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A Study on the 'Naksubaji(horizontal gutter)' of Ancient Wooden Pagodas in Korea (한국 고대목탑 낙수받이 고찰)

  • Tahk, Kyung Baek
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.4-39
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    • 2009
  • The foundations of ancient wooden pagoda consist of the stylobate soil, exteriors, stairways and etc. The factors were different according to the time, region and the architects. As a result of many archaeological researches, we have the data of horizontal gutters as a part of the foundations of ancient wooden pagodas in Gogureyo, China, Japan. But so far archaeological researches have not revealed such data in Baekje and Silla~Unified Silla period wooden pagodas. In genarally, the eaves must protrude as much as the outer line of the foundation to protect its upper side from rain. The purpose of the aforementioned horizontal gutter was to protect the foundations of ancient wooden pagodas. In this article, we call this horizontal gutter the Naksubaji. After researching many archaeological findings of ancient wooden pagodas of China, Korea and Japan from 5th century to 7th century, it is suggested that the Naksubaji was installed to wooden pagodas of Baekje period in 6th century and Silla~Unified Silla periods in 7th century. In wooden pagodas of Baekje period in 6th century, Naksubajis were found in wooden pagodas of Gunsurisaji temple site, Neungsanrisaji temple site, Wangheungsaji temple site. Especially in case of the Wangheungsaji temple site, presumed line to make stylobate of wooden pagoda in Baekje period was confirmed by archaeological research and this case is similar to the early period wooden pagodas in Japan. Goryeocheok(ruler used in the Three Kingdoms) was used to construct wooden pagodas. According to the restoration plan of wooden pagodas to verify the protrusion of eaves, the ratio of the length of the foundation:the length of 1st storied building:the length of the center:the length of the corner was 4.9:2.7:1:0.9 between Gunsurisaji temple site pagoda and Wangheungsaji temple site pagoda. Also I found tne same length of tne 1st storied building between Gunsurisaji temple site pagoda and Wangheungsaji temple site pagoda. Therefore the exact scales and planning were adapted to the establishment of wooden pagodas in 6th century in Baekje period. But the Naksubaji was not producted after 6th century in Baekje period. Because the big wooden pagoda had been appeared, they were needed other style of the foundation. In wooden pagodas which were made in Silla~Unified Silla periods in 7th century, I found the Naksubaji in wooden pagodas in Youngmyosajl temple site, Hwangnyongsaji temple site, Sacheonwangsa temple site. The line of stone in Youngmyosajl temple site, the 2nd line expressed the area of pagoda, the relative analysis of the lower foundation between Neungsanrisaji temple site pagoda and Sacheonwangsa temple site pagoda were examined the Naksubaji. In Silla~Unified Silla periods, the establishment of wooden pagodas was started at 7th century. So they had the exactly details of wooden pagoda, but we had no data of the Naksubaji after the time made Sacheonwangsa temple site.

A Study on Perception Survey of Elementary Preservice Teachers on Teaching Methods in Astronomy (초등예비교사들의 천문영역 교수방법에 대한 인식 조사 연구)

  • Yong-seob Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted on 115 students from 4 classes of 2nd year intensive courses at B University of Education. Elementary preservice teachers were surveyed on what teaching methods they were aware of regarding the subject of elementary science astronomy. Recognition data of 80 people from whom the questionnaire was collected were analyzed. For this study, a 5-day survey was conducted. Elementary preservice teachers complained of difficulties in teaching methods in the astronomy area among various areas of the science department. The purpose of this study was to find out what difficulties elementary preservice teachers have in teaching elementary science astronomy topics, and to find more efficient teaching methods for teaching astronomy topics. The topic of the survey was set by discussing with the preparatory elementary teachers about what kind of survey to use in teaching the subject of elementary science astronomy. There are many topics for elementary science astronomy, but two questionnaires were prepared focusing on the unit on the earth and the moon. 'What does the earth look like?' in Unit 4 (1/10) of the 3rd year, 1st semester In Unit 2 (1/11) of the 1st semester of the 6th grade, it was set as 'What does the moon look like?'. Candidly describe how to teach the subject of astronomy to elementary school students by mobilizing all the background knowledge of preparatory elementary teachers. The results of these surveys were visualized and displayed using Netminer as a language analysis method, and the contents of the responses to the actual surveys by pre-service elementary school teachers were described and interpreted. Based on these results, preparatory elementary teachers tried to suggest a more efficient teaching method for the subject of elementary science astronomy. In addition, basic procedures and methods for lecturing on the subject of elementary science astronomy were presented. A more efficient teaching method for teaching elementary science astronomy subjects to pre-service elementary teachers was suggested.

Prevalence and Patterns of Congenitally Missing Teeth among Pediatric Patients Aged 8 - 16 in Pusan National University Dental Hospital (부산대학교 치과병원에 내원한 8 - 16세 환자의 선천성 치아 결손 유병률 및 유형 평가)

  • Eunjin Kim;Soyoung Park;Eungyung Lee;Taesung Jeong;Jonghyun Shin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and patterns of congenitally missing teeth in permanent teeth excluding third molars, in patients aged 8 to 16 years who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital from January 2010 to February 2021. This retrospective study evaluated tooth agenesis and the pattern of missing teeth represented by the tooth agenesis code by reviewing panoramic radiographs and electronic medical records of 11,759 patients, including 5,548 females and 6,211 males. The prevalence of congenitally missing teeth was 10.74% (females 11.95%, males 9.66%, p < 0.0001). Patients with tooth agenesis had an average of 2.22 missing teeth, and congenitally missing teeth occurred more frequently in the mandible (8.39%) than in the maxilla (4.52%, p < 0.0001). The mandibular second premolar (58.19%) was the most frequently missing tooth. The second premolar was the most frequently missing tooth in all quadrants (30.10%, 31.67%, 43.14%, and 35.59%) when a single tooth was absent, while the first and second premolars were the most commonly absent teeth (11.69%, 11.47%, 5.94%, and 5.24%) when two or more teeth were missing. In the relationship between maxillary-mandibular antagonistic quadrants and full mouth, the 1st to 4th place of the missing patterns were all involved with the 1st and 2nd premolars. This study can be clinically helpful in establishing a treatment plan for patients with missing teeth. In addition, it can be used as basic data for molecular biological research to find out the relationship between tooth agenesis and specific genes.

Reconsideration of the Formation Process of Current Nagyangchun (현행 낙양춘의 형성과정 재고)

  • Yim, Hyun-taek
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.43
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    • pp.79-120
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    • 2021
  • Nagyangchun is a Dangak that has been handed down to the present time with Boheoja as a Saak of the Song Dynasty which was introduced in the Goryeo Dynasty. The title and lyrics of Nagyangchun are conveyed in the Dangakjo of Goryeosa-akji and the Jeungbomunheonbigo. The remaining scores containing Nagyangchun include Akjangyoram, Sogagwonbo Vol.4 and Vol.6 of the Joseon Dynasty and Aakbu-akbo, the 6th Aaksaeng-gyogwacheol, Leewangjikaakbu-oseonakbo during the Japanese colonial period. Besides, the current melody of Nagyangchun is based on Hangugeumak and Gugakjeonjib published by the National Gugak Center. This paper aims to examine how Nagyangchun, which is currently being performed at the National Gugak Center, went through the process of change to have the same structure and form as it is now using these scores as a research subject. The study results are summarized as follows. First, the song of Nagyangchun, which was originally Saak but transmitted as an instrumental piece without lyrics, first appeared in the Hangugeumak Vol.16 and Gugakjeonjib Vol.7 published by the National Gugak Center in 1978 and 1979. In this process, the Janggu added by Kim Ki-soo is now disappearing and is replaced by Jwago. Second, though the five notes of 黃, 太, 仲, 林, and 南 have been maintained unchanged since the Akjangyoram, the pitch of 無/應 and 夾/姑, which appear once each, gradually rises and is unified into 應 and 姑 during the period of Aaksaeng-gyogwacheol or at the latest Leewangjikaakbu-oseonakbo, and reached the present. Third, the current melody of Nagyangchun consists of a structure in which the tones and range of each phrase rises within the form of Mijeonsa (a·b·c·d) and Mihusa (e·b'·c'·d'). Particularly, except for the a-type and e-type melodies, which are the introduction for the Mijeonsa and Mihusa, the remaining melodic types show a gradually descending structure within the corresponding phrase, so the structure of ascending and descending is generally in harmony. Forth, the Ganeum that appeared from Aakbu-akbo are currently classified into seven types, and they appear in ascending pitches of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th and play a role in smoothly or fluently connecting melodic progression. Fifth, after Akjangyoram, Nagyangchun, which had been handed down as an instrumental piece without lyrics, was restored in 1960 by Lee Hye-gu, and is being passed down as the form of male and female vocals added to the instrumental accompaniment. As a result of examining the current Nagyangchun, which was formed through the process of change after Akjangyoram, it was found that there were tasks that required reconsideration of the current Nagyangchun, which is being played at the National Gugak Center, such as the arrangement of Janggu, the identification of the key, and the investigation of the lyrics. When follow-up studies are continued in the future, it will be able to contribute to the cultural transmission of Nagyangchun.

Analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate fauna and habitat environment of Muljangori-oreum wetland in Jeju Island (제주도 물장오리오름 습지의 저서성 대형무척추동물상 및 서식 환경 분석)

  • Jung Soo Han;Chae Hui An;Jeong Cheol Lim;Kwang Jin Cho;Hwang Goo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.363-373
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    • 2022
  • On April 29, 2021 (1st), June 2 (2nd), and August 17 (3rd), we surveyed benthic macroinvertebrates fauna at Muljangori-oreum wetland in Bonggae-dong, Jeju Island, Korea. Muljangori-oreum wetland was divided into four areas. The survey was conducted in three accessible areas (areas 1-3). As a result of habitat environment analysis, the average monthly temperature from 2017 to 2021 was the highest in July and August and the lowest in December and February. This pattern was repeated. As a result of analyzing changes in vegetation and water surface area through satellite images, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) increased from February to July and decreased after July. Normalized difference water index (NDWI) was analyzed to show an inverse relationship. A total of 21 species from 13 families were identified in the qualitative survey and a total of 412 individuals of 24 species from 15 families were identified in the quantitative survey. A total of 26 species from 17 families, 8 orders, 3 classes, and 2 phyla of benthic macroinvertebrates were identified. The dominant species was Chronomidae spp. with 132 individuals (32.04%). Noterus japonicus was a subdominant species with 71 individuals (17.23%). As a result of comparative analysis of species identified in this study and the literature, it was confirmed that species diversity was high for Coleoptera and Odonata. Main functional feeding groups (FFGs) were found to be predators. Habitat orientation groups (HOGs) were found to be swimmers. In OHC (Odonata, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera) group, 17 species (73.91%) in 2021, 23 species (79.31%) in 2016, 26 species (86.67%) in 2018, and 19 species (79.17%) in 2019 were identified. Cybister japonicus, an endangered species II, was confirmed to inhabit Muljangori-oreum wetland in the literature. Ten individuals (2.43%) were also confirmed to inhabit Muljangori-oreum wetland in 2021. Therefore, continuous management and habitat protection are required to maintain the habitat environment of C. japonicus in Muljangori-oreum wetland.

Development of case-based learning and co-teaching clinical practice education model for pre-service nurses (예비간호사를 위한 사례기반학습 및 코티칭 임상실습 교육모형 개발)

  • Hyunjeong Kim;Heekyoung Hyoung;Hyunwoo Kim;Seryeong Kim
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.245-271
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a nursing clinical practice education model that applies case-based learning and co-teaching to nursing students, and to secure the validity of the developed model. To verify the validity of the nursing clinical practice education model, it was applied to the subject of 'Health Response and Nursing VI (Perception/ Cognition) Practice' in the 2nd semester of 2021 at J University in Jeonju, and the instructor's response to the model was evaluated. Surveys and focus group interviews were conducted on confidence in clinical practice and teaching and learning models. After deriving the case-based learning stage and co-teaching elements through a review of precedent literature and case studies, an initial model was devised after expert review, and the devised model was reviewed for internal validity by nursing education experts, and then modified and supplemented. As a result of the learner response evaluation conducted after applying the model to the clinical practice subject for external validation verification, the confidence in clinical performance was 4.22 points and the satisfaction with the teaching-learning model was 4.68 points. Summarizing the results of the focus group interview, the importance of prior learning and the learning of selected cases based on actual cases, learning terminology and professional knowledge, eliminated fear of the practice field, felt familiar, and learned various cases. He said that he was able to think critically through the time to organize the knowledge learned in the practice field. In addition, through co-teaching, it was found that field leaders and advisors taught the theoretical and practical aspects at the same time through examples, thereby experiencing practical education closer to practice. It is expected that the nursing clinical practice education model developed through this study, applying case-based learning and co-teaching, will be an effective teaching and learning model that can reduce the gap between theory and practice and improve the clinical performance of nursing students.

A comprehensive analysis of temporal characteristics in independent rainstorm events in Seoul: focusing on changes in unit time and secondary peak constant (서울특별시 내 독립 호우사상의 시간분포 특성 분석: 분 단위와 차첨두 상수의 조건 변화를 중심으로)

  • Cha, Hoyoung;Lee, Jinwook;Jun, Changhyun;Byun, Jongyun;Baik, Jongjin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.785-799
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we proposed a new concept termed the Secondary Peak Constant (SPC) and discerned the temporal characteristics of independent rainstorm events based on unit time and SPC about 24 observation stations in Seoul. Utilizing rainfall observations from 2000 to 2022, independent rainstorm events discreted from rainfall data per unit time. The temporal characteristics of these events were derived according to unit time, and temporal characteristics of the peak rainfall were identified through the SPC. Finally, the temporal characteristics of independent rainstorm events were examined distinctively when analyzed by unit time and SPC. Independent rainstorm events with smaller unit time showed significantly larger total rainfall, rainfall duration, and rainfall intensity. The temporal characteristics of the largest peak rainfall (1st Peak) within independent rainstorm events followed a sequence of Q4>Q2>Q3>Q1. Additionally, the 2nd Peak rainfall predominantly occurred the location where the 1st Peak appeared. The proportion of independent rainstorm events with multiple peak rainfalls exceeded 50.0% when the SPC was 0.7 or lower. The average number of peak rainfalls within independent rainstorm events ranged from 1.5 to 3.4. This study identified the temporal characteristics of independent rainstorm events based on unit time. Then, the peak rainfall of temporal characteristics was quantified by SPC on this study. Hence, it is evident that the temporal characteristics of independent rainstorm events for specific area can be anlayzed and quantified based on unit time and SPC.

Optimization and Development of Prediction Model on the Removal Condition of Livestock Wastewater using a Response Surface Method in the Photo-Fenton Oxidation Process (Photo-Fenton 산화공정에서 반응표면분석법을 이용한 축산폐수의 COD 처리조건 최적화 및 예측식 수립)

  • Cho, Il-Hyoung;Chang, Soon-Woong;Lee, Si-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.642-652
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    • 2008
  • The aim of our research was to apply experimental design methodology in the optimization condition of Photo-Fenton oxidation of the residual livestock wastewater after the coagulation process. The reactions of Photo-Fenton oxidation were mathematically described as a function of parameters amount of Fe(II)($x_1$), $H_2O_2(x_2)$ and pH($x_3$) being modeled by the use of the Box-Behnken method, which was used for fitting 2nd order response surface models and was alternative to central composite designs. The application of RSM using the Box-Behnken method yielded the following regression equation, which is an empirical relationship between the removal(%) of livestock wastewater and test variables in coded unit: Y = 79.3 + 15.61x$_1$ - 7.31x$_2$ - 4.26x$_3$ - 18x$_1{^2}$ - 10x$_2{^2}$ - 11.9x$_3{^2}$ + 2.49x$_1$x$_2$ - 4.4x$_2$x$_3$ - 1.65x$_1$x$_3$. The model predicted also agreed with the experimentally observed result(R$^2$ = 0.96) The results show that the response of treatment removal(%) in Photo-Fenton oxidation of livestock wastewater were significantly affected by the synergistic effect of linear terms(Fe(II)($x_1$), $H_2O_2(x_2)$, pH(x$_3$)), whereas Fe(II) $\times$ Fe(II)(x$_1{^2}$), $H_2O_2$ $\times$ $H_2O_2$(x$_2{^2}$) and pH $\times$ pH(x$_3{^2}$) on the quadratic terms were significantly affected by the antagonistic effect. $H_2O_2$ $\times$ pH(x$_2$x$_3$) had also a antagonistic effect in the cross-product term. The estimated ridge of the expected maximum response and optimal conditions for Y using canonical analysis were 84 $\pm$ 0.95% and (Fe(II)(X$_1$) = 0.0146 mM, $H_2O_2$(X$_2$) = 0.0867 mM and pH(X$_3$) = 4.704, respectively. The optimal ratio of Fe/H$_2O_2$ was also 0.17 at the pH 4.7.

The Landscape Configuration and Semantic Landscape of Hamheo-pavilion in Gokseong (곡성 함허정(涵虛亭)의 경관짜임과 의미경관)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Sim, Woo-Kyung;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2015
  • This research traced the characteristics of the semantic landscape, construction intent, landscape composition, and geomantic conditions of the area subject to the research based on the research methods of 'field investigation, document studies, and interviews,' centering around the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion (Jeonnam Tangible Cultural Assets No. 160). The result of the research, specifically revealing the forms and methods by which the reciprocal view of nature and landscape composition appearing in the landscape of the entire area of Hamheo-pavilion, as part of the analysis and interpretation over the view-based construction characteristics and position of the entire area of Gokseong Hamheo-pavilion, can be summarized as follows. First, Hamheo-pavilion is a pavilion built as a resting area and as a venue for educational activities in 1543 in the nearby areas after Gwang-hyeon Sim founded Gunjichon-jeongsa for educational activities and dwelling purposes at Gunchon at the 30th year of King Jungjong. Gunchon, where Hamheo-pavilion and Gunjichon-jeongsa is located, exhibits the typical form having water in the front, facing Sunja-river(present Seomjin-river), and a mountain in the back side. Dongak-mountain, which is a guardian mountain, is in a snail-type form where cows leisurely ruminate and lie on the riverside, and the Hamheo-pavilion area is said to be an area bordering on one's way of enjoying peace and richness as it is a place with plentiful grass bushes available for cows to ruminate and lie down while sheppards may leisurely play their flutes at the riverside. The back hill of Hamheo-pavilion is a blood vessel that enters the water into the underwater palace of the turtle, and the building sitting on the turtle's back is Hamheo-pavilion, and the Guam-jodae(龜巖釣臺) and lava on the southern side below the cliff can be interpreted to be the underwater fairly land wanted by the turtle.6) Second, Hamheo-pavilion is the scenery viewpoint of Sungang-Cheongpung (3rd Scenery) and Seolsan-Nakjo(雪山落照, 9th Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Gokseong, while also the scenery viewpoint of Hamheo-Sunja(2nd Scenery) and Cheonma-Gwiam(天馬歸岩, 3rd Scenery) among the eight sceneries of Ipmyeon. On the other hand, the pavilion is reproduced through the aesthetics of bends through sensible penetration and transcendental landscape viewed based on the Confucian-topos and ethics as the four bends among the five bends of Sunja-river arranged in the 'Santaegeuk(山太極) and Sutaeguek(水太極, formation of the yin-yang symbol by the mountain and water)' form, which is alike the connection of yin and yang. In particular, when based on the description over Mujinjeong (3rd Bend), Hoyeonjeong(4th Bend), andHapgangjeong(2nd Bend) among the five bends of Sunja-river in the records of Bibyeonsainbangan-jido(duringthe 18th century) and Okgwahyeonji(1788), the scenery of the five bends of Sunja-river allow to glimpse into its reputation as an attraction-type connected scenery in the latter period of the Joseon era, instead of only being perceived of its place identity embracing the fairyland world by crossing in and out of the world of this world and nirvana. Third, Hamheo-pavilion, which exhibits exquisite aesthetics of vacancy, is where the 'forest landscape composed of old big trees such as oak trees, oriental oak trees, and pine trees,' 'rock landscape such as Guam-jodae, lava, and layered rocks' and 'cultural landscape of Gunchon village' is spread close by. In the middle, it has a mountain scenery composed of Sunja-river, Masan-peak, and Gori-peak, and it is a place where the scenery by Gori-peak, Masan-peak, Mudeung-mountain, and Seol-mountain is spread and open in $180^{\circ}$ from the east to west. Mangseo-jae, the sarangchae (men's room)of Gunjichon-jeongsa, means a 'house observing Seoseok-mountain,' which has realized the diverse view-oriented intent, such as by allowing to look up Seol-mountain or Mudeung-mountain, which are back mountains behind the front mountain, through landscape configuration. Fourth, the private home, place for educational activities, pavilion, memorial room, and graveyard of Gunji-village, where the existence and ideal is connected, is a semantic connected scenery relating to the life cycle of the gentry linking 'formation - abundance - transcendence - regression.' In particular, based on the fact that the descriptions over reciprocal views of nature regarding an easy and comfortable life and appreciations for a picturesque scene of the areas nearby Sunja-river composes most of the poetic phrases relating to Hamheo-pavilion, it can be known that Hamheo-pavilion is expressed as the key to the idea of 'understanding how to be satisfied while maintaining one's positon with a comfortable mind' and 'returning to nature,' while also being expressed of its pedantic character as a place for reclusion for training one's mind and training others through metaphysical semantic scenery.

The Study on the Influence of Capstone Design & Field Training on Employment Rate: Focused on Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation(LINC) (캡스톤디자인 및 현장실습이 취업률에 미치는 영향: 산학협력선도대학(LINC)을 중심으로)

  • Park Namgue
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2023
  • In order to improve employment rates, most universities operate programs to strengthen students' employment and entrepreneurship, regardless of whether they are selected as the Leading Industry-Innovative University (LINC) or not. In particular, in the case of non-metropolitan universities are risking their lives to improve employment rates. In order to overcome the limitations of university establishment type and university location, which absolutely affect the employment rate, we are operating a startup education & startup support program in order to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship, and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs are always available. Although there are studies on effectiveness verification centered on LINC (Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) in previous studies, but a longitudinal study was conducted on all factors of university factors, startup education & startup support, and capstone design & field training as industry-university-linked education programs as factors affecting the employment rate based on public disclosure indicators. No cases of longitudinal studies were reported. This study targets 116 universities that satisfy the conditions based on university disclosure indicators from 2018 to 2020 that were recently released on university factors, startup education & startup support, and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs as factors affecting the employment rate. We analyzed the differences between the LINC (Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) 51 participating universities and 64 non-participating universities. In addition, considering that there is no historical information on the overlapping participation of participating students due to the limitations of public indicators, the Exposure Effect theory states that long-term exposure to employment and entrepreneurship competency enhancement programs will affect the employment rate through competency enhancement. Based on this, the effectiveness of the 2nd LINC+ (socially customized Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) was verified from 2017 to 2021 through a longitudinal causal relationship analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the startup education & startup support and capstone design & field training as industry-academia-linked education programs of the 2nd LINC+ (socially customized Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation) did not affect the employment rate. As a result of the longitudinal causal relationship analysis, it was reconfirmed that universities in metropolitan areas still have higher employment rates than universities in non-metropolitan areas due to existing university factors, and that private universities have higher employment rates than national universities. Among employment and entrepreneurship competency strengthening programs, the number of people who complete entrepreneurship courses, the number of people who complete capstone design, the amount of capstone design payment, and the number of dedicated faculty members partially affect the employment rate by year, while field training has no effect at all by year. It was confirmed that long-term exposure to the entrepreneurship capacity building program did not affect the employment rate. Therefore, it was reconfirmed that in order to improve the employment rate of universities, the limitations of non-metropolitan areas and national and public universities must be overcome. To overcome this, as a program to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship capabilities, it is important to strengthen entrepreneurship through participation in entrepreneurship lectures and actively introduce and be confident in the capstone design program that strengthens the concept of PBL (Problem Based Learning), and the field training program improves the employment rate. In order for actually field training affect of the employment rate, it is necessary to proceed with a substantial program through reorganization of the overall academic system and organization.

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