• Title/Summary/Keyword: Microcurrent patch

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Effects of ultra-thin microcurrent patch application on pain and mobility in patients with chronic low back pain (초박형 미세전류패치 적용이 만성 허리통증 환자의 통증과 허리 가동성에 미치는 영향)

  • Tae Yeon, Hwang;Jae Cheol, Park
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2022
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ultra-thin microcurrent patch application on pain, tenderness, trunk flexion, and trunk extension in patients with back pain. Design: pretest-posttest design: single blind. Methods: Thirty men and women diagnosed with chronic back pain were classified into 15 microcurrent application groups and 15 placebo groups. Changes in pain were observed on a visual analog scale, tenderness was observed with a digital tenderness meter, and changes in trunk flexion and trunk extension angles were evaluated with a posture analyzer. The paired t-test was used to see the changes within each group before and one week after the experiment, and the independent t-test was used to see the change in the difference between the groups, and the significance level was 0.05. Results: In both the experimental group and the control group, there was a significant difference in pain within and between groups(p<0.05). In the experimental group, there were significant differences in the intra- and inter-group changes in the erector spinae muscle tenderness and low back pain disorder index(p<0.05). In the experimental group, there was a significant difference in the change in trunk flexion and extension within the group(p<0.05). Conclusion: In this study, it was confirmed that the application of ultra-thin microcurrent was effective for pain, tenderness, and movement of back extension in patients with low back pain. It is expected that it will be used as a basic data for microcurrent therapy and as a treatment method for improving the function of patients with back pain in the future.

Effects of acupoint stimulation using microcurrent patches on wrist pain and grip strength (미세전류 패치를 이용한 경혈 자극이 손목 통증 및 악력에 미치는 효과)

  • Mi-Ae Kang
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2024
  • This study was a quasi-experimental design aimed at confirming the effects of applying microcurrent patches to specific acupoints(PC6, TE5, LI4, ST36) on wrist pain intensity and grip strength in college students complaining of wrist pain. The study design was a nonequivalent placebo-controlled pretest-posttest design. It was conducted from October 31, 2023, to November 27, 2023, involving students at P College located in City B. A total of 46 participants were included in the study, with 23 in the experimental group and 23 in the control group. Data collected were analyzed using the chi-square test, independent t-test, and paired t-test via the SPSS WIN 23.0 program. The experimental group that applied microcurrent patches for two weeks showed a significant decrease in pain intensity compared to the control group that used a general circular band (t=7.78, p<.001) and a significant increase in grip strength (t=-0.75, p=.038). Therefore, microcurrent patches were found to have a positive effect on pain relief and improvement in muscle strength.