• Title/Summary/Keyword: Means of influence

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A Study on the Effects for the Job Satisfaction in the Special Duty of the Private Security (특수경비원의 직무만족 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Hwang-Kwon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.7
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    • pp.213-231
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    • 2004
  • This paper is concerned with the influence in the job satisfaction by the organization, the job specialty and the self-devotion in the special duty of private security. Today's society is required more intensive security in the diversity, the complexity and the uncertainty, but the public security service could not supply enough for what the society requires. In this circumstance more specialized and special trained security services are demanded from private security industry. With the concerns, this study is based on actual survey. The study is telling us that there is much relationship in job satisfaction between each element. Which means that 1) there is some different from personality, 2) there is much influence in self-devotion by job specialty, 3) there some effectiveness in job satisfaction by job specialty, 4) there is some influence in job satisfaction by self-devotion, and 5) job satisfaction is affected by job specialty and self-devotion.

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Professional Socialization of Medical Students (의대생의 전문직 사회화 과정에 대한 고찰)

  • Han, Dal-Sun;Cho, Byung-Hee;Bae, Sang-Soo;Kim, Chang-Yup;Lee, Sang-Il;Lee, Young-Jo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.2 s.53
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 1996
  • This paper concerns professional socialization of medical students. Professional socialization, in the context of this paper, means the process through which a layperson becomes a doctor equipped with professional identity and values. While medical education does not include such process in the curriculum, medical students obtain certain values and identity informally. The dependent variables were professional values and professionalism. The former means the desirable attributes required to conducting professional works such as humane attitudes, science-oriented mind, capability for organizational management. The latter means socio-political reasoning with which doctors can rationalize their privileges such as autonomy. A specially designed questionnaire was developed. The data were collected from five medical schools for 1,318 students in 1994. A total of 1,070 cases were finally included in the statistical analysis. The students emphasized the human factor in the professional values. Their attitude did not change with the grade. Other independent variables such as motives for entering a medical school, socioeconomic status, satisfaction with medical education, etc. also did not influence professinal values. It implies that professional values were not consolidated among the students. However, the factors of professionalism change significantly with the grade. It implies that the students paid more attention to socio-political issues related to doctor's interests as the grade went up. And the factor scores for professionalism were higher for those students who had more positive attitude towards doing medical practice for profit, expected higher income, and were more conservative about social reform. Other independent variables did not influence professionalism. It seems that the students also give emphasis on professionalism, like current medical doctors, mainly because of their concern with recent unfavorable changes in economic conditions of medical care providers.

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Analysis of Accelerated Aging Natural Ester Oil and Mineral Oil in Distributional Transformers (배전용 변압기에서의 고온열화와 열 사이클 열화에 따른 식물유와 광유의 특성 분석)

  • An, Jung-Sik;Choi, Sun-Ho;Bang, Jeong-Ju;Jung, Joong-Il;Huh, Chang-Su
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.1163-1168
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    • 2011
  • Most transformers use insulating and cooling fluids derived from petroleum crude oil, but mineral oil has some possibility of environmental pollution and fire with explosion. vegetable oil fluids extracted from seed has superior biodegradation and fire-resistant properties including an exceptionally high fire point enhancing fire safety. In this study, it is aimed at the practicality of substituting natural ester dielectric fluid for mineral oil in liquid insulation system of transformers. As a rise in coil winding temperature has a direct influence on transformer life time, it is important to evaluate the temperature rise of coil winding in vegetable oil in comparison with mineral oil. Four transformers for the test are designed with 10KVA, 13.2KV, one phase unit. The temperature are directly measured in insulating oil of these transformers with the two sorts of natural ester and mineral oil dielectric fluid respectively. Experiment for aging carry out two means. First means remained $120^{\circ}C$ that transformer of mineral oil were operated at 185% load. Second means is that insulating oils of two natural ester and mineral oil were aged by thermal cycles repeating from $30^{\circ}C$ to $120^{\circ}C$. For the heating, Transformers were operated at 185% load. For the cooling, cooling system was operated in the chamber. Samples were analyzed at 42, 63, 93, 143, 190, 240 300cycles. Analysis contents are dielectric strength, total acid value. Mineral oils compared results of first means with results of second means. And compared two sort natural esters respectively with mineral oil in second means.

A Non-linear Variant of Global Clustering Using Kernel Methods (커널을 이용한 전역 클러스터링의 비선형화)

  • Heo, Gyeong-Yong;Kim, Seong-Hoon;Woo, Young-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2010
  • Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a simple but efficient clustering algorithm using the concept of a fuzzy set that has been proved to be useful in many areas. There are, however, several well known problems with FCM, such as sensitivity to initialization, sensitivity to outliers, and limitation to convex clusters. In this paper, global fuzzy c-means (G-FCM) and kernel fuzzy c-means (K-FCM) are combined to form a non-linear variant of G-FCM, called kernel global fuzzy c-means (KG-FCM). G-FCM is a variant of FCM that uses an incremental seed selection method and is effective in alleviating sensitivity to initialization. There are several approaches to reduce the influence of noise and accommodate non-convex clusters, and K-FCM is one of them. K-FCM is used in this paper because it can easily be extended with different kernels. By combining G-FCM and K-FCM, KG-FCM can resolve the shortcomings mentioned above. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by experiments using artificial and real world data sets.

Influence of the Mars atmosphere model on aerodynamics of an entry capsule: Part II

  • Zuppardi, Gennaro
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2020
  • This paper is the logical follow-up of four papers by the author on the subject "aerodynamics in Mars atmosphere". The aim of the papers was to evaluate the influence of two Mars atmosphere models (NASA Glenn and GRAM-2001) on aerodynamics of a capsule (Pathfinder) entering the Mars atmosphere and also to verify the feasibility of evaluating experimentally the ambient density and the ambient pressure by means of the methods by McLaughlin and Cassanto respectively, therefore to correct the values provided by the models. The study was carried out computationally by means of: i) a code integrating the equations of dynamics of an entry capsule for the computation of the trajectories, ii) two Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) codes for the solution of the 2-D, axial-symmetric and 3-D flow fields around the capsule in the altitude interval 50-100 km. The computations verified that the entry trajectories of Pathfinder from the two models, in terms of the Mach, Reynolds and Knudsen numbers, were very different. The aim of the present paper is to continue this study, considering other aerodynamic problems and then to provide a contribution to a long series of papers on the subject "aerodynamics in Mars atmosphere". More specifically, the present paper evaluated and quantified the effects from the two models of: i) chemical reactions on aerodynamic quantities in the shock layer, ii) surface temperature, therefore of the contribution of the re-emitted molecules, on local (pressure, skin friction, etc.) and on global (drag) quantities, iii) surface recombination reactions (catalyticity) on heat flux. The results verified that the models heavily influence the flow field (as per the shock wave structure) but, apart from the surface recombination reactions, the effects of the different conditions on aerodynamics of the capsule are negligible for both models and confirmed what already found in the previous paper that, because of the higher values of density from the NASA Glenn model, the effects on aerodynamics of a entry capsule are stronger than those computed by the GRAM-2001 model.

A Study on the Influence of Naval Power upon the Resolution of Maritime Territorial Disputes (해군력이 해양 영토분쟁의 해결에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Jong Hwan
    • Strategy21
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    • s.44
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    • pp.103-141
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    • 2018
  • As the South China Sea maritime dispute illustrates, when considering the place where maritime claims occur, states do not have many choices to respond to maritime claims in which disputed areas are located far away from the land and are surrounded by the sea. As Mearsheimer (2014) points out, the sea stops power projection. Therefore, in order to adopt coercive as well as peaceful settlement policies to deal with maritime claims, states need to overcome obstacles (the sea) to project power. It means that if states want to conduct a specific foreign policy action, such as negotiating maritime borderlines or arguing sovereignty on islands, they need a tool (naval power) to coerce or to persuade the opponent. However, there are lack of research that studies maritime claims from the perspective of naval power. This research project fills this gap based on naval power. How do relative levels of naval power and (dis) parities of naval power influence the occurrence of MIDs over maritime claims? Naval power is a constitutive element during maritime claims. If disputants over maritime claims have required naval power to project their capability, it means that they have the capability to apply various ways, such as aggressive options including MIDs, to accomplish their goals. So, I argue that when two claimants have enough naval power to project their capabilities, the likelihood of MIDs over maritime claims increases. Given that one or both states have a certain level of naval power, how does relative naval power between two claimants influence the management of maritime claims? Based on the power transition theory, I argue that when the disparities of relative naval power between claimants becomes distinctive, militarized conflicts surrounding maritime territory are less probable. Based on the ICOW project which codes maritime claims from 1900 to 2001, the empirical results of the Poisson models show if both claimants have projectable naval power, the occurrence of MIDs over maritime claims increases. In addition, the result shows that when disputants maintain similar relative naval powers, they are more likely to initiate MIDs over maritime claims. To put it differently, if naval capabilities' gap between two claimants becomes larger, the probability of the occurrence of MIDs decreases.

Analyzing the Influence of Policy Measures for Growth Management Plan (성장관리방안 정책수단의 영향력 분석)

  • Jeon, Byung-Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.253-268
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effectiveness of policy measures in a growth management plan by analyzing empirically the influence of regulations and incentives in a non-urban growth management plan of Sejong City using the binomial logistic model. The parcel unit data related development location of Sejong City from 2012 to 2017 was used in the model. The analysis showed that time regulation in the growth management plan has a negative (-) impact on the spread of development, which means it is effective in slowing urban sprawl by lowering the profits of developers. The time regulation applied in Sejong City needs to be used actively in other cities in Korea to prevent urban sprawl. Nevertheless, floor ratio incentives had no influence in inducing development within the growth management area, which means a new incentive policy to meet the local characteristics is needed to strengthen the effectiveness of the growth management plan. This study is meaningful because it attempted an empirical analysis of the effects of the growth management plan at The National Territory Act, and this study could encourage further studies.

An Empirical Analysis of the Influence Factors on Open Innovation Activities in Korea (우리나라 개방형 혁신활동의 영향요인에 관한 실증분석 연구)

  • Ahn, Chi-Soo;Lee, Young-Duck
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.431-465
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    • 2011
  • Focusing on open innovation which is regarded as an important framework for strengthening technological innovation capabilities, in this study empirical analysis is conducted on Korean manufacturing companies, particularly based on the survey results of 149 domestic manufacturing companies that carry out innovation activities in order to identify influence factors for open innovation activities. Analysis on the influence factors of open innovation activities categorized into characteristics of environment, firm-specific characteristics, and characteristics of institutions revealed that characteristics of environment in terms of the degree of market competition and technological changes influence outside-in open innovation activities. Such results suggest that companies respond to increased market competition or technological changes by promoting research and development (R&D) and maintaining or acquiring market competitiveness through introduction of external technology and utilization of external information by means of research collaboration, user innovation, and so on. In terms of firm-specific characteristics, outside-in open innovation activities are influence by R&D personnel, R&D investment, number of international business, export, and openness of corporate culture while inside-out open innovation activities are influenced by characteristics of international organization and CEO's capabilities. In order for companies to strengthen outside-in open innovation activities emphasis on research personnel, R&D input factors such as research funds are necessary whereas to increase inside-out open innovation activities organization solely responsible for international affairs should be established while the CEO needs to focus on open and cooperative entrepreneurship rather than internal technological innovation activities. In terms of characteristics of institutions, outside-in innovation activities are influenced by technological networking whereas inside-out innovation activities are influenced by networking for development of technology and the presence in industrial cluster. This means that the government needs to establish industrial clusters and try to expand technological networking to facilitate open innovation activities.

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The Interrelationship between Dealing Partners in Conventional Marketing Channel (관습적 마아케팅경로에 있어서 구성원의 상호관계에 관한 연구)

  • 김수관
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 1991
  • The objectives of this study are to conceptualize theoretically and to examine empirically the interrelationships among channel member's satisfaction, dependence, and performance being immanent between dealing partners, by integrating behavioral and economic approach to explain comprehensively the interrelationship between dealing partners in conventional marketing channel which have not studied in previous studies. To attain above objectives, latent variables and observed variables which had been immanent between licenced dealers and wholesalers in fish marketing channel were found out by exploratory study, and pre-test was conducted to select the proper variables, and then the model which could explain the interrelationships among the variables was set up. Three categories of varables were considered in this study. Namely, economic and noneconomic factors were identified as independent variable, the degree of satisfaction and dependence to dealing partner as intervening variable, and performance as dependent variable. The data for the study was obtained from a survey questionnaire of 214 licenced dealers who work in Pusan, Yusoo, and Kunsan and 190 wholesalers who work in whole country. Among them, 264 anayzable questionnaires(including 154 licenced dealers and 110 wholesalers)were collected. Statistical procedure to analyze the data was carried out by LISREL version 7. Major findings obtained from the results of the analysis are as follows. First, economic variables have a great influence on the degree of both licenced dealers' and wholesalers' satisfaction. Among economic variables, the degree of keeping wholesalers' payment date have greater influence on the degree of licenced dealers' satisfaction, and licenced dealers' faculty being able to send good fish in quality have greater influence on the degree of wholesaler's satisfaction than other variables. In short, licenced dealers make great account of wholesalers' payment, and wholesalers make great account of licenced dealers' faculty being able to send good fish in quality in dealing relationship. Second, noneconomic variables have more relevance to the degree of dependence in both sides than economic variables. This means that noneconomic variables as well as economic variables can be a factor to keep up the dealing relationship. Third, the degree of satisfaction and dependence have influence on performance in both sides. In the licenced dealers' side, the degree of dependence have greater influence on performance than the degree of satisfaction, on the other hand, in wholesalers' side, the degree of satisfaction have greater influence on performance than the degree of dependence. This means that wholesalers can easily substitute their dealing partner for another licenced dealer comparatively.

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Popularity versus Influence on SNS (SNS에서 인기도와 영향력의 비교)

  • Lee, Song-ha;Seo, DongBack;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.183-202
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, various Social Network Service (SNS) is emerging as a new means of communication were enjoying a lot of popularity among consumers. Accordingly, an online word-of-mouth marketing through the SNS is prevalent. At this moment, the majority of companies selects the SNS used as resources of online word-of-mouth marketing on the assumption that the more a SNS is popular (followers or visitors based), the more it has an influence. In addition, the existing studies about the popularity or influence on the SNS were not distinguish them separately. The former researchers used popularity mixed with Influence. Therefore, this study, we have conducted a survey with people in their twentieswho use SNS most to do an empirical analysis of the relationship between popularity and Influence on the SNS. According to the results of this study, it has a weak correlation between popularity and Influence. So, it is necessary to distinguish between popularity and influence.