and cell-cultured alloys, the polarization resistance decreased as $R_a$ increased, whereas, $R_a$ for cell-cultured Ti alloys increased compared to non-cell-cultured Ti alloys.

Assessment for Static and Fatigue Strength of the Aluminum Alloy for LNG Ship (LNG 선박용 알루미늄 합금 소재의 정적 및 피로 강도 평가)

  • Yoon, Yong Keun;Kim, Jae Hoon;Kim, Woo Joong;Baik, Kye Ho;Park, Chang Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2013
  • Liquefied Natural Gas is liquefied at the condition of atmosphere pressure and cryogenic temperature. LNG is exposed very long time under the cryogenic temperature and high pressure, and it is very important to retain the structural safety in this envelopment. Until now, the material which are composing the storage tank of LNG ship has experimented at room temperature, so it is not enough to apply for the design at the cryogenic temperature. The purposes of this study are investigated mechanical properties for aluminum alloy. To evaluate tensile and fatigue test for aluminum alloy, it was considering static and fatigue conditions at room and cryogenic temperature. S-N curves were designed at both temperature respectively. Also, P-S-N curve was performed statistical method by JSME-S002.