• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matlab model

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Physical Prototyping Model based Development Environment for Hard Real-Time Control Systems (경성 실시간 제어 시스템을 위한 실물 프로토타이핑 모델 기반 개발 환경)

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon;Jun, Sang-Ho;Kang, Soon-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06b
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    • pp.55-58
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 경성 실시간 제어 시스템 개발의 어려움을 해결하고자 실물 프로토타이핑(Physical Prototyping) 기법을 적용한 임베디드 실시간 시스템 소프트웨어 개발 방법론에 적합한 개발 환경을 구현하였다. 그리고 이를 검증하기 위한 사례연구로서 두 바퀴 형태의 이동 로봇의 설계 및 구현과 실험을 통해 검증한다. 제안한 개발 환경은 크게 3 단계의 개발환경으로 구성되어 있다. 첫 번째는 타겟 시스템의 요구 분석 및 시스템 모델링을 설계하는 가상 프로토타이핑 개발 환경이다. 두 번째는 실물 프로토타이핑 모델을 설계하여 기능 및 성능에 대한 검증을 하는 실물 프로토타이핑 개발 환경이다. 마지막으로 이러한 검증 단계를 지속적으로 거치면서 점증적으로 소프트웨어를 구현하는 응용분야 적응형 점증적 프로토타이핑 개발 환경이 있다. 또한, Matlab, Simulink, 유비노스 아키텍처 및 이클립스 기반의 통합 개발 환경, ESPS 모바일 보드를 사용하여 경성 실시간 제어 시스템의 설계 및 구현, 성능 검증을 통해 제안한 개발 환경의 유효성을 입증한다.

Acceleration Optimization of a High-speed LCD Transfer Crane Using Finite Jerk (고속 LCD 이송 시스템의 진동감소를 위한 Finite Jerk 적용 가속도 최적화)

  • Song Tae-Jin;Hong Dae-Sun;Kim Ho-Jong;Bang Duck-Je;Chung Won-Jee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3 s.180
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents the acceleration optimization of a high-speed LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) transfer system for the minimization of vibration. To reduce vibration is one of key requirements for the dynamic control of a high-speed LCD transfer system. In this paper, the concept of finite jerk (the first derivative of acceleration) has been introduced for realizing input acceleration. The profile of finite jerk has been optimized using a genetic algorithm so that vibration effect can be minimized. In order to incorporate a genetic algorithm, the dynamic model of a LCD transfer system which is realized by using the ADAMS software has been linked to the simulation system constructed by the MATLAB. The simulation results illustrated that the duration of finite jerk can be optimized so as to minimize the magnitude of vibration. It has been also shown that the acceleration optimization with finite jerk can make the high-speed motion of a LCD transfer system result in low vibration, compared with the conventional motion control with trapezoidal velocity profile.

Development and Applications of a Methodology and Computer Algorithms for Long-term Management of Water Distribution Pipe Systems (상수도 배수관로 시스템의 장기적 유지관리를 위한 방법론과 컴퓨터 알고리즘의 개발 및 적용)

  • Park, Suwan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.356-366
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    • 2007
  • In this paper a methodology is developed to prioritize replacement of water distribution pipes according to the economical efficiency of replacement and assess the long-term effects of water main replacement policies on water distribution systems. The methodology is implemented with MATLAB to develop a computer algorithm which is used to apply the methodology to a case study water distribution system. A pipe break prediction model is used to estimate future costs of pipe repair and replacement, and the economically optimal replacement time of a pipe is estimated by obtaining the time at which the present worth of the total costs of repair and replacement is minimum. The equation for estimating the present worth of the total cost is modified to reflect the fact that a pipe can be replaced in between of failure events. The results of the analyses show that about 9.5% of the pipes in the case study system is required to be replaced within the planning horizon. Analyses of the yearly pipe replacement requirements for the case study system are provided along with the compositions of the replacement. The effects of water main replacement policies, for which yearly replacement length scenario and yearly replacement budget scenario are used, during a planning horizon are simulated in terms of the predicted number of pipe failures and the saved repair costs.

A Robust Fault Location Algorithm for Single Line-to-ground Fault in Double-circuit Transmission Systems

  • Zhang, Wen-Hao;Rosadi, Umar;Choi, Myeon-Song;Lee, Seung-Jae;Lim, Il-Hyung
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes an enhanced noise robust algorithm for fault location on double-circuit transmission line for the case of single line-to-ground (SLG) fault, which uses distributed parameter line model that also considers the mutual coupling effect. The proposed algorithm requires the voltages and currents from single-terminal data only and does not require adjacent circuit current data. The fault distance can be simply determined by solving a second-order polynomial equation, which is achieved directly through the analysis of the circuit. The algorithm, which employs the faulted phase network and zero-sequence network with source impedance involved, effectively eliminates the effect of load flow and fault resistance on the accuracy of fault location. The proposed algorithm is tested using MATLAB/Simulink under different fault locations and shows high accuracy. The uncertainty of source impedance and the measurement errors are also included in the simulation and shows that the algorithm has high robustness.

Control of a Bidirectional Z-Source Inverter for Electric Vehicle Applications in Different Operation Modes

  • Ellabban, Omar;Mierlo, Joeri Van;Lataire, Philippe
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes two control strategies for the bidirectional Z-source inverters (BZSI) supplied by batteries for electric vehicle applications. The first control strategy utilizes the indirect field-oriented control (IFOC) method to control the induction motor speed. The proposed speed control strategy is able to control the motor speed from zero to the rated speed with the rated load torque in both motoring and regenerative braking modes. The IFOC is based on PWM voltage modulation with voltage decoupling compensation to insert the shoot-through state into the switching signals using the simple boost shoot-through control method. The parameters of the four PI controllers in the IFOC technique are designed based on the required dynamic specifications. The second control strategy uses a proportional plus resonance (PR) controller in the synchronous reference frame to control the AC current for connecting the BZSI to the grid during the battery charging/discharging mode. In both control strategies, a dual loop controller is proposed to control the capacitor voltage of the BZSI. This controller is designed based on a small signal model of the BZSI using a bode diagram. MATLAB simulations and experimental results verify the validity of the proposed control strategies during motoring, regenerative braking and grid connection operations.

Test Platform Development of Vessel's Power Management System Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Technique

  • Lee, Sang-Jung;Kwak, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Jeon, Hyung-Jun;Jung, Jee-Hoon
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2298-2306
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    • 2017
  • A PMS (Power Management System) controls vessel's power systems to improve the system efficiency and to protect a blackout condition. The PMS should be developed with considering the type and the capacity of the vessel's power system. It is necessary to test the PMS functions developed for vessel's safe operations under various sailing situations. Therefore, the function tests in cooperation with practical power systems are required in the PMS development. In this paper, a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator is developed for the purposes of the PMS function tests. The HIL simulator can be more cost-effective, more time-saved, easier to reproduce, and safer beyond the normal operating range than conventional off-line simulators, especially at early stages in development processes or during fault tests. Vessel's power system model is developed by using a MATLAB/SIMULINK software and by communicating between an OPAL-RT's OP5600 simulator. The PMS uses a Modbus communication protocol implemented using LabVIEW software. Representative tests of the PMS functions are performed to verify the validity of the proposed HIL-based test platform.

A Study on Maneuvering Control Algorithm Based on All-wheel Independent Driving and Steering Control for Special Purpose 6WD/6WS Vehicles (전차륜 독립휠 구동 및 조향 제어 기반 특수목적용 6WD/6WS 차량의 주행제어 알고리즘 연구)

  • Lee, Daeok;Yeo, Seungtai
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2013
  • This paper discusses the maneuvering control algorithm based on all-wheel independent driving and steering control techniques for special purpose 6WD/WS vehicles. The maneuvering control algorithms considering superior dynamic characteristics of high power in-wheel motors and independent steering system are designed to perform driving, steering, vehicle stability, and fault tolerant control. The maneuvering controller applies sliding and optimal control theories considering optimal torque distribution and friction circle related to the vertical tire force. The fault tolerant control algorithm is applied to obtain the similar maneuverability to that of the non-faulty vehicle. The simulations using the Matlab/Simulink dynamics model and experiments using HIL simulator mounting the real controllers with the designed control algorithms prove the improved performances in terms of vehicle stability and maneuverability.

The State of Charge Estimation for Lithium-Polymer Battery using a PI Observer (PI 상태관측기를 이용한 리튬폴리머 배터리 SOC 추정)

  • Lee, Junwon;Jo, Jongmin;Kim, Sungsoo;Cha, Hanju
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a lithium polymer battery (LiPB) is simply expressed by a primary RC equivalent model. The PI state observer is designed in Matlab/Simulink. The non-linear relationship with the OCV-SOC is represented to be linearized with 0.1 pu intervals by using battery parameters obtained by constant-current pulse discharge. A state equation is configured based on battery parameters. The state equation, which applied Peukert's law, can estimate SOC more accurately. SOC estimation capability was analyzed by utilizing reduced Federal Test Procedure (FTP-72) current profile and using a bi-directional DC-DC converter at temperature ($25^{\circ}C$). The PI state observer, which is designed in this study, indicated a SOC estimation error rate of ${\pm}2%$ in any of the initial SOC states. The PI state observer confirms a strong SOC estimation performance despite disturbances, such as modeling errors and noise.

Evaluations of the Robustness of Guidance Controller for a Bimodal Tram (바이모달트램 안내제어기의 강인성 평가)

  • Yun, Kyong-Han;Lee, Yong-Sang;Min, Kyung-Deuk;Kim, Young-Chol;Byun, Yeun-Sub
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.10
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    • pp.1924-1934
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    • 2011
  • This paper is concerned with the robustness evaluations of the guidance controller for a bimodal tram which is being developed by the Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI). The bimodal tram is an all-wheel steered multiple-articulated vehicle as a new kind of transportation vehicle. This vehicle has to be equipped with an automatic guidance system. In [1], such a controller has been recently proposed. However, since the performance is affected by weight change of the vehicle due to number of the passenger, model parameter uncertainties depending on the state of friction and the elasticity of the tire, and a typhoon, the controller designed must be examined with these conditions. As expected, because the vehicle dynamics is highly nonlinear, for the sake of investigating the robustness of the controller we compose two simulation ways based on the vehicle models which are implemented by the ADAMS and the MATLAB/LabVIEW toolboxes. Different uncertainties and a typhoon disturbance have been considered for the simulation conditions. Simulation results are shown.

Simulation based Design of a Mobile Surveillance Robot (모바일 경계로봇의 시뮬레이션 기반 설계)

  • Hwang, Ki-Sang;Park, Kyu-Jin;Kim, Do-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Soo;Park, Sung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1179-1184
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    • 2007
  • An unmaned surveillance robot consists of rifle, laser receiver, thermal imager, color CCD camera, and laser illuminator. A human guard can be replaced with such a robot to take care dangerous surveillance tasks. Currently most of surveillance robots are mounded at a fixed post to take care of surveillance tasks. In order to watch blind areas, it is necessary to modify such a surveillance robot to become a mobile robot. In this paper, simulation based design procedure of mobile surveillance robot has been introduced. 3D CAD geometry model has been produced using Pro-Engineer. Required pen and tilt motor capacities have been analyzed using ADAMS inverse dynamics analysis. A target tracking and stabilization control algorithm of the mobile surveillance robot has been developed in order to stabilize the system from the motion of the vehicle which experiences the rough terrain. ADAMS-Matlab co-simulation has been also carried out to validate the proposed target tracking and stabilization algorithm.

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