• 제목/요약/키워드: Meridian muscle theory

검색결과 34건 처리시간 0.029초

국내의 경근(經筋) 연구동향에 대한 고찰 (An Analysis of the Study Tendency on Meridian Muscle)

  • 이상민;이종수
    • 척추신경추나의학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The aim of this research is to analyze the current trend of the studies about eridian muscle and to provide background for further studies. Methods : Reviewing 33 domestic oriental medical studies about meridian muscle, and comparative analysis was made. These studies were classified by method, theme and subtitle. Results : 1. According to the classification by study method, number of literary studies are 22(67%), which is more than half, number of experimental studies are 5(15%) and clinical studies are 6(18%). 2. According to the classification by study theme in literary study, percentage of 'Structure amp; Movement of Meridian Muscle' took 64%, Theory study of Meridian Muscle' took 14%, 'Application of Concept of Meridian Muscle' took 14%, 'Treatment of Meridian Muscle disorder' took 9% arranged in order. 3. In 'Theory study of Meridian Muscle', there were not only literary approaches but also Deficiency-Excessiveness(虛實) and historical approaches. Study about 'Structure & Movement of Meridian Muscle' includes analysis of muscle and Myofascial pain syndrome. On this background, it is necessary to recognize the linkage and motion analysis of Meridian Muscle. Therefore, studies were changed into interpretation about Anatomy trains, analysis of motion. The study about 'Treatment of Meridian Muscle disorder' provided the various treatment method-Acupuncture, Manual therapy, Ashi(阿是)-point therapy, CHUNA therapy etc.- in literary study. The study about the 'Application of Concept of Meridian Muscle' has been performed in relation to Embedding Therapy, Kyungkuen chuna, Ki-gong therapy. 4. Experimental Studies were all Anatomical Studies. Studies were done in trial of discovering the actual existence, but revealed problem in interpretating the meaning of Meridian Muscle. 5. Clinical Studies based on Ashi(阿是)-point therapy CHUNA Muscles Along Meridians Release Therapy etc, were performed. Experimental studies about Meridian Muscle were assessed as low grade according to Jadad Scale. There were no studies which were based on well-organized Meridian Muscle theory. Conclusions : There needs to be more discussion about concept of Meridian Muscle and proceed more reliable experimental studies with organized Meridian Muscle theory. Further objective studies about treatment of Meridian Muscle should be done.

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견부(肩部)의 근막통증증후군(筋膜痛症症候群)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察) (The Oriental Medical Study of Myofascial Pain Syndrome about Shoulder)

  • 권순철;이상룡
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2003
  • The shoulder is the most flexible joint in human body, so many people suffer from the shoulder pain. In order to improve medical care about shoulder muscle disease, Myofascial Pain Syndrome(M.P.S) is compared with the oriental medical theory. The findings of this study are as follows; 1. Myofascial Pain Syndrome(M.P.S) is the sensory, motor, and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points. For the objectivity of the oriental medical theory, practical application is necessary. 2. The meridian and meridian-muscle of the shoulder is su-sam-yang(手三陽), su-sam-um(手三陰). Meridian-muscle theory is similar to anatomical muscle and myofascia. 3. There is similarity in the trigger point and Ashi(阿是)-point, taut band and palpable tender-point(硬結), referred pain and Hangki(行氣). In this study, myofacial pain syndrome is similar to the oriental medical theory. If myofacial pain syndrome is applicated in treatment, the cure of shoulder pain and objectivity of the oriental medical theory is improved.

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족삼양경근(足三陽經筋)의 근육학적(筋肉學的) 고찰(考察) (A Study on Muscular System of Foot Three Yang Meridian-Muscle)

  • 이명선;홍승원;이상룡
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study was performed to understand the interrelation between 'Foot three yang meridian-muscle' and 'muscular system'. Methods : We have researched some of the literatures on Meridian-muscle theory, anatomical muscular system, myofascial pain syndrome and anatomy trains. And especially we have compared myofascial pain syndrome to anatomy trains and researched what kind of relationship is exist between them. Results : It is considered that Foot taeyang meridian-muscle includes Abductor digiti minimi m., Gastrocnemius m., Biceps femoris m., Longissimus m., Omohyoid m., Occipital m., Frontal m., Orbicularis oculi m., Trapezius m., Sternocleidomastoid m., Sternohyoid m., Zygomaticus m. Foot soyang meridian-muscle includes Dorsal interosseus m., Tendon of extensor digitorum longus m., Extensor digitorum longus m., Iliotibial band, Vastus lateralis m., Piriformis m., Tensor fasciae latae m., Internal abdominal oblique m., External abdominal oblique m,, Internal intercostal m., External intercostal m., Pectoralis major m., Sternocleidomastoid m., Posterior auricular m., Temporal m., Masseter m., Orbicularis oculi m. Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle includes Extensor digitorum longus m., Vastus lateralis m., Iliotibial band, Iliopsoas m., Anterior tibial m., Rectus femoris m., Sartorius m., Rectus abdominis m., Pectoralis major m., Internal intercostal m., External intercostal m., Sternocleidomastoid m., Masseter m., Levator labii superioris m., Zygomatic major m., Zygomatic minor m., Orbicularis oculi m., Buccinator m. and the symptoms of Foot three yang meridian-muscle are similar to the myofascial pain syndrome. Superficial back line in anatomy trains is similar to the pathway of Foot taeyang meridian-muscle. Lateral Line in anatomy trains is similar to the pathway of Foot soyang meridian-muscle. Superficial Front Arm Line in anatomy trains is similar to the pathway of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle. Conclusions : There is some difference between myofascial pain syndrome and meridian-muscle theory in that the former explains each muscle individually, while the latter classifies muscular system in the view of integrated organism. More studies are needed in anatomy and physiology to support the integration of muscular system of Foot three yang meridian-muscle in aspect of anatomy trains.

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족양명경근(足陽明經筋)의 근육학적(筋肉學的) 고찰(考察) (A study on muscular system of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle)

  • 송종근;임윤경
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2006
  • Objective & Methods: This study is performed to understand the interrelation between 'Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle' and 'muscular system'. We studied the literatures on Meridian-muscle theory, anatomical muscular system, myofascial pain syndrome and the theory of anatomy trains. Results & Conclusion: 1. It is considered that Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle includes extensor digitorum longus m., tibialis anterior m., quadriceps femoris m., rectus abdominis m., pectoralis major m., sternocleidomastoid m., platysma m., orbicular oris m., zygomaticus major m., zygomaticus minor m., masseter m., Gluteus medius m., and Obliquus externus abdominis m. 2. The symptoms of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle are similar to the myofascial pain syndrome with referred pain of extensor digitorum longus m., tibialis anterior m., quadriceps femoris m., rectus abdominis m., obliquus abdominis m., masseter m. 3. Superficial frontal line in anatomy trains is similar to the pathway of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle, and more studies are needed in anatomy and physiology to support the continuity of muscular system of Foot yangmyung meridian-muscle in aspect of anatomy trains.

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가칭 근육조정술의 4체형 분류에 따른 근육 배속의 한의학적 접근 (Approach for 4 Groups of tentatively named "Muscle Coordinative Manipulation" in Korean Medicine)

  • 홍성민;오민석
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was conducted to understand 4 groups in tentatively named "muscle coordinative manipulation" by Korean medicine. Methods : We researched some articles on meridian-muscle theory and muscle's action that are classified into 4 groups in muscle coordinative manipulation. Results : The outcome of examining the hypothesis is as follows: 1. The 1st hypothesis : 'Elevated shoulder' group mainly consists of muscles that are involved with shoulder elevation, abduction and external rotation. 'Lowered shoulder' group is mainly composed of muscles that acts of shoulder depression, adduction and internal rotation. 'Elevated pelvis' & 'Lowered pelvis' groups didn't show significant features by the movement of the hips. 2. The 2nd hypothesis : Most of muscles in 'elevated & lowered shoulder' groups are classified into 'hand taiyang' meridian-muscle. Most of muscles in 'elevated pelvis' group are included in 'foot jueyin' meridian-muscle. Most of muscles in 'lowered pelvis' group are classified into 'foot taiyang & foot yangming' meridian-muscle. Conclusions : There is no significant classification in muscles that comprise 4 groups in muscle coordinative manipulation when it comes to meridian-muscle theory and muscle function. More studies on chain reaction of muscle and subsequent analysis in Korean medicine are needed.

근막통증후군(筋膜痛症侯群)과 십이경근(十二經筋)의 비교(比較) 고찰(考察) 및 육경이론(六經理論)에 따른 해석(解釋) (The Comparative Study on the Myofascial Pain Syndrome vs. Twelve-Meridian Muscle System and the Interpretation through Yook Kyoung Theory)

  • 이봉효;이윤경;이경민;임성철;정태영;서정철;양재하;최성훈
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : In oriental medicine, many researchers have studied Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Twelve-Meridian Muscle system in correlation with the orthodox form of muscular anatomy. In this study, the authors compared Myofascial Pain Syndrome with Twelve-Meridian Muscle system and interpreted Myofascial Pain Syndrome through Yook Kyoung theory to reveal the similarity between Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Twelve-Meridian Muscle system, as well as to suggest another useful therapeutics. Methods : The authors investigated several literatures related with Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Twelve-Meridian Muscle system and Yook Kyoung theory. Conclusions : 1. Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Twelve-Meridian Muscle system have many similar features in their theory, concept, physiological function, pathological symptom, therapeutic principal, etc., also have some different features. 2. Myofascial Pain Syndrome is thought to be induced by the unbalance between the upregulated-Kwelum energy and the downregulated-Soyang energy in a viewpoint of Yook Kyoung theory, therefore, it is requisite to control the unbalanced energy between Kwelum and Soyang.

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족소음경근(足少陰經筋)에 해당하는 근육(筋肉)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) (A study on muscles falling under 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew')

  • 송종근;전주현;이병렬;임윤경
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2009
  • Objective : The Meridian sinew is one of the meridian subsystems, which includes muscles distributed on the twelve meridian. This study was performed to understand which muscle is falling under 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew'. Methods : We have studied the literatures on meridian sinew theory and searched muscles which correspond to 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew' in anatomical muscular system. And we researched myofascial pain syndrome about the symptoms of the muscles falling under 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew'. Lastly we compared 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew' with 'Deep Frontal Line' - one of the anatomical trains. Results & Conclusion : 1. It is considered that 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew' includes flexor digitorum brevis muscle, abductor hallucis muscle, medial head of gastrocnemius muscle, flexor digitorum longus muscle, adductor muscle, iliopsoas muscle, erctor spinae muscle. 2. The symptoms of 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew' are similar to the myofascial pain syndrome with referred pain of the muscles falling under 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew'. 3. 'Deep frontal line' is similar to 'Foot lesser yin meridian sinew', but not exactly in neck & pelvic muscles.

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경근요법(經筋療法)을 통한 근원성 신경 포착 증후군의 치료 (Investigation on the Meridian-Muscle Therapy for Myogenic Nerve Entrapment Syndrome)

  • 허수영;최진만;서해경
    • 대한추나의학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : Scalenus anticus syndrome and Piriformis syndrome is representative of myogenic Nerve entrapment syndrome, and their clinical symptoms are similar to HIVD(herniated Intervertebral disc) of cervical or lumbar spine. But, distinguished by muscle test, these syndrome apply to Meridian-muscle therapy. Methods : Meridian-muscle therapy consists of Ashi(阿是)-point therapy, taping therapy, myofascial release technique, manipulation, their based on the traditional meridian-muscle theory. This theory is similar to myofascial pain syndrome in western medicine. The study population consisted of 9 patients who were already diagnosed as Nerve entrapment syndrome with radiological examination & physical examination and muscle test. The evaluation of clinical outcome was done by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Pain Assesment Questionnaire(PAQ). Results and Conclusions : After treatment, All patient's VAS is decreased as $2.11{\pm}1.59$ and the evaluation of clinical effect was excellent(6 cases) or good(3 cases) according to PAQ. Conclusively, Meridian muscle therapy is efficacious against Nerve entrapment syndrome.

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수양명대장경근(手陽明大腸經筋)에 대(對)한 근육학적(筋肉學的) 고찰(考察) (The study of muscular system about Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangmyung Muscle.)

  • 김태영;오민석
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2008
  • We have conclusions after the study of muscular system about large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle. 1. Judging from many studies of interrelation between Meridian muscle and muscle. it is considered that Meridian muscle theory has some similarities with modern anatomical muscular system. 2. There is a wide defference betwean myofacial pain syndrome and meridian muscle theory in that the former explains each muscle individually, while the latter classifies muscles systematically in the view of organism. 3. It is considered that large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle contains extensor digitorum muscle, extensor muscle of index finger, brachioradialis muscle, triceps brachii muscle, Rhomboid major muscle, trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle and muscle levator labii. 4. The symptoms of large intestine channel of hand yangmyung muscle is similar to referred pain of modern Myofacial pain syndrome, and the medical treatment of "I-Tong-Wi-Su" is similar to that of Myofacial pain syndrome.

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족소양담경근(足少陽膽經筋)에 대한 근육학적 고찰 (Study on Muscular System about Gall Bladder Channel of Foot Soyang Muscle)

  • 류형선;강정수
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study is performed to understand the interrelation between 'Foot soyang muscle of the Gall bladder channel' and 'muscular system' on the basis of the link between meridian muscle theory and myofascial pain syndrome. Methods : We have researched some of oriental medical books about meridian muscle theory and western medical books about anatomical muscular system. Results & Conclusion : 1. Myofascial pain syndrome is the medical treatment which finds the start point of the pain in fascia and then treats it on the basis of object and concrete anatomical theory, so its application is needed for objectification of the oriental medicine. 2. There is a wide difference between myofascial pain syndrome and meridian muscle theory in that the former explains each muscle individually, while the latter classifies muscles systematically in the view of organism. 3. Foot soyang muscle contains Dorsal interosseous m, Extensor digitorum longus m, Musculus peroneus brevis, longus and, tertius, lliotibial tract, Vastus lateralis m, Gluteus m, Aximus m, Piriformis m, Tensor fasciae latae m, Gluteus minimus m, Obliquus internus & externus abdominis m, External & Internal intercostal m, Serratus anterior m, Pectoralis major m, Sternocleidomastoid m, Auricularis posterior m, Temporalis m, Masseter m, Orbicularis oculi m etc. on the basis of function and the nature of a disease reflected in muscle. 4. Foot soyang muscle keeps the balance of left md right of the body on the outside, while the Gall bladder keeps the balance of the JangBuKiHyeul(臟腑氣血) on the inside.

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