• Title/Summary/Keyword: NATM 라이닝

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A Study on the Rock Loads of NATM Tunnel Concrete Lining (NATM 터널 콘크리트라이닝 암반하중 산정방법 고찰)

  • 천병식;박태수;신영완
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2001
  • A concrete lining of NATM tunnel is the final product of a process that involves planning and evaluation of user needs, geotechnical investigations, analysis of ground-lining interaction, construction, and observations and modifications during construction. The designer must consider the lining in context of the many function, construction, and geotechnical requirements. Also, the loss of supporting capacity of shotcrete lining due to poor rock qualities and shotcrete erosion must be considered. The values, shapes, and estimating methods of rock load and water pressure are very different with every designers. Estimating methods of rock loads used in the design of NATM tunnel concrete lining are investigated. Numerical analyses are done in various conditions. And the rock loads estimated from radial stress and plastic zone are compared respectively.

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Convergence-confinement method of a tunnel with the consideration of seepage forces (침투력을 고려한 터널의 내공변위 제어 미케니즘)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Yoo, Seung-Youl;Nam, Seok-Woo;Shin, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2005
  • When a tunnel is excavated below groundwater table, the groundwater flow occurs towards the tunnel resulting in the seepage pressure. In this paper, the effect of groundwater flows on the behavior of shotcrete lining installed between ground-liner interfaces was studied considering permeability ratio between the ground and the shotcrete into account. Three-dimensional coupled finite element analysis was performed for this assessment. Seepage forces will seriously affect the shotcrete behavior since arching phenomena do not occur in seepage forces. A parametric study was conducted on the various tunnelling situations including interfacial properties between ground and shotcrete lining, the shape of tunnel cross-section and the thickness of liner, etc. Moreover, the convergence-confinement method (CCM) of a NATM tunnel considering seepage forces was proposed. The result showed that the more water tight is the shotcrete, the smaller is the convergence and the larger is the internal pressure. Therefore, the watertight fiber-reinforced shotcrete is found to be even more advantageous when used in under water tunnel.

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A Study on the Proper Transfer Distance for Minimizing Air Flotation Loss of Backfilling Material of NATM Composite lining Tunnel in the Model Test (충진 모형실험을 통한 NATM Composite 라이닝 터널 뒤채움재의 기포손실 최소화를 위한 적정 이송거리 고찰)

  • Ma, Sang-Joon;Choi, Hee-Sup;Lee, Heung-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Duk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1555-1558
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, result of whole test, When the Transfer Distance is increasing, Strength of Backfilling Material of NATM Composite lining Tunnel due to increasing Gravity was increased, but that is higher the Air Flotation than increasing Strength. So, That was predicted a drop of Permeability. And Performing the placing Lightweight Foamed Mortar, we think that it's performance in drain material was lost. Therefore We conclude that Proper Transfer Distance that taking Permeability through minimizing of Air Flotation Loss and getting the Need Strength is 50m.

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A Study on the Restraint-Effect of Ground Settlement by Nail Reinforcement of Tunnel in Soft Ground (토사NATM 터널의 네일 보강에 의한 지반침하 억제효과에 관한 연구)

  • 임종철;고호성;박이근;오명렬
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2000
  • 네일(또는 락볼트)은 토사터널의 NATM 시공 시 보강재로 사용되어진다. 그러나, 네일의 적절한 설치방법이 아직까지 정립되지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 네일의 길이와 위치를 변화하여, 그 효용성을 연구하였다. 그 결과, 네일이 지반보강을 위하여 토사지반에 사용될 시 경제적인 길이는 터널직경의 0.5배이다. 보강의 효용성은 네일의 위치에 따라 터널라이닝 측벽의 하부, 중부, 상부의 순서이다.

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Study on Discovery of Vulnerable Factors in Road Tunnels through AHP Analysis (AHP분석을 통한 도로터널의 취약요소 발굴에 관한 연구)

  • Seong-Kyu Yun;Gichun Kang
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to identify vulnerability factors through comprehensive safety diagnosis and to seek improvement measures for the safety and maintenance of facilities. In this study, the results of road tunnel inspections and diagnostics were converted into a database (DB). Using this data, we explored to identify vulnerable elements (NATM, ASSM) based on structural types and to develop efficient improvement measures. In this study, we analyzed 76 detailed safety diagnosis reports covering 45 different types of road tunnel facilities. In the detailed guidelines for comprehensive safety diagnosis, the database (DB) items for identifying vulnerable factors were selected by categorizing the basic information, such as the year of completion and damage items. In addition, AHP analysis was conducted separately through experts in related fields to analyze the correlation between damages. As a result, the primary vulnerability factors for NATM and ASSM were identified as cracks, leaks, insufficient lining thickness, and joint rear. ASSM was identified as relatively more susceptible to network cracks and material separation compared to NATM. In contrast, flaking and rebar exposure were interpreted as more significant vulnerabilities for NATM than for ASSM. In addition, the correlation between elements in NATM was found to be low, whereas in ASSM, the correlation between elements was high, indicating a more organic relationship.

Dynamic response of segment lining due to train-induced vibration (세그먼트 라이닝의 열차 진동하중에 대한 동적 응답특성)

  • Gyeong-Ju Yi;Ki-Il Song
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.305-330
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    • 2023
  • Unlike NATM tunnels, Shield TBM tunnels have split linings. Therefore, the stress distribution of the lining is different even if the lining is under the same load. Representative methods for analyzing the stress generated in lining in Shield TBM tunnels include Non-joint Mode that does not consider connections and a 2-ring beam-spring model that considers ring-to-ring joints and segment connections. This study is an analysis method by Break-joint Mode. However, we do not consider the structural role of segment lining connections. The effectiveness of the modeling is verified by analyzing behavioral characteristics against vibration loads by modeling with segment connection interfaces to which vertical stiffness and shear stiffness, which are friction components, are applied. Unlike the Non-joint mode, where the greatest stress occurs on the crown for static loads such as earth pressure, the stress distribution caused by contact between segment lining and friction stiffness produced the smallest stress in the crown key segment where segment connections were concentrated. The stress distribution was clearly distinguished based on segment connections. The results of static analysis by earth pressure, etc., produced up to seven times the stress generated in Non-joint mode compared to the stress generated by Break-joint Mode. This result is consistent with the stress distribution pattern of the 2-ring beam-spring model. However, as for the stress value for the train vibration load, the stress of Break-joint Mode was greater than that of Non-joint mode. This is a different result from the static mechanics concept that a segment ring consisting of a combination of short members is integrated in the circumferential direction, resulting in a smaller stress than Non-joint mode with a relatively longer member length.

A Study on Concrete Lining Stress Changes Considering Load Supporting Capacity of Primary Supports of NATM Tunnel (NATM 터널에서 1차지보재의 지보압을 고려한 콘크리트라이닝 응력변화에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Sang Hyun;Shin, Young Wan;Yoo, Han Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.4C
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2011
  • Currently NATM tunnels are designed by applying the initial ground loads caused during construction to the primary supports, conisting of shotcrete, steel ribs and rock bolts. For long term considerations, it is assumed that the primary supports lose its functionality and therefore the secondary support, i.e. concrete lining, is design to resist against the entire ground loads. But the steel ribs, usually applied to bad ground conditions, are embedded in shotcrete causing very little corrosion and therefore the assumption that the primary support will lose all of its functionality is too conservative. Also even though shotcrete carbonates in long term, excluding it from design is also too conservative. In this study, we have, through analytical and numerical analysis, set a rational level of support pressure and allowable relaxed rock mass height sustainable by the primary support for long term design. Changes in sectional forces of the concrete lining considering the calculated support pressure of the primary supports was also carried out. Shallow subway tunnels were considered in the analysis with weathered rock and soft rock ground conditions. The analysis results showed that, by considering the support pressure of steel ribs, an economical design of the concrete lining is possible.

Effect of Shotcrete Lining Adherence on Load Carrying Capacity of Lining (숏크라트 라이닝 층간 부착성이 라이닝의 하중지지력에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Chung-Sik;Kim, Sun-Bin;Bae, Gyu-Jin;Shin, Hyu-Soung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2006
  • This paper concerns the effect of lining interface adherence on the lining's load carrying capacity. A series of reduced scale laboratory tests and finite element anlayses were carried out with the aim of gaining insight into the effect of shotcrete lining adherence on the load carrying capacity of double shell lining. The results indicated among other things that the load carrying capacity of a double shell tunnel is significantly affected by the adherence between layers. Also revealed was that for cases with low lining layer adherence stress concentration may occur due to relative movement between the lining layers with this trend being more pronounced with increasing tunnel cover depth. Practical implications from the results of this study are discussed in great detail.

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An Experimental Study on the Effect of Malfunctioning of Drainage System on NATM Tunnel Linings (NATM 터널의 배수시스템 수리기능저하가 터널 라이닝에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jong-Ho;Kwon, Oh-Yeob;Shin, Yong-Suk;Yang, Yu-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2007
  • One of the most sensitive design specifications to be considered is infiltration and external pore-water pressures on underground structure construction. Development of pore-water pressure may accelerate leakage and consequently cause deterioration of the lining. In this paper, the development of pore-water pressure due to malfunctioning of drainage system and its potential effect on the linings are investigated using physical model tests. The deterioration procedure was simulated by controlling both permeability and flow rate. Development of pore-water pressure was monitored on the lining using pore pressure measurement cells. Test results identified the mechanism of pore-water pressure development on the tunnel lining. In addition, they showed that controlling flow rate is more effective method fur simulating deterioration procedure than permeability control. The laboratory model tests were reproduced using coupled numerical method, and showed that the effect of deterioration of drainage system can be theoretically expected using coupled numerical modeling method.