• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map building

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A Study on DEM-based Automatic Calculation of Earthwork Volume for BIM Application

  • Cho, Sun Il;Lim, Jae Hyoung;Lim, Soo Bong;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2020
  • Recently the importance of BIM (Building Information Modeling) that enables 3D location-based design and construction work is being highlighted around the world. In Korea, the road map has been established to settle the design based on BIM using drone survey results by 2025. As the first step, BIM would be applied to road construction projects worth more than 50 billion Korean Won from 2020. On the other hand, drone survey regulation has been enacted and the data for drone survey cost were also included on Standard of construction estimate in 2020. However, more careful improvement is required to reflect drone survey results in BIM design and construction. Currently, Engineering instructions and Standard of construction estimate specifies that earthwork volume must be calculated by cross section method only. So it is required to add the method of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based volume calculation on these regulations to realize BIM application. In order for that, this study verified the method of DEM based earthwork volume calculation. To get an accurate DEM for accurate volume computation, drone survey was carried out according to the drone survey regulation and then could get an accurate DEM data which have errors less than 3cm in X, Y and 6.8cm in H. As each DEM cell has 3D coordinate component, the volume of each cell can be calculated by obtaining the height of area of the cell then total volume is calculated by multiplying total number of cells by volume of each cell for the construction area. Verification for the new calculation method compare with existing method was carried out. The difference between DEM based volume by drone survey and cross section based volume by traditional survey was less than 1.33% and it can be seen that new DEM method will be able to be applied to BIM design and construction instead of cross section method.

The Bigdata Processing Environment Building for the Learning System (학습 시스템을 위한 빅데이터 처리 환경 구축)

  • Kim, Young-Geun;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Jo, Min-Hui;Kim, Won-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.791-797
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    • 2014
  • In order to create an environment for Apache Hadoop for parallel distributed processing system of Bigdata, by connecting a plurality of computers, or to configure the node, using the configuration of the virtual nodes on a single computer it is necessary to build a cloud fading environment. However, be constructed in practice for education in these systems, there are many constraints in terms of cost and complex system configuration. Therefore, it is possible to be used as training for educational institutions and beginners in the field of Bigdata processing, development of learning systems and inexpensive practical is urgent. Based on the Raspberry Pi board, training and analysis of Big data processing, such as Hadoop and NoSQL is now the design and implementation of a learning system of parallel distributed processing of possible Bigdata in this study. It is expected that Bigdata parallel distributed processing system that has been implemented, and be a useful system for beginners who want to start a Bigdata and education.

A Study of the Spatial Composition of the Each Generation's Museum Space by Space Syntax Analysis - Focused on Connection Form Changes of the Major Space and Exhibition Space - (공간구문론(Space Syntax) 분석에 의한 세대별 박물관 공간구성에 관한 연구 - 대공간과 전시공간 연결방식의 변화양상을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Chong-Ku;Lee, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2006
  • The museum has steadily been evolved by time with its function and social idea differently. As the museum makes its evolution, its architecture has also been changed. This study aims to find out the characteristics of museum architecture by applying Space Syntax for space correspondence of museum architecture changed by the time. And the characteristics could be used as project guide by making data for building up museum architecture changed by social concept with efficient and functional system. The method of the study is to divide the museum into three generations, and give case for each generation. And the each chosen case was analyzed by convex space of space syntax. The order of the analysis is to divide the case as the unit space, make out the Convex Map. And finally get the analysis variable by carrying out a mathematical operation. The characteristics found in these operations are as follows. First, the major space has been planed for convenience of spectators. Second, exhibition space located on specific area in entire plot planning makes spectators easy to recognize in terms of the line of flow toward exhibition space and also relieves character of major and exhibition space. Third, it is getting hard to comprehend the entire space as forming diverse space in process that museum accepts many request from spectators.

Aerial Scene Labeling Based on Convolutional Neural Networks (Convolutional Neural Networks기반 항공영상 영역분할 및 분류)

  • Na, Jong-Pil;Hwang, Seung-Jun;Park, Seung-Je;Baek, Joong-Hwan
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2015
  • Aerial scene is greatly increased by the introduction and supply of the image due to the growth of digital optical imaging technology and development of the UAV. It has been used as the extraction of ground properties, classification, change detection, image fusion and mapping based on the aerial image. In particular, in the image analysis and utilization of deep learning algorithm it has shown a new paradigm to overcome the limitation of the field of pattern recognition. This paper presents the possibility to apply a more wide range and various fields through the segmentation and classification of aerial scene based on the Deep learning(ConvNet). We build 4-classes image database consists of Road, Building, Yard, Forest total 3000. Each of the classes has a certain pattern, the results with feature vector map come out differently. Our system consists of feature extraction, classification and training. Feature extraction is built up of two layers based on ConvNet. And then, it is classified by using the Multilayer perceptron and Logistic regression, the algorithm as a classification process.

A Strategy Toward Reconstructing the Healthcare System of a Unified Korea

  • Lee, Yo Han;Yoon, Seok-Jun;Kim, Seok Hyang;Shin, Hyun-Woung;Lee, Jin Yong;Kim, Beomsoo;Kim, Young Ae;Yoon, Jangho;Shin, Young Seok
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.134-138
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    • 2013
  • This road map aims to establish a stable and integrated healthcare system for the Korean Peninsula by improving health conditions and building a foundation for healthcare in North Korea through a series of effective healthcare programs. With a basic time frame extending from the present in stages towards unification, the roadmap is composed of four successive phases. The first and second phases, each expected to last five years, respectively, focus on disease treatment and nutritional treatment. These phases would thereby safeguard the health of the most vulnerable populations in North Korea, while fulfilling the basic health needs of other groups by modernizing existing medical facilities. Based on the gains of the first two phases, the third phase, for ten years, would prepare for unification of the Koreas by promoting the health of all the North Korean people and improving basic infrastructural elements such as health workforce capacity and medical institutions. The fourth phase, assuming that unification will take place, provides fundamental principles and directions for establishing an integrated healthcare system across the Korean Peninsula. We are hoping to increase the consistency of the program and overcome several existing concerns of the current program with this roadmap.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Rail Transit Ridership at Urban Rail Stations (도시철도역별 이용수요의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hwi;Yun, Dae Sic
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes factors affecting rail transit ridership at urban rail stations of the Daegu Metropolitan City in 2011. Rail transit ridership is analyzed by dividing weekdays and weekends in order that their differences may be observed. The data used in this study includes various explanatory variables, such as floor area which was collected from building ledger and GIS cadastral map, number of bus routes(line) possible to transfer from urban rail transit, number of students enrolled in middle and high schools, and universities located in access areas of rail transit. For this study, multiple regression models are estimated including various explanatory variables affecting rail transit ridership of weekdays and weekends. From the study, the number of statistically significant explanatory variables and the relative effect of each variable are shown to be different between weekdays and weekends.

A Study on the Characteristics and Improvement Plans of Illuminance, Color Temperature, and Luminous Sources of Contemporary Korean Protestant Church - Focusing on the Churches Constructed in Seoul Since 2010 - (한국 현대 개신교 예배공간의 조도, 색온도, 광원 특성 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 2010년 이후 건축된 서울 지역 교회를 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Ye-Jin;CHoi, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2013
  • Illumination in church building has played an important role in making workship space more suitable for divine service. As time has changed, however, the worship space of Protestantism is no longer somber and reverent, but changing into practical and multipurpose space with bright and colorful image. This study investigates intensity of illumination of worship space during day and night respectively and figures out the change of psychological change of congregation in accordance with brightness and color temperature in worship space in order to find out preference and look into the usage and change of illumination in recent Protestantism in compliance with the needs of the time and influence. Then, result value is to be compared to Korean Standard intensity of illumination. Also, the correlation between intensity of illumination and color temperature by Kruithof's curve theory is used to identify the comfortableness of the worship space during day and nigh. And it is a common task of space designers and pastors to map out the worship space in terms of illumination suitable for its own purpose with even more modern and Korean sensibility and to create spiritual space for worshippers by collecting opinions from congregation, the main user of the space. With appropriate usage of illumination in Protestantism worship space, the atmosphere and purpose of worship can be enhanced.

Households' Characteristics in Energy Consumption Data from Carbon Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) in Sejong City, Korea (가구 탄소모니터링 시스템에 의한 탄소배출특성 - 세종시 첫마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Leem, Yountaik;Lee, Sang Ho
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2013
  • Korean Government has developed Sejong City as a new administration city. This city of future was planned and designed toward one of the most eco-friendly city on the basis of ICTs. To attain this object, a carbon emission monitoring system (CEMS) was designed and installed as a part of u-city service which provides various information anytime and anywhere to enrich the people's quality of life. In this paper, at first, the structure and functions of CEMS are introduced. This system is consist of 5 parts - data collection from user and linked public DBs, transforming data into meaningful information for the policy makers, system-user interfacing via statistical tables and graphs, and system maintenance. This system can be operated by the citizen participation through whole the process. With the help of GIS map and graphic interface, statistics of monitored data for both citizen and decision maker provided and after feed-back, they have affected on the behaviour of citizen's energy consumption and related policy as well. By the CEMS, energy consumption data of 124 agreed households were collected during 9 months in 2012. Electricity, gas and water consumption were remote-metered automatically by the system and analysed. This showed that more than 85% of CO2 emission is rely on electricity usage. Furthermore, number of family members and size of house influences on the emission of CO2 by each household together with the life-style of the occupants. Electricity and water consumption showed the seasonal factor while gas consumption represents the number of family members. Even this paper has limitations caused by 9 months of data collection, it shows the policy directions to reduce the emission of CO2 focusing on the house size and number of family members of each households. With the result of this research, life-style of the generation of dwellers should be investigated and the CO2 emission characteristics of other housing type as well for the data building for future policy making.

Estimation of the Topographic Factor of Wind Speed Using GIS Information (GIS 정보를 이용한 풍속지형계수 산정)

  • Seong, Min-Ho;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2011
  • Recently damage scale by local winds and typhoon has dramatically increased. Korea has the terrain over 70% of the land and the planning of the wind load is necessary to estimate reflecting appropriately the change of the wind-speed according to the characteristic of the terrain and in the Korean Building Code(2009), this is stated and it reflects to the design process. However, in order to estimate the topographic factor of the wind speed considering the topographic characteristics in the structure design actually, it has many difficult points including the local topographic survey, etc. In this paper, the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) is created using TIN interpolation method in the form of the digital map and then the interface was designed and implemented which can automatically estimate the topographic factor of wind speed by using ESRI(R)ArcObjectTM and the Visual Basic programing language. By applying it to the terrain which positioned in the downtown area, the practicality of the topographic factor of wind speed estimation interface was checked.

Analysis on the Spatial Accessibility of Mental Health Institutions Using GIS in Gangwon-Do (GIS를 이용한 정신의료기관의 공간적 접근성 분석 - 강원도지역을 대상으로)

  • Park, Ju Hyun;Park, Young Yong;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.28-41
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study purposed to analyze the spatial accessibility of mental health institutions in Ganwon-Do using Geographic Information System and to suggest policy implications. Methodology: Network analysis was applied to assess the spatial accessibility of mental health institutions in Gangwon-Do. To perform the network analysis, network data set was built using administrative district map, road network, address of mental health institutions in Gangwon-Do. After building network data set, Two network analysis methods, 1) Service area analysis, 2) Origin Destination cost matrix were applied. Service area analysis calculated accessive areas that were within specified time. And using Origin Destination cost matrix, travel time and road travel distance were calculated between centroids of Eup, Myeon, Dong and the nearest mental health institutions. Result: After the service area analysis, it is estimated that 19.63% of the total areas in Gangwon-Do takes more than 60 minutes to get to clinic institutions. For hospital institutions, 23.08% of the total areas takes more than 60 minutes to get there. And 59.96% of Gangwon-do takes more than 30 minutes to get to general hospitals. The result of Origin-Destination cost matrix showed that most Eup Myeon Dong in Gangwon-Do was connected to the institutions in Wonju-si, Chuncheon-si, Gangneung-si. And it showed that there were large regional variation in time and distance to reach the institutions. Implication: Results showed that there were regional variations of spatial accessibility to the mental health institutions in Gangwon-Do. To solve this problem, Several policy interventions could be applied such as mental health resources allocation plan, telemedicine, providing more closely coordinated services between mental health institutions and community mental health centers to enhance the accessibility.