• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-Database

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Mining Frequent Trajectory Patterns in RFID Data Streams (RFID 데이터 스트림에서 이동궤적 패턴의 탐사)

  • Seo, Sung-Bo;Lee, Yong-Mi;Lee, Jun-Wook;Nam, Kwang-Woo;Ryu, Keun-Ho;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes an on-line mining algorithm of moving trajectory patterns in RFID data streams considering changing characteristics over time and constraints of single-pass data scan. Since RFID, sensor, and mobile network technology have been rapidly developed, many researchers have been recently focused on the study of real-time data gathering from real-world and mining the useful patterns from them. Previous researches for sequential patterns or moving trajectory patterns based on stream data have an extremely time-consum ing problem because of multi-pass database scan and tree traversal, and they also did not consider the time-changing characteristics of stream data. The proposed method preserves the sequential strength of 2-lengths frequent patterns in binary relationship table using the time-evolving graph to exactly reflect changes of RFID data stream from time to time. In addition, in order to solve the problem of the repetitive data scans, the proposed algorithm infers candidate k-lengths moving trajectory patterns beforehand at a time point t, and then extracts the patterns after screening the candidate patterns by only one-pass at a time point t+1. Through the experiment, the proposed method shows the superior performance in respect of time and space complexity than the Apriori-like method according as the reduction ratio of candidate sets is about 7 percent.

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A Pipelined Hash Join Method for Load Balancing (부하 균형 유지를 고려한 파이프라인 해시 조인 방법)

  • Moon, Jin-Gue;Park, No-Sang;Kim, Pyeong-Jung;Jin, Seong-Il
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.5
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    • pp.755-768
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    • 2002
  • We investigate the effect of the data skew of join attributes on the performance of a pipelined multi-way hash join method, and propose two new hash join methods with load balancing capabilities. The first proposed method allocates buckets statically by round-robin fashion, and the second one allocates buckets adaptively via a frequency distribution. Using hash-based joins, multiple joins can be pipelined so that the early results from a join, before the whole join is completed, are sent to the next join processing without staying on disks. Unless the pipelining execution of multiple hash joins includes some load balancing mechanisms, the skew effect can severely deteriorate system performance. In this paper, we derive an execution model of the pipeline segment and a cost model, and develop a simulator for the study. As shown by our simulation with a wide range of parameters, join selectivities and sizes of relations deteriorate the system performance as the degree of data skew is larger. But the proposed method using a large number of buckets and a tuning technique can offer substantial robustness against a wide range of skew conditions.

Development and Application of SITES (부지환경종합관리시스템 개발과 적용)

  • Park, Joo-Wan;Yoon, Jeong-Hyoun;Kim, Chank-Lak;Cho, Sung-Il
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2008
  • SITES(Site Information and Total Environmental Data Management System) has been developed for the purpose of systematically managing site characteristics and environmental data produced during the pre-operational, operational, and post-closure phases of a radioactive waste disposal facility. SITES is an integration system, which consists of 4 modules, to be available for maintenance of site characteristics data, for safety assessment, and for site/environment monitoring; site environmental data management module(SECURE), integrated safety assessment module(SAINT), site/environment monitoring module(SUDAL) and geological information module for geological data management(SITES-GIS). Each module has its database with the functions of browsing, storing, and reporting data and information. Data from SECURE and SUDAL are interconnected to be utilized as inputs to SAINT. SAINT has the functions that multi-user can access simultaneously via client-server system, and the safety assessment results can be managed with its embedded Quality Assurance feature. Comparison between assessment results and environmental monitoring data can be made and visualized in SUDAL and SITES-GIS. Also, SUDAL is designed that the periodic monitoring data and information could be opened to the public via internet homepage. SITES has applied to the Wolsong low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal center in Korea, and is expected to enhance the function of site/environment monitoring in other nuclear-related facilities and also in industrial facilities handling hazardous materials.

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Modeling of High-throughput Uranium Electrorefiner and Validation for Different Electrode Configuration (고효율 우라늄 전해정련장치 모델링 및 전극 구성에 대한 검증)

  • Kim, Young Min;Kim, Dae Young;Yoo, Bung Uk;Jang, Jun Hyuk;Lee, Sung Jai;Park, Sung Bin;Lee, Han soo;Lee, Jong Hyeon
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 2017
  • In order to build a general model of a high-throughput uranium electrorefining process according to the electrode configuration, numerical analysis was conducted using the COMSOL Multiphysics V5.3 electrodeposition module with Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) interfaces. The generated model was validated by comparing a current density-potential curve according to the distance between the anode and cathode and the electrode array, using a lab-scale (1kg U/day) multi-electrode electrorefiner made by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The operating temperature was $500^{\circ}C$ and LiCl-KCl eutectic with 3.5wt% $UCl_3$ was used for molten salt. The efficiency of the uranium electrorefining apparatus was improved by lowering the cell potential as the distance between the electrodes decreased and the anode/cathode area ratio increased. This approach will be useful for constructing database for safety design of high throughput spent nuclear fuel electrorefiners.

Tuple Pruning Using Bloom Filter for Packet Classification (패킷 분류를 위한 블룸 필터 이용 튜플 제거 알고리즘)

  • Kim, So-Yeon;Lim, Hye-Sook
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2010
  • Due to the emergence of new application programs and the fast growth of Internet users, Internet routers are required to provide the quality of services according to the class of input packets, which is identified by wire-speed packet classification. For a pre-defined rule set, by performing multi-dimensional search using various header fields of an input packet, packet classification determines the highest priority rule matching to the input packet. Efficient packet classification algorithms have been widely studied. Tuple pruning algorithm provides fast classification performance using hash-based search against the candidate tuples that may include matching rules. Bloom filter is an efficient data structure composed of a bit vector which represents the membership information of each element included in a given set. It is used as a pre-filter determining whether a specific input is a member of a set or not. This paper proposes new tuple pruning algorithms using Bloom filters, which effectively remove unnecessary tuples which do not include matching rules. Using the database known to be similar to actual rule sets used in Internet routers, simulation results show that the proposed tuple pruning algorithm provides faster packet classification as well as consumes smaller memory amount compared with the previous tuple pruning algorithm.

Preliminary Estimation of Earthquake Losses Based on HAZUS in a Coastal Facility Area with Blocks Applying Site Classification (블록별 부지분류 적용 해안시설 영역에서의 HAZUS 기반 지진피해 추정)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Chun, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.10-27
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    • 2014
  • HAZUS-MH is a GIS-based computer program that estimates potential losses from multi-hazard phenomena: earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. With respect to seismic disaster, characteristics of a hypothetical or actual earthquake are entered into HAZUS. Then HAZUS estimates the intensity of ground shaking and calculates the correspondent losses. In this study, HAZUS was used as a part of the preparations of the future seismic events at a coastal plant facility area. To reliably characterize the target facility area, many geotechnical characteristics data were synthesized from the existing site investigation reports. And the buildings and facilities were sorted by analyzing their material and structural characteristics. In particular, the study area was divided into 17 blocks taking into account the situation of both land development and facility distribution. The ground conditions of blocks were categorized according to the site classification scheme for earthquake-resistant design. Moreover, seismic fragility curves of a main facilities were derived based on the numerical modeling and were incorporated into the database in HAZUS. The results estimated in the study area using HAZUS showed various seismic damage and loss potentials depending on site conditions and structural categories. This case study verified the usefulness of the HAZUS for estimating earthquake losses in coastal facility areas.

Application of UML(Unified Modeling Language) Towards Object-oriented Analysis and Design of Geo-based Data Model (지질 데이터 모델의 객체지향 분석 및 설계를 위한 UML의 적용)

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.719-733
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    • 2000
  • Normally, a digital geologic map can be defined as mappable one whose spatial information with geographic information details and geologic database attribute, recorded in a digital format that is readable by computer. It shows fundamentally two different conceptual perspectives: cartography for digital mapping and analysis for geo-data processing. While, as both aspects basically relate to natural entities and their interpretation of complex features fused with multi-sources, digital geo-data mapping or geologic mapping, it should be distinguished from digital mapping in engineering such as UIS(Urban Infomation System) and AM/FM(Automated Mapping/Facilities Management). Furthermore, according to short-cycled development of GIS(Geographic Information System) software architecture based on IT(Information Technology) and wide expansion of GIS applications' fields, the importance of domain analysis and application model is emphasized at digital geologic informatizaion. In this paper, first terms and concepts of geo-data model with general data modeling aspects are addressed, and then case histories for geo-data modeling and several approaches for data modeling in GIS application fields are discussed. Lastly, tentative conceptual geo-data modeling by using UML(Unified Modeling Language) of OO(Object-oriented) concepts with respect to USGS/AASG geo-data mode is attempted. Through this approach, the main benefits for standardization and implementation lineage with conceptual model in consideration to reusability are expected. Conclusively, it is expected that geo-information system and its architecture by UML is the new coming key approach for the GIS application in geo-sciences.

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GIS Based Real-Time Transit Information Integration and Its Transit Planning Implications

  • Hwang, Da-Hae;Kim, Dong-Young;Choi, Yun-Soo;Cho, Seong-Kil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2007
  • Over the years, Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) has been implemented to manage and operate public transportation system. With the expanding mass spatio-temporal data such as comprehensive spatial information of each individual passenger and public transportation vehicle, it has been required to consolidate and analyze these multiple data sets from various sources. This paper demonstrates how GIS is utilized for the consolidation of massive transit related spatio-temporal information. And it presents effective applications to improve transit planning process and support transit related decision-making activities. GIS based system is used to combine multi-agents' data in the areas of transit operation and individual transit ride and transfer management. Due to the unique comprehensiveness and the level of detail of the data provide by the Seoul Transit system, this GIS based information consolidation is the first in its class. Based on the integrated database, this paper describes the effective and efficient GIS based analysis deployed in a transportation system planning process. The data integration systems and analytic models developed in this paper can be transferred and applied by any municipal governments provided that the appropriate data is available.

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Environment, Competence, and Strategy Effects on the Export Performance of Regional SMEs (지역 중소기업의 환경, 역량, 전략이 수출성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Huh, Moo-Yul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Exports have long been regarded as significant drivers of sustainable competitive advantage and growth among small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The export activities of SMEs are particularly important in the context of export-oriented economies such as Korea. Although many studies have examined the determinants of exports, it is difficult to find empirical studies about the determinants of the export performance of regional SMEs. This study investigates the determinants of export performance in the regional SME context based on an integrated approach that combines the environment factor of industrial organization theory, competitive strategy theory, and the competences of the resource-based view. Research design, data, and methodology - To empirically analyze the determinants of export performance in the regional SMEs, data were collected from firms in the Daegu metropolitan area. Data were collected directly through questionnaire surveys; in addition, secondary financial data were also taken from the KIS-VALUE database. Out of the 175 responses that were received, 143 were considered to be worth examining. After testing the reliability and validity of the variables through multiple items such as environmental turbulence and competitive strategy, hypotheses were verified by using five multi-regression models. These models were: a control model with organizational size and age, an environmental model with technology and market turbulence, a competency model with R&D and foreign distribution channels, a strategy model with product and market differentiation, and an integrated model including all of these variables. Results - First, as a control variable, the organization size has significant positive effects on export performance. Second, technology turbulence based on industrial organization theory has significant positive effects on export performance, but market turbulence does not affect export performance. Third, the foreign market distribution competency of the resource-based view has strong positive effects on export performance, but the R&D competency does not affect export performance. Fourth, the product differentiation strategy from competitive strategy theory positively impacts export performance, but market differentiation does not affect export performance. Finally, in the integrated model, only the foreign distribution competency of the resource-based view has a significant effect on export performance. Conclusions - The empirical results of this study verified the usefulness of the rationales behind the three theories to explain the export performance of the regional SMEs, especially the importance of the foreign market distribution competency from the resource-based view. With regard to practical considerations, this study's implications suggest that the use of technological environmental changes by industries is better than the use of market changes. Further, the use of the product differentiation strategy is more effective than the use of the market-driving strategy, and the distribution channel competency plays a stronger role than the technology-oriented competency with regard to the export performance position of regional SMEs. Future studies should examine relational perspectives, such as trust among channel partners. Therefore, the configuration approach is more useful in enhancing pragmatism by comparing high- and low-export companies.

Region Based Image Similarity Search using Multi-point Relevance Feedback (다중점 적합성 피드백방법을 이용한 영역기반 이미지 유사성 검색)

  • Kim, Deok-Hwan;Lee, Ju-Hong;Song, Jae-Won
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.7 s.110
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    • pp.857-866
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    • 2006
  • Performance of an image retrieval system is usually very low because of the semantic gap between the low level feature and the high level concept in a query image. Semantically relevant images may exhibit very different visual characteristics, and may be scattered in several clusters. In this paper, we propose a content based image rertrieval approach which combines region based image retrieval and a new relevance feedback method using adaptive clustering together. Our main goal is finding semantically related clusters to narrow down the semantic gap. Our method consists of region based clustering processes and cluster-merging process. All segmented regions of relevant images are organized into semantically related hierarchical clusters, and clusters are merged by finding the number of the latent clusters. This method, in the cluster-merging process, applies r: using v principal components instead of classical Hotelling's $T_v^2$ [1] to find the unknown number of clusters and resolve the singularity problem in high dimensions and demonstrate that there is little difference between the performance of $T^2$ and that of $T_v^2$. Experiments have demonstrated that the proposed approach is effective in improving the performance of an image retrieval system.