• Title/Summary/Keyword: NURI 사업

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An Evaluation of NURI(New University for Regional Innovation): Focusing on Changes in Graduate Employment (졸업생 취업률 변화를 중심으로 본 지방대학혁신역량강화(NURI)사업의 평가)

  • Lee, Sam-Ho;Kim, Hisam
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.157-183
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    • 2008
  • 'New Universities for Regional Innovation(NURI)' is a financial aid program designed to promote the development of universities as a major component of Regional Innovation System (RIS). In particular, this program emphasizes the role of regional universities to provide the qualified graduates for the regional economy. This paper is to evaluate the effect of NURI, focusing on the change of graduates' employment. The effect of the program can be evaluated by the quality of graduates' accumulated human capital, and graduates' employment performance represents the graduates' quality evaluated in the labor market. This is also believed to be a good performance indicator of the NURI program. We utilize the graduate employment survey of Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), and calculate the graduates' employment rates of the departments that received the financial support of NURI (treatment group). We also calculate the graduates' employment rates of the departments that applied for the support of the NURI program but were not selected (comparison group). By using difference-in-differences method, we compare the change of graduates' employment rates in treatment and comparison groups before and after the program came in effect. Compared with the employment rates in 2004 before the NURI program started, the graduates employment rates improved in both groups in 2005 and 2006. The improvement of the employment rates in the treatment group is larger than that in the comparison group. Moreover, the difference of improvement gets larger in the year 2006 than in 2005, which means those students who were affected more years by the NURI program are more likely to be employed. However, the difference is not statistically significant, and we cannot definetely conclude that NURI showed the desired effect on the quality of the college graduates. We calculate employment rates in two ways; whether to treat going on to graduate education as an employment or not. The result was qualitatively the same in both cases. We also tracked quality of employment by investigating the firm size where the graduates of the treatment group were employed. By utilizing data from the Employment Insurance Fund, we measure the firm size by the number of employees. We did not find any deterioration of employment quality between 2005 and 2006, though it deteriorates in 2007. Therefore, the improvement of employment rates until 2006, though not statistically significant, does not seem to come at the cost of employment quality. The interpretation of this result cannot help being very limited. First, this evaluation covers such a short time period. It only covers two years after the program started, 2005 and 2006. Second, the extent of the improvement in employment rates is not satisfactory considering the amount of financial support, even though it can be argued that the employment has improved since the inception of the program. Subsequent evaluation of the program is required to certify the NURI programs' longer term effectiveness.

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The effect analysis of 「New University for Regional Innovation」 - Focusing on NURI Port Logistics education Project - (지방대학 혁신역량강화사업 효과분석 - NURI 항만물류사업단을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Goo;Seong, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to analyze the effect of New University for Regional Innovation in terms of the users. The evaluation indicators based on the reports of NURI port logistics education project from 2005 to 2009 are overall satisfaction, detailed satisfaction, comparative advantage for from the other universities, continuous employment intention, necessity of re-education, and priority of educational needs and so on. And the percentage of employment was chosen from 2006 to 2009 for the more objective analysis. Analysis shows that the effect of the program is founded because the satisfaction increased gradually and the comparative advantage for from the other universities was higher and the necessity of re-education declined less and less. Especially the program filled the foreign language demands. But it needs to reinforce the links between schools and industries. And also the percentage of employment for the participated departments has continuously increased compared with that for non-participated departments, it shows that the effects of NURI project.

An Analysis on the Employment Determinants of University Graduates in NURI Project Teams -the Case of the Universities in Busan Region- (누리사업단 대학졸업자의 취업결정요인 분석 - 부산지역대학의 사례 -)

  • Jun, Hyunjoong;Ryu, Jangsoo;Cho, Jangsik;Park, Sungik;Kim, Jonghan
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2009
  • This paper analyzes the determinants of the employment status of the NURI-project-teams' college and university graduates in Busan area. The major results are as follows: First, education level, household income, grade point average and certificate turn out to be significant variables to decide employment or spell of unemployment. Second, parents' education level, household income, the size of project team, the firm size are shown to affect employment in Busan. In particular, the bigger the firm is, the probability of getting job in Busan is getting smaller. And there are two sides of provincial university graduates' moving into the Metropolitan area; the voluntary move and the involuntary move. Third, sex., education level, major, grade point average, the size of project team etc, are found to be significant determinants of wage level.

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An Way of Training Railroad Civil Engineers in Relation to NURI Project (지방대학혁신역량 강화사업(NURI)과 연계한 철도시설 토목인력 양성 방안)

  • Hung Chan-Mook;Oa Sung-Wok
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1514-1518
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    • 2004
  • Korea became the 5th country by opening the Kyungbu-Highspeed Railway in April of 2004, which has contributed to technical innovations and motivated to increase SOC investment for the Railroad facilities. This increase of Railroad facilities will need the many railroad civil engineers who are in charge of construction and maintenance. Moreover, we need more qualitative engineers to catch up with the speed of technical renovation and to play an important role in exporting our railroad technique to outside country such as China, and Russia. In this paper, a new alternative of training railroad civil engineers will be investigated in relation to NURI Project, which is sponsored by Ministy of Education.

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R. L. Moore's Moore Method and its meaning in Korea (Robert Lee Moore의 교수법과 한국에서의 의미)

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Ree, Sang-Wook;Kim, Duk-Sun
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2008
  • In early 21st century, universities in Korea has been asked the new roles according to the changes of educational and social environment. With Korea's NURI and Brain Korea 21 project support, some chosen research oriented universities now should produce "teacher of teachers". We look 100 years back America's mathematics and see many resemblances between the status of US mathematics at that time and the current status of Korean mathematics, and find some answer for that. E. H. Moore had produced many good research mathematicians through his laboratory teaching techniques. R. L. Moore was his third PhD students. He developed his Texas/Moore method. In this article, we analyze what R. L. Moore had done through his American School of Topology and Moore method. We consider the meaning that early University of Texas case gives us in PBL(Problem Based Learning) process.

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Specified-Track Curriculum Development for Regional Innovation (지역혁신을 위한 특화교육트랙 교과과정의 개발)

  • Hong, Cheol-Hyun;Lim, O-Kaung;Park, Warn-Gyu;Han, Myung-Chul
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to present the ways to maximize educational effects and facilitate a curriculum renovation through the Specified Track Curriculum Development, a joint lecture system among local universities which is implemented by Busan Educational Alliance of Mechanical Engineering (BEAM) as part of New University for Regional Innovation(NURI), a government-sponsored project to facilitate a balanced regional development of Korea. The Specified Track Curriculum is a unified governing body joined by 4 universities of mechanical engineering departments with an emphasis on their specified academic fields(advanced hightech, environmental, marine and foundational machinery sectors), And the universities mutually recognize academic credits. The track (Specified-Track Curriculum) was carried out three times from winter semester in 2005 to the present and 486 students took the track course for two years. As a result, the track laid out a foundation for the first local joint lecture system in korea with the performance-oriented and students-tailored education, meeting needs of the new era and training efficiency. The graduates' employment rose to 8.5%, compared with that of 2005. According to recent survey conducted on companies employing the graduates, the satisfaction with the graduates' performance marked 9.4% improvement. The track also contributed to expanding human networks, facilitating the educational exchange of local universities.

Current status of automatic translation service by artificial intelligence specialized in Korean astronomical classics (천문 고문헌 특화 인공지능 자동번역 서비스의 현황)

  • Seo, Yoon Kyung;Kim, Sang Hyuk;Ahn, Young Sook;Choi, Go-Eun;Choi, Young Sil;Baik, Hangi;Sun, Bo Min;Kim, Hyun Jin;Choi, Byung Sook;Lee, Sahng Woon;Park, Raejin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.64.3-65
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    • 2021
  • 인공지능 기계학습에 의한 한문고전 자동번역기는 승정원일기 뿐만 아니라, 한국 고문헌 중 천문 기록에 특화되어 한자로 된 천문 고전을 한글로 번역해 서비스하고 있다. 한국천문연구원은 한국지능정보사회진흥원이 주관하는 2019년도 Information and Communication Technology 기반 공공서비스 촉진사업에 한국고전번역원과 공동 참여하여 이 자동 번역기 개발을 완료한 것이다. 이 번역기의 개발 목적은 초벌 번역 수준일지라도 문장 형태의 한문을 한글로 자동 번역하는 것이며, 이 연구는 현재 번역기 운용 현황을 서비스 별로 분석하고자 한다. 자동 번역관련 서비스는 크게 3가지이다. 첫째, 누구나 웹 접속을 통해 사용 가능한 한문고전 자동번역 대국민 서비스이다. 1년간 자체 시험을 거쳐 2021년 1월 12일 시험판을 오픈하여 운용 중에 있다. 둘째, 기관별로 구축된 코퍼스와 도메인 특화된 번역 모델 등을 관리할 수 있는 한문고전 자동번역 확산 플랫폼 서비스이다. 대국민 서비스와 함께 클라우드 기반으로 서비스되며, 한국고전번역원이 관리를 담당한다. 셋째, 자동번역 Applied Programmable Interface를 활용한 한국천문연구원 내 자체 활용이 가능한 천문고전 자동번역 서비스이다. 서비스 현황 분석은 기관별 관리 서비스에 해당되는 한문고전 자동번역 확산 플랫폼에서 집계하여 제공하는 대시보드의 통계 기능을 활용한다. 각 서비스별 문장과 파일 번역 이용 건수, 번역 속도, 평균 자수 뿐만 아니라, 번역 모델 프로필에 따른 이용률 분석이 가능하다. 이에 따른 주요 분석 중 하나인 올해 전체 번역 이용 건수는 한 해 각 기관의 평균 방문자수 대비 87% 성과 목표에 해당되는 약 38만 건에 근접할 것으로 예측된다. 이 자동 번역기는 원문 해독 시간을 단축시키는 효과와 함께 미번역 천문 고문헌의 활용성을 높여 다양한 연구에 기여할 것이다.

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