• Title/Summary/Keyword: Micro Cantilever

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Design and simulation of resonance based DC current sensor

  • Santhosh Kumar, B.V.M.P.;Suresh, K.;Varun Kumar, U.;Uma, G.;Umapathy, M.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2010
  • A novel resonance based proximity DC current sensor is proposed. The sensor consists of a piezo sensed and actuated cantilever beam with a permanent magnet mounted at its free end. When the sensor is placed in proximity to a wire carrying DC current, resonant frequency of the beam changes with change in current. This change in resonant frequency is used to determine the current through the wire. The structure is simulated in micro and meso scale using COMSOL Multi physics software and the sensor is found to be linear with good sensitivity.

Brief and accurate analytical approximations to nonlinear static response of curled cantilever micro beams

  • Sun, Youhong;Yu, Yongping;Liu, Baochang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.461-472
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the nonlinear static response of curled cantilever beam actuators subjected to the one-sided electrostatic field is focused on. By assuming the deflection function of electrostatically actuated beam, analytical approximate solutions are established via using Galerkin method to solve the equilibrium equation. The Pull-In voltages which determine the stability of the curled beam actuators are also obtained. These approximate solutions show excellent agreements with numerical solutions obtained by the shooting method and the experimental data for a wide range of beam length. Expressions of these analytical approximate solutions are brief and could easily be used to derive the effects of various physical parameters on MEMS structures.

Analytical Models to Predict Power Harvesting with Piezoelectric Transducer

  • Muppala, Raghava Raju;Raju, K. Padma;Moon, Nam-Mee;Jung, Baek-Ho
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2008
  • Advances in low power design open the possibility to harvest energy from the environment to power electronic circuits. Electrical energy can be harvested from piezoelectric transducer. Piezoelectric materials can be used as mechanisms to transfer mechanical energy usually vibrating system into electrical energy that can be stored and used to power other devices. Micro- to milli-watts power can be generated from vibrating system. We developed definitive and analytical models to predict the power generated from a cantilever beam attached with piezoelectric transducer. Analytical models are pin-force method, enhanced pin-force method and Euler-Bernoulli method. Harmonic oscillations and random noise will be the two different forcing functions used to drive each system. It has been selected the best model for generating electric power based upon the analytical results obtained.

Measurement of Micro Thermal Deformation of Optical Pick-up Base Using Holographic Interferometry (흘로그램 간섭계를 이용한 광픽업 베이스의 미소 열변형 측정)

  • 서영민;강신일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2002
  • In optical pick-up, optical components such as objective lens, collimator, mirror, laser diode and photo diode are mounted on the pick-up base. These components must keep their original position during operation for proper transmittance of information from laser diode to optical disk and back to photo diode. However, micro thermal deformation of pick-up base which is induced by thermal environment during operation can deteriorate the performance of optical pick-up. Therefore, it is important to measure and analyze the thermal deformation behavior of pick-up base under thermal environment. In the present study, a measurement system using holographic interferometry was designed to measure micro thermal deformation of pick up base. The measurement system was verified by using the deformation of cantilever with prescribed motion actuated by PZT with 1 nm resolution. Interferometric measurement was compared quantitatively with that induced by PZT actuator. Finally, micro thermal deformation of pick-up base under actual thermal environment was measured using the present holographic interferometry and the results were analysed.

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Fabrication of AlN piezoelectric micro power generator suitable with CMOS process and its characteristics (CMOS 공정에 적합한 AlN 압전 마이크로 발전기의 제작 및 특성)

  • Chung, Gwiy-Sang;Lee, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes the fabrication and characteristics of AlN piezoelectric MPG(micro power generator). The micro energy harvester was fabricated to convert ambient vibration energy to electrical power as a AlN piezoelectric cantilever with Si proof-mass. To be compatible with CMOS process, AlN thin film was grown at low temperature by RF magnetron sputtering and micro power generators were fabricated by MEMS technologies. X-ray diffraction pattern proved that the grown AlN film had highly(002) orientation with low value of FWHM(full width at the half maximum, $\theta=0.276^{\circ}$) in the rocking curve around(002) reflections. The implemented harvester showed the $198.5\;{\mu}m$ highest membrane displacement and generated 6.4 nW of electrical power to $80\;k{\Omega}$ resistive load with $22.6\;mV_{rms}$ voltage from 1.0 G acceleration at its resonant frequency of 389 Hz. From these results, the AlN piezoelectric MPG will be possible to suitable with the batch process and confirm the possibility for power supply in portable, mobile and wearable microsystems.

The dependence of contractile force for the cardiomyocytes on a different engineered surface (바닥면상태에 따른 심장세포의 수축력 변화)

  • Kim, Jin-Seok;Park, Jung-Yul;Ryu, Suk-Kyu;Baek, Jeong-Eun;Cha, Jung-Hun;Park, Se-Wan;Kim, Hyeon-Chul;Kim, Byung-Kyu;Park, Suk-Ho;Chun, Kuk-Jin
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.881-884
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    • 2005
  • We present a microfabricated three-dimensional (3-D) hybrid biopolymer micro cantilever which can measure the contractile force of cardiomyocytes and analyze the force dependence on different types of surface. To make different conditions of the cell seeding surface, we fabricated the specific type of cantilever which was grooved on the surface. The presented cantilever was facilitated to measure bending of the cantilever and to calculate the contractile force of cardiomyocytes. Also, we demonstrate the dependence of the morphology for the cardiomyocytes seeded on a plain surface and a grooved surface. Finally, we show the dependence of force for the cardiomyocytes on a different surface.

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Analytical solutions for static bending of edge cracked micro beams

  • Akbas, Seref Doguscan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.579-599
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    • 2016
  • In this study, static bending of edge cracked micro beams is studied analytically under uniformly distributed transverse loading based on modified couple stress theory. The cracked beam is modelled using a proper modification of the classical cracked-beam theory consisting of two sub-beams connected through a massless elastic rotational spring. The deflection curve expressions of the edge cracked microbeam segments separated by the rotational spring are determined by the Integration method. The elastic curve functions of the edge cracked micro beams are obtained in explicit form for cantilever and simply supported beams. In order to establish the accuracy of the present formulation and results, the deflections are obtained, and compared with the published results available in the literature. Good agreement is observed. In the numerical study, the elastic deflections of the edge cracked micro beams are calculated and discussed for different crack positions, different lengths of the beam, different length scale parameter, different crack depths, and some typical boundary conditions. Also, the difference between the classical beam theory and modified couple stress theory is investigated for static bending of edge cracked microbeams. It is believed that the tabulated results will be a reference with which other researchers can compare their results.

Optimization of Fused Quartz Cantilever DRIE Process and Study on Q-factors (비정질 수정 캔틸레버의 식각 공정 최적화 및 Q-factor 연구)

  • Song, Eun-Seok;Kim, Yong-Kweon;Baek, Chang-Wook
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, optimal deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) process conditions for fused quartz were experimentally determined by Taguchi method, and fused quartz-based micro cantilevers were fabricated. In addition, comparative study on Q-factors of fused quartz and silicon micro cantilevers was performed. Using a silicon layer as an etch mask for fused quartz DRIE process, different 9 flow rate conditions of $C_4F_8$, $O_2$ and He gases were tested and the optimum combination of these factors was estimated. Micro cantilevers based on fused quartz were fabricated from this optimal DRIE condition. Through conventional silicon DRIE process, single-crystalline silicon micro cantilevers whose dimensions were similar to those of quartz cantilevers were also fabricated. Mechanical Q-factors were calculated to compare intrinsic damping properties of those two materials. Resonant frequencies and Q-factors were measured for the cantilevers having fixed widths and thicknesses and different lengths. The Q-factors were in a range of 64,000 - 108,000 for fused quartz cantilevers and 31,000 - 35,000 for silicon cantilevers. The experimental results supported that fused quartz had a good intrinsic damping property compared to that of single crystalline silicon.

Application of Phase-Shifting Method in Speckle Interferomtery to Measurement of Micro-Scale Displacement

  • Baek, Tae-Hyun;Kim, Myung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 2006
  • Speckle interferometry with phase-shifting method has been applied to measurement of micro-scale displacement through optical signal processing. Four-step phase-shifting method by PZT is used to measure out-of-plane displacement in spot-welded cantilever and results of optical experiments are comparable to those of FEM. Phase-shifting method using Fourier transform by PZT is applied to measurement of in-plane displacement on rectangular steel plate with a circular hole. The results of optical experiment agree well with theoretical calculation. New phase-shifting method in speckle interferometry has been implemented with a quarter wave plate. In-plane displacement of specimen is measured by the new phase-shifting method. Results of optical experiment show that the quarter wave plate can be used for phase-shifting method that is cheap and easy to use in speckle interferometry.