• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map building

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Accuracy Analysis of Positioning Supplementary Control Point with the Combined GPS/GLONASS and TS (GPS/GLONASS와 TS 결합에 의한 도근점 측위의 정확도 분석)

  • 박운용;곽두호;김용보;백기석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2003
  • In the study, the open area keeping a few visible satellites and the urban area covered with the high building, an electric pole were chosen far evaluation of accuracy of satellite positioning. First, suggest the validity of GPS/GLONASS, TS/RTK-GPS, and compared the accuracy with that of the classical surveying method. As a result, In static relative surveying, the difference of between the known cadastral supplementary control station and that of the acquired is 0.000∼.0006m in GPS alone, GPS/GLONASS, and In the RTK-GPS/TS, 0.010∼0.077m on the non-ambiguity fixed solutions in the urban area 0.008∼0.078m in the open area. it proved to be valid because it is within the allowed connecting errors, i.e 12cm on the baseline of loom in l/l,200 cadastral map.

A Study on the Development of New Address Management System for Jecheon-city (제천시 새주소 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is development of the management system for convenient use of new address guide system for systematic management and use of spatial information gained by mapping of numerical map of building and road to large basic new address, survey and input of main gate, decision of the road session, naming and input of road name, grant of numbering of all houses and buildings, new address guide, real life geographical information and added information service on Web-site in Jecheon-city area. In this study, the development and establishment of new address management in local cities are designed by making full use of GIS function of client server based system. In the result, the effectiveness of new address management system of Jecheon- city could be highly increased owing to not only citizens' easy access but also easy availability of various informations necessary in life by developed its system.

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Study of Comparison of Classification Accuracy of Airborne Hyperspectral Image Land Cover Classification though Resolution Change (해상도변화에 따른 항공초분광영상 토지피복분류의 분류정확도 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Hyung Gab;Kim, Dong Wook;Shin, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with comparison of classification accuracy between three land cover classification results having difference in resolution and they were classified with eight classes including building, road, forest, etc. Airborne hyperspectral image used in this study was acquired at 1000m, 2000m, 3000m elevation and had 24 bands(0.5m spatial resolution), 48 bands(1.0m), 96 bands(1.5m). Assessment of classification accuracy showed that the classification using 48 bands hyperspectral image had outstanding result as compared with other images. For using hyperspectral image, it was verified that 1m spatial resolution image having 48 bands was appropriate to classify land cover and qualitative improvement is expected in thematic map creation using airborne hyperspectral image.

The Pattern of Urban Growth and Measurement of Spatial Structural Change in Daejeon Metropolitan City (대전광역시 도시성장 패턴과 공간구조 변화 측정)

  • Kim, Houng-Tae;Kim, Sang-Soo;An, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the characteristics of spatial expansion/centralization and the spatial structural change of urban. The data used in analysis were urban population, employment, building floor area, and land price. The analysis was performed for the data of 1995, 2000, and 2005 during 10 years after 1995. The method of research was as follows; The movement of mean center and standard distance/standard deviation ellipse was estimated to investigate the urban growth change. The result of Moran's I analysis showed a clustered pattern, not a dispersed pattern, however; the effect was not significant. The town area requires the well-ordered urban planning such as land use. The contours map demonstrates that a monopole structure was generally transformed into a multicentralization structure. The development of mutural connection axis among central street roads was fragile.

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A Study of Strategy for Spread of Green IT (그린 IT 확산을 위한 전략 수립 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Jo, Hyeon;Kim, Min-Kyung;Kim, Soung-Hie
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2012
  • Green IT is a necessary technology to solve the energy and environmental problems and to increase the productivity of corporations. However, till now there were not the specific policies for individual industries so we have to establish several strategies for spread of Green IT and building green growing environment. In this paper, we proposed the road map for spread of green IT and deducing the strategic directions for domestic industries. Four types of green IT direction was identified and in each direction, several action plans were discovered. We formed an expert-committee to choose new green IT business models and selected some demonstration projects by measures of necessity, urgency and extensibility. The object, scope, classification and policy effect are wrote out and it will be helpful information to disseminate green IT.

A component-based construction process control system for increasing modifiability (변경 용이성 증대를 위한 컴포넌트 기반의 건설공정관리시스템)

  • Kim, Eui-Ryong;Kim, Sin-Ryeong;Kim, Young-Gon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2015
  • The construction process and safety management are an important means of the total projects for the decision-making. As an important management tool of cost, resources and risks of the project, the analysis and evaluations are recorded as an important asset of company. Also, it has become a safety device that could reduce risk factors repeatedly by the decision-making methods for the future similar projects. Component-based software, by reusing the useful part, which was prepared without newly developing all that, by building a new software product, the long-term continuous/steady through the provision of a component-based software, by securing a sales base, it should be the development and supply a wide range of applications. In this paper, we propose the construction process control systems for increasing modifiability of process creation and modification for business efficiency in accordance with the diverse trends in the construction process as a low-cost niche through a component-based software supplier to solve these problems.

Building Underground Facility Management System of Power Transmission and Power Distribution using GIS (지리정보체계를 이용한 송배전 지하시설물관리시스템 구축)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu;Kang, In-Joon;Kim, Sang-Seok;Yang, Seung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2004
  • Now, there are some problems to manage underground facilities in domestic. Specially, in the case of KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation), it is so difficult to manage electronic line more stably and detailedly because the geographic information and attribute information being built is not easy to be updated in the field. KEPCO officials who are accompanying management and supervision in earthwork do not have sufficient knowledge and information about GIS but they grasp the information of geography and property which coincide with the field. Therefore they have to refer their business analysis contents sufficiently for more efficient lines management in the KEPCO, but it is problem that the existing information of electronic lines management system is not. In this study, we constructed power transmission and power distribution underground facility management system for the user to manage and maintain underground facilities more easily and safely using the information of geography and property about power transmission and power distribution underground facility which have been built by KEPCO.

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Open Innovation Platform-based Business Startup Incubation Model in Incheon International Airport Corporation (인천공항공사 개방형혁신 플랫폼기반 창업지원체계 구축 방안)

  • Rho, Young J.;Sohn, Sei-Chang;Yang, Dong-Heon;Lee, Choongseok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2017
  • More people travel oversea as the economic size of Korea is getting larger and more new jobs are requested to be created by the society. To respond to these trend and request, Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) is about to expand its processing capability with a new terminal; 54 million passengers to 72 million. IIAC is also introducing new strategies such as open innovation (OI) and creating shared value (CSV). With these changes, IIAC faces new challenges of restructuring its business and organization with new ideas. Most organizations including IIAC are becoming more dependent on external resources to keep their competitive advantages under the turbulence of global business environmental changes. Therefore, they focus on the OI paradigm which is reported as a convincing strategy to improve competitiveness in terms of budget and time-to-market. OI is to quickly react to the rapidly changing business environment and is adopted to support startup incubation. In the previous research with IIAC, three major tasks were defined; utilizing the IIAC brand power for external vendors, building a technology road-map, and introducing a collaboration support system. This paper deals with the collaboration system as proposed in the previous research. We focused on the collaboration process for startup incubation. Cases were studied; the K-startup model by the government, a university model to explore youth startups, and a R&D institute model to study professional startups. Based on the case studies, we defined an IIAC model and proposed issues to take care of. The model is distinguished from the other studied models since IIAC is a prospective customer of new technology.

Effects of Hydrogen in SNG on Gas Turbine Combustion Characteristics (합성천연가스의 수소함량 변화에 따른 가스터빈 연소특성 평가)

  • Park, Se-Ik;Kim, Ui-Sik;Chung, Jae-Hwa;Hong, Jin-Pyo;Kim, Sung-Chul;Cha, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.412-419
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    • 2012
  • Increasing demand for natural gas and higher natural gas prices in the recent decades have led many people to pursue unconventional methods of natural gas production. POSCO-Gwangyang synthetic natural gas (SNG) project was launched in 2010. As the market price of natural gas goes up, the increase of its price gets more sensitive due to the high cost of transportation and liquefaction. This project can make the SNG economically viable. In parallel with this project, KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) joined in launching the SNG Quality Standard Bureau along with KOGAS (Korea Gas Corporation), POSCO and so on. KEPCO Research Institute is in charge of SNG fueled gas turbine combustion test. In this research, several combustion tests were conducted to find out the effect of hydrogen contents in SNG on gas turbine combustion. The hydrogen in synthetic natural gas did not affect on gas turbine combustion characteristics which are turbine inlet temperature including pattern factor and emission performance. However, flame stable region in ${\Phi}$-Air flow rate map was shifted to the lean condition due to autocatalytic effect of hydrogen.

Software-Defined HoneyNet: Towards Mitigating Link Flooding Attacks (링크 플러딩 공격 완화를 위한 소프트웨어 정의 네트워크 기반 허니넷)

  • Kim, Jinwoo;Lee, Seungsoo;Shin, Seungwon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2018
  • Over the past years, Link Flooding Attacks (LFAs) have been introduced as new network threats. LFAs are indirect DDoS attacks that selectively flood intermediate core links, while legacy DDoS attacks directly targets end points. Flooding bandwidth in the core links results in that a wide target area is affected by the attack. In the traditional network, mitigating LFAs is a challenge since an attacker can easily construct a link map that contains entire network topology via traceroute. Security researchers have proposed many solutions, however, they focused on reactive countermeasures that respond to LFAs when attacks occurred. We argue that this reactive approach is limited in that core links are already exposed to an attacker. In this paper, we present SDHoneyNet that prelocates vulnerable links by computing static and dynamic property on Software-defined Networks (SDN). SDHoneyNet deploys Honey Topology, which is obfuscated topology, on the nearby links. Using this approach, core links can be hidden from attacker's sight, which leads to effectively building proactive method for mitigating LFAs.

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