• Title/Summary/Keyword: Multi-Database

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Index-based Searching on Timestamped Event Sequences (타임스탬프를 갖는 이벤트 시퀀스의 인덱스 기반 검색)

  • 박상현;원정임;윤지희;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.468-478
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    • 2004
  • It is essential in various application areas of data mining and bioinformatics to effectively retrieve the occurrences of interesting patterns from sequence databases. For example, let's consider a network event management system that records the types and timestamp values of events occurred in a specific network component(ex. router). The typical query to find out the temporal casual relationships among the network events is as fellows: 'Find all occurrences of CiscoDCDLinkUp that are fellowed by MLMStatusUP that are subsequently followed by TCPConnectionClose, under the constraint that the interval between the first two events is not larger than 20 seconds, and the interval between the first and third events is not larger than 40 secondsTCPConnectionClose. This paper proposes an indexing method that enables to efficiently answer such a query. Unlike the previous methods that rely on inefficient sequential scan methods or data structures not easily supported by DBMSs, the proposed method uses a multi-dimensional spatial index, which is proven to be efficient both in storage and search, to find the answers quickly without false dismissals. Given a sliding window W, the input to a multi-dimensional spatial index is a n-dimensional vector whose i-th element is the interval between the first event of W and the first occurrence of the event type Ei in W. Here, n is the number of event types that can be occurred in the system of interest. The problem of‘dimensionality curse’may happen when n is large. Therefore, we use the dimension selection or event type grouping to avoid this problem. The experimental results reveal that our proposed technique can be a few orders of magnitude faster than the sequential scan and ISO-Depth index methods.hods.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation of G2B Procurement Process Innovation by Using MAS: Korea G2B KONEPS Case (멀티에이전트시스템(MAS)을 이용한 G2B 조달 프로세스 혁신의 효과평가에 관한 연구 : 나라장터 G2B사례)

  • Seo, Won-Jun;Lee, Dae-Cheor;Lim, Gyoo-Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2012
  • It is difficult to evaluate the performance of process innovation of e-procurement which has large scale and complex processes. The existing evaluation methods for measuring the effects of process innovation have been mainly done with statistically quantitative methods by analyzing operational data or with qualitative methods by conducting surveys and interviews. However, these methods have some limitations to evaluate the effects because the performance evaluation of e-procurement process innovation should consider the interactions among participants who are active either directly or indirectly through the processes. This study considers the e-procurement process as a complex system and develops a simulation model based on MAS(Multi-Agent System) to evaluate the effects of e-procurement process innovation. Multi-agent based simulation allows observing interaction patterns of objects in virtual world through relationship among objects and their behavioral mechanism. Agent-based simulation is suitable especially for complex business problems. In this study, we used Netlogo Version 4.1.3 as a MAS simulation tool which was developed in Northwestern University. To do this, we developed a interaction model of agents in MAS environment. We defined process agents and task agents, and assigned their behavioral characteristics. The developed simulation model was applied to G2B system (KONEPS: Korea ON-line E-Procurement System) of Public Procurement Service (PPS) in Korea and used to evaluate the innovation effects of the G2B system. KONEPS is a successfully established e-procurement system started in the year 2002. KONEPS is a representative e-Procurement system which integrates characteristics of e-commerce into government for business procurement activities. KONEPS deserves the international recognition considering the annual transaction volume of 56 billion dollars, daily exchanges of electronic documents, users consisted of 121,000 suppliers and 37,000 public organizations, and the 4.5 billion dollars of cost saving. For the simulation, we analyzed the e-procurement of process of KONEPS into eight sub processes such as 'process 1: search products and acquisition of proposal', 'process 2 : review the methods of contracts and item features', 'process 3 : a notice of bid', 'process 4 : registration and confirmation of qualification', 'process 5 : bidding', 'process 6 : a screening test', 'process 7 : contracts', and 'process 8 : invoice and payment'. For the parameter settings of the agents behavior, we collected some data from the transactional database of PPS and some information by conducting a survey. The used data for the simulation are 'participants (government organizations, local government organizations and public institutions)', 'the number of bidding per year', 'the number of total contracts', 'the number of shopping mall transactions', 'the rate of contracts between bidding and shopping mall', 'the successful bidding ratio', and the estimated time for each process. The comparison was done for the difference of time consumption between 'before the innovation (As-was)' and 'after the innovation (As-is).' The results showed that there were productivity improvements in every eight sub processes. The decrease ratio of 'average number of task processing' was 92.7% and the decrease ratio of 'average time of task processing' was 95.4% in entire processes when we use G2B system comparing to the conventional method. Also, this study found that the process innovation effect will be enhanced if the task process related to the 'contract' can be improved. This study shows the usability and possibility of using MAS in process innovation evaluation and its modeling.

Application Plan of Goods Information in the Public Procurement Service for Enhancing U-City Plans (U-City계획 고도화를 위한 조달청 물품정보 활용 방안 : CCTV 사례를 중심으로)

  • PARK, Jun-Ho;PARK, Jeong-Woo;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a reference model is constructed that provides architects or designers with sufficient information on the intelligent service facility that is essential for U-City space configuration, and for the support of enhanced design, as well as for planning activities. At the core of the reference model is comprehensive information about the intelligent service facility that plans the content of services, and the latest related information that is regularly updated. A plan is presented to take advantage of the database of list information systems in the Public Procurement Service that handles intelligent service facilities. We suggest a number of improvements by analyzing the current status of, and issues with, the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, and by conducting a simulation for the proper placement of CCTV. As the design of U-City plan has evolved from IT technology-based to smart space-based, reviews of limitations such as the lack of standards, information about the installation, and the placement of the intelligent service facility that provides U-service have been carried out. Due to the absence of relevant legislation and guidelines, however, planning activities, such as the appropriate placement of the intelligent service facility are difficult when considering efficient service provision. In addition, with the lack of information about IT technology and intelligent service facilities that can be provided to U-City planners and designers, there are a number of difficulties when establishing an optimal plan with respect to service level and budget. To solve these problems, this study presents a plan in conjunction with the goods information from the Public Procurement Service. The Public Procurement Service has already built an industry-related database of around 260,000 cases, which has been continually updated. It can be a very useful source of information about the intelligent service facility, the ever-changing U-City industry's core, and the relevant technologies. However, since providing this information is insufficient in the application process and, due to the constraints in the information disclosure process, there have been some issues in its application. Therefore, this study, by presenting an improvement plan for the linkage and application of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service, has significance for the provision of the basic framework for future U-City enhancement plans, and multi-departments' common utilization of the goods information in the Public Procurement Service.

Methods to Enhance Service Scalability Using Service Replication and Migration (서비스 복제 및 이주를 이용한 서비스 확장성 향상 기법)

  • Kim, Ji-Won;Lee, Jae-Yoo;Kim, Soo-Dong
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.503-517
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    • 2010
  • Service-oriented computing, the effective paradigm for developing service applications by using reusable services, becomes popular. In service-oriented computing, service consumer has no responsibility for managing services, just invokes services what service providers are producing. On the other hand, service providers should manage any resources and data for service consumers can use the service anytime and anywhere. However, it is hard service providers manage the quality of the services because an unspecified number of service consumers. Therefore, service scalability for providing services with higher quality of services specified in a service level agreement becomes a potential problem in service-oriented computing. There have been many researches for scalability in network, database, and distributed computing area. But a research about a definition of service scalability and metrics of measuring service scalability is still not mature in service engineering area. In this paper, we construct a service network which connects multiple service nodes, and integrate all the resources to manage it. And we also present a service scalability framework for managing service scalability by using a mechanism of service migration or replication. In section 3, we, firstly, present the structure of the scalability management framework and basic functionalities. In section 4, we propose scalability enhancement mechanism which is needed to release functionality of the framework. In section 5, we design and implement the framework by using proposed mechanism. In section 6, we demonstrate the result of our case study which dynamically manages services in multi-nodes environment by applying our framework. Through the case study, we show the applicability of our scalability management framework and mechanism.

Construction of Land Information System using Three Dimensional Digital Elevation Model Algorithm (3차원 지형모델 알고리즘을 이용한 토지정보체계 구축)

  • Kang, Ho-Yun;Chang, Yong-Ku;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2001
  • Geography Information System is divided to many details fields such as Urban Information System, Land Information System, Military Information System etc. These detailed fields are connected each other and make National Geography Information System. Now Geography Information System is being used in many fields with Urban Information System. And information of all field is being constructed to network for share each other. Now Land Information System(LIS) is being constructed to two dimensional. But LIS can construct and utilize three dimensional geographic data by connecting Geography Information System and this effect will be greatest. Thus, the study of connecting cadastral map and digital terrain map must be continued. Through the study of connecting digital terrain map, the construction and analysis of three dimensional digital elevation model will be able to construct Land Information System effectively. To this study, the authors constructed integrated geographic data by uniting digital terrain map and cadastral map and constructed three dimensional digital elevation model. By connecting cadastral information database, the authors developed three dimensional Integrated Land Information System.

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Study of Improvement of Search Range Compression Method of VP-tree for Video Indexes (영상 색인용 VP-tree의 검색 범위 압축법의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gil-Yang;Lee, Samuel Sang-Kon;Hwang, Jea-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2012
  • In multimedia database, a multidimensional space-based indexing has been used to increase search efficiency. However, this method is inefficient in terms of ubiquity because it uses Euclidean distance as a scale of distance calculation. On the contrary, a metric space-based indexing method, in which metric axiom is prerequisite is widely available because a metric scale other than Euclidean distance could be used. This paper is attempted to propose a way of improving VP-tree, one of the metric space indexing methods. The VP-tree calculates the distance with an object which is ultimately linked to the a leaf node depending on the node fit for the search range from a root node and examines if it is appropriate with the search range. Because search speed decreases as the number of distance calculations at the leaf node increases, however, this paper has proposed a method which uses the latest interface on query object as the base point of trigonometric inequality for improvement after focusing on the trigonometric inequality-based range compression method in a leaf node. This improvement method would be able to narrow the search range and reduce the number of distance calculations. According to a system performance test using 10,000 video data, the new method reduced search time for similar videos by 5-12%, compared to a conventional method.

Steganalysis Using Histogram Characteristic and Statistical Moments of Wavelet Subbands (웨이블릿 부대역의 히스토그램 특성과 통계적 모멘트를 이용한 스테그분석)

  • Hyun, Seung-Hwa;Park, Tae-Hee;Kim, Young-In;Kim, Yoo-Shin;Eom, Il-Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we present a universal steganalysis scheme. The proposed method extract features of two types. First feature set is extracted from histogram characteristic of the wavelet subbands. Second feature set is determined by statistical moments of wavelet characteristic functions. 3-level wavelet decomposition is performed for stego image and cover image using the Haar wavelet basis. We extract one features from 9 high frequency subbands of 12 subbands. The number of second features is 39. We use total 48 features for steganalysis. Multi layer perceptron(MLP) is applied as classifier to distinguish between cover images and stego images. To evaluate the proposed steganalysis method, we use the CorelDraw image database. We test the performance of our proposed steganalysis method over LSB method, spread spectrum data hiding method, blind spread spectrum data hiding method and F5 data hiding method. The proposed method outperforms the previous methods in sensitivity, specificity, error rate and area under ROC curve, etc.

An Analysis of Land Use Patterns in Riparian Zones for the Geumho River Watershed Management (금호강 유역관리를 위한 수변구역의 토지이용패턴분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between land use patterns of riparian zones and water quality in the Geumho River watershed. A GIS database included digital land use maps (1:25,000), stream network extracted from digital topographic maps (1:5,000) and riparian zones maps by multi-buffering method. Pearson's correlation analysis was used to explain the relationship between the environmental conditions of a 30 meter buffer strip on each side and water quality. According to the result of investigation of riparian-level land use patterns, sub-watersheds on the lower Geumho River including Daegu metropolitan city were mainly developed as urban area such as residential, commercial and industrial ones, while sub-watersheds on the middle Geumho River and the main course of Nakdong River, agricultural ones such as a paddy, a dry field and an orchard. Meanwhile, the area-rate of riparian forests which play an important role in filtering nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment was estimated below the average 16%. The proportion of urban area in a 30 meter riparian bufferstrip had a negative correlation with water quality in each sub-watershed. But the proportion of forest area had a positive correlation with water quality. Henceforth, it is necessary to establish landscape planning for preparing and restoring the riparian buffer zones, concerning land form, soil type, the present land use pattern and economic aspects.

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Correlation between Mix Proportion and Mechanical Characteristics of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (강섬유 보강 콘크리트의 배합비와 역학적 특성 사이의 관계 추정)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ki;Bae, Baek-Il;Koo, Hae-Shik
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.331-341
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    • 2015
  • The main purpose of this study is reducing the cost and effort for characterization of tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete, in order to use in structural design. For this purpose, in this study, test for fiber reinforced concrete was carried out. Because fiber reinforced concrete is consisted of diverse material, it is hard to define the correlation between mix proportions and strength. Therefore, compressive strength test and tensile strength test were carried out for the range of smaller than 100 MPa of compressive strength and 0.25~1% of steel fiber volume fraction. as a results of test, two types of tensile strength were highly affected by compressive strength of concrete. However, increase rate of tensile strength was decreased with increase of compressive strength. Increase rate of tensile strength was decreased with increase of fiber volume fraction. Database was constructed using previous research data. Because estimation equations for tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete should be multiple variable function, linear regression is hard to apply. Therefore, in this study, we decided to use the ANN(Artificial Neural Network). ANN was constructed using multiple layer perceptron architecture. Sigmoid function was used as transfer function and back propagation training method was used. As a results of prediction using artificial neural network, predicted values of test data and previous research which was randomly selected were well agreed with each other. And the main effective parameters are water-cement ratio and fiber volume fraction.

Cost Prediction Models in the Early Stage of the Roadway Planning and Designbased on Limited Available Information (가용정보를 활용한 기획 및 설계초기 단계의 도로 공사비 예측모델)

  • Kwak, Soo-Nam;Kim, Du-Yon;Kim, Byoung-Il;Choi, Seok-Jin;Han, Seung-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2009
  • The quality of early cost estimates is critical to the feasibility analysis and budget allocation decisions for public capital projects. Various researches have been attempted to develop cost prediction models in the early stage of a construction project. However, existing studies are limited on its applicability to actual projects because they focus primarily on a specific phase as well as utilize restricted information while the amount of information collectable differs from one another along with the project stages. This research aims to develop two-staged cost estimation model for the schematic planning and preliminary design process of a construction projects, considering the available information of each phase. In the schematic planning stage where outlined information of a project is only available, the Case-Based Reasoning model is used for easy and rapid elicitation of a project cost based on the extensive database of more than 90 actual highway construction projects. Then, the representing quantity-based model is proposed for the preliminary design stage where more information on the quantities and unit costs are collectable based on the alternative routes and cross-sections of a highway project. Real case studies are used to demonstrate and validate the benefits of the proposed approach. Through the two-stage cost estimation system, users are able to hold a timely prospect to presume the final cost within the budge such that feasibility study as well as budget allocation decisions are made on effectively and competitively.