• Title/Summary/Keyword: Moving color

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Improvement of Reduction method for Ringing Artifacts in color moving-pictures using K-means algorithm (K-means 알고리즘을 사용한 칼라 동영상 링잉 노이즈 감쇄 방법의 개선)

  • Kim, Byung-Hyun;Jang, Jun-Young;Jang, Won-Woo;Choi, Hyun-Chul;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.576-582
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed the improved Advanced Detail Enhancement algorithm that improve the blurring by the lossy compression with CODEC and reduce the ringing artifacts in restoration. The conventional algorithm needs much amount of the process by the use of RGB color space. To improve this, we only used the luminance value in YCbCr color space. We verified that the performance of the improved algorithm with Y color value, the luminance value, is equal to the conventional algorithm with RGB color value and that the operation time of the improved is shorter about 24% than the conventional through the measurement of the operation time with Kodak standard images.

Real-Time face detection using the Skin color and Haar-like feature (피부색과 Haar-like feature를 이용한 실시간 얼굴검출)

  • Jeong, Joong-Gyo;Park, Sang-Sung;Jang, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.4 s.36
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2005
  • Face detection in real-time video constitutes one of the major trend in face recognition. In this paper, we propose a face detection algorithm using the skin color and Haar-like feature in real-time video. The proposed algorithm is followed by three sequences; First, moving objects are detected by difference-method in YCbCr coordinates, and then by using Haar-like features, face candidate regions of the moving objects is selected. Finally we extract the most possible face candidates by comparing the pixel values of face candidates with the skin color. In order to prevent a mistake. we use similar features or skin color to detect a face by selecting a adaptive ROI and improve the processing speed in real-time video. The computer simulation shows the validity of the proposed method that the processing speed is improved by 30% than previous works and the detection success rate is 96.8%.

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Smoke Detection Method of Color Image Using Object Block Ternary Pattern (물체 블록의 삼진 패턴을 이용한 컬러 영상의 연기 검출 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Hun;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • Color image processing based on smoke detection is suitable detecting target to early detection of fire smoke. A method for detecting the smoke is processed in the pre-processing movement and color. And Next, characteristics of smoke such as diffusion, texture, shape, and directionality are used to post-processing. In this paper, propose the detection method of density distribution characteristic in characteristics of smoke. the generate a candidate regions by color thresholding image in Detecting the movement of smoke to the 10Frame interval and accumulated while 1second image. then check whether the pattern of the smoke by candidate regions to applying OBTP(Object Block Ternary Pattern). every processing is Block-based processing, moving detection is decided the candidate regions of the moving object by applying an adaptive threshold to frame difference image. The decided candidate region accumulates one second and apply the threshold condition of the smoke color. make the ternary pattern compare the center block value with block value of 16 position in each candidate region of the smoke, and determine the smoke by compare the candidate ternary pattern and smoke ternary pattern.

Distance Measuring Method for Motion Capture Animation (모션캡쳐 애니메이션을 위한 거리 측정방법)

  • Lee, Heei-Man;Seo, Jeong-Man;Jung, Suun-Key
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.1
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a distance measuring algorithm for motion capture using color stereo camera is proposed. The color markers attached on articulations of an actor are captured by stereo color video cameras, and color region which has the same color of the marker's color in the captured images is separated from the other colors by finding dominant wavelength of colors. Color data in RGB (red, green, blue) color space is converted into CIE (Commission Internationale del'Eclairage) color space for the purpose of calculating wavelength. The dominant wavelength is selected from histogram of the neighbor wavelengths. The motion of the character in the cyber space is controlled by a program using the distance information of the moving markers.

An Input/Output Technology for 3-Dimensional Moving Image Processing (3차원 동영상 정보처리용 영상 입출력 기술)

  • Son, Jung-Young;Chun, You-Seek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.8
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1998
  • One of the desired features for the realizations of high quality Information and Telecommunication services in future is "the Sensation of Reality". This will be achieved only with the visual communication based on the 3- dimensional (3-D) moving images. The main difficulties in realizing 3-D moving image communication are that there is no developed data transmission technology for the hugh amount of data involved in 3-D images and no established technologies for 3-D image recording and displaying in real time. The currently known stereoscopic imaging technologies can only present depth, no moving parallax, so they are not effective in creating the sensation of the reality without taking eye glasses. The more effective 3-D imaging technologies for achieving the sensation of reality are those based on the multiview 3-D images which provides the object image changes as the eyes move to different directions. In this paper, a multiview 3-D imaging system composed of 8 CCD cameras in a case, a RGB(Red, Green, Blue) beam projector, and a holographic screen is introduced. In this system, the 8 view images are recorded by the 8 CCD cameras and the images are transmitted to the beam projector in sequence by a signal converter. This signal converter converts each camera signal into 3 different color signals, i.e., RGB signals, combines each color signal from the 8 cameras into a serial signal train by multiplexing and drives the corresponding color channel of the beam projector to 480Hz frame rate. The beam projector projects images to the holographic screen through a LCD shutter. The LCD shutter consists of 8 LCD strips. The image of each LCD strip, created by the holographic screen, forms as sub-viewing zone. Since the ON period and sequence of the LCD strips are synchronized with those of the camera image sampling adn the beam projector image projection, the multiview 3-D moving images are viewed at the viewing zone.

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Emotional Image Quality Evaluation Technology for Display Devices

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Lee, Seung-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we explained the relation between evaluating display device and emotional image quality evaluation in human perceptual view. It is also suggested two emotional image quality evaluation method of display reflecting human visual function. One is the color space of CIECAM02 and the other is capturing moving image. It is necessary to standardize the evaluation methods of image quality based on emotional evaluation.

Bi-Stable and Wide Temperature-Range Electrowetting Displays

  • Blankenbach, K.;Schmoll, A.;Bitman, A.;Bartels, F.;Jerosch, D.
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08b
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    • pp.1757-1760
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    • 2007
  • Moving a droplet by electrowetting is the basis of our novel displays. This enables mechanical bistable and high reflective monochrome as well as color systems. Since no high temperature process is required, plastic substrates can be used. Our prototypes show promising performance in terms of a wide temperature range, contrast ratio and color.

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Object segmentation using CoM Model and $La^*b^*$ color feature ($La^*b^*$ 칼라 특징과 무게 중심 모델을 이용한 객체 추출)

  • Park, Tae-Gon;Kim, Gyeong-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1021-1022
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes an object segmentation method using centre of mass model and $CIELa^*b^*$ color feature. The proposed method detects moving objects using geometric and colorimetic information. The method is robust to illumination changes and it reduces noise by block-wise computation.

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Moving Face Detection using Color and Motion Information (칼라와 움직임 정보를 이용한 움직이는 얼굴 영역 검출 방법)

  • 이연철;김은이;박상용;황상원;김항준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10b
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    • pp.379-381
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문은 카메라의 움직임이 있는 영상에서 움직이는 사람의 얼굴을 검출하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법에서, 얼굴 영역을 찾기 위해 피부 색깔 정보와 움직임 정보를 이용한다. 카메라의 움직임을 어파인 모션 모델(Affine Motion Model)을 이용해 제거한 후, 적응적 임계치(adaptive thresholding)를 통해 얻어진 움직임 영역 내에서만 피부 색깔 모델(skin color model)을 이용해 얼굴 영역을 검출한다. 제안된 방법은 시간에 따라 조명이 변하거나 잡음이 포함된 영상에서도 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있다.

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Visual Demonstration of Simulated Moving Bed (Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography의 시각적 설명)

  • Oh, Nan Suk;Lee, Chong-Ho;Kim, Jin Il;Koo, Yoon-Mo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.360-365
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    • 2005
  • SMB (simulated moving bed) is a continuous chromatographic process by shifting periodically port position. Binary of mixture, Blue dextran and Orange G, was separated by SMB. These components have unique color individually, that is, Blue dextran is blue and Orange G is orange. It is easy to understand SMB process by observing the shift of color changes in SMB. These components was not adsorbed to stationary phase and isolated by difference of size exclusion factor. Mass transfer coefficient was determined by single pulse test under several flow rate conditions. Operation condition was obtained by standing wave theory and optimized for high purities in extract and raffinate streams. Experiment was performed in open loop 4 zone (2-2-2-2) SMB. There are several advantages in open loop SMB, where extract is product for high purity. It is also easy to control flow rate and monitor experimental state during operation. Experimental, extract and raffinate history is well fitted with simulation results, however, column concentration profile is a little different from simulation results. Purities were 99.5% for extract and 98.9% for raffinate and extract and raffinate yields were obtained as 98.9% and 99.4% respectively.