• 제목/요약/키워드: Medical Dispute Act

검색결과 32건 처리시간 0.027초

의료기관 노사분규 사례분석연구 (A Study on the Recent Labor-Management Dispute Cases at Medical Institutions)

  • 신강욱;유승흠;김영훈;김태웅
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2009
  • Recently, a long strike by hospital labor union emerged as a serious social issue. During the Worldcup Games in June, 2002, labor strikes broke up at 'C', 'K' and other hospitals, and in 2007, 'Y' hospital suffered much from a strike. Such series of extreme labor disputes have awakened people of importance of a more stable labor-management relationship for the medical institutions responsible for people's health than any other business organization. The purpose of this study was to examine the labor-management disputes at 'Y' hospital in 2007 and 'C' and 'K' hospitals in 2002. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; First, requests of the labor union such as pay raise, reemployment of the irregular workers as regular employees and participation of the labor union in personnel affairs are the long-held or core issues suffered by the medical institutions. Such issues are not independent from each other but complicated with each other surrounding the pay raise. Accordingly, it is not easy to determine the genuine bone of issue for labor-management disputes. Second, the model type of disputes between labor and management at medical institutions may be strike. However, it is conceived that the type of disputes would be subject to change as the essential medical service area system began to be operated since 2008. Third, the common characteristic of the labor strike among the 3 sample hospitals was occupation of the hospital lobby for a sit-in strike to maximize the negative effects of strike. Article 42 (Prohibition of Violence) of Labor Union and Labor Relation Coordination Act prohibits occupation of production or other important business facilities. In addition, since Ministry of Labor interprets that the hospital lobby belongs to the important business facilities enumerated by Article 42 of the above act, occupation of the hospital lobby for a sit-in strike may be too controversial to be admitted as a fair act of labor dispute when its legitimacy should be judged. Fourth, the counter-measures taken by the hospitals against the strike were observance of the principle 'no labor no pay,' closure, legal action, accusation, claim for recovery of damage, provisional seizure, disciplinary punishment, etc., but the principle of 'no labor, no pay' was not applied in a fair manner by 'C' and 'K' hospitals. However, 'Y' hospital applied this principle thoroughly to the strike; the hospital conduced to correction of the wrong labor-management relationship by refusing inclusion in the labor collective agreement of a provision about payment of wage during the period of strike or labor union's request to that effect during a strike. In addition, 'Y' hospital took an effective measure to end the strike earlier by notifying the labor union of cancellation of the collective agreement and banning the unionists from entering the hospital.

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생전유언, 의료지시서, 자연사법(natural death act) 입법의 사회적 함의 (Social Implication of Living Wills, Advance Directives and Natural Death Act in Korea)

  • 이인영
    • 의료법학
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.413-459
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    • 2008
  • The Law has intervened to define rare circumstances in which a person should choose continuing life in United States. On the one hand, the law has traditionally acted to preservelife and to respect the sanctity of life. On the other hand, one's control over one's own body, and the right to determine what kind of medical care one will receive, is equally well respected and historically grounded. The competent patients have the right to forgo life-sustaining treatment, courts in United States have left many unanswered questions about the nature of that right. The right to choose to forgo life-sustaining treatment is a manifestation of a patient's autonomy interest. In United States, The Karen Quilan case gave rise to legislative activity in the host of state capitals, and several states had adopted statutes that formally recognized some forms of written directives describing some circumstances in which certain kinds of medical care could be terminated. These statues were sometimes dominated 'living will' acts, sometimes 'right to die' acts and ocasionally 'natural death' acts. Today virtually every state has produced a living will statue. In Korea, courts do not permit a terminally ill person to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment. Living wills apply in case of terminal illness owing to a defect in legislation. Now In Korea, these lively dispute of legal policy on the preconditions and concrete procedure of living will act and natural death act. Through the legislation of living will act and natural death act, we should prepare some circumstances to respect patient's autonomy on the right to die. We should frame the cultural standard to make a decision of forgoing life-sustainin1g treatment under the discreet procedure.

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환자의 의무기록 관련 의료인의 법적 지위 (Legal Status of Medical Personnel on Medical Records)

  • 이백휴
    • 의료법학
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.309-335
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    • 2010
  • This study is a paper reviewed legal status of medical personnel and issues of law on recently discovered medical records. As the increase of medical personnel who have gone through the administrative disposal in regards to the medical records, it is needed to examine the legal issue or dispute on the medical records under the current law. Medical records are the statement on patient's medical conditions made by the medical personnel. This records are used as important source for patient's further treatment. This becomes the communication route between the patients and the other medical personnel, and it provides the patients a right to find out their medical information. According to the Medical Service Act (Article 21), a medical personnel shall prepare respectively a record book of medical examination and treatment. And medical personnel shall make a signature. Furthermore, the medical personnel or the opener of the medical institutions must preserve the record book (including an electronic medical record). Meanwhile, the issues of a ban on false entry, additional record, revision or manipulation on the medical record have been recently on the rise. This paper briefly examined the major issues in regards to the medical records. It especially clarified the legal duty on medical records and its major-contentious-issues. At the same time, it pointed out the problems of the unreasonable over interpretation of the law. Furthermore, this suggested the guidelines for the further discussion and review.

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이원적 의료체계에서 의사와 한의사의 과실판단 (The Criteria of Medical Malpractice of Medical Doctors and Oriental Medical Doctors in Korea)

  • 이백휴
    • 의료법학
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.123-158
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    • 2011
  • The Korea health care system has been divided into Western and Oriental (Korea traditional) medicine since 1951. In accordance with dualistic medical system, there are many conflict cases between medical doctors and oriental medical doctors. Meanwhile, there were much discussions about the meaning and criteria of medical malpractice(negligence). Especially, many cases have been built up about the criteria of medical malpractice through lawsuits. But, comparatively, there's few the medical malpractice case of the oriental medical doctors. According to a recent ruling of the Supreme Court, the legal principles of medical doctor's malpractice case are equally applied to the criteria of the oriental medical doctor's malpractice case. But there are much considerations in addition to these principles for the dualistic medical system and academic distinctiveness. This study is intended to review the dualistic medical system, the criterion of medical malpractice, and analysis this issues. To make long story short, under our dualistic medical system, judging the medical and oriental malpractice should be considered relatively. However, it makes sense that we want medical doctor or oriental medical doctor to demand the reinforced negligence to restrict the unnecessary discretion. If there is lack of evidence-based medicine or the rationality suspected, the health care providers must give enough proof.

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간호사의 법적 책임에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Legal Responsibility of Nurse)

  • 범경철
    • 의료법학
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.285-316
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    • 2014
  • As the number of medical disputes regarding nurses has increased after medical disputes have increase, there is a need for a study on it. However, the legal relationship between nurses and patients has not yet been analyzed. Recently, the role and function of nurses are expanded according to the development of the science of nursing; moreover their activity and limitation of responsibility are also expanded. For this reason, the medical disputes regarding nurses have been increasing. However, the majority of these kind of dispute are just passed over because their practice is usually considered to be a mere action to assist doctor's role. In addition, nurse practice is not a secondary action of doctor's role, but forms part of a medical treatment. Of course, nurses handle many secondary tasks after doctors finish their medical treatment. But this is only part of the whole tasks of nurses. Furthermore, the general details of their medical treatment are not different from those of doctors because they also belong to the medical service personnel. Considering these features of nurse and the medical condition in South Korea, their task is becoming increasingly developed and specialized and they are also establishing their own field. With this stream of times, there is a growing interest in enacting a Nursing Practice Act, in other words, the independent law on nurse for the sake of patient safety and national health promotion. Then, their responsibility will distinctly be expanded as much more. That is, the time that nurses practice their medical care by following doctors' order and also pass over their responsibility to doctors is closed. Thus, this study examines the features and responsibilities of nursing practice, and discusses an institutional framework to efficiently cope with the legal disputes between nurses and patients. It aims to throw light on the decision making on nurse-patient disputes in future.

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분만관련 불가항력적 의료사고 보상제도에 있어 분담금부과에 관한 연구 -헌법재판소 2018. 4. 26. 선고 2015헌가13 사건을 중심으로- (A Study on Imposing Contribution in the Compensation for Uncontrollable Medical Malpractice during Delivery)

  • 범경철
    • 의료법학
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.139-171
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    • 2018
  • 「의료사고 피해구제 및 의료분쟁 조정 등에 관한 법률」(이하 '의료분쟁조정법'이라 한다)에서는 보건의료인이 충분한 주의의무를 다하였음에도 불구하고 분만 중 불가항력적으로 발생한 의료사고에 대하여 국가가 예산의 범위 안에서 그 피해자에게 보상하도록 하고 있다(의료분쟁조정법 제46조). 지금까지 의료사고 피해자가 소송을 통해서만 피해회복을 기대할 수 있었던 것에 비한다면 획기적인 법률이라 할 수 있다. 그런데, 이러한 의료사고보상사업에 드는 비용의 100분의 30은 보건의료기관개설자 중 분만 실적이 있는 자가 부담하고 있는 바(의료분쟁조정법 시행령 제21조), 이 분담금 부과 조항이 분만 과정에서의 산모·신생아 사망 등의 사고가 의사의 과실이 없이 불가항력적으로 발생했음에도, 의사들에게 책임을 묻는 것은 아닌지 문제가 되어 왔다. 그러나 최근 헌법재판소에서 분담금 부과와 관련한 의료분쟁조정법법 제46조 제3항 중 '보건의료기관개설자의 범위' 및 '보상재원의 분담비율' 부분에 대하여 합헌 결정을 내린 바 있다(헌법재판소 2018. 4. 26. 선고 2015헌가13 결정, 이하 '이 사건 결정'이라 한다). 이 사건 결정에서는 법률유보원칙 및 포괄위임입법금지원칙에 의하여만 판단하였으나, 본고에서는 실질적인 판단도 가미하였다. 이 사건 분담금운 과잉금지원칙에 비추어 보더라도 보건의료기관개설자들의 재산권을 침해하지 않는 점을 논증하였다. 불가항력 의료보상제도의 분담금 부과가 민사책임의 중요 원칙인 과실책임원칙에 거스르는 측면이 존재한다. 그러나 의료사고보상사업은 의료사고 피해자를 위한 국가정책으로 합리성이 있으며, 동시에 의료분쟁의 조기종결 효과로 의료계 역시 이익을 얻는 측면이 분명 존재한다. 분담금의 납부를 통한 보상재원의 확충은 이러한 의료사고보상제도를 빠르게 정착시킴으로서 분만과정에서 발생한 의료사고 피해자의 고통과 오해를 경감시키고 의료인의 안정적 진료환경 구축에 큰 도움이 될 것이다.

건강보험 진료비심사의 법적 근거와 효력 (The Legal Base and Validity of Reviewing Medical Expenses in the Health Insurance)

  • 김운목
    • 의료법학
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.137-177
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    • 2007
  • The medical expenses review system in Korea has developed under fee-for-service system with its own unique structure. The importance of reviewing medical expenses has been emphasized, as the size of medical expenditures moving through the health insurance legal context and its weight in the national economy have increased very rapidly. It is, however, analyzed that the feuds and arguments continue among the stakeholders for the lack of laws supporting the medical expenses review system. The medical expenses review is a series of administrative procedures, deciding whether claims from medical care institutions to the insurer are legal and valid or not. It mainly controls the increase of unnecessarily excessive health insurance claim and prevents fraudulent claim and abuse and checks the less use or unsuitable use of medical resources. It also works a function guarantees medical benefits for the appropriate treatment according to the object of health insurance system as a social insurance scheme. The dispute on legal base of the medical expenses review is about the source of law in the medical expenses review. There are the Health Insurance Act and administrative laws as jus scriptum and the guidelines of review as administrative orders. The medical expenses review should reflect various factors, such as the development of medical healthcare technologies, the health expenditures distribution, the financial situation of the health insurance, and the evaluation on the level of appropriate benefits. It is also likely to adapt to the traits of characters of medicine, and trends and transition, Besides it should judge the legality and the validity of medical benefits expenditures by synthesizing these all factors. And the evaluation system of appropriateness of medical benefits was administrative procedure which was consecutive with reviewing the medical expenses system and it was intended to make up for the result of reviewing the medical expenses in more comprehensive levels.

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의료관광 분쟁시 책임주체에 대한 검토 (Review of Responsibility in Case of Medical Tour Disputes)

  • 문상혁
    • 의료법학
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.107-135
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    • 2016
  • 의료관광은 21세기 새로운 고부가가치 관광산업이라고 할 수 있다. 각 국가마다 다양하고 차별화된 의료관광 상품개발로 의료관광산업은 더욱더 활성화 될 것이다. 이러한 의료관광에 대한 관심이 증가함에 따라 의료관광상품을 개발하고 홍보하기 위해서는 관광객의 수요와 관심분야를 정확하게 분석하고 제공할 의료관광 상품을 준비해야 한다. 정부는 의료관광산업을 고부가가치 창출을 통한 국가경제발전과 Global Healthcare산업 전문가 육성 등을 통한 고용창출에 대한 기대효과가 큰 산업으로 보고, 의료관광 분야의 지원정책을 확대하여 의료관광 출입국 제도 개선, 의료관광객을 위한 원스톱 서비스 제도, 의료관광인력 양성제도 등을 도입하였다. 하지만 외국인 환자와 의료관광 유치업자와의 분쟁이 발생하고 있으며, 외국인 환자와 의료인의 의료사고분쟁, 외국인 환자를 대상으로 하는 여행업 종사자들과의 분쟁 등이 발생하고 있다. 본 논문은 의료관광과 관련하여 유치업자를 중심으로 발생하는 분쟁에 대한 유형을 검토하고 그에 대한 해결방안을 검토를 시도하였다. 이를 통해 의료관광 유치업자는 중개된 급부를 알선할 의무와 동시에 상당한 주의를 가지고 그 사무를 처리하여야 할 책임이 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 중개계약 성립 후에 적극적으로 중개결과에 이르기까지 소극적으로 대처하여 분쟁이 발생할 경우에는 그에 대한 책임에서 벗어나기 어렵다. 또한 의료관광 중개계약에서 유치업자는 외국인환자에게 급부의 내용에 설명의무와 조언의무를 부담하는 것을 알아야 한다. 외국인환자와 보건산업진흥원 "외국인환자 의료분쟁 해결을 위한 중재제도 안내"를 보면, 외국인환자가 진료계약서 작성할 때 외국인환자에게 의료사고로 인한 분쟁이 발생할 경우 우선적으로 "의료사고 피해구제 및 의료분쟁 조정 등에 관한 법률"에 따라 분쟁을 해결할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고 있다. 하지만 이러한 방법이 외국인환자를 보호하는데 충분한 것인지에 대한 논의는 좀 더 다양한 관점에서의 논의가 필요하다고 생각한다. 의료관광을 활성화시키기 위해서는 다양한 상품을 개발하는 것도 매우 중요하지만, 그와 관련한 분쟁이 발생할 경우 그에 대한 대처 방안도 사전에 마련해 두어야 할 것이다. 그렇게 함으로써 우수한 의료기술뿐만 아니라 외국인 의료관광객에게 신뢰를 바탕으로 더 커다란 발전을 할 수 있으리라 기대한다.

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워터마크 기법을 이용한 PACS 보안 알고리즘 설계 (PACS Security Algorithm Design using Watermark)

  • 오근탁;김용호;이윤배
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.1309-1315
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    • 2005
  • 의료영상은 디지털이라는 속성으로 인해서 일상생활에 적용되는 저작권법으로 저작권을 보호한다는 것이 어렵다. 특히 의료 영상은 복사를 하면 또 하나의 원본이 생성되므로, 의료 영상 이미지를 생산해 내는 사람의 입장에서는 똑같은 원본을 자신도 모르는 사이에 다른 사람에게 전달하게 된다. 그렇게 되면 과연 누가 이 디지털 작품을 만들었는지에 대한 의료 분쟁이 생길 수밖에 없다. 디지털시대의 의료 환경에서 필수 불가결하게 제기될 수 있는 의료영상보안은 특히 우리나라처럼 의료보험의 부당 청구가 사회적인 큰 물의를 일으키고 있는 시점에서 많은 관심과 연구가 필요하다. 따라서 이 분야의 핵심적인 문제점을 도출하고, 문제점 개선을 위해서 워터 마크를 통해 영상 보안 기법을 제안하였다. 그러나 의료영상의 대표적인 특징인 무결성을 보장 받지 못해 법적인 인증에는 한계가 있음을 알 수 있었다.

Cerebral Aneurysms in Judicial Precedents

  • Lee, Kyeong-Seok;Shim, Jae-Jun;Shim, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Jae-Sang;Yoon, Seok-Mann
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제61권4호
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    • pp.474-477
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    • 2018
  • Objective : From November 30, 2016, the Korean Government carried the revised Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Act into effect. Mediation will start automatically without agreements of the defendant, when the outcome of the patient was death, coma more than a month or severe disability. Cerebral aneurysm has a definite risk of bad outcome, especially in the worst condition. Any surgical intervention to this lesion has its own high risk of complications. Recently, Seoul central district court decided 50% responsibility of the doctors who made a rupture of the aneurysm during coiling (2015Ga-Dan5243104). We reviewed judicial precedents related to cerebral aneurysms in lawsuit using a web search. Methods : We searched judicial precedents at a web search of the Supreme Court, using the key words, "cerebral aneurysm". Results : There were 15 precedents, six from the Supreme Court, seven from the High Court, and two from district courts. Seven precedents were related to the causation analysis, such as work-relationship. Five precedents were malpractice suits related bad results or complications. Remaining three precedents were related to the insurance payment. In five malpractice precedents, two precedents of the Supreme Court reversed former two precedents of the High Court. Conclusion : Judicial precedents on the cerebral aneurysm included not only malpractice suits, but also causation analysis or insurance payment. Attention to these subjects is needed. We also need education of the independent medical examination. To avoid medical disputes, shared decision making seems to be useful, especially in cases of high risk condition or procedures.