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Experimental Pathogenesis of Pullorum Disease with the Local Isolate of Salmonella enterica serovar. enterica subspecies Pullorum in Pullets in Bangladesh

  • Haider, M.G.;Chowdhury, E.H.;Khan, M.A.H.N.A.;Hossain, M.T.;Rahman, M.S.;Song, H.J.;Hossain, M.M.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2009
  • The research work was carried out to study the pathogenesis covering the clinical signs, gross and histopathological lesions in different organs, and reisolation and identification of the organisms after experimental infection with the local isolate of Salmonella enterica serovar. enterica subspecies (S.) Pullorum at different time interval of the experiment during the period February 2006 to December 2006. One hundred pullets (seronegative to S. Pullorum of 12 weeks age were purchased and divided into 5 (A, B, C, D and E) groups and each group consisted of 20 birds. Four groups (A, B, C and D) were infected orally with a dose of $10^6\;CFU$, $10^7\;CFU$, $2{\times}10^7\;CFU$, $10^8\;CFU$ of S. Pullorum, respectively, and one group (E) was treated as uninfected control. The used methods were necropsy and histopathology, culture of bacteria, staining and biochemical test of Salmonella. Five birds from each group were randomly selected and sacrificed $1^{st}$ week, $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ weeks of post infection (PI). From all the groups, the bacteriological samples (crop, liver, lung, heart, spleen, bile duodenum, ceca and blood) were collected with pre enriched in buffered peptone water in sterile poly bags. Liver, lungs, heart, spleen, intestine, etc. were collected in 10% buffered-formalin for histopathological examination. No clinical signs, gross and histopathological lesions were found in control group and no S. Pullorum was reisolated. Clinical sign of experimentally infected with S. Pullorum in pullets were loss of appetite (100%), slight depression (75%), ruffled feathers (85%), diarrhea (60%) and loss of weight (100%) in chickens. The feed intake and body weight at different weeks after PI differed significantly (p<0.01) among the groups. Grossly, the highest recorded lesion was button-like ulcer in the ceca (80%) and the lowest was white nodules in lungs (1.25%). S. Pullorum were reisolated from crop (91.25%), liver (91.25%), lung (83.75%), heart (71.25%), spleen (87.75%), bile (33.25%), duodenum (92.50%), ceca (97.50%) and from different group of infection (61.25%). The highest microscopic findings were intestinal and cecal mucosa and submucosa exhibited infiltration of mononuclear cells and congestion (96.25%), and the lowest finding was nodule formation in the lungs (3.75%). The pattern of the disease production by local isolate of S. Pullorum in Bangladesh is almost similar with other isolates in different countries.

Factors Related to Poor School Performance of Elementary School Children (국민학교아동의 학습부진에 관련된 요인)

  • Park, Jung-Han;Kim, Gui-Yeon;Her, Kyu-Sook;Lee, Ju-Young;Kim, Doo-Hie
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.26 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.628-649
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to investigate the factors related to the poor school performance of the elementary school children. Two schools in Taegu, one in the affluent area and the other in the poor area, were selected and a total of 175 children whose school performance was within low 10 percentile (poor performers) and 97 children whose school performance were within high 5 percentile (good performers) in each class of 2nd, 4th and 6th grades were tested for the physical health, behavioral problem and family background. Each child had gone through a battery of tests including visual and hearing acuity, anthropometry (body weight, height, head circumference), intelligence (Kodae Stanford-Binet test), test anxiety (TAI-K), neurologic examination by a developmental pediatrician and heavy metal content (Pb, Cd, Zn) in hair by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A questionnaire was administered to the mothers for prenatal and prenatal courses of the child, family environment, child's developmental history, and child's behavioral and learning problems. Another questionnaire was administered to the teachers of the children for the child's family background, arithmatic & language abilities and behavioral problem. The poor school performance had a significant correlation with male gender, high birth order, broken home, low educational and occupational levels of parents, visual problem, high test anxiety score, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), poor physical growth (weight, height, head circumference) and low I.Q. score. The factors that had a significant correlation with the poor school performance in multiple logistic regression analysis were child's birth order (odds ratio=2.06), male gender(odds ratio=5.91), broken home(odds ratio=9.29), test anxiety score(odds ratio=1.07), ADHD (odds ratio=9.67), I.Q. score (odds ratio=0.85) and height less than Korean standard mean-1S.D.(odds ratio=11.12). The heavy metal contents in hair did not show any significant correlation with poor school performance. However the lead and cadmium contents were high in males than in females. The lead content was negatively correlated with child's grade(P<0.05) and zinc was positively correlated with grade (P<0.05). among the factors that showed a significant correlation with the poor school performance, high birth order, short stature and ADHD may be modified by a good family planning, good feeding practice for infant and child, and early detection and treatment of ADHD. Also, teacher and parents should restrain themselves from inducing excessive test anxiety by forcing the child to study and over-expecting beyond the child's intellectual capability.

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An analysis of factors affecting aspects of disease and satisfied medical treatments for oriental medical users (한방의료(韓方醫療) 이용자의 질병양상(疾病樣相)과 치료만족도(治療滿足度)에 영향(影響)을 미치는 요인분석(要因分析))

  • An Chang-Su;Nam Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 1999
  • A study on disease treated at oriental medical treatment facilities (OMTF) and patients' satisfaction levels was conducted in order to figure out why the patients visited oriental medical doctors and the level of satisfaction of the patients for the services offered to them by oriental medical doctors. This study was performed from March 2 through May 31, 1998 by interviewing 1.532 persons living in major and small cities in korea. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The general characteristics of subjects. The highest portion of each part was, 66.9% female, persons in the age group of over 60's 22.7%, high school graduated 34.9%, house wife 30.8%, The married 65.0%, Buddhist 36.9%, maj or city residents 60.2%, company covered insurance benefiter 39.0% and etc. 2. 40.5% of subjects visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases. 21.5% for digestive system diseases. 16.2% for respiratory system diseases. 13.3% for circulatory system diseases and 9.0% for neurological problems. 3. 42.7% of males visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases, which were the highest and respiratory system disorders, digestive system disorders, circulatory system disorders and neurological diseases in order. 39.4% of females visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue disorders which were the highest and other conditions such as digestive system, circulatory, respiratory, and neurological disorders in order. 4. The males with circulatory system disorders were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture, only in order. The females with the some conditions above were treated by combination of herbal medicine and herbal medical and acupuncture only in order. The males and females with respiratory system and digestive system diseases were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture only in order. But the males and females with skeletal and connective tissue diseases were by acupuncture are the highest in order. 5. The females and persons in the age group of over 60' s and house wife. the not married, the unhealthy persons, residents living in small cities, the persons with high income by medical treatments frequency in circulatory system diseases are the highest. 6, The females, middle school graduated and the married, persons in the age group of over 60's, unemployed, sales and service industry workers, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with middle income by medical treatments frequency in respiratory system diseases are the highest. 7. The females, persons in the age group of over 60's, under graduated or elementary school graduated, the unemployed and house wife, the unmarried, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with low income by medical treatments frequency in digestive system diseases are the highest. 8. The males, major city residents, old ages, under graduated or elementary school graduated, go earn officials, people grown in small city, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with low income, the unhealthy persons by medical treatments frequency in skeletal and connective tissue disorders diseases. 9. 50.8% of the respondents said that the treatments at the OMTF were very effective. 47.7% of them said that the treatments were effective. The males, persons in the age group of 40's, high school graduates, official workes, the married, the persons who did not have religion, major city residents, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with high income and the healthy persons said that the treatment effects at OMTF were satisfactory. 10. The patients' satisfaction rate for OMTF on each disease is, 1st. Musculo-Skeletal system(most satisfied), 2nd. the pregnancy & delivery complications, 3rd. Eye & ophthalmics, 4th. Respiratory system, 5th. Mental & bodily disorder, 6th. Digestive system and etc. 11. The factors affect OMTF are age, satisfaction for OMTF, current disease, religion, efficiency of Oriental Medicine, health condition and etc. This explained power of variable were 39.0%. 12. The satisfied factors for OMTF is correlate to educational level, and economical variables.

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Conception of Carbon Cycle in High School Students According to the Difference of Spatial Perception Ability (고등학생들의 공간지각능력에 따른 탄소 순환 개념 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Han, Shin;Park, Taeyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.308-322
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    • 2017
  • It is the purpose of the study to investigate how high school students understand the concept of carbon cycle according to their spatial perception ability. For this, a total of 30 male students and 33 female students, who belong to the science course of the 2nd grade at a general co-education high school located in a megalopolis of Korea and have finished the class of Earth Science I in the first semester, took part in the spatial perception ability test, and four male students and four female students were selected as members of two groups : one group of higher spatial perception ability and the other group of lower spatial perception ability, and they agreed to participate in the study and have got the test of the carbon cycle concept. The results are as followings. It was found that the students who had higher spatial perception ability recorded more scores in the carbon cycle concept, state change concept, and process concept at the factor of word association and the carbon cycle concept, state change and process concept at the factor of drawing than those who had lower spatial perception ability. Connecting link used in the systemic viewpoint was disclosed like this in the factor of causal map of those who had higher spatial perception ability : one student 2 and another one student 1 and the other two students 0 : and in the factor of drawing three students 1 and the other 0 ; But nothing was found in the factors of causal map and drawing of those who had lower spatial perception ability. In addition, it was also found that those students who had higher spatial perception ability, when compared with those students who had lower spatial perception ability, have understood the fact that carbon moves through the interaction of the earth system's lower parts; Three students, who showed higher spatial perception ability, had a low level of systemic thinking concept, and one student who had higher spatial perception ability and four students who had lower spatial perception ability did not have a systemic thinking concept.

Phytic Acid Protects the Formation of Colonic Aberrant Crypt Foci Induced by Azoxymethane in Male F344 Rats (랫드에서 azoxymethane으로 유도된 대장 전암병변에 대한 피티산의 방어 효과)

  • Hue, Jin-Joo;Lee, Yea-Eun;Lee, Ki-Nam;Nam, Sang-Yoon;Ahn, Byeong-Woo;Yun, Young-Won;Lee, Beom-Jun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2008
  • Phytic acid(PA) (Inositol hexaphosphate, $IP_6$) is a naturally occurring polyphosphorylated carbohydrate that is present in substantial amounts in almost all plants and mammalian cells. Recently PA has received much attention for its role in anticancer activity. In the present study, the preventive effects of PA on colon carcinogenesis were investigated. Six-week old Fisher 344 male rats were fed a AIN-93G purified diet and PA(0.5% or 2% PA in water) for 8 weeks. The animals received two ($1^{st}\;and\;2^{nd}$ week) injections of azoxymethane(AOM, 15 mg/kg b.w.) to induce colonic aberrant crypt foci(ACF). After sacrifice, the total numbers of aberrant crypts(AC) and ACF in colonic mucosa were examined after staining with methylene blue. Blood and serum were analyzed with a blood cell differential counter and an automatic serum analyzer. AOM induced the total numbers of $142.3{\pm}22.3$ ACF/colon and $336.6{\pm}55.1$ AC/colon. PA at the doses of 0.5 and 2% decreased the numbers of ACF and AC/colon in a dose-dependent manner. The numbers of ACF/colon and AC/colon by PA at the dose of 0.5% were $124.4{\pm}28.5\;and\;302.7{\pm}67.3$, respectively. PA at the dose of 2% significantly decreased the ACF and AC numbers to $109{\pm}18.1\;and\;254.8{\pm}50.6$, respectively(p<0.01). Especially, 2% PA significantly reduced the number of large ACF(${\geq}4$ AC/ACF) from $26.8{\pm}6.2$ ACF/colon to $15{\pm}6.7$ ACF/colon(p<0.01). Although some parameters in blood counts and serum chemistry were changed compared with the control, no specific toxicity was found. These findings suggest that phytic acid can be a chemopreventive agent for colon carcinogenesis resulting from inhibition of the development of ACF in the F344 rat.

A Study on Cold Water Damage to Marine Culturing Farms at Guryongpo in the Southwestern Part of the East Sea (경북 구룡포 해역에서의 냉수 발생과 어장 피해)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwa;Shim, JeongHee;Choi, Yang-ho;Kim, Sang-Woo;Shim, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.731-737
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    • 2016
  • To understand the characteristics and strength of the cold water that has caused damage to marine-culturing farms around Guryongpo, in the southwestern part of Korea, surface and water column temperatures were collected from temperature loggers deployed at a sea squirt farm during August-November 2007 and from a Real-time Information System for Aquaculture environment operated by NIFS (National Institute of Fisheries Science) during July-August 2015 and 2016. During the study period, surface temperature at Guryongpo decreased sharply when south/southwestern winds prevailed (the 18-26th of August and 20-22nd of September 2007 and the 13-15th of July 2015) as a result of upwelling. However, the deep-water (20-30m) temperature increased during periods of strong north/northeasterly winds (the 5-7th and 16-18th of September 2007) as a result of downwelling. Among the cold water events that occurred at Guryongpo, the mass death of cultured fish followed strong cold water events (surface temperatures below $10^{\circ}C$) that were caused by more than two days of successive south/southeastern winds with maximum speeds higher than 5 m/s. A Cold Water Index (CWI) was defined and calculated using maximum wind speed and direction as measured daily at Pohang Meteorological Observatory. When the average CWI over two days ($CWI_{2d}$) was higher than 100, mass fish mortality occurred. The four-day average CWI ($CWI_{4d}$) showed a high negative correlation with surface temperature from July-August in the Guryongpo area ($R^2=0.5$), suggesting that CWI is a good index for predicting strong cold water events and massive mortality. In October 2007, the sea temperature at a depth of 30 m showed a high fluctuation that ranged from $7-23^{\circ}C$, with frequency and spectrum coinciding with tidal levels at Ulsan, affected by the North Korean Cold Current. If temperature variations at the depth of fish cages also regularly fluctuate within this range, damage may be caused to the Guryongpo fish industry. More studies are needed to focus on this phenomenon.

STUDIES ON THE UTILIZATION OF ANTARCTIC KRILL 1. Compositional Characteristics of Fresh Frozen and Preboiled Frozen Krill (남대양산 크릴의 이용에 관한 연구 1. 크릴의 식품원료학적인 성상)

  • PARK Yeung-Ho;LEE Eung-Ho;LEE Kang-Ho;PYEUN Jae-Hyeung;RYU Hong-Soo;CHOI Su-An;KIM Seun-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 1979
  • For the use of antarctic krill as a fond protein source its compositional characteristics were investigated as the first part of the work includes other subjects such as processing of drill paste, concentrates, and fermented or seasoned product. In general composition of fresh frozen and preboiled frozen krill on board, the contents of crude fat and free amino nitrogen were higher in the former than in the latter which contained a high amount of ash. VBN was rather high as much as 37.6 and $26.4\;mg\%$ in both fresh frozen and preboiled krill. The pH of drill homogenates was 7.1 to 7.2 in both cases. Such a low pH might be attributed to a long term storage and temperature fluctuations during frequent transshipping. The amino acid competition of fresh frozen krill meat showed relatively high amount of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine, proline, and leucine while methionine, histidine, serine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine were lower. Among the essential amino acids lysine and leucine were higher and methionine was lower. In tile composition of free amino acid proline, lysing, arginine, and alanine were higher comparatively to the contents of histidine, aspartic acid, serine, and threonine. It is noteworthy for nutritional qualification that tile essential amino acids particularly as lysine were abundant similarly to that of fishes. Heavy metal contents of krill meat 0.039 to 0.048 ppm as Hg, 0.06 to 0.11 ppm as Pb, less than 0.32 ppm as Zn, 0.008 to 0.012 ppm as Cd, 0.61 to 0.68 ppm as Fe, 0.87 to 1.37 ppm as Cu, and nondetective as Cr. A high Cu content seems to be resulted by tile blood pigment of crustacea. The ratio,1 of edible portion to non-edible portion were 37:63 in fresh frozen and 42:58 in preboiled frozen krill respectively. Release of drip after thawing was more in fresh frozen than in preboiled frozen drill marking $36\%$ and $24\%$ of both respectively.

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Effects of Plant Growth Retardants on the Growth and Characters Related with Lodging in Rice (생장조정제(生長調整劑) 처리(處理)가 수도생육(水稻生育) 및 도복관련(倒伏關聯) 형질(形質)에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Kang, C.K.;Ryu, G.H.;Lee, K.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of plant growth retardants on the growth and characters related with lodging in rice. The results are summarized as follows. Plant height which is closely related to lodging was significantly inhibited by the application of inabenfide, paclobutrazol, and uniconazole. Among the tested application times, inabenfide, paclobutrazol, and uniconazole were the most effective in inhibiting plant height at 30, 20, 20 days before heading respectively. Inabenfide was markedly effective in reducing the lower (4th) internode length, whereas paclobutrazol and uniconazole were more effective in reducing the upper (3rd and 2nd) internode length. Internode wall of rice plant treated with chemicals was tended to be thickened as compared with control. Heading date was not influenced by inabenfide, but paclobutrazol and uniconazole were inhibited 1 or 2 days in heading date as compared with control. Lodging index was the most reduced when inabenfide was applied 30 days before heading with 160g ai whereas paclobutrazol and uniconazole were applied 15 days before heading with 12, 1.2g ai per 10a, respectively. All the treatments inhibited the lodging of rice but control was completely lodged. Yield treated with these chemicals was prevented by 10-12% of yield decrease occurred by lodging. As a conclusion, inabenfide with 120 or 160g ai at 40 or 30 days before heading, paclobutrazol with 12g ai at 15 days before heading, arid uniconazole with 1.2g ai at 15 days before heading appear to be the most practical application time and rate for preventing lodging in paddy rice.

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Macrocyclic Complexes of Actinide and Lanthanide Metals (Ⅰ). Formation and Properties of Cation Complexes with Macrocyclic Ligands (악틴 및 란탄족금속의 거대고리 착물 (제 1 보). 거대고리 리간드의 금속착물의 형성과 성질)

  • Jeong, O Jin;Choe, Chil Nam;Yun, Seok Jin;Son, Yeon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.143-158
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    • 1990
  • Metal complexes were prepared by reacting uranium (Ⅵ), thorium (Ⅳ) and rare earth metal (Ⅲ) ions including Nd (Ⅲ), Sm (Ⅲ) and Ho (Ⅲ) with macrocyclic ligands including five crown ethers, nine crownands and one cryptand ligands, and subjected to NMR studies in order to examine coordination sites of the ligands and compositions of the complexes formed. Among the marcocyclic ligands, crown ethers and crownand ligands have shown down-field shifts of the methylene protons of the lcigands by forming stable complexes with all the metal ions and the differences of chemical shifts were decreased as increasing of the cavity-size of crown ethers for the same metal ions and decreasing of the atomic number of the rare earth metals for the same ligands. It has been found that crownand 22 gave a stable complex with uranium(Ⅵ) ion by the coordination through both oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the ligand whereas no complex was formed with the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions, which on the other hand were found to form stable complexes with cryptand 221. The rest of the crowand ligands have also been found to form stable complexes with uranium(Ⅵ) ion by coordinating through all the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of the ligands whereas no complexes were formed with the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions. It has also been shown by 1H-NMR study that uranium(Ⅵ), thorium(Ⅳ) and rare earth metal(Ⅲ) ions formed 1:1 complexes with the macrocyclic ligands except for thorium(Ⅳ) complex of 12C4 in which the mole ratio of metal to ligand is 1:2. More stable metal complexes show larger changes in chemical shifts of the coordinated ligand protons. Finally, the rare earth metal(Ⅲ) complexes of 18C6 have shown ligand exchange reaction with the solvent molecules in acetylacetone solution, which was not observed for the uranium (Ⅵ) complexes.

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Protective Effects of Korean Garlic Juice against the Toxicity of Methyl Mercuric Chloride (MMC) in Relation to Fetal Ossification in Pregnant Fischer-344 Rats (유기수은 노출로 인한 흰쥐 태자골격성장 지연에 대한 마늘의 보호효과)

  • Lee, Jin-Heon;Park, Kyung-Lyoul;Kim, Dae-Seon
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2008
  • This study evaluates the protective effects of Korean garlic juice against the toxicity of methyl mercuric chloride (MMC) in relation to fetal ossification in pregnant Fischer 344 rats. This study has as its basis, both theory and data that neutral amino acids in garlic juice have protective effects against mercury poisoning. Pregnant rats were dosed in various combination with 20 mg MMC/kg body wt. and 0.5 or 1.0 garlic juice/kg body wt. on the 7th day of gestation. Fetuses were extracted from the dams on 20th day of gestation, and the fetal bones were stained and measured. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Fetal body weights, body lengths, and head length were significantly decreased by as much as 23.5%, 21.3%, 15.5% respectively in 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were almost similar to the controls. 2. The ossification centers were significantly decreased by as much as 35.1% in pelvic phalanges, 53.5% in pectoral phalanges, 74.1% in ternebrae, 76.2% in tail in 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were significantly increased by as much as $81.2{\sim}88.7%$ and $94.8{\sim}98.9%$ of controls. 3. The ossified pectoral girdles were significantly decreased by as much as 66.6% in clavicle, and in other areas $74.2{\sim}87.4%$ in the 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were significantly increased by as much as $81.2{\sim}88.7%$ and $94.8{\sim}98.9%$ of the controls. 4. The ossified pelvic girdles were significantly decreased by as much as 57.1% and 56.1% in two ischium, $67.2{\sim}81.7%$ in metacarpals in the 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were significantly increased by as much as $67.0{\sim}85.6%$ and $90.1{\sim}98.7%$ of the controls. 5. The ossified terenebrae were unchanged or significantly decreased; 0.0% in 5th, 54.1% in 1st, 83.9% in 2nd, 75.0% in 3rd, 72.7% in 4th, 79.8% in 6th of 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were significantly increased by as much as $29.5{\sim}55.1%$ and $54.5{\sim}84.0%$ of the controls. 6. The ossified ribs were significantly decreased by as much as $8.3{\sim}18.0%$ in 20 mg/wt kg methyl mercuric chloride groups (p<0.05). But in the garlic treated groups, they were significantly increased by as much as $87.1{\sim}93.5%$ and $96.3{\sim}99.7%$ of the controls. In conclusion, Korean garlic juice significantly protected against the toxicity of MMC in relation to the fetal ossification in pregnant rats.