• 제목/요약/키워드: Missions

검색결과 917건 처리시간 0.023초

지속가능한 비즈니스모델 설계 도구: 소셜벤처 사례를 중심으로 (The Tool to Design Sustainable Business Models: A Case Study for the Social Ventures)

  • 박재환;전혜진
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 2019
  • 성공적인 비즈니스를 위해서 지속가능성과 관련된 도전과 기회들을 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 기존의 비즈니스모델 캔버스는 사회에 미치는 장기적인 영향과 관계없이 '성공'으로 식별되는 비즈니스 모델을 만들 수 있다. 하지만 지속가능한 비즈니스모델에 대한 원칙과 지침이 추가되지 않으면 새로운 한계에 직면할 수 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 경제적인 미션뿐만 아니라 사회적, 환경적 미션을 함께 수행해야 하는 소셜벤처를 중심으로 지속가능한 비즈니스 모델 설계를 위한 도구들을 살펴보고 활용도를 모색하는 데 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 소셜벤처 창업가들의 경영사례를 분석하여 경제적, 환경적, 사회적 세 가지 관점의 비즈니스 모델을 정립하여 지속가능성을 높일 수 있는 기회를 탐색했다. 본 연구는 기존 선행연구의 한계점을 극복하고자 TLBMC (Triple Layered Business Model Canvas)를 사용하여 소셜벤처가 지녀야할 경제적, 환경적, 사회적 관점으로 다양하게 분석하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 시사점을 가지고 있다. 첫째, 경제적 요소를 사회적, 환경적 요구와 연결 가능한 기회를 살펴보았다. 둘째, 소셜벤처의 특성인 환경적 사회적 관점을 실무에 활용 할 수 있음을 확인했다. 셋째, 소셜벤처 비즈니스 모델의 경험 자료를 구축했다. 본 연구는 질적연구의 특징인 참여자의 관점, 참여자의 의미, 참여자의 다양한 주관적 견해에 초점을 맞추어 진행하여, 도출된 전반적인 의미에 대해 연구자의 주장으로 결론이 마무리되는 사례연구로서의 한계를 가지고 있다. 그러나 본 연구의 새로운 접근법은 향후 지속가능한 성공을 위한 새로운 비즈니스 모델 설계의 기회를 제공하고 있다. 또한 실증연구를 위한 기초단계로서 소셜벤처 비즈니스 모델연구에 기초가 될 수 있을 것이다. 지속가능한 비즈니스의 기회를 이해하기 위해 향후 더 많은 사례연구와 개선된 도구에 대한 검증과 피드백에 관련된 연구가 계속 되어야 할 것이다.

메타버스의 기독교교육 적용방안 (Study on the Application for Christian Education by Metaverse)

  • 옥장흠
    • 기독교교육논총
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    • 제70권
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    • pp.37-74
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    • 2022
  • 중국 우한에서 발생한 코로나19는 한국 교회의 대면 예배를 어렵게 만들었다. 이러한 문제들을 해결하기 위한 대안으로 메타버스가 등장하였다. 메타버스는 3I(몰입감: Immersion, 상호작용: Interactive, 가상이미지: virtual Image)로 표현되는 기술을 통해서 다양한 플랫폼을 형성하고 있다. 이러한 메타버스 기술을 기독교교육에 적용하여 기독교교육의 적용방안을 분석하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 이러한 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 먼저, 메타버스의 본질을 살펴보기 위하여 메타버스의 정의, 유형, 플랫폼, 기술을 제시하였고, 다음으로 교회론을 교육신학적인 측면에서 분석하기 위하여 교회의 본질, 교회의 사명, 메타버스 교회에 대해 살펴보고, 메타버스를 기독교교육에 적용하기 위하여, 메타버스를 통한 예배, 메타버스를 통한 교육, 메타버스를 통한 섬김, 메타버스를 통한 성도의 교재, 메타버스를 통한 선교 등으로 분류하여 메타버스의 기독교교육을 위한 적용방안을 분석하였다. 메타버스의 기독교교육을 위한 적용 방안은 첫째, 메타버스를 통해 예배를 드릴 수 있다는 것이다. 둘째, 메타버스를 통해서 교육을 수행할 수 있다. 셋째, 메타버스를 활용하여 섬김의 사명을 수행할 수 있다. 넷째, 메타버스를 통해서 성도들이 교재할 수 있다. 다섯째, 메타버스를 통해 선교의 사명을 수행할 수 있다는 점을 분석하였다. 결론적으로 메타버스는 아직 발전단계에 있지만 지금까지 개발된 다양한 플랫폼을 활용하여 그 플랫폼이 가지고 있는 장점들을 활용하여 기독교교육의 목적을 달성할 수 있는 다양한 프로그램들이 개발되어야 한다. 특히, 한국교회가 메타버스를 활용하여 주일예배는 물론이고, 주일학교, 청소년 수련회, QT, 성경학교, 성지순례 등의 다양한 프로그램들을 활용하여 메타버스가 가지고 있는 특성을 잘 살리는 기회가 되었으면 한다. 또한 메타버스는 VR, AR, MR이 통합된 확장현실(XR)의 기술을 활용하여 기존의 교회에서 벗어나 창의적인 기독교 교육활동을 할 수 있는 점이 강점이라고 할 수 있다. 앞으로 메타버스 기술은 제4차 산업기술이 발전함에 따라 다양하게 발전할 것으로 예상되므로 기독교교육에 다양하게 적용할 준비가 되어야 한다.

유학과 대순사상의 생명론 비교 고찰 (A Comparative Study of the Theories of Life Posited by Confucianism and Daesoon Thought)

  • 안유경
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제42집
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    • pp.75-108
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문은 유학과 대순사상의 생명론을 비교 고찰함으로써 생명과 생명 윤리에 대한 여러 논의들이 제기되는 이 시대에 생명의 의미를 새롭게 규명해보려는 것이다. 유학과 대순사상은 모두 천지의 생명원리, 즉 생명의지(生意)와 신명에 근거하여 만물의 생성을 설명한다. 이 때문에 천지 속의 만물은 동일한 생명원리를 얻어서 생겨난 것이므로, 동일한 내재적 가치를 지닌 존재이다. 여기에서 만물이 하나의 생명체라는 동체(同體)의식이 성립하니, 이러한 동체의식은 만물이 모두 하나(전체의 일부)라는 유기체적 세계관을 형성한다. 이로써 천지 속의 만물은 모두 상호 유기적인 관계 속에 존재하니, 나와 남이 별개의 존재가 아니라 함께 해야 할 소중한 삶의 동반자가 된다. 그럼에도 유학과 대순사상은 모두 만물과 달리 인간을 빼어난 존재로 규정한다. 인간의 우수성은 그대로 주체적 노력을 통하여 끊임없이 성찰·반성하여 자신을 완성시키고 만물을 완성시킴으로써 공존·공생의 대도(大道)를 이루게 한다. 이 과정에서 자기의 본성을 실현하고 올바른 인간상을 확립하는 수양과 수도의 공부가 제시된다. 이러한 수양과 수도를 통해 본성 또는 인간상을 실현함으로써 천지화육 또는 천지공사에 주체적으로 참여함에 따라 사람으로서의 책임과 사명을 다하게 되니, 이것이 바로 천·지·인 삼재(三才)사상의 내용이다. 결국 유학과 대순사상의 생명론은 만물이 모두 하나라는 동체의식에 근거하면서도 만물과 구분되는 인간의 특징과 역할을 강조하며, 이때 인간의 특징과 역할은 그대로 만물을 이끼고 보살피는 책임과 사명으로 드러난다. 이렇게 볼 때, 유학과 대순사상의 생명론은 그 이론구조가 매우 유사함을 알 수 있다.

하이브리드 조직의 모순 대응 전략 변화: 소셜벤처 노을과 에누마 사례를 중심으로 (The Hybrid Organization's Response to Conflicting Institutional Demands: A Case Study about Social Ventures)

  • 진우석;성지은
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2022
  • 최근의 기업은 주주의 이윤 극대화를 넘어서 사회적 목표의 달성을 요구받으며, 이에 따라 기업의 경제적 목표와 사회적 목표를 동시에 추구하는 것이 중요하게 여겨지고 있다. 이러한 시대적 배경에서 하이브리드 조직에 대한 연구는 이론적·실무적으로 중요성이 증가하고 있다. 특히 하이브리드 조직은 본질적으로 경제적 목적과 사회적 목적을 동시에 추구하는 이중성을 가지고 있기에, 하이브리드 조직을 둘러싼 여러 이해관계자들의 제도적 요구 또한 모순적이다. 이처럼 모순된 제도적 요구에 하이브리드 조직이 대응하는 방식에 대해 여러 선행연구에서 고찰했으나, 대부분 연구가 특정 시점의 대응에 한정되어 있었다. 따라서 하이브리드 조직이 사업을 확장하고 진화하는 과정에 따라 모순된 제도적 요구에 대한 대응전략이 변화하는 모습을 파악하기에는 한계가 있었다. 본 연구는 하이브리드 조직이 모순된 제도적 요구에 대해 선택적 동조화를 취할 것으로 보았으며, 모순된 제도적 요구에 대한 대응이 조직의 성장과정에 따라 변화할 것으로 보았다. 모순된 제도적 요구에 대한 대응방식의 변화를 파악하기 위해 본 연구는 혁신성·기술성에서 좋은 성과를 내면서 고도화된 수준의 비즈니스모델을 운영하고 있는 소셜벤처인 노을과 에누마를 선정해 사례 연구를 수행하였다. 분석 결과 소셜벤처는 모순된 제도적 요구에 대해 선택적 동조화 방식을 취하며, 소셜벤처의 사업이 고도화됨에 따라 선택적 동조화 과정이 변화하는 모습을 보인다. 구체적으로 사업 초기에는 단일 비즈니스모델로 경제적 요구와 사회적 요구를 동시에 대응하는 모습을 보인다. 이후 사업이 고도화되면 두 개 이상의 비즈니스모델을 운영하여서 일부는 경제적 요구에 대응을 하고, 일부는 사회적 요구에 대응하게 된다. 이는 사업 초기 소셜벤처가 제도적 환경에 대해 정당성을 얻고 생존하기 위해 단일 비즈니스모델로 경제적 요구와 사회적 요구를 동시에 대응하되, 사업 성장기에 접어들면 지속가능한 성장을 추구하고 대규모 미션에 도전하기 위하여 경제적 가치를 추구하는 비즈니스모델과 사회적 가치를 추구하는 비즈니스모델을 분리하여 대응하는 것으로 해석된다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 하이브리드 조직이 성장함에 따라서 모순된 제도적 요구에 대응하는 방식이 달라지는 변화 양상을 밝혀내어 하이브리드 조직에 대한 심층적인 이해에 기여하고자 했다.

한국 방공식별구역 운영규칙에 관한 고찰 (A study on Operation Rules of Korean Air Defence Identification Zone)

  • 권종필;이영혁
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.189-217
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    • 2017
  • 1950년 미국을 시작으로 1951년에는 한국의 방공식별구역이 선포되었다. 초기의 방공식별구역은 순전히 방공임무와만 연계되었으나, 해양자원과 해양에 대한 관할권행사에 대해 세계 각국들이 그 영향력을 확대하려는 경향이 나타나면서 변화되었다. 특히 중국이 동중국해 방공식별구역을 2013년 10월에 선포하면서 방공식별구역 내를 비행하는 모든 항공기는 비행계획서를 중국의 항공관제 당국 또는 국방당국에 제출할 것을 강제하였고 제출하지 안으면 무력을 사용하겠다고 공표하였으며, 또한 해양 분쟁이 격화되고 있는 남중국해에도 방공식별구역을 선포할 것을 예고하면서 방공식별구역이 확연히 국가의 관할권행사 권역으로서 영토 및 배타적 경제수역 등과 연계됨을 여실히 보여주고 있다. 이에 대응하여 2013년 12월 15일 확장된 한국 방공식별구역은 중국의 동중국해 방공식별구역, 일본의 외곽 방공식별구역과 중첩되어 있다. 중첩된 구역은 우리나라뿐만 아니라 중국, 일본도 자신들의 대륙붕과 배타적 경제수역이라고 주장하는 수역의 상공이다. 그리고 한국 방공식별구역에서 식별업무를 수행함에 있어서 주변국과의 우발충돌을 방지하기 위해 한 중 일은 양자 간에 군사력 사용에 강제력을 미치는 군사협정을 체결하여 운영하고 있다. 이러한 군사협정과 방공식별이라는 국가 행위가 지속되고 반복되며 상대국의 묵인을 받는 다면 아직까지 방공식별구역이 국제성문법이나 국제관습법에 의하여 인정된 공역이 아니지만 지역관습법으로 형성되고 있다고 보아야 한다. 그리고 방공식별구역 내에서 식별업무를 하는 것은 국가 기관인 군사당국의 행위이므로 잘못된 행위로 인한 관습법화는 다른 국가 기관의 행위인 주변국과의 해양경계 획정에도 부정적 영향을 미치게 되어 국익에 심각한 악영향을 초래할 수 있으므로 해양경계획정 등과 같은 다른 분야 행위도 고려하여 운영 규칙을 지정하고, 주변국과 군사회담에 임하여야 한다. 방공식별구역에서 비행계획서의 제출은 유엔해양법이 정한 공해상 비행의 자유를 충분히 향유할 수 있도록 영공으로 진입하지 않는 경우에는 제출을 강제하지 않도록 군용항공기 운용 등에 관한 법률을 정비하여야 한다. 방공식별구역 진 출시에 합동참모의장의 승인을 받도록 한 군용항공기 운용 등에 관한 훈령도 군인이 아닌 민간인에 적용하기 위해서는 국방부장관의 승인을 받거나 법규명령으로 제정되어야 한다. 또한 방공식별구역의 운용과 관리에 있어서 동북아에서 지역관습법화를 고려하여 상대국에 관리권한을 양도하는 행위는 반드시 배제되어야 한다. 특히 배타적 경제수역의 상공에 방공식별구역이 설정되어 있으므로 안보와 관련된 권한 등을 상대국에 양도하는 군사협정은 부작위에 의한 결과로도 발생하지 않도록 하여야 한다. 한 중 일 러 간에 방공식별구역 운영과 관리에 관한 내용이 포함된 군사협정을 체결하였거나 협상 중에 있어 동북아에서는 지역관습법이 형성되고 있다고 보여 진다.

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조선왕조(朝鮮王朝) 왕릉(王陵) 문인석상(文人石像)의 복식형태(服飾形態)에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Costume Style of Civil Servants' Stone Images Erected at Tombs of the Kings for Yi-dynasty)

  • 권용옥
    • 복식
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.87-114
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    • 1981
  • A costume reveals the social characteristics of the era in which it is worn, thus we can say that the history of change of the costume is the history of change of the living culture of the era. Since the Three States era, the costume structure of this country had been affected by the costume system of the China's historical dynasties in the form of the grant therefrom because of geographical conditions, which affection was conspicuous for the bureaucrat class, particularly including but not limited to the Kings' familities. Such a grant of the costume for the bureaucrat class (i.e., official uniform) was first given by the Dang-dynasty at the age of Queen Jinduck, the 28th of the Shilla-dynasty. Since then, the costume for the bureaucrats had consecutively been affected as the ages had gone from the unified Shilla, to the Koryo and to the Yi-dynasty. As the full costumes officially used by government officials (generally called "Baek Gwan") in the Yidynasty, there existed Jo-bok, Gong-bok and Sang-bok. Of such official costumes, Gong-bok was worn at the time of conducting official affairs of the dynasty, making a respectful visit for the expression of thanks or meeting diplomatic missions of foreign countries. It appears no study was made yet with regard to the Gong-bok while the studies on the Jo-bok and the Sangbok were made. Therefore, this article is, by rendering a study and research on the styles of costumes of civil servants' stone images erected at the Kings' tombs of the Yi-dynasty, to help the persons concerned understand the Gong-bok, one of the official costume for Baek Kwan of that age and further purports to specifically identify the styles and changes of the Gong-bok, worn by Baek Gwan during the Yi-dynasty, consisting of the Bok-doo (a hat, four angled and two storied with flat top), Po (gown), Dae (belt), and Hol (small and thin plate which was officially held by the government officials in hand, showing the courtesy to and writing brief memorandums before the King) and Hwa (shoes). For that purpose, I investigated by actually visiting the tombs of the Kings of the Yi-dynasty including the Geonwon-neung, the tomb of the first King Tae-jo and the You-neung, the tomb of the 27th King Soon-jong as well as the tombs of the lawful wives and concubines of various Kings, totalling 29 tombs and made reference to relevant books and records. Pursuant. to this study, of the 29 Kings' tombs the costume styles of civil servants' stone images erected at the 26 Kings' tombs are those of Gong-bok for Baek-gwan of the Yi-dynasty wearing Bok-doo as a hat and Ban-ryeong or Dan-ryenog Po as a gown with Dae, holding Hol in hand and wearing shoes. Other than those of the 26 tombs, the costume styles of the Ryu-neung, the tomb of the Moon-jo who was the first son of 23rd King Soon-jo and given the King's title after he died and of the You-neung, the tomb of the 27th King Soon-jong are those of Jobok with Yang-gwan (a sort of hat having stripes erected, which is different from the Bok-doo), and that of the Hong-neung, the tomb of the 26th King Go-jong shows an exceptional one wearing Yang-gwan and Ban-ryeong Po ; these costume styles other than Gongbok remain as the subject for further study. Gong-bok which is the costume style of civil servants' stone images of most of the Kings' tombs had not been changed in its basic structure for about 500 years of the Yi-dynasty and Koryo categorized by the class of officials pursuant to the color of Po and materials of Dae and Hol. Summary of this costume style follows: (1) Gwan-mo (hat). The Gwan-mo style of civil servants' stone images of the 26 Kings' tombs, other than Ryu-neung, Hong-neung and You-neung which have Yang-gwan, out of the 29 Kings' tombs of the Yi-dynasty reveals the Bok-doo with four angled top, having fore-part and back-part divided. Back part of the Bok-doo is double the fore-part in height. The expression of the Gak (wings of the Bokdoo) varies: the Gyo-gak Bok-doo in that the Gaks, roundly arisen to the direction of the top, are clossed each other (tombs of the Kings Tae-jong), the downward style Jeon-gak Bok-doo in that soft Gaks are hanged on the shoulders (tombs of the Kings Joong-jong and Seong-jong) and another types of Jeon-gak Bok-doo having Gaks which arearisen steeply or roundly to the direction of top and the end of which are treated in a rounded or straight line form. At the lower edge one protrusive line distinctly reveals. Exceptionally, there reveals 11 Yang-gwan (gwan having 11 stripes erected) at the Ryu-neung of the King Moon-jo, 9 Yang-gwan at the Hong-neung of the King Go-jong and 11 Yang-gwan at the You-neung of the King Soon-jong; noting that the Yang-gwan of Baek Kwan, granted by the Myeong-dynasty of the China during the Yi-dynasty, was in the shape of 5 Yang-gwan for the first Poom (class) based on the principle of "Yideung Chaegang" (gradual degrading for secondary level), the above-mentioned Yang-gwans are very contrary to the principle and I do not touch such issue in this study, leaving for further study. (2) Po (gown). (a) Git (collar). Collar style of Po was the Ban-ryeong (round collar) having small neck-line in the early stage and was changed to the Dan-ryeong (round collar having deep neck-line) in the middle of the: dynasty. In the Dan-ryeong style of the middle era (shown at the tomb of the King Young-jo); a, thin line such as bias is shown around the internal side edge and the width of collar became wide a little. It is particularly noted that the Ryu-neung established in the middle stage and the You-neung in the later stage show civil servants in Jo-bok with the the Jikryeong (straight collar) Po and in case of the Hong-neung, the Hong-neung, the tomb of the King Go-jong, civil servants, although they wear Yang-gwan, are in the Ban-ryeong Po with Hoo-soo (back embroidery) and Dae and wear shoes as used in the Jo-bok style. As I could not make clear the theoretical basis of why the civil servants' costume styles revealed, at these tombs of the Kings are different from those of other tombs, I left this issue for further study. It is also noted that all the civil servants' stone images show the shape of triangled collar which is revealed over the Godae-git of Po. This triangled collar, I believe, would be the collar of the Cheomri which was worn in the middle of the Po and the underwear, (b) Sleeve. The sleeve was in the Gwan-soo (wide sleeve) style. having the width of over 100 centimeter from the early stage to the later stage arid in the Doo-ri sleeve style having the edge slightly rounded and we can recognize that it was the long sleeve in view of block fold shaped protrusive line, expressed on the arms. At the age of the King Young-jo, the sleeve-end became slightly narrow and as a result, the lower line of the sleeve were shaped curved. We can see another shape of narrow sleeve inside the wide sleeve-end, which should be the sleeve of the Cheom-ri worn under the Gong-bok. (c) Moo. The Moo revealed on the Po of civil servants' stone images at the age of the King Sook-jong' coming to the middle era. Initially the top of the Moo was expressed flat but the Moo was gradually changed to the triangled shape with the acute top. In certain cases, top or lower part of the Moo are not reveald because of wear and tear. (d) Yeomim. Yeomim (folding) of the Po was first expressed on civil servants' stone images of the Won-neung, the tomb of the King Young-jo and we can seemore delicate expression of the Yeomim and Goreum (stripe folding and fixing the lapel of the Po) at the tomb of the Jeongseong-wanghoo, the wife of the King Young-jo, At the age of the King Soon-jo, we can see the shape of Goreum similar to a string rather than the Goreum and the upper part of the Goreum which fixes Yeomim was expressed on the right sleeve. (3) Dae. Dae fixed on the Po was placed half of the length of Po from the shoulders in the early stage. Thereafter, at the age of the King Hyeon-jong it was shown on the slightly upper part. placed around one third of the length of Po. With regard to the design of Dae, all the civil servants' stone images of the Kings' tombs other than those of the Geonwon-neung of the King Tae-jo show single or double protrusive line expressed at the edge of Dae and in the middle of such lines, cloud pattern, dangcho (a grass) pattern, chrysanthemum pattern or other various types of flowery patterns were designed. Remaining portion of the waist Dae was hanged up on the back, which was initially expressed as directed from the left to the right but thereafter expressed. without orderly fashion,. to the direction of the left from the right and vice versa, Dae was in the shape of Yaja Dae. In this regard, an issue of when or where such a disorderly fashion of the direction of the remaining portion of waist Dae was originated is also presented to be clarified. In case of the Ryuneung, Hong-neung and You-neung which have civil servants' stone images wearing exceptional costume (Jo-bok), waist Dae of the Ryu-neung and Hong-neung are designed in the mixture of dual cranes pattern, cosecutive beaded pattern and chrvsenthemum pattern and that of You-neung is designed in cloud pattern. (4) Hol. Although materials of the Hol held in hand of civil servants' stone images are not identifiable, those should be the ivory Hol as all the Baek Gwan's erected as stone images should be high class officials. In the styles, no significant changes were found, however the Hol's expressed on civil servants' stone images of the Yi-dynasty were shaped in round top and angled bottom or round top and bottom. Parcicularly, at the age of the King Young-jo the Hol was expressed in the peculiar type with four angles all cut off. (5) Hwa (shoes). As the shoes expressed on civil servants' stone images are covered with the lower edges of the Po, the styles thereof are not exactly identifiable. However, reading the statement "black leather shoes for the first class (1 Poom) to ninth class (9 Poom)," recorded in the Gyeongkook Daejon, we can believe that the shoes were worn. As the age went on, the front tips of the shoes were soared and particularly, at the Hong-neung of the King Go-jong the shoes were obviously expressed with modern sense as the country were civilized.

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한국전쟁의 교훈과 대비 -병력수(兵力數) 및 부대수(部隊數)를 중심으로- (The lesson From Korean War)

  • 윤일영
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권8호
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    • pp.49-168
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    • 2010
  • Just before the Korean War, the total number of the North Korean troops was 198,380, while that of the ROK(Republic of Korea) army troops 105,752. That is, the total number of the ROK army troops at that time was 53.3% of the total number of the North Korean army. As of December 2008, the total number of the North Korean troops is estimated to be 1,190,000, while that of the ROK troops is 655,000, so the ROK army maintains 55.04% of the total number of the North Korean troops. If the ROK army continues to reduce its troops according to [Military Reform Plan 2020], the total number of its troops will be 517,000 m 2020. If North Korea maintains the current status(l,190,000 troops), the number of the ROK troops will be 43.4% of the North Korean army. In terms of units, just before the Korean War, the number of the ROK army divisions and regiments was 80% and 44.8% of North Korean army. As of December 2008, North Korea maintains 86 divisions and 69 regiments. Compared to the North Korean army, the ROK army maintains 46 Divisions (53.4% of North Korean army) and 15 regiments (21.3% of North Korean army). If the ROK army continue to reduce the military units according to [Military Reform Plan 2020], the number of ROK army divisions will be 28(13 Active Division, 4 Mobilization Divisions and 11 Local Reserve Divisions), while that of the North Korean army will be 86 in 2020. In that case, the number of divisions of the ROK army will be 32.5% of North Korean army. During the Korean war, North Korea suddenly invaded the Republic of Korea and occupied its capital 3 days after the war began. At that time, the ROK army maintained 80% of army divisions, compared to the North Korean army. The lesson to be learned from this is that, if the ROK army is forced to disperse its divisions because of the simultaneous invasion of North Korea and attack of guerrillas in home front areas, the Republic of Korea can be in a serious military danger, even though it maintains 80% of military divisions of North Korea. If the ROK army promotes the plans in [Military Reform Plan 2020], the number of military units of the ROK army will be 32.5% of that of the North Korean army. This ratio is 2.4 times lower than that of the time when the Korean war began, and in this case, 90% of total military power should be placed in the DMZ area. If 90% of military power is placed in the DMZ area, few troops will be left for the defense of home front. In addition, if the ROK army continues to reduce the troops, it can allow North Korea to have asymmetrical superiority in military force and it will eventually exert negative influence on the stability and peace of the Korean peninsular. On the other hand, it should be reminded that, during the Korean War, the Republic of Korea was attacked by North Korea, though it kept 53.3% of troops, compared to North Korea. It should also be reminded that, as of 2008, the ROK army is defending its territory with the troops 55.04% of North Korea. Moreover, the national defense is assisted by 25,120 troops of the US Forces in Korea. In case the total number of the ROK troops falls below 43.4% of the North Korean army, it may cause social unrest about the national security and may lead North Korea's misjudgement. Besides, according to Lanchester strategy, the party with weaker military power (60% compared to the party with stronger military power) has the 4.1% of winning possibility. Therefore, if we consider the fact that the total number of the ROK army troops is 55.04% of that of the North Korean army, the winning possibility of the ROK army is not higher than 4.1%. If the total number of ROK troops is reduced to 43.4% of that of North Korea, the winning possibility will be lower and the military operations will be in critically difficult situation. [Military Reform Plan 2020] rums at the reduction of troops and units of the ground forces under the policy of 'select few'. However, the problem is that the financial support to achieve this goal is not secured. Therefore, the promotion of [Military Reform Plan 2020] may cause the weakening of military defence power in 2020. Some advanced countries such as Japan, UK, Germany, and France have promoted the policy of 'select few'. However, what is to be noted is that the national security situation of those countries is much different from that of Korea. With the collapse of the Soviet Unions and European communist countries, the military threat of those European advanced countries has almost disappeared. In addition, the threats those advanced countries are facing are not wars in national level, but terrorism in international level. To cope with the threats like terrorism, large scaled army trops would not be necessary. So those advanced European countries can promote the policy of 'select few'. In line with this, those European countries put their focuses on the development of military sections that deal with non-military operations and protection from unspecified enemies. That is, those countries are promoting the policy of 'select few', because they found that the policy is suitable for their national security environment. Moreover, since they are pursuing common interest under the European Union(EU) and they can form an allied force under NATO, it is natural that they are pursing the 'select few' policy. At present, NATO maintains the larger number of troops(2,446,000) than Russia(l,027,000) to prepare for the potential threat of Russia. The situation of japan is also much different from that of Korea. As a country composed of islands, its prime military focus is put on the maritime defense. Accordingly, the development of ground force is given secondary focus. The japanese government promotes the policy to develop technology-concentrated small size navy and air-forces, instead of maintaining large-scaled ground force. In addition, because of the 'Peace Constitution' that was enacted just after the end of World War II, japan cannot maintain troops more than 240,000. With the limited number of troops (240,000), japan has no choice but to promote the policy of 'select few'. However, the situation of Korea is much different from the situations of those countries. The Republic of Korea is facing the threat of the North Korean Army that aims at keeping a large-scale military force. In addition, the countries surrounding Korea are also super powers containing strong military forces. Therefore, to cope with the actual threat of present and unspecified threat of future, the importance of maintaining a carefully calculated large-scale military force cannot be denied. Furthermore, when considering the fact that Korea is in a peninsular, the Republic of Korea must take it into consideration the tradition of continental countries' to maintain large-scale military powers. Since the Korean War, the ROK army has developed the technology-force combined military system, maintaining proper number of troops and units and pursuing 'select few' policy at the same time. This has been promoted with the consideration of military situation in the Koran peninsular and the cooperation of ROK-US combined forces. This kind of unique military system that cannot be found in other countries can be said to be an insightful one for the preparation for the actual threat of North Korea and the conflicts between continental countries and maritime countries. In addition, this kind of technology-force combined military system has enabled us to keep peace in Korea. Therefore, it would be desirable to maintain this technology-force combined military system until the reunification of the Korean peninsular. Furthermore, it is to be pointed out that blindly following the 'select few' policy of advanced countries is not a good option, because it is ignoring the military strategic situation of the Korean peninsular. If the Republic of Korea pursues the reduction of troops and units radically without consideration of the threat of North Korea and surrounding countries, it could be a significant strategic mistake. In addition, the ROK army should keep an eye on the fact the European advanced countries and Japan that are not facing direct military threats are spending more defense expenditures than Korea. If the ROK army reduces military power without proper alternatives, it would exert a negative effect on the stable economic development of Korea and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsular. Therefore, the desirable option would be to focus on the development of quality of forces, maintaining proper size and number of troops and units under the technology-force combined military system. The tableau above shows that the advanced countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, and Austria spend more defense expenditure per person than the Republic of Korea, although they do not face actual military threats, and that they keep achieving better economic progress than the countries that spend less defense expenditure. Therefore, it would be necessary to adopt the merits of the defense systems of those advanced countries. As we have examined, it would be desirable to maintain the current size and number of troops and units, to promote 'select few' policy with increased defense expenditure, and to strengthen the technology-force combined military system. On the basis of firm national security, the Republic of Korea can develop efficient policies for reunification and prosperity, and jump into the status of advanced countries. Therefore, the plans to reduce troops and units in [Military Reform Plan 2020] should be reexamined. If it is difficult for the ROK army to maintain its size of 655,000 troops because of low birth rate, the plans to establish the prompt mobilization force or to adopt drafting system should be considered for the maintenance of proper number of troops and units. From now on, the Republic of Korean government should develop plans to keep peace as well as to prepare unexpected changes in the Korean peninsular. For the achievement of these missions, some options can be considered. The first one is to maintain the same size of military troops and units as North Korea. The second one is to maintain the same level of military power as North Korea in terms of military force index. The third one is to maintain the same level of military power as North Korea, with the combination of the prompt mobilization force and the troops in active service under the system of technology-force combined military system. At present, it would be not possible for the ROK army to maintain such a large-size military force as North Korea (1,190,000 troops and 86 units). So it would be rational to maintain almost the same level of military force as North Korea with the combination of the troops on the active list and the prompt mobilization forces. In other words, with the combination of the troops in active service (60%) and the prompt mobilization force (40%), the ROK army should develop the strategies to harmonize technology and forces. The Korean government should also be prepared for the strategic flexibility of USFK, the possibility of American policy change about the location of foreign army, radical unexpected changes in North Korea, the emergence of potential threat, surrounding countries' demand for Korean force for the maintenance of regional stability, and demand for international cooperation against terrorism. For this, it is necessary to develop new approaches toward the proper number and size of troops and units. For instance, to prepare for radical unexpected political or military changes in North Korea, the Republic of Korea should have plans to protect a large number of refugees, to control arms and people, to maintain social security, and to keep orders in North Korea. From the experiences of other countries, it is estimated that 115,000 to 230,000 troops, plus ten thousands of police are required to stabilize the North Korean society, in the case radical unexpected military or political change happens in North Korea. In addition, if the Republic of Korea should perform the release of hostages, control of mass destruction weapons, and suppress the internal wars in North Korea, it should send 460,000 troops to North Korea. Moreover, if the Republic of Korea wants to stop the attack of North Korea and flow of refugees in DMZ area, at least 600,000 troops would be required. In sum, even if the ROK army maintains 600,000 troops, it may need additional 460,000 troops to prepare for unexpected radical changes in North Korea. For this, it is necessary to establish the prompt mobilization force whose size and number are almost the same as the troops in active service. In case the ROK army keeps 650,000 troops, the proper number of the prompt mobilization force would be 460,000 to 500,000.

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