• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain Terrain

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Development of Plant Phenology and Snow Cover Detection Technique in Mountains using Internet Protocol Camera System (무인카메라 기반 산악지역 식물계절 및 적설 탐지 기술 개발)

  • Keunchang, Jang;Jea-Chul, Kim;Junghwa, Chun;Seokil, Jang;Chi Hyeon, Ahn;Bong Cheol, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.318-329
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    • 2022
  • Plant phenology including flowering, leaf unfolding, and leaf coloring in a forest is important to understand the forest ecosystem. Temperature rise due to recent climate change, however, can lead to plant phenology change as well as snowfall in winter season. Therefore, accurate monitoring of forest environment changes such as plant phenology and snow cover is essential to understand the climate change effect on forest management. These changes can monitor using a digital camera system. This paper introduces the detection methods for plant phenology and snow cover at the mountain region using an unmanned camera system that is a way to monitor the change of forest environment. In this study, the Automatic Mountain Meteorology Stations (AMOS) operated by Korea Forest Service (KFS) were selected as the testbed sites in order to systematize the plant phenology and snow cover detection in complex mountain areas. Multi-directional Internet Protocol (IP) camera system that is a kind of unmanned camera was installed at AMOS located in Seoul, Pyeongchang, Geochang, and Uljin. To detect the forest plant phenology and snow cover, the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) analysis based on the IP camera imagery was developed. The results produced by using image analysis captured from IP camera showed good performance in comparison with in-situ data. This result indicates that the utilization technique of IP camera system can capture the forest environment effectively and can be applied to various forest fields such as secure safety, forest ecosystem and disaster management, forestry, etc.

Meteorological basis for wind loads calculation in Croatia

  • Bajic, Alica;Peros, Bernardin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.389-406
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    • 2005
  • The results of reference wind speed calculation in Croatia as a base for the revision of the Croatian standards for wind loads upon structures are presented. Wind speed averaged over 10 minutes, at 10 m height, in a flat, open terrain, with a 50-year mean return period is given for 27 meteorological stations in Croatia. It is shown that the greatest part of Croatia is covered with expected reference wind speeds up to 25 m/s. Exceptions are stations with specific anemometer location open to the bura wind which is accelerated due to the channelling effects of local orography and the nearby mountain passes where the expected reference wind speed ranges between 38 m/s and 55 m/s. The methodology for unifying all available information from wind measurements regardless of the averaging period is discussed by analysing wind speed variability at the meteorological station in Hvar.

Study for Planning and Guideline for Select the Reasonable Mountainous Light Rail Transit System (산악용 경전철의 계획 및 시스템 선정에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Duck-Young;Lee, An-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1683-1688
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    • 2008
  • These days, in Korea, according to improving the standard living, people generally work 5 days a week and it results more leisure hours. On weekends or in specific season, travel to mountain region around the major city is much in demand, and, in case of public transportation, the demand exceeds the supply. So, people tend to go other places, even overseas, for their holidays. The situation in Korea reflects the needs for mountainous light rail transit system with the object of convenient and rapid transport of passengers. In this paper, the guideline for mountainous light rail transit planing is proposed, and the representative mountainous light rail transit system is analyzed to choose the proper mountainous light rail transit system which adapts the demand for transportation and the terrain in Korea.

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Optimal Disposition of Direction Finder using EM Wave Propagation Analysis (전파환경분석을 통한 방향탐지기 최적배치에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jong-Won;Choi, Jun-Ho;Kwon, Do-Baeg;Kang, Hee-Seog;Park, Cheol-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 2007
  • This paper introduces the optimal disposition of direction finder using EM(Electro-magnetic) wave propagation analysis which is based on LR(Longley-Rice) propagation model and the characteristics of direction finder, emitter and terrain. Initial model is simulated and modified to minimize propagation error as a result of the field trials. Proposed analysis used line-of-sight analysis and mountain-top extraction algorithm to optimize the disposition in the assigned area and the result can be displayed in the 3D map in order of the percentage coverage for direction finding possibility area.

An Analysis of Multi-path Propagation Characteristics Using DTM : Considering Slope of the Ground Surface (DTM을 이용한 다중경로 전파특성 분석 : 지면의 경사를 고려한 해석)

  • Lim, Joong-Soo;Chae, Gyoo-Soo;Kim, Min-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2007
  • We suggest a multi-path propagation analysis method using DTM(Digital Terrain Map). Generally, the total signal strength at a target is calculated by adding the field propagated in free space and the field reflected from the ground surface. In this paper, we also consider the vertical reflections associated with the vertical surfaces such as precipitous cliffs and electricity pylons in the mountain area. In addition, we primarily take account the main slope of the ground surface to improve the accuracy of the total field density at the target.

The Santa Ana winds of Southern California: Winds, gusts, and the 2007 Witch fire

  • Fovell, Robert G.;Cao, Yang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.529-564
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    • 2017
  • The Santa Ana winds occur in Southern California during the September-May time frame, bringing low humidities across the area and strong winds at favored locations, which include some mountain gaps and on particular slopes. The exceptionally strong event of late October 2007, which sparked and/or spread numerous fires across the region, is compared to more recent events using a numerical model verified against a very dense, limited-area network (mesonet) that has been recently deployed in San Diego County. The focus is placed on the spatial and temporal structure of the winds within the lowest two kilometers above the ground within the mesonet, along with an attempt to gauge winds and gusts occurring during and after the onset of October 2007's Witch fire, which became one of the largest wildfires in California history.

Discussions on the Distribution and Genesis of Mountain Ranges in the Korean Peninsular (II) : The Proposal of 'Sanjulgi-Jido(Mountain Ridge Map)‘ (한국 산맥론(II): 한반도 '산줄기 지도'의 제안)

  • Park Soo Jin;SON ILL
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, there are strong social demands to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains in Korea. This study aims to develop a 'Sanjulgi-Jido(mountain ridge map)' that might be used not only to satisfy these social demands but also to effectively present the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins in the Korean Peninsular. The 'Sanjulgi-Jido' developed in this study is a map that presents the continuity of mountains based on the drainage divides that are delineated by a pre-defined drainage basin size and elevation. This study first validated the Bakdudaegan system through the analyses of a digital elevation model. The Bakdudaegan system has long been recognized as the Koreans traditional conceptual framework to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains. The analyses showed that the Bakdudaegan system has several problems to represent the mountain systems in Korea, which includes 1) the lack of the representativeness of drainage basins, 2) inaccuracy to depict the boundary of drainage basins, 3) the lack of representativeness of mountains, and 4) geo-polical issue that confines the spatial extent of mountain systems within the Korean Peninsular. In order to represent the mountains system in a more quantitative manner, we applied several terrain analysis techniques to understand the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins. Based on these analyses, we developed an hierarchical system to classify the continuity (If mountains, which are presented as the spatial distribution of drainage divides with a certain elevation. The first-order Sanjulgi is the drainage divides whose drainage basin are bigger than $5,000km^2$ and the point elevation is above 100m. The next order Sanjulgi is delineated as the size of drainage basin is successively divided by two. This kind of design is able to provide a logical framework to present the mountain systems at different details, depending on the purpose and scale of maps. We also provide several empirical functions to calculate various geomorphological indices for each order of Sanjulgi. The 'Sanjulgi Jido' is similar with the Bakdudaegan system, since it characterizes the continuity of mountains based on the spatial distribution of the drainage divide. It, however, has more scientific criteria to define the scale and continuity of mountains. It should be also noted that the 'Sanjulgi Jido' proposed has different logical and methodological background, compared with the mountain range map that explains the genesis of mountain systems in addition to the continuity of mountains.

Stereo Matching For Satellite Images using The Classified Terrain Information (지형식별정보를 이용한 입체위성영상매칭)

  • Bang, Soo-Nam;Cho, Bong-Whan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.4 no.1 s.6
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 1996
  • For an atomatic generation of DEM(Digital Elevation Model) by computer, it is a time-consumed work to determine adquate matches from stereo images. Correlation and evenly distributed area-based method is generally used for matching operation. In this paper, we propose a new approach that computes matches efficiantly by changing the size of mask window and search area according to the given terrain information. For image segmentation, at first edge-preserving smoothing filter is used for preprocessing, and then region growing algorithm is applied for the filterd images. The segmented regions are classifed into mountain, plain and water area by using MRF(Markov Random Filed) model. Maching is composed of predicting parallex and fine matching. Predicted parallex determines the location of search area in fine matching stage. The size of search area and mask window is determined by terrain information for each pixel. The execution time of matching is reduced by lessening the size of search area in the case of plain and water. For the experiments, four images which are covered $10km{\times}10km(1024{\times}1024\;pixel)$ of Taejeon-Kumsan in each are studied. The result of this study shows that the computing time of the proposed method using terrain information for matching operation can be reduced from 25% to 35%.

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An Objective Procedure to Decide the Scale Factors for Applying Land-form Classification Methodology Using TPI (TPI 응용에 의한 산악지형 분류기법의 적용을 위한 scale factor 선정방법 개발)

  • Jang, Kwangmin;Song, Jungeun;Park, Kyeung;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to introduce the TPI approach for interpreting land-forms of mountain forests in South Korea. We develop an objective procedure to decide the scale factor as a basic analytical unit in land-form classification of rugged mountain areas using TPI. In order to determine the scale factor associated with the pattern of slope profiles, the gradient variance curve was derived from a revised hypsometric curve developed using the relief energy of topographic profiles. Using the gradient variance curve, found was the grid size with which the change in relief energy got the peak point. The grid size at the peak point was determined as the scale factor for the study area. In order to investigate the performance of the procedure based on the gradient variance curve, it was applied to determination of the site-specific scale factors of 3 different terrain conditions; highly-rugged, moderately-rugged and relatively less-rugged. The TPI associated with the corresponding scale factors by study site was, then, determined and used in classifying the land-forms. According to the results of this study, the scale factor gets shorter with more rugged terrain conditions. It was also found that the numbers of valleys and ridges estimated with TPI show almost the same trends as those of the observed and the scale factors tends to approach to the mean distance of ridges.

Numerical Simulation of Local Atmospheric Circulations in the Valley of Gwangneung KoFlux Sites (광릉 KoFlux 관측지 계곡에서의 국지순환 수치모의)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Kim, Joon;Kang, Minseok;Malla-Thakuri, Bindu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.246-260
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    • 2014
  • A 90-m horizontal-resolution numerical model was configured to study the micrometeorological features of local winds in the valley of Gwangneung KoFlux (Korea Flux network) Sites (GDK: Gwangneung Deciduous forest site in Korea, GCK: Gwangneung Coniferous forest site in Korea) during summer days. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were employed for high-resolution model terrain height. Model performance was evaluated by comparing observed and simulated near-surface temperature and winds. Detailed qualitative analysis of the model-simulated wind field was carried out for two selected cases which are a clear day (Case I) and a cloudy day (Case II). Observed winds exhibited that GDK and GCK, as well as Case I and Case II, had differences in timing, duration and strength of daytime and nighttime wind direction and speeds. The model simulation results strongly supported the existence of the drainage flow in the valley of the KoFlux tower sites. Overall, the simulated model fields realistically presented the diurnal cycle of local winds in and around the valley, including the morning drainage-upslope transition and the evening reversal of upslope wind. Also, they indicated the complexity of local winds interactions by presenting that daytime westerly winds in the valley were not always pure mountain winds and were often coupled with larger-scale wind systems, such as synoptic-scale winds or mesoscale sea breezes blowing from the west coast of the peninsula.