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A Study on the Eco-Cultural Assessment Indicator for Buddhist Temple Forest - Focused on Mt. Jogye Songgwang-sa Temple - (사찰림의 생태문화적 평가지표에 관한 연구 - 조계산 송광사를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Young-Whan;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2019
  • This study developed the Assessment Indicator evaluating eco-cultural value of temple forest in Korea and applied the developed Assessment Indicator to Songgwang-sa(also known as Seungbo-sachal), one of the Three Jewels Temple. Literature reviews and the draft of Assessment Indicator were drawn from brainstorming(including 2 forest therapy experts, 1 Buddhist monk expert, 1 landscape architect, 1 forest expert, and 6 researchers). After that, the Assessment Indicator drawn from the group of experts(the 1st in-depth interview: 32 people, the 2nd in-depth interview: 30 people) was verified and revised. The final Assessment Indicator, which was composed of 4 parts and 20 items, was developed. The results are as follows. The eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest was composed of 4 parts, which were Historical Cultural value, Ecological value, Recreatory Visitational value, and Educational Useful value, and 20 items and each item had 5 points. Historical Cultural value had 5 items and its total points were 25. Ecological value had 5 items and had total 25 points. Recreatory Visitational value had 6 items, 30 total points. Educational Useful value had 4 items, 20 total points. The total points of the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator were 100 points. As a result of applying the developed Assessment Indicator to the target place, Songgwang-sa in Mt. Jogye, Historical Cultural value of temple forest was calculated as 23 points(out of 25). Ecological value was 21 point(out of 25), Recreatory Visitational value, 22 points(out of 30), and Educational Useful value, 16 points(out of 20). The total points were 82(out of 100). Consequently, this study is meaningful based on the following 5 aspects. Firstly, this study challenged the development of the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest for the first time. It is significant because the developed Assessment Indicator can be a useful resource for the eco-cultural value of temple forest. Secondly, the result showed that Educational Useful value and Recreatory Visitational value of forest temple were very low. Therefore, the supports for leisure, tour, education, and use of temple forest are needed from Korea Forest Service, Ministry of Environment, Cultural Heritage Administration and other government agencies since they acknowledge the temple forest as the best customers in Korea. Thirdly, the excellence or for eco-cultural value of temple forest needs to be extended in a national level. It is possible to make a Korean National Bran(e.g., the Therapy at the Temple) by blending temple stay, which is only in temples, and therapy, and is also possible to be a global tour industry. Fourthly, this study suggested legal definition about the necessary of legal definition for temple forest because there is no legal definition on temple forest in the current situation. When the definition of temple forest is legally arranaged, it would be a foundation for conserving eco-cultural value of temple forest, for organizing exclusively responsible departments in governmental institutions, and further for registering temple forest as World Natural Heritage. Lastly, the developed eco-cultural Assessment Indicators of temple forest from this study would be applied to "the 7 Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea(Sansa)" and the characteristics of each 7 temple are drawn. This study would be a basic data for temples' management and use with the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest.

Study on Spring Cocoon Crops with the Leaf Produced in the Mulberry Field close to the Totacco Field (개량 Mulching 담배밭 부근뽕잎이 춘잠작에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이상풍;김정배;김계명;박광준
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1974
  • The studies are to know how much cocoon crops is damaged by the stained leaf with nicotine produced from the tobacco field cultivated in mulching system in spring season and by residual nicotine in autumn season. Furthermore, the new knowledges are to make both industries keep up with their development. In spring season mulberry Held is located higher on the West-North of tobacco held below 20 degrees of slope and with 36 per cent of East-South wind and 18 per cent of South wind blowing from tobacco fold to the mulberry fold. In addition, silkworm larvae are fed with the mulberry leaf produced in the different plots placing by the different distances, l0m, 25m, 50m, 80m, and loom far from the tobacco Held as a control and it is also considered that narcotic larvae including the dead larvae are not observed. On the other hand, it is noted that better leaf quality and abundant growth of mulberry tree is produced from the mulberry fold closer to the tobacco field and with a low slope. 1) Maximum weight of larval body at the 5th stage is damaged by the stained leaf with the nicotine up to 25m far from the tobacco held. 2) The larvae fed with the mulberry leaf in mulberry Held up to 25m far from the tobacco fold produce small number of the fresh cocoons per 1 liter. 3) Low single cocoon weight and low cocoon shell weight are produced by the poison damaged larvae fed with the mulberry. leaf up to 25m far from the tobacco field and weight of cocoon shell is damaged higher than the single cocoon weight. It is resulted in low percentage of cocoon shell. 4) Cocoon yield including the double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased by the larvae fed with the stained leaf in the mulberry fold up to 25m far from the tobacco fold and 19 per cent of cocoon yield is decreased with 2.4kg of cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 2.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot at the first season and at the 2nd season with 1.8kg o( cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 11.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot, 11 per cent and 9 per cent of cocoon yield including double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased, as compared with the control, respectively. With these results, it is observed that nicotine damage is occurred to the silkworm larvae if the larvae are fed with the leaf in the mulberry Held within 25m-50m far from the tobacco field.

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Determination of Cost and Measurement of nursing Care Hours for Hospice Patients Hospitalized in one University Hospital (일 대학병원 호스피스 병동 입원 환자의 간호활동시간 측정과 원가산정)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.389-404
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to determine the cost and measurement of nursing care hours for hospice patients hostpitalized in one university hospital. 314 inpatients in the hospice unit 11 nursing manpower were enrolled. Study was taken place in C University Hospital from 8th to 28th, Nov, 1999. Researcher and investigator did pilot study for selecting compatible hospice patient classification indicators. After modifying patient classification indicators and nursing care details for general ward, approved of content validity by specialist. Using hospice patient classification indicators and per 5 min continuing observation method, researcher and investigator recorded direct nursing care hours, indirect nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care activities sheet. All of the patients were classified into Class I(mildly ill), Class II (moderately ill), Class III (acutely ill), and Class IV (critically ill) by patient classification system (PCS) which had been carefully developed to be suitable for the Korean hospice ward. And then the elements of the nursing care cost was investigated. Based on the data from an accounting section (Riccolo, 1988), nursing care hours per patient per day in each class and nursing care cost per patient per hour were multiplied. And then the mean of the nursing care cost per patient per day in each class was calculated. Using SAS, The number of patients in class and nursing activities in duty for nursing care hours were calculated the percent, the mean, the standard deviation respectively. According to the ANOVA and the $Scheff{\'{e}$ test, direct nursing care hours per patient per day for the each class were analyzed. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. Distribution of patient class : class IN(33.5%) was the largest class the rest were class II(26.1%) class III(22.6%), class I(17.8%). Nursing care requirements of the inpatients in hospice ward were greater than that of the inpatients in general ward. 2. Direct nursing care activities : Measurement ${\cdot}$ observation 41.7%, medication 16.6%, exercise ${\cdot}$ safety 12.5%, education ${\cdot}$ communication 7.2% etc. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day per duty were needed ; 69.3 min for day duty, 64.7 min for evening duty, 88.2 min for night duty, 38.7 min for shift duty. The mean hours of direct nursing care of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. Direct nursing care hours per patient per day in each class were needed ; 3.1 hrs for class I, 3.9 hrs for class II, 4.7 hrs for class III, and 5.2 hrs for class IV. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day without the PCS was 4.1 hours. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day in class was increased significantly according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(F=49.04, p=.0001). The each class was significantly different(p<0.05). The mean hours of direct nursing care of several direct nursing care activities in each class were increased according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(p<0.05) ; class III and class IV for medication and education ${\cdot}$ communication, class I, class III and class IV for measurement ${\cdot}$ observation, class I, class II and class IV for elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation, all of class for exercise ${\cdot}$ safety. 3. Indirect nursing care activities and personnel time : Recognization 24.2%, house keeping activity 22.7%, charting 17.2%, personnel time 11.8% etc. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per nursing manpower was 4.7 hrs. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per duty were 294.8 min for day duty, 212.3 min for evening duty, 387.9 min for night duty, 143.3 min for shift duty. The mean of indirect nursing care hours and personnel time of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. 4. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per patient per day was 2.5 hrs. 5. The mean hours of nursing care per patient per day in each class were class I 5.6 hrs, class II 6.4 hrs, class III 7.2 hrs, class IV 7.7 hrs. 6. The elements of the nursing care cost were composed of 2,212 won for direct nursing care cost, 267 won for direct material cost and 307 won for indirect cost. Sum of the elements of the nursing care cost was 2,786 won. 7. The mean cost of the nursing care per patient per day in each class were 15,601.6 won for class I, 17,830.4 won for class II, 20,259.2 won for class III, 21,452.2 won for class IV. As above, using modified hospice patient classification indicators and nursing care activity details, many critical ill patients were hospitalized in the hospice unit and it reflected that the more nursing care requirements of the patients, the more direct nursing care hours. Emotional ${\cdot}$ spiritual care, pain ${\cdot}$ symptom control, terminal care, education ${\cdot}$ communication, narcotics management and delivery, attending funeral ceremony, the major nursing care activities, were also the independent hospice service. But it is not compensated by the present medical insurance system. Exercise ${\cdot}$ safety, elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation needed more nursing care hours as equal to that of intensive care units. The present nursing management fee in the medical insurance system compensated only a part of nursing car service in hospice unit, which rewarded lower cost that that of nursing care.

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Relationship among Night Eating and Nutrient Intakes Status in University Students (대학생에서 야식의 섭취가 영양소 섭취 상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Seung-Hee;Yeon, Jee-Young;Bae, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.297-310
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to investigate relationships among night eating and nutrient intakes status in university students. A total of 271 subjects (male=155, female=116) were divided by using 3-days food record method according to the percentage of energy from night eating: non-night eating, <25% night-eating and ${\geq}25$ night-eating group. There were no significant differences in age, height, weight, percent body fat and BMI among the groups. The proportion of morning anorexia and insomnia was below 2% and 10%, and no differences were observed among the groups by percentage of energy from night eating. In the male subjects, the intakes of energy in the '${\geq}25$ night-eating group' was significantly higher than those of the other groups; whereas, the nutrient density (ND, nutrient intakes per 1,000 kcal) and INQ (index of nutritional quality) of vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin C, calcium and iron in the '${\geq}25$ night-eating group' was significantly lower than those of the other groups. In the female subjects, the intakes of energy in the '<25 night-eating group' was significantly higher than that of the 'non-night eating group'. And the ND and INQ of vitamin C in the '<25 night-eating group' was significantly higher than those of the 'non-night eating group'. In addition, within the male subjects, the INQ of vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorous showed significantly negative correlations with food intakes, energy intakes and percentages of energy from night eating after the values were adjusted for age. These results suggest that among male university students, night snack intakes above 25% of energy have lower micronutrient qualities of vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin C and calcium.

Indication of Dissection of the 14v Lymph Node in Advanced Distal Gastric Cancer (원위부 진행성 위암에서의 상장간막정맥(14v) 림프절 절제술의 적응증)

  • Lim, Jung-Taek;Jung, Oh;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Oh, Sung-Tae;Kim, Byung-Sik;Park, Kun-Choon;Yook, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: According to the 2nd English Edition of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association (JGCA) in 1998, in case of distal gastric cancer, the 14v (superior mesenteric vein) lymph node (LN) is included in the N2 group. However, in Korea, a modified radical gastrectomy is performed, and a 14v LN dissection is not done as a routine procedure. Thus, we investigated the rate of metastatic 14v LNs, evaluated the necessity of dissection of the 14v LN, and searched for indications of 14v LN dissection. Materials and Methods: From April 2004 to August 2005, we enrolled the patients who were diagnosed as having advanced gastric cancer in the distal third portion of the stomach. We peformed a distal gastrectomy with D2 lymph node dissection as defined in the 2nd English edition of the JGCA classification. We calculated the positive rate of metastatic LNs of each station and analyzed the relationship between the positive rates of No.6 LNs and 14v LNs. We also compared the positive 14v LN group with the negative 14v LN group. Results: The total number of patients was 50, the mean age was 56 (range $30{\sim}80$) years, and sex ratio (Male/Female) was 1.63 : 1. In 47 (94%) cases, distal a gastrectomy with gastroduodenostomy was done, and in the remaining 3 (6%) cases, a distal gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy was done. The most frequently metastatic LNs were nos. 3 and 6 (54%). The metastatic rate of the f4v LN was 10%, which was similar to that of LN no. 9. In the comparison of the 14v positive group with the 14v negative group, there were significant differences in the numbers of metastatic LNs (mean 25.4 vs 4.91, P<0.001) and the numbers of metastatic no. 6 LNs, (mean 6.8 vs 1.42, P<0.001), and if no. 6 LNs were metastatic, the possibility of metastasis to the 14v LN was 19.2%. In the 14v positive group, all cases were more than stage 3 by the UICC 6th edition. Conclusion: In cases of advanced cancer with metastasis to the no. 6 IN, there was a good chance of metastasis to the 14v LN. Thus, in the operative field, if the tumor is advanced to more than stage 3 by the UICC classification and the no. 6 LN is metastatic, a 14v LN dissection is necessary. However, the usefulness of a 14v LN dissection should be evaluated prospectively through an analysis of tumor recurrence and long-term survival.

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A Study of The Medical Classics in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$' ('아유르베다'($\bar{A}yurveda$)의 의경(醫經)에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Wook;Park, Hyun-Kuk;Seo, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.91-117
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    • 2007
  • Through a simple study of the medical classics in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$', we have summarized them as follows. 1) Traditional Indian medicine started in the Ganges river area at about 1500 B. C. E. and traces of medical science can be found in the "Rigveda" and "Atharvaveda". 2) The "Charaka" and "$Su\acute{s}hruta$(妙聞集)", ancient texts from India, are not the work of one person, but the result of the work and errors of different doctors and philosophers. Due to the lack of historical records, the time of Charaka or $Su\acute{s}hruta$(妙聞)s' lives are not exactly known. So the completion of the "Charaka" is estimated at 1st${\sim}$2nd century C. E. in northwestern India, and the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" is estimated to have been completed in 3rd${\sim}$4th century C. E. in central India. Also, the "Charaka" contains details on internal medicine, while the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" contains more details on surgery by comparison. 3) '$V\bar{a}gbhata$', one of the revered Vriddha Trayi(triad of the ancients, 三醫聖) of the '$\bar{A}yurveda$', lived and worked in about the 7th century and wrote the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ $A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ $h\d{r}daya$ $sa\d{m}hit\bar{a}$ $samhit\bar{a}$(八支集)" and "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$(八心集)", where he tried to compromise and unify the "Charaka" and "$Su\acute{s}hruta$". The "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$" was translated into Tibetan and Arabic at about the 8th${\sim}$9th century, and if we generalize the medicinal plants recorded in each the "Charaka", "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" and the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", there are 240, 370, 240 types each. 4) The 'Madhava' focused on one of the subjects of Indian medicine, '$Nid\bar{a}na$' ie meaning "the cause of diseases(病因論)", and in one of the copies found by Bower in 4th century C. E. we can see that it uses prescriptions from the "BuHaLaJi(布哈拉集)", "Charaka", "$Su\acute{s}hruta$". 5) According to the "Charaka", there were 8 branches of ancient medicine in India : treatment of the body(kayacikitsa), special surgery(salakya), removal of alien substances(salyapahartka), treatment of poison or mis-combined medicines(visagaravairodhikaprasamana), the study of ghosts(bhutavidya), pediatrics(kaumarabhrtya), perennial youth and long life(rasayana), and the strengthening of the essence of the body(vajikarana). 6) The '$\bar{A}yurveda$', which originated from ancient experience, was recorded in Sanskrit, which was a theorization of knowledge, and also was written in verses to make memorizing easy, and made medicine the exclusive possession of the Brahmin. The first annotations were 1060 for the "Charaka", 1200 for the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$", 1150 for the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", and 1100 for the "$Nid\bar{a}na$", The use of various mineral medicines in the "Charaka" or the use of mercury as internal medicine in the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", and the palpation of the pulse for diagnosing in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$' and 'XiZhang(西藏)' medicine are similar to TCM's pulse diagnostics. The coexistence with Arabian 'Unani' medicine, compromise with western medicine and the reactionism trend restored the '$\bar{A}yurveda$' today. 7) The "Charaka" is a book inclined to internal medicine that investigates the origin of human disease which used the dualism of the 'Samkhya', the natural philosophy of the 'Vaisesika' and the logic of the 'Nyaya' in medical theories, and its structure has 16 syllables per line, 2 lines per poem and is recorded in poetry and prose. Also, the "Charaka" can be summarized into the introduction, cause, judgement, body, sensory organs, treatment, pharmaceuticals, and end, and can be seen as a work that strongly reflects the moral code of Brahmin and Aryans. 8) In extracting bloody pus, the "Charaka" introduces a 'sharp tool' bloodletting treatment, while the "$Su\scute{s}hruta$" introduces many surgical methods such as the use of gourd dippers, horns, sucking the blood with leeches. Also the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" has 19 chapters specializing in ophthalmology, and shows 76 types of eye diseases and their treatments. 9) Since anatomy did not develop in Indian medicine, the inner structure of the human body was not well known. The only exception is 'GuXiangXue(骨相學)' which developed from 'Atharvaveda' times and the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$". In the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$"'s 'ShenTiLun(身體論)' there is a thorough listing of the development of a child from pregnancy to birth. The '$\bar{A}yurveda$' is not just an ancient traditional medical system but is being called alternative medicine in the west because of its ability to supplement western medicine and, as its effects are being proved scientifically it is gaining attention worldwide. We would like to say that what we have researched is just a small fragment and a limited view, and would like to correct and supplement any insufficient parts through more research of new records.

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Thinking in Terms of East-West Contacts through Spreading Process of Sarmathia-Pattened Scabbard on Tillya-Tepe Site in Afghanistan (아프가니스탄 틸랴 테페의 사르마티아(Sarmathia)식 검집 패용 방식의 전개 과정으로 본 동서교섭)

  • Lee, Song Ran
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.54-73
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    • 2012
  • In this article, we examined the patterns of activities of the Sarmathians though in a humble measure, with a focus on the regions where the Sarmathian sheaths spreaded. One of the main weapons the mounted nomads like the Scythias, the Sarmathians, and the Alans used at war was a spear. Though complementary, a sword was the most convenient and appropriate weapon when fighting at a near distance, fallen from the horse to the ground. The Sarmathian swords continued the tradition of the Akinakes which the Scythias or the Persians used, but those of the Sarmathians showed some advances in terms of the easiness with which a sword was drawn out from a sheath, and the way the sheaths were worn to parts of a human body. It turns out that the Sarmathian sheaths, which were designed for the people to draw swords easily, having the sheaths attached to thighs through 4 bumps, spread extensively from Pazyryk, Altai, to South Siberia, Bactria, Parthia and Rome. The most noteworthy out of all the Sarmathian sheaths were the ones that were excavated from the 4th tomb in Tillatepe, Afghanistan which belonged to the region of Bactria. The owner of the fourth tomb of Tilla-tepe whose region was under the control of Kushan Dynasty at that time, was buried wearing Sarmathian swords, and regarded as a big shot in the region of Bactria which was also under the governance of Kushan Dynasty. The fact that the owner of the tomb wore two swords suggests that there had been active exchange between Bactria and Sarmathia. It seemed that the reason why the Sarmathians could play an important role in the exchange between the East and the West might have something to do with their role of supplying Chinese goods to Silk Road. That's why we are interested in how the copper mirrors of Han Dynasty, decoration beads like melon-type beads, crystal beads and goldring articulated beads, and the artifacts of South China which produced silks were excavated in the northern steppe route where the Sarmathians actively worked. Our study have established that the eye beads discovered in Sarmathian tomb estimated to have been built around the 1st century B.C. were reprocessed in China, and then imported to Sarmathia again. We should note the Huns as a medium between the Sarmathians and the South China which were far apart from each other. Thus gold-ring articulated beads which were spread out mainly across the South China has been discovered in the Huns' remains. On the other hand, between 2nd century B.C. and 2nd century A.D. which were main periods of the Sarmathians, it was considered that the traffic route connecting the steppe route and the South China might be West-South silk road which started from Yunnan, passed through Myanmar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, and then went into the east of India. The West-south Silk road is presumed to have been used by nomadic tribes who wanted to get the goods from South China before the Oasis route was activated by the Han Dynasty's policy of managing the countries bordering on Western China.

Biological Control of Tobacco Cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Steinernematid and Heterorhabditid Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Steinernematid와 Heterorhabditid 곤충병원성 선충을 이용한 담배거세미나방 (Spodoptera litura)의 생물적 방제)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Hwan;Cho, Sung-Rae;Choo, Ho-Yul;Lee, Sang-Myeong;Jeon, Heung-Yong;Lee, Dong-Woon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2008
  • Five effective strains against tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Steinernema carpocapsae (GSN1), Steinernema sp. (GSNUS-10), Steinernema sp. (GSNUS-14), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Hamyang (HbH), and Heterorhabditis sp. (GSNUH-1) were selected among 14 isolates of Korean entomopathogenic nematode in laboratory tests. $LC_{50}$ values of above five strains against tobacco cutworm were various by different nematode strains and developmental stages of tobacco cutworm. $LC_{50}$ value of S. carpocapsae (GSN1) was the lowest by $4.0{\sim}8.3$ infective juveniles (Ijs) and 2nd instars of tobacco cutworm was most susceptible. Pathogenicity of five effective strains against tobacco cutworm depends on nematode strain, concentration, and application times. The most effective strain was determined as S. carpocapsae (GSN1). Two or three times of applications were effective regardless of nematode strain, or concentration. Efficacy of S. carpocapsae (GSN1), Steinernema (GSNUS-10), Steinernema (GSNUS-14), and Heterorhabditis (GSNUH-1) was variable depending on nematode strain, concentration, application times, and host variety. S. carpocapsae (GSN1) was the most effective and inoculation of 100,000 infective juveniles per m2 (720,000 Ijs/7.2 $m^2=1{\times}10^9$ Ijs/ha) resulted in higher efficacy. Three times of application of nematodes led to higher control efficacy than one or two applications. Efficacy of nematodes was higher on Chinese cabbage than cabbage or kale.

The effects of mandibular setback osteotomy on the oropharyngeal airway space in mandibular prognathic patients (하악전돌 환자에서 하악골 후퇴수술이 기도공간에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyo-Young;Choi, Hyun-Gue;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Ghee
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.733-741
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    • 1997
  • As a result of surgical orthodontic treatment of mandibular prognathism, changes take place in the skeletal and soft orofacial components. Although some investigators had stated that permanent reduction of airway space was observed after mandibular setback surgery, it was not clear that this permanent reduction was sustained during long-term follow-up. The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in oropharyngeal airway space and soft tissue orofacial component following the mandibular setback surgery and during the follow-up period. The correlation between the changes of the oropharyngeal airway space and the changes of other soft tissue orofacial component was also assessed. The findings of this study were as follows ; 1. The oropharyngeal airway space area decreased following mandibular setback surgery for mandibular prognathism and continued to decrease during the follow-up period(p<0.05). 2. The pharyngeal depth at Xi point level and the 2nd cervical vertebra point level decreased after the surgery and remained during the follow-up period(p<0.05). The decrease of these pharyngeal depth was correlated with the decrease of oropharyngeal airway space area(p<0.01). 3. The decrease of pharyngeal depth at the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebra point level was not significant after the surgery and during the follow up period. 4. The hyoid bone moved downward after the surgery(p<0.05), but returned to its original position during the follow-up period. 5. The length & height of tongue and the Position of epiglottis base did not change significantly(p>0.05). 6. The soft palate was displaced posteriorly after the surgery and remained to its changed position during the follow-up period(p<0.05) due to posterior displacement of tongue. The changes of soft palate were significantly correlated with the decrease of oropharyngeal airway space area(p<0.01). 7. The narrowing of oropharyngeal airway space was due to the posterior displacement of tongue above the level of epiglottis tip. The posterior displacement of tongue following mandibular setback osteotomy remained during the follow-up period.

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Strength Properties of Wooden Model Erosion Control Dams Using Domestic Pinus rigida Miller I (국내산 리기다소나무를 이용한 목재 모형 사방댐의 강도 성능 평가 I)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Park, Jun-Chul;Lee, Dong-Heub;Son, Dong-Won;Hong, Soon-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2008
  • Wooden model erosion control dam was made with pitch pine, of which the strength properties was evaluated. Wooden model erosion control dam was made with diameter 90 mm of pitch pine round posts treated with CUAZ-2 (Copper Azole), changing joint in three different types. In each type, erosion control dam was made in nine floor (cross-bar of five floors and vertical-bar of four floors), of which the hight was 790 mm. And then strength properties were investigated through horizontal loading test and impact strength test, and the deformation of structure through image processing (AICON 3D DPA-PRO system). In horizontal loading test of wooden model erosion control dam using round post of diameter 90 mm, whether there was stone or not did not affect strength much when using self drill screw, but strength was decreased by 23%. In monolithic type of erosion control dam using screw bar, strength was increased by 1.5 times and deformation was decreased when filling with stone. When reinforcing with screw bar that ring is connected to self drill screw, strength was increased by 4.8 times. In impact strength test of wooden model erosion control dam made with round post of diameter 90 mm, the erosion control dam connected with self drilling screw not filling with stone was totally destroyed by the 1st impact, and the erosion control dam using screw bar was ruptured at cross-bar at which 779 kgf of impact was loaded in the 1st impact. In the 2nd impact, the base parts were ruptured, and reaction force was decreased to 545 kgf. In the 3rd impact, whole base parts were destroyed, and reaction force was decreased to 263 kgf.