• Title/Summary/Keyword: Middle School Career Education

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Uses of Science Fiction Movie Education Materials for the Middle School Female Students to Enhance Their Interests in Science (여학생의 과학에 대한 관심 고취를 위한 공상과학영화 교육매체의 활용)

  • Kim, Maljin;Shim, Sugie
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2011
  • These days effective science education programs are required for girls to encourage them to pursue their career in science and engineering areas. This paper presents the preliminary results of an analysis performed to measure the effectiveness of a middle school education program, in which a science fiction movie as a multimedia educational material is shown to students and afterward discussion and review process for the scientific subjects included in the movie are given to them. The analysis is based on a study of students' responses on surveys performed after showing the science fiction movies during a science camp and a regular school class. The survey results of female students are compared with those of male students. The results indicate that the education program using science fiction movies could be more effective to female students than to male students in motivating and enhancing their interest in scientific subjects. A preliminary guide and afterward review and discussion on the scientific contents dealt in the movie turned out to be helpful to enhance the effectiveness of this science education program.

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Redesigning of STEAM Learning/Teaching Program for Robot (로봇 STEAM 교수학습 프로그램 제안)

  • Park, HyunJu;Baek, Yoon Su
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze STEAM learning/teaching program that relates robots and to develop and redesign STEAM teaching/learning program with a robot for elementary and secondary schools. 'Learning with a robot' is considered as one of the best candidates for STEAM education. This article mainly concerns a robot that can be helpful to improve students' interests in learning science and mathematics in schools. As the results of the STEAM learning/teaching program analyzing, the program for elementary schools contained more contents of liberal arts and fine arts, and the program for secondary schools contained more contents of science, technology, and math. In the middle school program, context for learning, class activities of creative design and emotional touch, evaluation, and job and career information were evenly implemented. In the elementary and high school program, there were few information about robotics career. We extracted all robot utilizable subjects and units from school curriculums, and redesigned contents which can be applicable to regular classes for schools. As the result of this study, we conclude that 'learning with a robot' can encourage students' interests in STEM area.

The contents selection and organization of the practical problem focused Family and Consumer Sciences curriculum based on the characteristics and goals of the 2007 revised curriculum (2007년 개정 교육과정의 성격 및 목표에 준한 실천적 문제 중심 가정과 교육과정 내용 선정 및 조직)

  • Oh, Kyyeong-Seon;Lee, Ki-Young;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.91-119
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the framework reflecting the interests of students in practical problems and social issues regarding perennial problems which correspond to the characteristics and goals of the 2007 revised curriculum. This study was carried into a literature review and 406 questionnaires, filled out by the 9th grade middle school students in Seoul and Gyeonggi province, were used for analysis. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: First, six perennial problems are ascertained, Next, the middle school students were most interested in 27 items of practical problems such as mapping out their career path, self-improvement and interpersonal relations. And finally, the middle school students' important social interests are adolescence issues, job preference bias, career choice, suicide and addiction to computer, appearance and money management behavior, house ownership and conspicious consumption, and lack of time to spend with family. This study suggested the framework which corresponds to the characteristics and goals of the 2007 revised curriculum.

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Analysis of Demand for Creative Discretionary Activity in the Middle School (중학생을 위한 창의적 재량활동 프로그램 요구도)

  • 김명자;김정순
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information for the development of Creative Discretionary Activity Program to Home Economics teachers. The need scales were developed based on the development characteristics of adolescence and data was collected from 521 middle school students in the seoul. The results are as fallows. 1. Among the seven areas self-understanding and career explorations showed the highest degree of demand. and the area of family relationship and friendship and maladjustment of adolescents followed, knowledge about sex and manner awareness took the lowest position. 2. Finding potential ability, understanding aptitude and personality. understanding IQ and EQ, solution of character showed the highest degree of demand. and solution of stress, interest identification. changing society and new career followed. 3. Demands for Creative Discretionary Activity showed significant difference according to socio-demographic variables such sex, family types and economic levels.

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A Case Study on the Operation of Career-Related Elective Subject in the High School Establishing and Using the Laboratory Facilities for Home Economics (가정실습실 공간 구축과 활용을 통한 진로 연계형 고등학교 선택 과목 운영 사례 연구)

  • Ko, Jae Yun;Kim, Eun Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to suggest measures expand career-related elective subjects in the high schools through a case of establishing and utilizing a learning space for hands-on home economics classroom activities. Upon the trend reviews of elective subjects in the high school and literature reviews on the educational outcomes from home economics classrooms, a case of career-related elective subject by establishment of learning space related to home economics was proposed in two high schools in Seoul. The results are as follows: First, the trend in 2020 showed that selecting a home economics course as a career-related subject depends on school situations. The results of the survey at schools show that the utilization rate of hands-on learning space for home economics was high with high preference among students, but schools implicitly guided students to select courses that are related to preparation for university entrance. Second, reductions of class hours and decreased likelihood to offer courses in home economics in general high schools would influence the recruitment of teachers, which may ultimately result in a threat to the subject. However, through career-related activities, students may develop positive perception of the subject of home economics and consequently select the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to open and promote multiple elective courses related to home economics for the survival of subject of home economics.

An Analysis Study on the Contents of Occupation in Technology & Home Economics Textbooks for Middle School : focusing on preparation for Low Birthrate & Aging Society (저출산·고령사회 대비 관점에서 중학교 기술·가정 교과서에 제시된 직업 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Soo-jeong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the aspect of occupational contents shown in total 24 types of Technology & Home Economics (1). (2) textbooks for middle school in accordance with the 2009 revised curriculum. Analyzing the type of occupation shown in textbooks based on the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), the frequency(ratio), and the aspect of occupational contents in each unit of textbooks and each data type, this study provided basic data to be able to understand diverse aspects of occupational contents. In the results of study, in case of Technology & Home Economics textbooks for middle school, the large area of 'home life' presented occupational contents in the relatively high ratio than the 'world of technology' while the frequency(ratio) of occupational contents was very much different in each publisher, large area, and unit. The occupation name presented in textbooks provided very limited information in the level of 5.27% of occupations presented in the Korea Dictionary of Occupations. Especially, providing occupational information concentrated in professionals & relevant practiceans in the type of the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), it was limited to provide opportunities to learn the diversity related to occupation. Based on such results of study, on top of introducing diverse occupational contents to make students cherish all the occupations, it would be also necessary to seek for institutional measures related to textbook development/career education, so that they could explore career by considering their aptitude and interest.

A Study of Curriculum of Clothings Area' Activity and Need at the Free Learning Semester (자유학기제에서 의생활 영역의 활동과 요구도)

  • Kim, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2017
  • This study determined the reality of how middle school students are doing with their free learning semester and what they think about it. Also, the study looked at how many parts of Home Economics and the area of clothing curriculum are being taken and, especially, how many parts of this curriculum content are being required as free learning semester activities. This study aims to not only develop free learning semester activities according to student demand but also at providing a basic resource that can help activate the area of clothing curriculum in subject of Home Economics. In short: 1) Middle school students are attending activities such as career exploration activities, student selection activities, club activities, arts activities and physical education activities thoroughly through the free learning semester. These mostly take place in school and most of the students were taught by teachers from their own school. 2) The students are aware that the free learning semester's activities are helpful for them. The most helpful part was that it reduces the load they get from the school's exam and also the fact that they can investigate areas in which they are interested. 3) The number of students who have already taken or are taking activities related to Home Economics were 145, which is about 1/3 of the 451 students overall. The area where the most of the activities were held out of those activities related to Home Economics was the domain of food while the clothing curriculum accounted for a very small part compared to it. 4) The study found that need for a clothing curriculum for middle school student free learning semesters was about 2.79 on a scale from 1 to 5. The areas of most interest in this topic were highly related to 'making and mending clothes'.

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Teachers’Attitudes toward the Middle and High School Student Uniform (중.고등학교 교복에 대한 교사들의 태도)

  • 이경자;김용숙
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the teachers’attitudes toward the middle and high school student uniform. The questionnaire included independent variables about teacher themselves and school surroundings, and questions about teachers’attitudes toward school uniform. The participants were 316 middle and high school teachers in Chonbuk province. Means, standard deviations, frequencies, and percentages were calculated. ANOVA test was used for differences and scheffe-test was followed. The results were: 1. Teachers were content with “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlkie.”“It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”, and “There’s few efficiencies in coping with the temperature alternating.”, “Students in uniform hardly can reveal their originality.”and “It’s inconvenient for the students to be dynamic in uniform.” 2. Teachers in high schools and in private schools showed more positive attitudes toward uniform. And the male teachers, teachers graduated from general college, married teachers, and teachers who have a career of more than 20 years showed more positive attitudes toward uniform. More variables concerned about teacher themselves showed more significant differences than those about school surroundings. 3. Most of teachers showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of the reasons for the teacher’s positive attitudes were “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.”, “It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”, and “There’s no noticible distinction between the rich and the poor students.”The rank order of the reason for the teachers’negative at titudes were “Student in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.”, “It’s inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.”, and ”As they have to get the street clothes besides, economic burden becomes double in reality.”4. More than half of the teachers who are working at schools with uniform showed positive attitudes toward uniform. The rank order of reasons for the teachers’positive attitudes were “Students in uniform are upright and look more studentlike.”,“It’s easy to supervise students outdoors.”and “Economic burden could be decreased.”“The rank order of the reasons for the negative attitudes were “It’s inconvenient for the student to be dynamic in uniform.”, “Students in uniform could hardly reveal their originality.”, and “Students cannot feel free in mind with uniform.”5. Teachers overall showed positive attitudes toward uniform whether they work ar schools with uniform or without it.

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Science Experience's Type and Meaning of Korean Middle School-Science Gifted Students in Parent.School.Out-of-School Institution (중학교 과학 영재들의 부모.학교.학교 밖 교육 기관에서의 과학 경험의 유형과 그 의미)

  • Choi, Yunhee;Choi, Kyunghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.10
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    • pp.1580-1598
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    • 2012
  • The Study aimed to observe Science Experience's Type in parent school out of school institution and Meaning of Middle School- Science Gifted Students in Korea. Twelve middle school gifted education institution and science high school students participated in this study. Data source was retrospective and in-depth interviews with individuals. Results were as follows. First, science experience with parents influenced interest and inquiring mind in science, choice of career in field of science. Second, science experience in school curriculum recognized that gifted students have talents of themselves in science and changed in Attitude toward science from science teacher. Third, science experience with education institution for out of school curriculum changed interest in science from Experiment for identified scientific knowledge and obtained new product through creative inquiry process. Furthermore, It was gained self-confidence, feel a sense of accomplishment and a challenging, the spirit of team work including of taking lead the team.

When do science lessons appeal to students? - Secondary school students' views on the value of school science and the appealing aspects of science lessons to students - (학생들은 어떤 과학수업에 호응하는가?: 학교 과학에 대한 중고등학생들의 가치 인식과 호응 양상)

  • Park, Doo-Chan;Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.593-610
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate students' views on the value of school science lessons and the aspects of science lessons that appeal to students. For the investigation, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 secondary school students were conducted. The results showed that about half of the participants thought that science lessons are important, but not all students have to learn science. And they considered only intrinsic interest and career hopes as critical elements in judging the necessity of science education for all. To appeal to students: first, science lessons should have relevance to students' career hopes, interest, curiosity, abilities, real life, experiences, and test scores. Second, they should acquire students' understanding. Third, they should include more experiments. Finally, they should be related to real life, reflect students' interest and concerns, and link new things with what students already know in terms of contexts and contents. Students thought that science lessons are not suitable for students who don't desire to pursue a science-related career. This suggests that present science curriculum perceived by students doesn't match well with the idea of science education for all. To overcome this problem, students need to be included in the debate about the relevance of science curriculum.