• 제목/요약/키워드: Market-replacement cost

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기술가치평가를 위한 시장대체원가 접근법 (A Market-Based Replacement Cost Approach to Technology Valuation)

  • 강필성;금영정;박현우;김상국;성태응;이학연
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.150-161
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a new approach to technology valuation, the market-replacement cost approach which integrates the cost-based approach and market-based approach. The proposed approach estimates the market-replacement cost of a target technology using R&D costs of similar R&D projects previously conducted. Similar R&D projects are extracted from project database based on document similarity between project proposals and technology description of the target technology. R&D costs of similar R&D projects are adjusted by mirroring the rate of technological obsolescence and inflation. Market-replacement cost of the technology is then derived by calculating the weighted average of adjusted costs and similarity values of similar R&D projects. A case of "Prevention method and system for the diffusion of mobile malicious code" is presented to illustrate the proposed approach.

자동차부품시장 및 품질인증부품제도 개선방안연구 (A Study on Improving the Automotive Parts Market and Quality Certification Parts System)

  • 하성용
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2023
  • In this study, it was analyzed that it is necessary to clarify the quality certification parts system, to make certification codes mandatory for self-certification products that are normally distributed, and to conduct follow-up management so that prompt action and thorough management of test reports are necessary in case of defects. Big data-based data, the detailed number of parts replacement cases, parts cost by part group, share, average labor cost, calculated to analyze the detailed automobile parts industry, and automobile parts certification system and automobile parts market in major countries including Korea and Through the distribution structure analysis, improvement plans for the automobile quality certification parts system were derived.

태국인의 식품소비가치에 따른 가정간편식 소비행동 (Analysis of the Home Meal Replacement Consumption Behavior of Thai by Food Consumption Value)

  • 최승균;박주현;홍완수
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.267-281
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to provide basic data for developing home meal replacement (HMR) products and establishing marketing strategies in Thailand. A survey was conducted targeting Thai consumers who have experience using HMR regularly. The food consumption values were used to segment the Thai consumer market, and the differences in HMR purchase behavior were analyzed according to segment. Thai consumers were divided into three types: high, medium, and low interest in food habits. The main reasons for using HMR among Thai consumers were time-saving, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, with a strong preference for products with high convenience. Among the HMR selection attributes, items such as quality, expiration date, hygiene, safety, taste, nutrition, and freshness are generally important factors for consumers. Among the HMR selection attributes, the items that require improvement first were identified most frequently in the high-interest food lifestyle group and include quality, quantity, additives, ingredients, expiration date, and nutrients. This study is significant because it was conducted targeting the Thai HMR market, where research has been limited, and it revealed the characteristics of segmented markets by reflecting the food consumption value characteristics of Thai consumers. The characteristics of each market segment can be used to develop HMR and marketing strategies that fit the market.

대체비용법을 이용한 수치지형도 갱신사업의 편익분석 모형 연구 (Benefit analysis model of the national map revision program using replacement cost method)

  • 손화민;양성철;가칠오;유기윤;허용
    • 한국측량학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 대체비용법을 이용하여 수치지형도 갱신사업의 편익을 분석하는 방법을 제안하였다. 대체비용법은 분석하고자 하는 사업의 기능을 기존 시장의 재화 또는 서비스의 기능으로 대체하는데 필요한 최소 비용으로 해당 사업의 편익을 측정하는 방법이다. 따라서 도시군관리계획수립과 같은 지방자치단체의 18개 행정 업무에서 1/5,000 수치지형도의 갱신에 관한 요구를 조사한 후 이들 요구를 현황측량 및 현장조사 용역으로 대체하기 위한 비용 모형을 건설분야 표준품셈과 GIS 기업을 대상으로 수행된 설문 결과를 이용하여 수립하였다. 그 결과 조사대상 지방차지단체에서 갱신사업의 연간 편익은 265,960,999원으로 측정되었다. 또한 0.5년에서 4년까지 갱신주기를 변화하면서 비용편익비를 분석하여 최적 갱신주기를 탐색하였다.

태국 가구 규모에 따른 가정간편식 소비행동 (Home Meal Replacement (HMR) Consumption Behavior of Thai Consumers by Household Size)

  • 박주현;최승균;홍완수
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.324-334
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for product development and marketing strategies for the Thai home meal replacement (HMR) market, to reflect the changing trends in household sizes in Thailand. The results of analyzing the characteristics and differences of HMR consumption behavior between single-person households and multi-person households in Thailand were as follows: It was found that single-person households use HMR to save money and for the convenience in cooking and preparation. In the preference by HMR type, multi-person households showed a higher preference for all types of products than single-person households. Thai consumers, regardless of their household size, mainly use department stores and large shopping malls to purchase HMR, and they most prefer to get information through Internet advertisements. The shelf life, quality, taste, hygiene, and freshness of HMR were the main considerations for their selection. Based on the results of this study, the Thai market requires the development of HMR products that are reasonable in terms of cost and preparation time. In addition, it is necessary to develop products that can satisfy consumer needs, such as nutritional enhancement and therapeutic foods, products that are organic, eco-friendly, cater to various menus, and address the premium segment.

다결정(多決定) 대안(代案)을 갖는 경제적(經濟的) 계량형(計量型) 샘플링검사방식(檢査方式) (An Economic Variables Sampling Plan with Multi-Decision Alternatives)

  • 배도선;홍성훈
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1991
  • For situations where there are several markets for a product with different profit/cost structures, an economic variables sampling plan is developed for determining the market to ship the lots to. It is assumed that the quality characteristic X is normally distributed with known variability and unknown mean having a normal prior distribution. Profit models are constructed which involve four profit/cost components ; profit from a conforming item, inspection cost, replacement cost, and cost from an accepted nonconforming item. Methods of finding optimal sampling plan are presented and a numerical example is given.

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Holonic Manufacturing 지향적인 시스템 (A Holonic Manufacturing Oriented System)

  • 박홍석
    • 산업공학
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 1997
  • A mass production system was implemented to reduce a manufacturing cost in a way of copying with a strong world market competition. However customer's demands are changing so rapidly and the mass production system is no longer competitive to meet the demands. FMS(Flexible Manufacturing System) has been introduced as a replacement for the mass production system, but it still does not meet system's requirements. A new manufacturing system, called a holonic manufacturing system (HMS), is emerging. This paper is giving a first approach of a HMS for a multirobot cooperative process.

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Holonic Manufacturing 개념하의 자주.협동적인 시스템 (An autonomous cooperative System under the concept of Holonic Manufacturing)

  • 박홍석
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1996년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.512-515
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    • 1996
  • A mass production system was implemented to reduce a manufacturing cost in a way of copying with a strong world market competition. However customer's demands are changing so rapidly and the mass production system is nolonger competitive to meet the demands. FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) has been introduced as a replacement for the mass production system, but it still does not meet system's requirements. A new manufacturing system, called a holonic manufacturing system(HMS), is emerging. In this paper it is introduced an autonomous cooperative system under the concept of HMS.

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Optimal Reliability Improvement for Used Items Sold with Warranty

  • Chattopadhyay, G.;Murthy, D.N.P.
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2004
  • The market for used products is becoming more competitive and dealers of used products use warranty to promote sales as well as to provide assurance to customers. Offering warranty results in additional costs associated with warranty servicing. This cost can be reduced through actions such as overhaul and upgrade that improves the reliability of the item. This is worthwhile only if the cost of improvement is less than the reduction in the warranty servicing cost. This paper deals with two models to decide on the reliability improvement strategies for used items sold with FRW policy.

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서울 오피스 신규 공급 결정요인과 동태적 관계분석 (The Determinants of New Supply in the Seoul Office Market and their Dynamic Relationship)

  • 양혜선;강창덕
    • 지적과 국토정보
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.159-174
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    • 2017
  • 오피스의 수급 불균형은 도시 성장을 약화시킨다. 오피스의 초과공급이 공실률을 높이고 임대료가 하락하는 등 시장의 불안정성을 키울 수 있기 때문이다. 또한 오피스의 초과수요가 기업의 임차비용을 상승시켜 도시의 산업 성장을 제한할 수 있다. 최근 대규모의 신규 공급이 서울 오피스시장의 변동성을 높였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 오피스 공급에 대한 연구는 미미한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 서울 오피스 신규 공급의 영향요인을 확인하고 수급 불균형의 주요 원인인 시차를 고려하여 결정요인들의 동태적 구조적인 움직임을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 시계열모형인 벡터오차수정모형(VECM)을 활용하여 2003년부터 2015년까지 서울 오피스시장의 분기별 자료를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 서울 오피스 신규 공급에 영향을 주는 요인은 1분기 전 오피스 신규 공급량(-), 1분기 전 오피스 고용자 수(+), 2분기 전 이자율(+), 1분기 전 cap rate(-), 2분기 전 cap rate(-)으로 확인되었다. 이를 바탕으로 영향요인들 간의 시간에 따른 상호의존성과 변동에 따른 상대적 기여도를 분석한 결과, 이자율과 cap rate은 신규 공급량에 단기적인 영향을 미친 반면 고용과 공실률은 장기적이고 지속적인 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 예측 가능한 오피스 시장 전망을 위해서는 이러한 오피스 신규 공급 영향요인에 대한 공신력 있는 자료 구축이 필요하고 지속적인 모니터링이 필요하다. 오피스는 기업과 산업의 성장을 이끄는 핵심적인 도시인프라이기 때문이다.