• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical professionals

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Development of Augmented Reality-Based Radiation Protection Application for Healthcare Professionals

  • Shinnosuke Matsumoto;Kiyomitsu Shinsho;Kondo Eisuke;Yuhi Tanaka;Yuko Ito;Yumi Nishimura
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2024
  • Background: Radiodiagnosis is widely performed in medical institutions. All medical professionals, including nurses, are at risk of radiation exposure. This study developed an educational application for radiation medical professionals to visualize the distribution of scattered radiation using augmented reality. Materials and Methods: A Monte Carlo simulation code was used to simulate mobile chest and abdominal radiography. The calculation results were incorporated into an augmented reality application. The results of the Monte Carlo calculations were validated by comparing them with radiation measurements. An augmented reality application for tablet devices was developed in Unity that visualizes the scattered radiation dose. Results and Discussion: The application was developed by visualizing the distribution of scattered radiation in mobile radiography in augmented reality in three-dimensional real space. The calculation results were validated, and the error between the displayed radiation dose values and the measured radiation dose values was generally less than 10%. Conclusion: The developed application allows users to overlay quantitative values of imperceptible radiation exposure doses onto any real-world environment. This enables users to intuitively understand the relationship between the distance from a radiation source and the received dose, thereby contributing to a better understanding of radiation protection in clinical settings.

A Pilot Study on Developing a Patient Safety Curriculum Using the Consensus Workshop Method (환자안전 교육과정 개발 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Hee;Shin, Jwa-Seop;Huh, Nam-Hee;Yoon, Hyun Bae
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2013
  • Patient safety is achieved through systematic improvement based on the knowledge and willingness of medical professionals. A systematic longitudinal curriculum for patient safety is essential to prepare medical students and professionals. The purpose of this article is to introduce our experience with a 'workshop for developing a patient safety curriculum' and to compare the results with previous studies. The workshop comprising 15 medical professors and patient safety experts met for 2 days. The Consensus Workshop method was applied, collecting opinions from all of the members and reaching consensus through the following stages: context, brainstorm, cluster, name, and resolve. The patient safety curriculum was developed by this method, covering patient safety topics and issues, and teaching and assessment methods. A total of 7 topics were extracted, 'activities for patient safety, concepts of patient safety, leadership and teamwork, error disclosure, self-management, patient education, policies.' Issues, teaching methods, and assessment methods were developed for each topic. The patient safety curriculum developed from the workshop was similar to previous curricula developed by other institutions and medical schools. The Consensus Workshop method proved to be an effective approach to developing a patient safety curriculum.

Effect of Direct Education on Breast Self Examination Awareness and Practice among Women in Bolu, Turkey

  • Gucuk, Sebahat;Uyeturk, Ummugul
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.7707-7711
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    • 2013
  • Aims: To evaluate breast self examination (BSE) practice and the effect of a training program conducted by healthcare professionals on BSE. Materials and Methods: Women were randomized into control and test groups with both groups completing a questionnaire and three independent interviews where their BSE practices were evaluated. Results: In all, 39.5% of the participants were previously provided information on BSE by healthcare professionals while 25.8% had no knowledge of BSE prior to enrollment. Compared to those informed about BSE through other means such as television, radio, and the internet, the scores of the first, second, and third visits were higher (p<0.05) in individuals who received BSE education from healthcare professionals and hospitals. Conclusions: BSE training provided by healthcare professionals may increase early breast cancer diagnosis and treatment rates by improving BSE awareness and practice.

An Integrative Review on Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Simulation Programs in the Mental Health Area for Health Professionals

  • Han, Soolgi
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2019
  • This is an integrative review paper of Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) simulation programs in the mental health area including the analysis of the general characteristics, contents, and the impact of the interventions studies. The keywords used to search the studies were "AR/VR" and "medical/nursing students". The author and a postdoctoral research fellow searched four electronic databases: Web of Science, PubMed, EmBase, and CINHA, and as a result nine studies met the inclusion criteria. Among the selected studies AR/VR simulation programs in the mental health area for healthcare professionals were found to be effective in clinical skills as well as for the interpersonal relationship and the stigma of mentally ill patients. Providing an opportunity to experience a safe and effective tool is important when educating health professionals and AR/VR simulation programs are safe and effective. Thus, standardized AR/VR simulation programs are needed to be developed for health professionals.

Construction a Website for Premature Infant - Based on the Survey of Previous Homepages - (미숙아 웹사이트의 구축 - 기존 홈페이지 분석을 근거로 -)

  • Lee, In-Hae
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The existing web sites for premature babies are operated by non professionals and thus do not provide any medical or professional information necessary for rearing premature babies. The purpose is to construct a new website with lots of medical and professional tips for premature babies. Methods: First, topics of discussions are collected from the bulletin boards of three websites, operated by non professionals, for premature babies. And new website for premature babies is constructed based on the identified topics and also based on professional consultation with six professors. Results: The newly constructed website provides professional tips for the above topics as well as introduction of it's object, general medical information and baby rearing information and the bulletin board for parents of premature babies. Conclusion: By providing professional tips for mothers of premature babies, the new website is expected to provide detailed, accurate and professional information on issues most parents of premature babies concern.

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Comparison of the Attitudes Toward and Contact with Disabled Person among Health Care Professionals, Lay Persons, and Disabled Persons (장애인에 대한 태도, 장애인과의 접촉 경험, 장애정책에 대한 인식 - 일반인, 의료인, 장애인의 비교 -)

  • Kim, Keum-Soon;Park, Yeon-Hwan;Lee, Bum-Suk;Kim, Jeong-Yi
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the attitudes toward and contact with people with disabilities among health care professional, lay persons, and disabled persons. Method: Using 270 subjects (141 health care professionals, 79 lay persons, and 50 disabled persons), the self report or face-to-face interview were conducted from April to October in 2007. Attitudes and contacts were assessed respectively using the Attitude Towards Disabled Person scale and the Contact with Disabled Persons. Result: Overall attitude scores of the subjects in groups of health care professionals, lay persons, and disabled persons were lower than those of individuals in the corresponding groups in other countries (F=3.232, p=.031). Health care professionals and lay persons had more negative attitudes towards disabled persons than those of disabled persons. Scores of the Contact with Disabled Persons were also lower in all three groups, as compared to those of the corresponding groups from other countries. Disabled persons had significantly more contact experiences with disabled persons than individuals in other two groups. Conclusion: Health care professionals as well as lay persons and disabled persons have negative attitudes toward people with disabilities. It is needed that the modification of educational curriculums in nursing school for promoting more positive attitudes toward people with disabilities.

Focus Group Study on Health Care Professionals' Experience of Patient Safety Education (의사와 간호사의 환자안전교육 경험에 관한 포커스 그룹 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Yun;Lee, Yu-Ra;Lee, Eu-Sun;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 2020
  • Purpose:This study aims to understand and explore the subjective experiences of patient safety education among health care professionals in developing a patient safety curriculum in South Korea. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted through two focus group interviews in the period October-December 2018. Eleven participants who underwent patient safety education participated in each session. All interviews were recorded and transcribed as spoken, and qualitative content analysis was used to identify categories of discussion depicting participants' subjective experience with patient safety education. Results: A total of three categories and seven themes were identified out of 77 units of analysis. Topics were identified in the dimensions of a patient safety curriculum, as follows: (1) activities for patient safety; (2) principle of patient safety (five rights, ethics, patient participation) and patient participation; (3) leadership, teamwork, and communication; and (4) reporting and learning system for patient safety events. In the dimension of methods, (5) case and evidence-based education and (6) multidisciplinary and small group teaching were identified. Finally, in the dimension of the system, (7) policies for patient safety education were identified. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that patient safety education is a significant area for health care professionals. Health care professionals suggested that a systematic patient safety curriculum would improve their knowledge and attitude toward patient safety. Moreover, it enables them to better construct a safety environment in a hospital.

Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding human papillomavirus and its' vaccination among the young medical professionals and students of Bangladesh

  • Sreshtha Chowdhury;Rifat Ara;Simanta Roy;Syed Md. Sayeem Tanvir;Fahima Nasrin Eva;Tasnova Mehrin Neela;Amena Akter Moonmoon;Shamma Sifat;Mushfera Zamila;Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader
    • Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Sexually transmitted infections are a major worldwide concern, and human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the significant risk factors. Many populations suffer from various diseases caused by HPV, and the overall death toll due to cervical carcinoma is remarkable. Despite vaccine availability, perception about vaccine safety and efficacy, its' preventive outcome is still inferior among the health professionals and vaccine providers. So, this study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice level of HPV and its' vaccination among doctors, dentists, and medical students. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional survey was carried out between April to August 2021, where 626 participants from all types of medical institutions of Bangladesh were interviewed using a validated and structured questionnaire that consists of four extensive areas; socio-demographic characteristics, HPV knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding vaccination. Results: The knowledge and practice standards showed very poor outcomes where 43.29% of the participants showed good knowledge and only 11.82% conveyed good practices. Nevertheless, the attitude towards HPV vaccination was revealed high (75.88%). Female participants showed more positive attitudes than males. Conclusion: Physicians and dentists play vital roles in raising public knowledge about HPV and awareness regarding HPV vaccination programs. The provision of medical education on HPV must be prioritized, and current training techniques must be re-evaluated. Thus, by implementing this strategy, improvement in national vaccination policy can be expected.

An Attempt of Reinterprtation on History of Nursing and Health Care Using Post-structural Method (포스트구조주의적 분석을 이용한 간호와 보건의료의 역사에 대한 재해석의 한 시도)

  • 김남선
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to reinterpretate the history of nursing and health care from the view-point of post-structuralism. It has been emphasized that the development of modern health care has been due to the progressive efforts of medicine and to medical discoveries. Medicine has dominated the history of health care rather than nursing or other health professions. The present study adopts the post-structural method by Foucault, which tries to unite language and knowledge. Foucault examines "the institutionalization of knowledge and the power exerted thereby, with special reference to the devices of social regulation and their function over the madness, the disease, the crime, and the sexuality. " The concept of power in Foucault's writing is that it is exerted spontaneously in verbal behaviors of individuals through knowledge of everyday life such as definition of body or mind, sexuality and relationship of family. Therefore as to the problem of power, this study tries to understand the meaning of the health care history through an analysis of the formation of medical discourse. In order to have authority in a power relation, the medical professional asserts that medical discourse is the most scientific knowledge. The authority of medical professionals can be reinforced by the fact that male medical professionals outnumber female. Devaluation of nursing care is reinforced by the medicine which has the legitimate authority through use of the political skills.

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A satisfaction survey of toxicological laboratory: Survey of regional and local emergency medical centers (응급실로 내원하는 급성중독환자의 원인물질 분석을 위한 중독 분석실 이용 현황 및 이용 만족도 조사: 전국 권역 및 지역응급의료센터 설문조사)

  • Son, Dong Woo;Kang, Ji Hun;Kim, Yang Weon;Park, Chul Ho;Yoon, Yoo Sang;Ji, Jae Gu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.110-126
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the current status of toxicology laboratory operated by six locations nationwide and to investigate the satisfaction of emergency medical professionals who working at local and regional emergency medical centers. Methods: This survey was conducted prospective. It was conducted on 665 emergency medical professionals working at regional and regional emergency medical centers across the South Korea. Among them, the analysis was conducted with data that 510 emergency medical professionals who respond to this survey. The questionnaire was conducted on an online basis for a month. To ensure statistical significance, consider a dropout rate of 10% based on a minimum response recovery rate of 70%. 506 people were selected for the survey. Results: According to a survey on the status of addiction analysis room usage, the average monthly usage of addiction test rooms among respondents were 406 cases.71.0 cases (17.4%) of toxicology laboratory in Seoul and 71 cases (17.4%) in Gwangju. 32 cases (7.8%), 118 cases (29.0%) requested by toxicology laboratory in Busan, and the toxicology laboratory in Daegu. Eighty two cases (20.1%), Daejeon area 25 cases (6.1%), Wonju area toxicology laboratory was 78 (19.6%). According to a survey on the satisfaction of the addiction analysis room,Seoul (4.9±2.71) and Gwangju (4.8±2.52) showed high satisfaction. Conclusion: Due to the limited operation time of the four addiction analysis rooms currently in operation, the satisfaction level of addiction analysis by emergency medical professionals in the area is low due to the delay until the result is notified.