• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mental Imagery Process

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Exploring the Role of Mental Imagery in Destination Short-Form Video Marketing

  • Han ZHOU
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Short-form travel video plays a significant role in promoting the development of the global tourism industry and the recovery of tourism after prolonged health crises. However, only a limited number of studies have explored the specific influence of short-form video tourism content on individuals' travel behavioral intentions particularly from the perspectives of mental imagery formation and information processing fluency. This study bridges this gap by integrating the theory of mental imagery with processing fluency, applying these concepts to the domains of tourism and short-form video research. Research design, data and methodology: Data were gathered using a web-based survey method with Chinese short-form video users (N=390). Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed to assess the research model and test the hypotheses. Results: This study examines the structural influence of comprehension fluency and imagery fluency, which act as both direct and indirect antecedents to mental imagery elaboration, ultimately shaping individuals' intentions to visit a destination. Conclusions: This study delves deeper into the role of processing fluency in mental imagery, addressing the gaps in existing research on the "processing fluency-mental imagery" framework. The findings provide both theoretical and practical insights into how individuals process short-form travel video and how this processing influences their intentions regarding travel behavior.

Putting Images into Second Language: Do They Survive in the Written Drafts?

  • Huh, Myung-Hye
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.1255-1279
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    • 2010
  • Much has already been learned about what goes on in the minds of second language writers as they compose, yet, oddly enough, until recently little in the L2 research literature has addressed writing and mental imagery together. However, images and imaging (visual thinking) play a crucial role in perception (the basis of mental imagery), in turn, affecting language, thinking, and writing. Many theorists of mental imagery also agree that more than just language accounts for how we think and that imagery is at least as crucial as language. All of these demands, to be sure, are compounded for EFL students, which is why I investigate EFL students' writing process, focusing on the use of mental imagery and its relationship to the writing. First I speculate upon some ways that imagery influences EFL students' composing processes and products. Next, I want to explore how and whether the images in a writer's mind can be shaped effectively into a linear piece of written English in one's writing. I studied two university undergraduate EFL students, L and J. They had fairly advanced levels of English proficiency and exhibited high level of writing ability, as measured by TOEFL iBT Test. Each student wrote two comparison and contrast essays: one written under specified time limitations and the other written without the pressure of time. In order to investigate whether the amount of time in itself causes differences within an individual in imagery ability, the students were placed under strict time constraints for Topic 1. But for Topic 2, they were encouraged to take as much time as necessary to complete this essay. Immediately after completing their essays, I conducted face-to-face retrospective interviews with students to prompt them for information about the role of imagery as they write. Both L and J have spent more time on their second (untimed) essays. Without time constraint, they produced longer texts on untimed essay (149 vs. 170; 186 vs 284 words). However, despite a relatively long period of time spent writing an essay, these students neither described their images nor detailed them in their essays. Although their mental imagery generated an explosion of ideas for their writings, most visual thinking must merely be a means toward an end-pictures that writers spent in purchasing the right words or ideas.

Mechanism and Application Methodology of Mental Practice (정신 연습의 기전과 적용 방법)

  • Kim Jong-soon;Lee Keun-heui;Bae Sung-soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to review of mechanism and application methodology about mental practice. The mental practice is symbolic rehearsal of physical activity in the absence of any gross muscular movements. Human have the ability to generate mental correlates of perceptual and motor events without any triggering external stimulus, a function known as imagery, Practice produces both internal and external sensory consequences which are thought to be essential for learning to occur, It is for this reason that mental practice, rehearsal of skill in imagination rather than by overt physical activity, has intrigued theorists, especially those interested in cognitive process. Several studies in sport psychology have shown that mental practice can be effective in optimizing the execution of movements in athletes and help novice learner in the incremental acquisition of new skilled behaviors. There are many theories of mental practice for explaining the positive effect In skill learning and performance. Most tenable theories are symbolic learning theory, psyconeuromuscular theory, Paivio's theory, regional cerebral blood flow theory, motivation theory, modeling theory, mental and muscle movement nodes theory, insight theory, selective attention theory, and attention-arousal set theory etc.. The factors for influencing to effects of mental practice are application form, application period, time for length of the mental practice, number of repetition, existence of physical practice.

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Estimation of Brain Connectivity during Motor Imagery Tasks using Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition

  • Lee, Ki-Baek;Kim, Ko Keun;Song, Jaeseung;Ryu, Jiwoo;Kim, Youngjoo;Park, Cheolsoo
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.1812-1824
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    • 2016
  • The neural dynamics underlying the causal network during motor planning or imagery in the human brain are not well understood. The lack of signal processing tools suitable for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary electroencephalographic (EEG) hinders such analyses. In this study, noise-assisted multivariate empirical mode decomposition (NA-MEMD) is used to estimate the causal inference in the frequency domain, i.e., partial directed coherence (PDC). Natural and intrinsic oscillations corresponding to the motor imagery tasks can be extracted due to the data-driven approach of NA-MEMD, which does not employ predefined basis functions. Simulations based on synthetic data with a time delay between two signals demonstrated that NA-MEMD was the optimal method for estimating the delay between two signals. Furthermore, classification analysis of the motor imagery responses of 29 subjects revealed that NA-MEMD is a prerequisite process for estimating the causal network across multichannel EEG data during mental tasks.

A Study on the Relation of Visual Information Character and Design Alternatives (시각적 정보의 특성이 디자인대안에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 오해춘
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2002
  • Designer creates new design alternatives using acquisition of visual information in design process. Which is more effectiveness to acquire in directive visual information or in-directive visual information\ulcorner In this research we would like to find out that the relation of character in visual information and design alternatives. So to A subjects, we give them to see directive visual information to make visual mental imagery, to B subjects, we give them to see in-directive visual information to make it. In this experiment they must crate telephone design. C subjects must evaluate this design alternatives by questions composing scale in distinction and elegant. After a experimentation, It is true that we make hypothesis that distinct two subjects in distinction and elegant. Though elegant is opposite with hypothesis. So to make elegant design. it is import to concentrate cognitive ability. Accordingly it proves that in-directive visual information is effective for new type design stage in design process and directive visual information is effective for new style design stage in design process.

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A Study on the influence of Visual Mental model in human to percept product form (제품형태 지각에 있어서 시각적 멘탈모델의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 오해춘
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2002
  • Human does information processing more efficiently using mental model at his understanding process. if We know what mental model is, we will know how to percept that. Similarly is it used visual mental model to percept visual object\ulcorner If it is true, we will analysis how man to understand. In this research, we have one experimentation to timid out that is true. So we did experimentation to know how man to understand new products by visual mental model. So we use 2700cc car's side view as stimuli. To A Subjects, we give them to see re\ulcorner size view before 120% ratio. To B Subject, we give them to see 120% ratio. After a experimentation, It is true that we make hypothesis that A Subjects percept this stimuli too long then B Subjects. Accordingly it proves human to use visual mental model to percept visual object. The result of experimentation, a testee use preliminary stimulus as basis of evaluation. It means that he use mental model as basis of evaluation of main stimulus. Accordingly development of new design can afford more strategic approach. Industrial designer who want to strategic approach can forced on high-weighted form attribute as consumer gives.

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Case study of Music & Imagery for Woman with Depression (우울한 내담자를 위한 MI(Music & Imagery) 치료사례)

  • Song, In Ryeong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • This case used MI techniques that give an imagery experience to depressed client's mental resource, and that makes in to verbalism. Also those images are supportive level therapy examples that apply to positive variation. MI is simple word of 'Music and Imagery' with one of psychology cure called GIM(Guided Imagery and Music). It makes client can through to the inner world and search, confront, discern and solve with suitable music. Supportive Level MI is only used from safety level music. Introduction of private session can associate specification feeling, subject, word or image. And those images are guide to positive experience. The First session step of MI program is a prelude that makes concrete goal like first interview. The Second step is a transition that can concretely express about client's story. The third step is induction and music listening. And it helps to associate imagery more easily by used tension relaxation. Also it can search and associate about various imagery from the music. The last step is process that process drawing imagery, talking about personal imagery experience in common with therapist that bring the power by expansion the positive experience. Client A case targets rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support), searching positive recourse(child hood, family), client's emotion and positive support. Music must be used simple tone, repetition melody, steady rhythm and organized by harmony music of what therapist and client's preference. The client used defense mechanism and couldn't control emotion by depression in 1 & 2 sessions. But the result was client A could experience about support and understanding after 3 sessions. After session 4 the client had stable, changed to positive emotion from the negative emotion and found her spontaneous. Therefore, at the session 6, the client recognized that she will have step of positive time at the future. About client B, she established rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support) and searching issues and positive recognition(child hood, family), expression and insight(present, future). The music was comfortable, organizational at the session 1 & 2, but after session 3, its development was getting bigger and the main melody changed variation with high and low of tune. Also it used the classic and romantic music. The client avoids bad personal relations to religious relationship. But at the session 1 & 2, client had supportive experience and empathy because of her favorite, supportive music. After session 3, client B recognized and face to face the present issue. But she had avoidance and face to face of ambivalence. The client B had a experience about emotion change according depression and face to face client's issues After session 4. At the session 5 & 6, client tried to have will power of healthy life and fairly attitude, train mental power and solution attitude in the future. On this wise, MI program had actuality and clients' issues solution more than GIM program. MI can solute the issue by client's based issue without approach to unconsciousness like GIM. Especially it can use variety music and listening time is shorter than GIM and structuralize. Also can express client's emotion very well. So it can use corrective and complement MI program to children, adolescent and adult.

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A study on the characteristic of problem solving process in the architectural design process (건축디자인과정에서 문제해결의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Il;Han, Jae-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2011
  • In creative design, it is necessary to understand the characteristic of architectural design. In the world of design problem, a distinction can be made between those that are well-defined and those that are ill-defined. Well-defined problems are those for which the ends or goal, are already prescribed and apparent, their solution requires the provision of appropriate means. For ill-defined problems, on the other hand, both the ends and the means of solution are unknown at the outset of the problem solving exercise, at least in their entirety. Most of design problems is ill-defined, which is unknown at the beginning of the problem solving exercise. In order to solve the design problem, Designers take advantage of the search methods of problem space, such as global-search-methods(depth-first-methods, breath-first-methods), local-search-methods(generate and test, heuristics, hill-climbing, reasoning) and visual thinking, which is represented through sketching. Sketching is a real part of design reasoning and it does so through a special kind of visual imagery. Also in the design problem solving it have been an important means of problem exploration and solution generation. By sketching, they represent images held in the mind as well as makes graphic images which help generate mental images of entity that is being designed. The search methods of problem space and a visual thinking have been crucially considered in the architectural design. The purpose of this paper is to explore the property of design by means of the pre-existed-experiment data and literature research. The findings will help design the architectural design for more creative results.

Type and Role of Cognition Strategies in Spatial Tasks: Focusing on Visual Discrimination and Visual Memory Abilities (공간 과제에서 인지 전략의 유형과 역할: 시각적 변별과 기억 능력을 중심으로)

  • Lee, JiYoon
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.571-598
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to assess the spatial cognition strategies and roles taken by students in the process of solving spatial tasks. For the analysis, this study developed two spatial tests based on the mental rotation test, which were taken by 63 students in their final year in elementary schools. The results of this study showed that in terms of the method of approaching the tasks, students took the comprehensive approach and the partial approach. When solving the tasks, the students were shown to use the imagery thinking or analytic thinking method. In terms of perspective, the students rotated the object or change their perspectives. A comparison of the methods used by the students revealed that when approaching the tasks, the group of students who chose the partial approach had higher scores. In terms of solving the tasks the analytic thinking method, and in terms of perspective, changing perspectives were shown to be more effective. Such effective methods were used more frequently in discrimination tasks than in recognition tasks, and in more complicated items, than in less complicated items. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that the partial, analytic approach and the change of perspectives are useful strategies in solving tasks which require high cognitive effort.