• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multiple Performance Characteristics

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High-resolution medium-range streamflow prediction using distributed hydrological model WRF-Hydro and numerical weather forecast GDAPS (분포형 수문모형 WRF-Hydro와 기상수치예보모형 GDAPS를 활용한 고해상도 중기 유량 예측)

  • Kim, Sohyun;Kim, Bomi;Lee, Garim;Lee, Yaewon;Noh, Seong Jin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.333-346
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    • 2024
  • High-resolution medium-range streamflow prediction is crucial for sustainable water quality and aquatic ecosystem management. For reliable medium-range streamflow predictions, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of forcings and to effectively utilize weather forecast data with low spatio-temporal resolutions. In this study, we presented a comparative analysis of medium-range streamflow predictions using the distributed hydrological model, WRF-Hydro, and the numerical weather forecast Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS) in the Geumho River basin, Korea. Multiple forcings, ground observations (AWS&ASOS), numerical weather forecast (GDAPS), and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), were ingested to investigate the performance of streamflow predictions with highresolution WRF-Hydro configuration. In terms of the mean areal accumulated rainfall, GDAPS was overestimated by 36% to 234%, and GLDAS reanalysis data were overestimated by 80% to 153% compared to AWS&ASOS. The performance of streamflow predictions using AWS&ASOS resulted in KGE and NSE values of 0.6 or higher at the Kangchang station. Meanwhile, GDAPS-based streamflow predictions showed high variability, with KGE values ranging from 0.871 to -0.131 depending on the rainfall events. Although the peak flow error of GDAPS was larger or similar to that of GLDAS, the peak flow timing error of GDAPS was smaller than that of GLDAS. The average timing errors of AWS&ASOS, GDAPS, and GLDAS were 3.7 hours, 8.4 hours, and 70.1 hours, respectively. Medium-range streamflow predictions using GDAPS and high-resolution WRF-Hydro may provide useful information for water resources management especially in terms of occurrence and timing of peak flow albeit high uncertainty in flood magnitude.

A Comparison between Multiple Satellite AOD Products Using AERONET Sun Photometer Observations in South Korea: Case Study of MODIS,VIIRS, Himawari-8, and Sentinel-3 (우리나라에서 AERONET 태양광도계 자료를 이용한 다종위성 AOD 산출물 비교평가: MODIS, VIIRS, Himawari-8, Sentinel-3의 사례연구)

  • Kim, Seoyeon;Jeong, Yemin;Youn, Youjeong;Cho, Subin;Kang, Jonggu;Kim, Geunah;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.543-557
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    • 2021
  • Because aerosols have different spectral characteristics according to the size and composition of the particle and to the satellite sensors, a comparative analysis of aerosol products from various satellite sensors is required. In South Korea, however, a comprehensive study for the comparison of various official satellite AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) products for a long period is not easily found. In this paper, we aimed to assess the performance of the AOD products from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite), Himawari-8, and Sentinel-3 by referring to the AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sun photometer observations for the period between January 2015 and December 2019. Seasonal and geographical characteristics of the accuracy of satellite AOD were also analyzed. The MODIS products, which were accumulated for a long time and optimized by the new MAIAC (Multiangle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction) algorithm, showed the best accuracy (CC=0.836) and were followed by the products from VIIRS and Himawari-8. On the other hand, Sentinel-3 AOD did not appear to have a good quality because it was recently launched and not sufficiently optimized yet, according to ESA (European Space Agency). The AOD of MODIS, VIIRS, and Himawari-8 did not show a significant difference in accuracy according to season and to urban vs. non-urban regions, but the mixed pixel problem was partly found in a few coastal regions. Because AOD is an essential component for atmospheric correction, the result of this study can be a reference to the future work for the atmospheric correction for the Korean CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) series.

The Effects of The Distinction in Family Business on CEO Succession Types: A Behavioral Agency Theory Perspective (행동대리인 이론관점에서 가족기업 특성이 승계에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyung;Moon, Chul-Woo;Kim, Sang-kyun;Lee, Byung-Hee
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2017
  • The first generation of the business that had been founded in 1960~1970s faces the situation to consider the succession of the family business developed by devotion of their whole lives in the critical timing to the next generation. In the process of selecting the party of family business succession, it is required to consider a variety of succession types including smooth transfer to the other family member or the employee of the company, selling the company, or hiring external specialist. Foreign countries acknowledge the importance of the succession in the family owned company to perform multiple studies on the influential factors to the succession, distinction, and types of family business succession; and they utilize the results for the related policy development and the support of family owned business succession. However, few studies have been conducted on the succession of the domestic family owned business and majority of them are related to the types of succession. Considering its share and influential power in the domestic economy, it is necessary to develop the guideline and the policies to solve many issues on the succession of the family owned business by systemic studies. Hence, the impact of the main characteristics in the family owned business on the types of its succession was analyzed in this study focusing on five domains of Socioemtional Wealth (SEW) in view of Behavioral Agency Theory by Gomez-Mejia et al. (2007) using the data from 540 family owned small-to-medium sized businesses so as to analyze the issues on their business succession. Upon the empirical analysis results, it was confirmed that they were influenced to the selection of succession type by family succession > internal employee succession > external succession, for the variables of social contribution which were non-financial characteristics, internal employee succession > family succession > external succession for the intellectual properties, and family succession > external succession for the management participation of the family. The distinction of social contribution were influenced the most to the selection of the succession types. Financial factors, business performance, and R&D investment variables were not significantly influenced to their selection of the succession types. In case of simultaneous management, the family succession rate was high and it showed the control effect to strengthen selecting family owned business with R&D investment, social contribution, and company history variables. The behavioral agency theory used in this study was confirmed with high explanation power on the family owned business succession. The family owned business showed the tendency to maintain SEW, and non-financial factors such as accumulated know-how and social contribution based on the long term history were significantly affected to the succession in the small-to-medium sized family owned businesses, unlike general large sized listed companies. The results of this study are expected to be helpful practically for the succession of the family owned business and to suggest the guideline for the development of governmental policy.

The Characteristics and Performances of Manufacturing SMEs that Utilize Public Information Support Infrastructure (공공 정보지원 인프라 활용한 제조 중소기업의 특징과 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Keun-Hwan;Kwon, Taehoon;Jun, Seung-pyo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 2019
  • The small and medium sized enterprises (hereinafter SMEs) are already at a competitive disadvantaged when compared to large companies with more abundant resources. Manufacturing SMEs not only need a lot of information needed for new product development for sustainable growth and survival, but also seek networking to overcome the limitations of resources, but they are faced with limitations due to their size limitations. In a new era in which connectivity increases the complexity and uncertainty of the business environment, SMEs are increasingly urged to find information and solve networking problems. In order to solve these problems, the government funded research institutes plays an important role and duty to solve the information asymmetry problem of SMEs. The purpose of this study is to identify the differentiating characteristics of SMEs that utilize the public information support infrastructure provided by SMEs to enhance the innovation capacity of SMEs, and how they contribute to corporate performance. We argue that we need an infrastructure for providing information support to SMEs as part of this effort to strengthen of the role of government funded institutions; in this study, we specifically identify the target of such a policy and furthermore empirically demonstrate the effects of such policy-based efforts. Our goal is to help establish the strategies for building the information supporting infrastructure. To achieve this purpose, we first classified the characteristics of SMEs that have been found to utilize the information supporting infrastructure provided by government funded institutions. This allows us to verify whether selection bias appears in the analyzed group, which helps us clarify the interpretative limits of our study results. Next, we performed mediator and moderator effect analysis for multiple variables to analyze the process through which the use of information supporting infrastructure led to an improvement in external networking capabilities and resulted in enhancing product competitiveness. This analysis helps identify the key factors we should focus on when offering indirect support to SMEs through the information supporting infrastructure, which in turn helps us more efficiently manage research related to SME supporting policies implemented by government funded institutions. The results of this study showed the following. First, SMEs that used the information supporting infrastructure were found to have a significant difference in size in comparison to domestic R&D SMEs, but on the other hand, there was no significant difference in the cluster analysis that considered various variables. Based on these findings, we confirmed that SMEs that use the information supporting infrastructure are superior in size, and had a relatively higher distribution of companies that transact to a greater degree with large companies, when compared to the SMEs composing the general group of SMEs. Also, we found that companies that already receive support from the information infrastructure have a high concentration of companies that need collaboration with government funded institution. Secondly, among the SMEs that use the information supporting infrastructure, we found that increasing external networking capabilities contributed to enhancing product competitiveness, and while this was no the effect of direct assistance, we also found that indirect contributions were made by increasing the open marketing capabilities: in other words, this was the result of an indirect-only mediator effect. Also, the number of times the company received additional support in this process through mentoring related to information utilization was found to have a mediated moderator effect on improving external networking capabilities and in turn strengthening product competitiveness. The results of this study provide several insights that will help establish policies. KISTI's information support infrastructure may lead to the conclusion that marketing is already well underway, but it intentionally supports groups that enable to achieve good performance. As a result, the government should provide clear priorities whether to support the companies in the underdevelopment or to aid better performance. Through our research, we have identified how public information infrastructure contributes to product competitiveness. Here, we can draw some policy implications. First, the public information support infrastructure should have the capability to enhance the ability to interact with or to find the expert that provides required information. Second, if the utilization of public information support (online) infrastructure is effective, it is not necessary to continuously provide informational mentoring, which is a parallel offline support. Rather, offline support such as mentoring should be used as an appropriate device for abnormal symptom monitoring. Third, it is required that SMEs should improve their ability to utilize, because the effect of enhancing networking capacity through public information support infrastructure and enhancing product competitiveness through such infrastructure appears in most types of companies rather than in specific SMEs.

Establishment of the Suitability Class in Ginseng Cultivated Lands (인삼 재배 적지 기준 설정 연구)

  • Hyeon, Geun-Soo;Kim, Seong-Min;Song, Kwan-Cheol;Yeon, Byeong-Yeol;Hyun, Dong-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.430-438
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    • 2009
  • An attempt was made to establish the suitability classes of lands for the cultivation of ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). For this study, the relationships between various soil characteristics and ginseng yields were investigated on altogether 450 ginseng fields (150 sites in paddy and 300 sites in upland), across Kangwon, Kyunggi, Chungbug, Chungnam, Jonbug and Kyungbug Provinces, where ginseng is widely cultivated. In the paddy fields, most influential properties of soil on the ginseng yields was found to be the drainage class. Texture of surface soil and available soil depths affected the ginseng yields to some extents. However, the topography, slope, and the gravel content were found not to affect the ginseng yields. In the uplands, the texture of surface soil was most influential and the topography, slope, and occurrence depth of hard-pan were least influential on the performance of the crop. Making use of multiple regression, by SAS, the contribution of soil morphological and physical properties such as, topography, surface soil texture, drainage class, slope, available soil depth, gravel content, and appearance depth of hard-pan, for the suitability of land for ginseng cultivation was analyzed. Based on the results of above analysis, adding up all of the suitability indices, land suitability classes for ginseng cultivation were proposed. On top of this, taking the weather conditions into consideration, suitability of land for ginseng cultivation was established in paddy field and in uplands. As an example, maps showing the distribution of suitable land for ginseng cultivation were drawn, adopting the land suitability classes obtained through current study, soil map, climate map, and GIS information, for Eumsung County, Chungbug Province. Making use of the information on the land suitability for ginseng cultivation obtained from current study, the suitability of lands currently under cultivation of ginseng was investigated. The results indicate that 74.0% of them in paddy field and 88.3% in upland are "highly suitable" and "suitable".

A development of DS/CDMA MODEM architecture and its implementation (DS/CDMA 모뎀 구조와 ASIC Chip Set 개발)

  • 김제우;박종현;김석중;심복태;이홍직
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1210-1230
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we suggest an architecture of DS/CDMA tranceiver composed of one pilot channel used as reference and multiple traffic channels. The pilot channel-an unmodulated PN code-is used as the reference signal for synchronization of PN code and data demondulation. The coherent demodulation architecture is also exploited for the reverse link as well as for the forward link. Here are the characteristics of the suggested DS/CDMA system. First, we suggest an interlaced quadrature spreading(IQS) method. In this method, the PN coe for I-phase 1st channel is used for Q-phase 2nd channels and the PN code for Q-phase 1st channel is used for I-phase 2nd channel, and so on-which is quite different from the eisting spreading schemes of DS/CDMA systems, such as IS-95 digital CDMA cellular or W-CDMA for PCS. By doing IQS spreading, we can drastically reduce the zero crossing rate of the RF signals. Second, we introduce an adaptive threshold setting for the synchronization of PN code, an initial acquistion method that uses a single PN code generator and reduces the acquistion time by a half compared the existing ones, and exploit the state machines to reduce the reacquistion time Third, various kinds of functions, such as automatic frequency control(AFC), automatic level control(ALC), bit-error-rate(BER) estimator, and spectral shaping for reducing the adjacent channel interference, are introduced to improve the system performance. Fourth, we designed and implemented the DS/CDMA MODEM to be used for variable transmission rate applications-from 16Kbps to 1.024Mbps. We developed and confirmed the DS/CDMA MODEM architecture through mathematical analysis and various kind of simulations. The ASIC design was done using VHDL coding and synthesis. To cope with several different kinds of applications, we developed transmitter and receiver ASICs separately. While a single transmitter or receiver ASC contains three channels (one for the pilot and the others for the traffic channels), by combining several transmitter ASICs, we can expand the number of channels up to 64. The ASICs are now under use for implementing a line-of-sight (LOS) radio equipment.

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A Study on Development of Achievement Standards and Assessment Standards of Vocational Inquiry Section for 2005 College Scholastic Ability Test - Focus on Food and Nutrition Subject in the Field of Home Economics Order - (2005 수능 직업탐구영역의 과목별 성취기준과 평가기준 개발 - 식품과 영양 과목을 중심으로 -)

  • Na Hyeon-Ju;Min Kyung-Hee;Lee Hwa-young;Pyo Jum-sun;Ha Mi-ok;Jang Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.197-219
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    • 2005
  • This study attempted, in accordance with the National Educational Curriculum, to develop achievement assessment standards for a course within the field of home economics which has been widely adopted by Korean vocational high schools, namely, the food and nutrition subject. Focus was also placed on strengthening the management of the curriculum for this food and nutrition course, as well as on establishing proper assessment standards by developing model assessment tools which can be used to assess the subject. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : First, based on an analysis of the related literature and materials. the desired notion of the achievement and assessment standards was established, and their significance ascertained the achievement and assessment standards for the food and nutrition course were set and the type of model assessment tool which should be developed, as well as the method in which it should be applied. was established Second. by analyzing the curriculums and the contents of the textbooks used in the food and nutrition subject, the researcher was able to compile the 70 factors which could to be used to develop the achievement and assessments standards, and then classify these into 6 main categories and 32 sub-categories. Based on the characteristics of these factors and learners' academic performance levels the number of factors was expanded to 89 in order to establish the achievement standards. In turn, these achievement standards were used, in accordance with the learners' achievement and teaming activity levels, to develop three different levels of assessment standards. namely, upper, middle, and lower ones. Third. a model assessment tool was developed which could be used by individual school units as a reference in terms of achievement and assessment standards, and that could be modified to meet each school's circumstances. In order to create the model assessment tool a 100-question questionnaire was formulated that contained various types of questions, such as essay, report, theoretical and practical, portfolio, as well as multiple choice-type questions. Lastly, the researcher introduced measures to effectively use the achievement and assessment standards developed for the food and nutrition course, as well as the model assessment tool in school units.

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A Study on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Methods of Environmental Studies in the Middle School (중학교 "환경" 교과의 교수.학습 및 평가 방법 연구)

  • 남상준
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1994
  • This study was performed to determine appropriate teaching-learning and evaluation methods for Environmental Studies. To promote the relevance of our study to the needs of the schools and concerned educational communities of environmental education, we reviewed related literature, conducted questionnaire surveys, interviewed related teachers and administrator, held meetings with experts, and field-tested our findings. For selecting and developing teaching-learning methods of Environmental Studies, findings of educational research in general are considered. moreover, principles of environmental education, general aim of environmental education, orientations of environmental education, and developmental stages of middle school students in educational psychology were attended. In addition, relevance to the purpose of the Environmental Studies curriculum, appropriateness for value inquiry as well as knowledge inquiry, small group centered class organization, social interaction centered teaching-learning process, regional environmental situation, significance of personal environment, evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, multi- and inter-disciplinary contents of the Environmental Studies textbook, suitability to the evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, and emphasis on the social interaction in teaching-learning process were regarded. It was learned the Environmental Studies can be taught most effectively in via of holding discussion sessions, conducting actual investigation, doing experiment-practice, doing games and plate, role-playing and carrying out simulation activities, and doing inquiry. These teaching-learning methods were field-tested and proved appropriate methods for the subject. For selecting and developing evaluation method of Environmental Studies, such principles and characteristics of Environmental Studies as objective domains stated in the Environmental Studies curriculum, diversity of teaching-learning organization, were appreciated. We categorized nine evaluation methods: the teacher may conduct questionnaire surveys, testings, interviews, non-participatory observations; they may evaluate student's experiment-practice performances, reports preparation ability, ability to establish a research project, the teacher may ask the students to conduct a self-evaluation, or reciprocal evaluation. To maximize the effect of these methods, we further developed an application system. It considered three variables, that is, evaluates, evaluation objectives domains, and evaluation agent, and showed how to choose the most appropriate methods and, when necessary, how to combine uses of different methods depending on these variables. A sample evaluation instrument made on the basis of this application system was developed and tested in the classes. The system proved effective. Pilot applications of the teaching-learning methods and evaluation method were made simultaneously; and the results and their implications are as follows. Discussion program was applied in a lesson dealing with the problems of waste disposal, in which students showed active participation and creative thinking. The evaluation method used in this lesson was a multiple-choice written test for knowledge and skills. It was shown that this evaluation method and device are effective in helping students' revision of the lesson and in stimulating their creative interpretations and responces. Pupils showed great interests in the actual investigation program, and this programme was proved to be effective in enhancing students' participation. However, it was also turned out that there must be pre-arranged plans for the objects, contents and procedures of survey if this program is to effective. In this lesson, non-participatory observation methods were used with a focus on the attitudes of students. A scaled reported in general description rather than in grade. Experiment-practice programme was adopted in a lesson for purifying contaminated water and in this lesson, instruction objectives were properly established, the teaching-learning process was clearly specified and students were highly motivated. On the other hand, however, it was difficult to control the class when some groups of students require more times to complete their experiment, and sometimes different results. As regards to evaluation, performance observation test were used for assessing skills and attitudes. If teachers use well-prepared Likert scale, evaluation of all groups within a reasonablely short period of time will be possible. The most effective and successful programme in therms of students' participation and enjoyment, was the 'ah-nah-bah-dah-market' program, which is kind of game of the flea market. For better organized program of this kind, however, are essential, In this program, students appraise their own attitudes and behavior by responding to a written questionnaire. In addition, students were asked to record any anecdotes relating to self-appraisal of changes on one's own attitudes and behaviours. Even after the lesson, students keep recording those changes on letters to herself. Role-playing and simulation game programme was applied to a case of 'NIMBY', in which students should decide where to located a refuse dumping ground. For this kind of programme to e successful, concepts and words used in the script should be appropriate for students' intellectual levels, and students should by adequately introduced into the objective and the procedures of the lessons. Written questionnaire was used to assess individual students' attitudes after the lesson, but in order to acquire information on the changes of students' attitudes and skills, pre-test may have to be made. Doing inquiry programme, in which advantages in which students actually investigated the environmental influence of the areas where school os located, had advantages in developing students' ability to study the environmental problems and to present the results of their studies. For this programme to be more efficient, areas of investigation should be clearly divided and alloted to each group so that repetition or overlap in areas of study and presentation be avoided, and complementary wok between groups bee enhanced. In this programme, teacher assessed students' knowledge and attitudes on the basis of reports prepared by each group. However, there were found some difficults in assessing students' attitudes and behaviours solely on the grounds of written report. Perhaps, using a scaled checklist assessing students' attitudes while their presentation could help to relieve the difficulties.

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A Method of Reproducing the CCT of Natural Light using the Minimum Spectral Power Distribution for each Light Source of LED Lighting (LED 조명의 광원별 최소 분광분포를 사용하여 자연광 색온도를 재현하는 방법)

  • Yang-Soo Kim;Seung-Taek Oh;Jae-Hyun Lim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2023
  • Humans have adapted and evolved to natural light. However, as humans stay in indoor longer in modern times, the problem of biorhythm disturbance has been induced. To solve this problem, research is being conducted on lighting that reproduces the correlated color temperature(CCT) of natural light that varies from sunrise to sunset. In order to reproduce the CCT of natural light, multiple LED light sources with different CCTs are used to produce lighting, and then a control index DB is constructed by measuring and collecting the light characteristics of the combination of input currents for each light source in hundreds to thousands of steps, and then using it to control the lighting through the light characteristic matching method. The problem with this control method is that the more detailed the steps of the combination of input currents, the more time and economic costs are incurred. In this paper, an LED lighting control method that applies interpolation and combination calculation based on the minimum spectral power distribution information for each light source is proposed to reproduce the CCT of natural light. First, five minimum SPD information for each channel was measured and collected for the LED lighting, which consisted of light source channels with different CCTs and implemented input current control function of a 256-steps for each channel. Interpolation calculation was performed to generate SPD of 256 steps for each channel for the minimum SPD information, and SPD for all control combinations of LED lighting was generated through combination calculation of SPD for each channel. Illuminance and CCT were calculated through the generated SPD, a control index DB was constructed, and the CCT of natural light was reproduced through a matching technique. In the performance evaluation, the CCT for natural light was provided within the range of an average error rate of 0.18% while meeting the recommended indoor illumination standard.

What are the Characteristics and Future Directions of Domestic Angel Investment Research? (국내 엔젤투자 연구의 특징과 향후 방향은 무엇인가?)

  • Min Kim;Byung Chul Choi;Woo Jin Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2023
  • The investigation delved into 457 pieces of scholarly work, encompassing articles, published theses, and dissertations from the National Research Foundation of Korea, spanning the period of the 1997 IMF financial crisis up to 2022. The materials were sourced using terms such as 'angel investment', 'angel investor', and 'angel investment attraction'. The initial phase involved filtering out redundant entries from the preliminary collection of 267 works, leaving aside pieces that didn't pertain directly to angel investment as indicated in their abstracts. The next stage of the analysis involved a more rigorous selection process. Out of 43 papers earmarked in the preceding cut, only 32 were chosen. The criteria for this focused on the exclusion of conference presentations, articles that were either not submitted or inconclusive, and those that duplicated content under different titles. The final selection of 32 papers underwent a thorough systematic literature review. These documents, all pertinent to angel investment in South Korea, were scrutinized under five distinct categories: 1) publication year, 2) themes of research, 3) strategies employed in the studies, 4) participants involved in the research, and 5) methods of research utilized. This meticulous process illuminated the existing landscape of angel investment studies within Korea. Moreover, this study pinpointed gaps in the current body of research, offering guidance on future scholarly directions and proposing social scientific theories to further enrich the field of angel investment studies and analysis also seeks to pinpoint which areas require additional exploration to energize the field of angel investment moving forward. Through a comprehensive review of literature, this research intends to validate the establishment of future research trajectories and pinpoint areas that are currently and relatively underexplored in Korea's angel investment research stream. This study revealed that current research on domestic angel investment is concentrated on several areas: 1) the traits of angel investors, 2) the motivations behind angel investing, 3) startup ventures, 4) relevant institutions and policies, and 5) the various forms of angel investments. It was determined that there is a need to broaden the scope of research to aid in enhancing and stimulating the scale of domestic angel investing. This includes research into performance analysis of angel investments and detailed case studies in the field. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of diversifying research efforts. Instead of solely focusing on specific factors like investment types, startups, accelerators, venture capital, and regulatory frameworks, there is a call for research that explores a variety of associated variables. These include aspects related to crowdfunding and return on investment in the context of angel investing, ensuring a more holistic approach to research in this domain. Specifically, there's a clear need for more detailed studies focusing on the relationships with variables that serve as dependent variables influencing the outcomes of angel investments. Moreover, it's essential to invigorate both qualitative and quantitative research that delves into the theoretical framework from multiple perspectives. This involves analyzing the structure of variables that have an impact on angel investments and the decisions surrounding these investments, thereby enriching the theoretical foundation of this field. Finally, we presented the direction of development for future research by confirming that the effect on the completeness of the business plan is high or low depending on the satisfaction of the entrepreneurs in addition to the components.

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