• 제목/요약/키워드: Membrane interaction

검색결과 479건 처리시간 0.021초

열안정 공기 여과막용 폴리페닐렌 설파이드 원단과 폴리테트라플루오로에틸렌 필름 사이의 접착력 향상 (Enhancing Adhesion between Polyphenylene Sulfide Fabric and Polytetrafluoroethylene Film for Thermally Stable Air Filtration Membrane)

  • 김진욱;손혜정;강상훈;이창수
    • 멤브레인
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2023
  • 먼지 필터 막은 인간의 건강, 안전 및 환경 보호의 몇 가지 중요한 측면에 기여하기 때문에 인간의 삶과 다양한 산업에서 중요한 역할을 한다. 이 연구는 고온 조건에 대한 우수한 열안정성과 접착 특성을 가진 polysulfone@polyphenylene sulfide/polytetrafluoroethylene (PSf@PPS/ePTFE) 복합 먼지 필터 막의 개발을 제시한다. FT-IR 분석은 PSF 접착제가 PPS 직물에 성공적으로 함침되고 ePTFE 지지체와의 상호 작용을 확인한다. FE-SEM 이미지는 향상된 섬유 상호 연결 및 PSf 농도와 함께 접착력을 보여준다. PSf@PPS/ePTFE-5는 가장 적합한 다공성 구조를 보여준다. 복합 막은 400℃까지 예외적인 열 안정성을 보여준다. 박리 저항 테스트는 먼지 여과에 대한 충분한 접착력을 보여 공기 투과성을 희생시키지 않고 힘든 고온조건에서 신뢰할 수 있는 성능을 보장한다. 이 막은 산업 응용 분야에서 유망한 잠재력을 제공한다. 더 나아가 최적화 및 응용 가능성을 탐구할 수 있다.


  • 정세영
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1990
  • Ro09-0198, a cyclic peptide isolated from culture filtrates of Streptoverticillium griseoverticillatum, induced lysis of erythrocytes. Ro-09-0198-induced hemolysis was temperature-dependent and the sensitivity of hemolysis differed greatly among animal species. Preincubation of the peptide with phosphatidylethanolamine reduced the hemolytic activity, whereas other phospholipids present in erythrocytes in nature had no effect. A study of the structural requirements on phosphatidylethanolamine necessary for interaction with the peptide indicates that Ro09-0198 recognizes strictly a particular chemical structure of phosphatidylethanolamine: dialkylphosphoethanolamine as well as 1-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine showed the same inhibitory effct on hemolysis induced by Ro09-0198 as diacylphosphatidyl-ethanolamine, whereas phosphoethanolamine gave no inhibitory effect. Neither phosphatidyl-N-monomethylethanolamine nor alkylphosphopropanolamine had an inhibitory effect. Proton resonances of the peptide were observed in dimethyl sulfoxide solution in the presence of 1-dodecanoyl-sn-glycerophosphoethanolamine. This peptide caused permeability increase and aggregation of liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine. A glycerol backbone and a primary amino group of phosphatidylethanolamine are necessary for interaction with Ro09-0198 to cause membrane damage. Ro09-0198 induced a selective permeability change on liposomes. Glucose and umbelliferyl phosphate were effluxed significantly, but sucrose was only slightly permeable and inulin could not be released. Platelet aggregation and serotonin release simultaneously induced by Ro09-0198. Addition of peptide to rat platelet, loaded with the fluorescent $Ca^{++}$ chelator quin-2, caused immediate rise in cytosolic free $Ca^{++}$ to liposomal membrane containing phosphatidylethanolamine was observed dose dependently.

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화학적 합성에 의해 제조된 직접 메탄올 연료전지용 나피온/백금/폴리피롤 복합 막의 특성 분석 (Characterization of Nafion/Pt/Polypyrrole Composite Membrane Prepared by Chemical In-situ Polymerization for DMFC)

  • 박호석;김여진;임현숙;최봉길;홍원희
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2006년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.421-424
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    • 2006
  • Nafion/Pt/Polypyrrole composite membranes were fabricated by chemical in-situ polymerization of pyrrole monomers with Pt precursors in Nafion matrix for DMFC. We demonstrated that positively charged pyrrolinum groups of polypyrrole particles were co-interacted with sulfonic groups of Nafion as verified by FT-IR results. Mutual interaction between $Nafion-SO_3^-$ (or negatively charged Pt precursors) and Polypyrrole$-NH_2^+$ influenced the physical properties of pristine Nafion. Thermal property proton conductivity, methanol permeability, and cell performance of pristine and modified Nafion were analyzed for an application of DMFC membrane. Thermal stabilities of sulfonic groups and side chains in Nafion/Pt/polypyrrole composite membranes were higher than those of Nafion due to mutual interaction between sulfonic groups of Nafion and pyrrolinum groups of polypyrrole. Methanol permeabilities of Nafion/Pt/Polypyrrole composite were reduced more proton conductivities with the increase in the content of Pt particles. As a result of that, the enhancement of cell performance by Nafion/Pt/Polypyrole O2 relative to Nafion was more pronounced under the specific experimental condition such as high temperature and more concentrated methanol solution.

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두뇌 조직의 $\alpha$-Tocopherol에 관한 연구 - I. Saponification 과정 유무에 의한 뇌조직, 간조직 및 혈청 $\alpha$-Tocopherol농도의 비교연구 - (Studies on Concentration of $\alpha$-Tocophero in Rat Tissue and Serum - I. Effect of Saponification on Concentration of $\alpha$-Tocopherol in Rat Brain, Liver and Serum -)

  • 박연희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 1990
  • The concentrations of $\alpha$-tocopherol in the brain, liver, and serum were studied with and without saponification process between control and vitamin E supplemented rats. Young rats, 80-120g body weight, were fed control and vitamin E supplemented diets, ad libitum, for four weeks. $\alpha$-Tocopherol concentrations were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography. The $\alpha$-tocopherol concentration per wet weight base in the brain tissue was significantly lower than that in the liver. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect on brain $\alpha$-tocopherol levels in contrast to the significant increase in lover $\alpha$-tocopherol concentration with and without saponification is significantly greater in the brain than in the liver or serum. Further study is needed to clarify the nature of interaction or /and binding between $\alpha$-tocopherol and the complex membrane system in brain tissue. It can be speculated from this and other studies that the metabolism and the nature of interaction of $\alpha$-tocopherol with the complex membrane system in brain tissue rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids seems different from that in liver tissue or serum.

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열유도 상분리막의 구조 연구 (Structural Study of Thermally-Induced Phase Separation Membranes)

  • 김성수;김재진
    • 한국막학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국막학회 1991년도 춘계 총회 및 학술발표회
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1991
  • 고분자와 희석제 간의 interaction은 phase diagram의 형태로 결정하고 상분리 mechanism은 phase diagram에 의해 설명된다. Thermodynamic interaction이 TIPS 분리막의 구조에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 PP/C20alkane, PP/C20acid, PP/TA 3가지 system을 선택하였다. 200$^{\circ}$C에서 25 $^{\circ}$C로의 급냉과 분당 10 $^{\circ}$C의 냉각조건을 적용하였다. 각 phase diagram의 형태와 냉각조건에 따라 상분리 mechanism이 달라져서 서론에서 언급한 바와 같이 각기 특유의 구조를 갖게됨을 확인하였다. 같은 종류의 희석제의 chain length가 분리막의 구조에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 희석제의 chain length에 따라 결정화 온도가 달라지며 PP와의 결정화 속도 차이에 의하여 구조가 다양하게 변화되었다. 또한 가 희석제의 확산계수의 차이에 의하여 PP 결정화 시 희석제의 외부 방출 정도가 달라 이에 의한 구조의 차이도 관찰되었다. TIPS 공정에서 용액의 조성이 분리막의 구조에 미치는 영향을 조사하였는데, 조성에 의한 nucleation density의 차이에 따라 PP spherulite의 충돌 (impingment)등이 구조에 영향을 미쳤으며 porosity도 변화하였다. 또한 PP/TA system에서는 조성에 따라 상분리 mechanism이 달라져 현격한 구조의 차이를 보였다. 또한 냉각 속도에 따라 PP spherulitic structure가 변화함을 확인하였고, PP 결정화에 따른 희석제의 방출에 의하여 interspherulitic과 intraspherulitic pore를 갖는 2중 구조를 갖게 됨을 알 수 있다.

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Wind-induced response of open type hyperbolic-parabolic membrane structures

  • Xu, Junhao;Zhang, Yingying;Zhang, Lanlan;Wu, Meng;Zhou, Yi;Lei, Ke;Zhang, Qilin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제76권2호
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, the mechanical characteristics of the open type hyperbolic-parabolic membrane structure under wind load were investigated. First, the numerical simulation of a typical plane membrane structure was performed based on the Large-Eddy Simulation method. The accuracy of the simulation method was validated by the corresponding wind tunnel test results. Then, the wind load shape coefficients of open type hyperbolic-parabolic membrane structures are obtained from the series of numerical calculations and compared with the recommended values in the "Technical Specification for Membrane Structures (CECS 158: 2015). Finally, the influences of the wind directions and wind speeds on the mean wind pressure distribution of open type hyperbolic-parabolic membrane structures were investigated. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the wind-induced response for this type of structure and be useful to engineers and researchers.

가토 적혈구 세포막 $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$활성에 미치는 Carbachol의 영향 (The Effect of Carbachol on $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ Activity in Rabbit Erythrocyte Membrane)

  • 김옥진;김낙두;박찬웅;홍사악
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 1982
  • $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ is a component of plasma membrane in almost all animal cell, and maintains ionic distribution and membrane potential of normal cell. In the mechanism of adrenergic transmission, it is relatively well known that drug-receptor combination leads to stimulate adenylate cyclase and so on. In the cholinergic transmisison, the mechanism is not well known but is simply interpreted as the change of membrane permeability results from acetylcholine receptor interaction. To study the relationship between cholinergic transmission and membrane $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$, the effect of carbachol on $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ activity in rabbit erythrocyte membrane is studied. The results are summarized as follows. 1) Total ATPase, $Mg^{+2}-ATPase$ and $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ of rabbit erythrocyte membrane show maximum activities at 1mM of tris-ATP. 2) Total ATPase activity tends to increase when treated with carbachol $(10-^{-9}M-10^{-3}M)$. 3) The $Mg^{+2}-ATPase$ activity also tends to increase when treated with carbachol $(10-^{-9}M-10^{-3}M)$. 4) The $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ activity is inhibited when treated with carbachol $(10-^{-9}M-10^{-7}M)$. It is suggested that the inhibition of $Na^+,\;K^+-ATPase$ by cholinergic drugs may be considered as one part of mechanism of cholinergic transmission.

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고분자전해질 연료전지에서 기체 크로마토그래프에 의한 수소투과도 측정 (Measurement of Hydrogen Crossover by Gas Chromatograph in PEMFC)

  • 정재진;정재현;김세훈;안병기;고재준;박권필
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.425-429
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    • 2014
  • 최근까지 대부분의 PEMFC MEA(Membrnae and Electrode Assembly) 열화 연구는 전극과 전해질 막 각각 분리되어 연구되었다. 그런데 실제 PEMFC 운전조건에서는 전극과 전해질 막은 동시에 열화된다. 동시열화과정에서 전극열화와 전해질 막 열화는 상호 작용한다. 전해질 막의 열화정도를 측정하는데 수소투과도가 많이 사용되고 있다. 그런데 동시 열화가 발생했을 때 선형 쓸음 전기량 측정법(Linear Sweep Voltammetry, LSV)에 의해 수소투과도를 측정하면 전극열화가 수소투과전류를 감소시키는데, LSV 방법이 전극 촉매의 활성 면적에 의존하기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 전극과 막 동시 열화과정에서 기체 크로마토그래프에 의한 PEMFC 전해질막의 수소투과도를 측정하였다. 기체 크로마토그래프 측정 방법은 전극 상태와 무관하기 때문에 전극과 막 동시 열화 과정에서 수소투과도가 전극 열화 영향을 받지 않음을 확인하였다.

알루미나 중공사막 제조 및 특성 분석 (Preparation and Characterization of α-alumina Hollow Fiber Membrane)

  • 채진웅;이홍주;박정훈
    • 멤브레인
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.212-219
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    • 2016
  • 알루미나 분말이 분산된 고분자용액을 비용매 유도 상전이법으로 방사 및 소결하여 알루미나 중공사막을 제조하였다. 용매-비용매의 상호작용 속도에 따른 중공사막 기공 구조 형성을 확인하고, 특성을 분석하기 위해 dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylacetamide (DMAc), triethylphosphite (TEP) 용매를 사용하여 방사액을 제조하였으며, 고분자 바인더로는 polyethersulfone (PESf), 첨가제로는 polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)를 사용하였다. 알루미나 중공사막의 기공 구조 변화를 확인하기 위해 SEM으로 중공사막 단면을 분석하였다. DMSO, DMAc 용매를 사용할 경우 지상 구조(finger-like structure)와 망상 구조(sponge-like structure)가 복합된 기공 구조가 나타났으며, TEP 용매를 사용할 경우 전체적으로 망상 구조를 가졌다. 기공 구조에 따른 중공사막의 특성을 확인하기 위해 기체투과도, 기공도 및 기계적 강도를 측정하였다. 망상 구조를 갖는 중공사막은 높은 기체 투과특성을 보였으며 지상 구조가 증가할수록 기체투과도가 감소하였다. 반대로 기계적 강도는 지상 구조가 발달할수록 증가하였다.