• Title/Summary/Keyword: Moral Autonomy

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A critical inquiry on the feminine ethics in nursing (간호에서의 여성적 윤리에 대한 비판적 탐구)

  • Kong, Byung-Hye
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : This study was to illuminate the main characteristics and limits of the feminine ethics of care when it applies to the nursing ethics, and suggested sufficient conditions of care ethics in nursing in order to actualize the autonomy for nurses. Method : This study inquired the relationship between the ethical trait of caring in nursing and Gilligan & Noddings's moral theory as feminine ethics in relation to supporting the nursing ethics. In contrast to traditional moral theories based on universal principles, Gilligan's moral theory emphasized the conscious of the interpersonal relationship on the basis of the empathy and the responsibility for the other's need in contextual situations, and Noddings developed her ethics based on mothering as a model for the caring relation, the moral feature of which was characterized as reciprocity, receptiveness and responsiveness. Result : The feminine ethics of care came to support nursing ethics considering the nterpersonal relationship and responsibility. However, it did not show a possible ideal of nursing ethics because it has some difficulties in actualizing the nurse's individual and professional autonomy in the health care system. Conclusion : Therefore, in order that ethics of care can be an ideal and universal nursing ethics, it should be studied in proper direction, that is, toward actualization of the autonomy of the universal ethical self in relation to the concern and responsibility for the other.

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The Relationship between Transgressive Behaviors of Humanity and Moral Anger in Korean Culture ('사람됨' 준거 위반과 도덕적 정서로서의 화(火)의 관계 분석)

  • Kibum Kim ;Hyojin Im
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2005
  • Many researches have argued the most important dimension of perception or evaluation of person is morality and competence in Korean culture. This study was to investigate the cultural characteristics of the criteria of personhood. Two studies were conducted to investigate the criteria used to evaluate person by qualitative approach and the differences of evaluation of wrongdoer who violates interpersonal norm or individual autonomy by experimental method. In addition, anger as emotional response to wrongdoer is conceptualized in terms of moral and self-conscious emotion. Expression of anger is less an outpouring of emotion and more a culturally regulated and normative mode of managing and putting into practice our society's system of rights and obligations - its moral code. According to results of qualitative data by interview and focus group interview, the most important criteria used to evaluate personhood was interpersonal concern, esp, expectation and norm. The results of experiment revealed that violation of interpersonal norm domain evoked angrier towards violator than autonomy domain. The subjects ascribed more blame and responsibility to interpersonal norm violator than autonomy keeper. Also function of behavior inhibition of anger was higher in interpersonal norm domain than autonomy domain.

A Program Development and Application on Educating Sport Ethics (스포츠윤리교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Park, Sung-Joo
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to develop an educational program of sport ethics which would enhance moral autonomy on the part of athletes. First, based on James Rest's Four Component Model of moral behavior, this study has analyzed prior studies and built educational contents. Then, it used dilemma discussions among peers for disequilibrium of cognitive structure. Last, this program has been tested and proven by college students who were thoroughly interviewed afterwards. After joining the program, the student-athletes showed a positive change of thought and action in relation to sport ethics. I hope that this study will contribute to enlarging the field of sport ethics education.

A Study on the Degree of Moral Distress of Nurses in a City (일 지역 간호사의 도덕적 고뇌 정도)

  • Yoo, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was carried out to understand the degree of moral distress of nurses and to provide scientific data for searching measures to efficiently manage their moral distress. Method: The survey was conducted with 302 nurses at the general hospital in City D by using the self-report type of questionnaire composed of 66 questions of 5-point Likert scale in four dimensions. Result: The mean scores of moral distress of nurses showed higher than average in all four dimensions: $80.54{\pm}14.82$ of 150 in the situational dimension, $52.99{\pm}9.98$ of 90 in the cognitive dimension, $13.30{\pm}2.85$ of 25 in the behavioral dimension, and $48.06{\pm}7.76$ of 65 in the emotional dimension. In addition, moral stress of each factor in the situational area showed $34.20{\pm}7.27$ in negative medical behavior, $10.98{\pm}2.53$ in lack of respect for autonomy of patients, excessive economic burden $10.86{\pm}2.94$, $7.40{\pm}1.89$ in irrational organizational administration and $17.10{\pm}3.50$ in negative nursing behavior. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop the intervention program to help nurses to reduce their moral distress since its degree showed considerably high.

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Neuroethics and Christian Education (신경윤리와 기독교교육)

  • Yu, Jae Deog
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.145-171
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    • 2020
  • Christian communities have long sought to find what type of moral judgment is appropriate and what the Christian behavior is, by taking the church's ethical norms and behavior patterns as objects of reflection. In the same context, Christian education also tried to base the psychological rationalism of J. Piaget and L. Kohlberg, but the reason-centered structural development theory was not the answer. In fact, the structural development theory, which emphasized autonomy while excluding emotions from the moral judgment process, over-emphasizing cognition or reason, eventually led to moral relativism, unlike what was intended. In addition, it was criticized for not being able to adequately elucidate the gap between human moral reasoning and behavior, and for attempting to interpret morality excessively within the context of social culture. Recently, these limitations of structural developmental theory have been reinterpreted by neuroethics, especially moral psychology theories, which claim that moral judgment ability is physically wired in the brain and relies heavily on networks between cortical and limbic system. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the newly emerged research themes of neuroethics, and then to discuss two main theories that explain morality in the perspective of neuroethics and the implications that Christian education should pay attention to.

Is Moral Identity theory a post-kohlbergian? - The function of the reflective reasoning in the moral identity theory and it's implication (도덕적 정체성 이론은 탈 콜버그주의인가?)

  • Son, Kyung-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.32
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    • pp.395-432
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is (i) to explore arguments of post-kohlbergian approach in moral psychology and; (ii) to analyze Blasi's and Lapsley's positions regarding the relationship between moral philosophy and psychology in terms of reflective reasoning and; (ⅲ) to suggest their's implication concerning the future development of moral identity theory. Moral identity theory has emerged as an alternative approach of the Kohlberg's moral development theory. Theorists of moral identity theory commonly criticize Kohlberg's theory as a philosophical psychology and insist the autonomy of moral psychology. However, one can find different positions within this trend, especially concerning he meaning and role of the reflection in moral functioning. Blasi emphasizes the importance of the reflective reasoning of moral agent, while Lapsley supports moral automacy contrary to Kohlberg's phenomenalism. Although Blasi had been negative about building moral psychology based on the moral philosophy, he has articulated the moral identity theory based on the concept of free will by Frankfurt. However, recently he criticizes intuitionist theory of Haidit and suggests the notion of the moral agent with the skill of reflective reasoning, or post-conventional thinking in Kohlberg's terms. Blasi's perspective of moral identity has two version. The one emphasizes the moral understanding which means strong evaluation, while the other refers to reasoning with weak evaluation. This leads to an inevitable inner contradiction within his theory of moral identity. Lapsley considers moral identity as a heuristic idea and suggests moral chronic as a new model of moral identity. This model is based on the social cognitive theory. His social cognitive model of moral personality provides the account for implicit, tacit, and automatic of moral functioning, while reflecting the core of moral identity. Lapsley suggests that moral function involves conscious and unconscious processes. The former occurs in normal situations of life, while the latter in rare and unusual situations. He does not highlight reasoning in moral functioning as Blasi do. In consequence, I will argue the notion of the moral agent with the skill of reflective reasoning, or post conventional thinking in Kohlberg's terms in the moral functioning like Gibbs and Turiel positions in the Journal of Moral Education' s 2008 special issue. Moral philosophy and psychology should be in complementary relations. It means we explore not only more interdisciplinary researches on the moral functioning, but also researches based on the moral philosophy.

Conflict of Interersts in Scientific Study and Bioethics as Professionalism

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.477-482
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    • 2013
  • Science in the 21st century does not consider participants' welfare, safety and human rights in clinical studies, but modern science puts economic profits in its priority. This leads to a growing concern about social responsibility and professionalism ethics of companies, sponsors and scientists. Specifically, there is no way to control conflicts of participants' welfare with economic profits, leading to simply relying on individual ethics, social responsibilities and audit. This paper helps relevant agencies and people involved understand conflict of interest. Also this study presents the guidelines as well as independence, autonomy, ethical imagination and phronesis required for scientists.

Two Culture and Bioethics, Professionalism and Ethics of Bio Technology (두 문화와 생명윤리, 그리고 생명공학자 윤리)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2010
  • This thesis attempts to describe the basis and value system respectively selected by opinions pro and against bio engineering technology and to induce discussions on the basis of the concept called 'two culture' issue by C. P. Snow - science culture, human culture, a teleological ethical theory and a deontological ethical theory, traditional eugenics, and liberalism eugenics. In addition, it will discuss about inconvenient truth about science and bio engineering which we have wrongly understood up to now - a myth on objectivity of science, autonomy of science and a scientist, a hunger of world, science expected to be responsible for all men. Lastly, it will describe study ethics and social responsibility, openness, moral imagination, self-examination, character of a bio engineer as professionalism.

Deciding for Other as Christian Bioethics (대리인의 사전의료지시서와 기독교 생명윤리)

  • O, Seung-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 2007
  • There are three things that are not known to the human being. That is when, where and how one will die. Most people live ignoring death. However, elements of death linger everywhere. The purpose of this treatise is investigates about justification Deciding for Other directions. First, I will investigate about Deciding for Other directions, when patient can not decide own, I will do investigate agent's decision's problem. Second, These four principles provide the common ground for biomedical ethics. Principlism argue that a method using four principles can resolve controversies in bioethics. The method holds that there are four principles-respect for autonomy, nonamleficence, beneficence, justice- that articulate the necessary conditions of common morality for health care and bioethics. Beauchamp and Childress respond by arguing that the two problems are nc the meaning or interpretation but the process of specification. Third, So, Supplement four principles' problem to Levinas concept of the Other theory. Levinas concept of the Other is very resemblant with 'Love your neighbour as yourself." Christians believe that Love is above all and they act accordingly. They base this faith mainly upon the motto of "love your neighbour as yourself." Fourth. difficult part of Levinas concept of the Other is that there is no human to equal infinite sense of responsibility. Can be supplemented about this through cooperation of community. Four principles can be brought to bear on moral choices. And they asserts that each principles has weigh but they do not assign a priority weighting of ranking. All the principles are equal in moral decision making.

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