• Title/Summary/Keyword: Modem

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Design of a Frequency Synchronization Algorithm for S-DMT Cable Modem (S-DMT 방식 케이블 모뎀을 위한 주파수 동기 알고리즘 설계)

  • Cho, Byung-Hak
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a frequency synchronization algorithm for S-DMT cable modem, which is practicable to the next-generation high capacity upstream physical layer in HFC networks. Analyzing several viable frequency synchronization algorithms of multicarrier systems, we proposed an algorithm using predetermined training sequence of repeated pattern in preamble field and residual frequency offset compensation with pilot signals. We verified that the simulation results of the proposed algorithm in AWGN showed good performance and suitability to the S-DMT upstream cable modem for fast frequency synchronization.

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Implementation of Decision Feedback Equalizer for 64 QAM RF MODEM in SDH Radio Systems (SDH 무선 시스템의 64 QAM RF MODEM을 위한 DFE 구현)

  • 이대령;방효창;장태화;안준배;조성준;김원후
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.928-938
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    • 1994
  • We designed and implemented (3.3) tap Decision Feedback Equalizer using Zero Forcing algorithm for 64 QAM RF MODEM (155Mbps) in SDH STM-1, Before we designed DFE, simulate 11 tap linear equalizer and (3.3) tap DFE. Then we get results that performance of DFE is better than linear equalizer by 5dB in fading. Practically, implemented DFE have good performance equalizing signal in 20dB fading depth.

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An all-digial HDTV modem for terrestrial broadcasting (지상 방송용 고선명 텔레비젼을 위한 전 디지탈 모뎀)

  • 한동석;신현수;최양석;송동일
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.1777-1786
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    • 1996
  • This paper describes theories and implementation techniques of a digital high-definition television(HDTV) modem based on 32-QAM for terrestrial broadcasting. We proposed a digital demodulation scheme and a symbol timing recovery structure based on the band edge component maximization(BECM) method. The adaptive equalizer has 256 complex taps to remove the multipath of delays ranging from -2.mu.s~+24.mu.s with a new T/2-spaced blind equalization algorithm. computer simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms other conventional blind equalization algorithm a digital HDTV modem with 4.91MHz symobol rate is implemented by utilizing the proposed algorithms. All processings for modem operations such as demodulation, estimation of symbol timing phase error, adaptive equalization, and carrier recovery except IF signal processing and sampling phase control part of the AD converter are done in digital domain. Especially, the carrier recovery loop can track a carrier offset of upto .+-.350KHz.

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Development of Data-Flow Control Algorithm of Wireless Network for Sewage Disposal Facility

  • Jung, Soonho;Shin, Jaekwon;Kang, Jeongjin;Lee, Seungyoun;Lee, Junghoon
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2015
  • Recently, water sewage disposal facilities are able to manage real-time data collection and record management through compact broadband modem LAN switching technology. Therefore, it needs more stable and efficient facility management. So, we required practical use of environmental facilities convergence based on broadband integrated modem. In this paper, we proposed short distance wireless communication network of compact broadband modem for sewage disposal facilities. And it received data inside of water treatment facility using the two communication methods (IEEE802.11x and IEEE802.15.4x). Then, our proposed an data-flow control algorithm of wireless network technology will prioritize processing data when emergency happen through collecting data, analysis data and processing. Lastly, we proved usefulness by experiment and simulation analysis.

A Development of Module Operating on Standby-power Reduction for Low-speedy PLC Modem (저속 PLC 모뎀을 위한 대기전력 절감 모듈 개발)

  • Kim Ki-Hyun;Kim Ji-Hong;Kim Nam-Kyun;Kim Sang-Cheol;Seo Kil-Soo;Kim Eun-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.1537-1539
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a supplementary module reducing the standby-power of Power Line Communication(PLC) modem, one of the network equipments that take up much of the stand-by power. This supplementary module consists of three parts, such as a compare part, a control part, and a switch part. This supplementary module controls the power going from the power supply element into PLC modem, which brings about the effect of standby-power reduction. It is assured that over $30\%$ standby-power reduction is estimated when we applied this module to a low-speedy PLC control modem.

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Signal Processing Module Development for Specialized Underwater Acoustic Communication Modem (특성화된 수중음향통신모뎀을 위한 신호처리 모듈 구현)

  • Park, Young-Joon;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.258-261
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    • 2010
  • The existing underwater acoustic communications modem is developing based on commercial products, so it is possible on functionality and performance of under water acoustic communications modem implementation. But the production of development system is required to single platform system implementation at the system' s size and cost. So this thesis designs and implements the signal processing module as an important role to single hardware platform production of underwater acoustic communication modem by using TigerSHARC DSP chip.

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A Development of Module Operating on Standby-power Reduction for PLC Control Modem (제어용 PLC 모뎀을 위한 대기전력 절감 모듈 개발)

  • Kim, Kl-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Hong;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Kim, Sang-Cheol;Seo, Kil-Soo;Kim, Eun-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.296-299
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a supplementary module reducing tile standby-power of Power Line Communication(PLC) modem, one of the network equipments that take up much of tile stand-by power. This supplementary module consists of three parts, such as a compare part, a control part, and a switch part. This supplementary module controls the power going from the power supply element into PLC modem, which brings about the effect of standby-power reduction. It is assured that over 30% standby-power reduction is estimated when we applied this module to a low-speedy PLC control modem.

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A Study on the Tendency of Gorgeous Image in Modern Fashion Design (현대 패선 디자인에 나타난 고저스 이미지 경향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Un-Young;Lee In-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.10 s.200
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2004
  • Social structure has diversified, and changed into the form of pluralism since entering the 21st century. Specially, entering in the 21st century modem fashion is expressed to the luxurious feminism which expresses sensual, strong, and decorative elegant based on the womanly beauty. The gorgeous image is a splendid and luxurious image. Also it is the fashion image which is expressed strongly by the decorative detail elements among the design components. Then, it appears often in modem fashion as the pursuit image of modem persons. Therefore, the purpose of this study was not only to analyze the meaning providence and the diagnostic elements about the gorgeous image that appears often in modem fashion, but also to help the various fashion image representations by arranging the presenting principle and the method of fashion image systematically setting in the trend toward modem fashion. The method of this study was a theoretical research of the literature materials concerned with fashion images by the clothes. Also, the questionnaires were completed by selected specialists as investigation subjects who were variously engaged in the fashion-related fields in order to research the gorgeous image. In the above results. the gorgeous image's diagnostic constituent was grasped laying stress on the characteristic of the clothes. Then, the whole concept named Luxury Imagination was chosen, and 4 suits of the gorgeous image were produced by these results In the diversified and personalized modem fashion with he above results the flowing of the gorgeous image is the part able to be expressed exactly in the view of the image pursued by the public.

Absence and Resemblance of Romantic Style in Modern Fashion (현대패션에 나타난 낭만주의 양식의 부재와 유사)

  • Kim, Jeong-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.94-108
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    • 2011
  • The goal of this dissertation is to analyze various Romantic styles appearing in modem fashion based upon the 'Difference' theory developed by Michel Foucault. The characteristics that represent 'difference' in change of dress style are absence and resemblance. They are derived from the Foucault's interpretations of 'difference' represented in the paintings by Vel$\acute{a}$zquez and Magritte. The formative characteristics of the Romantic style dress in the 19th century are suppression of body, fixed form, volume, and ornamentation. And the aesthetic values of that are subordination, sensuality, and maternity. The formative characteristics of the Romantic style that have appeared since 1980s is analyzed according to absence and resemblance. The results are as follows: first, absence in fashion means that body is more emphasized than dress represented by omitting part or the entire of dress or using the transparent materials. In modem fashion, absence also frees the body from dress and creates ambiguity of boundaries between body and dress. Another characteristic of the absence is lessening the volume, which means the size of dress remains still big but the weight is lightened. Second, resemblance means the formative similarities between the Romantic style of the $19^{th}$ century's and that of modem fashion created through using modem technology and materials. The characteristics of the resemblance are the fixed form, lessening of volume of the dress and ornamentation. Feminine beauty inherent in the original, such as subordination, sensuality, and maternity, looses its symbolic meaning and what is created is a new combination of images and signifiant that contain no or uncertain meanings. Thus totally new and different Romantic style is created. The Romantic style in modem fashion changed into the appropriate style to the modem society under various conditions such as designer's will, postmodernism, changes of femininity and technology.

A VLSI Architecture Design of CDMA/TDMA Modem Chipsets for Wireless Telemetry Systems (CDMA/TDMA 기반 무선 원격계측 시스템용 모뎀의 VLSI 구조 설계)

  • 이원재;이성주;이서구;정석호;김재석
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we present the architecture design of CDMA/TDMA modem chipset for wireless telemetry system. The wireless telemetry system a measuring data collecting system from many RTs(Remote Terminal) installed at the specific area using wireless communication technology. It consists of CU single CU (Central Unit) for collecting data and a large amount of RTs for transmitting the measuring data. We propose the hardware architecture of the modem for RT and CU. We also design those modem using Verilog HDL and synthesis them using Synopsys$^{TM}$ CAD tool. The modem of RT is implemented with 27K gates and that of CU is implemented around 220k gates using 0.6${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS standard cell. The proposed system is implemented and tested using Altera$^{TM}$ FPGA.PGA.