• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Datum

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Accuracy Comparison as World Geodetic Datum Transformation of 1/1000 Digital Map (1/1,000 수치지형도의 세계측지계 변환에 따른 정확도 비교)

  • Yun, Seok-Jin;Park, Joung-Hyun;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2009
  • According as standard of measurement is changed to world geodetic system by surveying law revision, we need to transform previous 1/1,000 digital maps as a standards of world geodetic system. And, we should acquire standard strategy to minimize confusion and error by conversion of geodetic surveying standards. Thus, conversion of digital maps must be transformed efficiently and consistently according to notice of relevant standard. As common point, we have used 1/1,000 digital map and local geodetic system coordinates and world geodetic system coordinates that had been used in UIS business of Pusan city and, make a analysis of distortion quantity using KASM Trans Ver 2.2. As the result of distortion quantity calculation about all Pusan city, numbers of area that error is over 0.05m are 35 in case of X(N) and 43 in case of Y(E). Because some business section have especially much error, we divided into 3 areas, that was A,B,C, and analyzed. As a result of analysis, errors of more than 0.05m are occurred only 1 X(E) in the B area and 1 X(N) and 1 Y(E) in the C area. In conclusion, We think It is a good method that we consider a distortion quantity and divide a region, and transfer to world geodetic system for large area like Pusan city.

Design of Database and System for Application of Forest Biomass (산림바이오매스 활용을 위한 데이터베이스 및 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Hyun Jik;Koo, Dae Soung;Ru, Ji Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2013
  • Due to the global warming, international agreements have been propelled by industrialized countries. These days, there are various studies and projects to reduce the carbon emission quantity in South Korea, because South Korea is a strong candidate for a newly industrialized nation by Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, this study arranges plans to create various thematic map by producing database that can manage various datum based on grid spatial objects to manage quantity of forest biomass and carbon dioxide. Moreover, this study designs a system to create forest biomass by using the best method of calculation with LiDAR data and KOMPSAT-2 satellite images. In addition, this study designs a biomass monitoring system for public institutions to register biomass, suggesting actual plans to extract, manage, and utilized forest biomass.

A Fuzzy Neural Network Model Solving the Underutilization Problem (Underutilization 문제를 해결한 퍼지 신경회로망 모델)

  • 김용수;함창현;백용선
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.354-358
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a fuzzy neural network model which solves the underutilization problem. This fuzzy neural network has both stability and flexibility because it uses the control structure similar to AHT(Adaptive Resonance Theory)-l neural network. And this fuzzy nenral network does not need to initialize weights and is less sensitive to noise than ART-l neural network is. The learning rule of this fuzzy neural network is the modified and fuzzified version of Kohonen learning rule and is based on the fuzzification of leaky competitive leaming and the fuzzification of conditional probability. The similarity measure of vigilance test, which is performed after selecting a winner among output neurons, is the relative distance. This relative distance considers Euclidean distance and the relative location between a datum and the prototypes of clusters. To compare the performance of the proposed fuzzy neural network with that of Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map the IRIS data and Gaussian-distributed data are used.

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Need for Development of Oriental Medicine-derived Systemic Treatments against Chronic Fatigue-associated Symptoms (만성피로의 체계화된 한의학적 치료법 연구의 필요성)

  • Cho, Jung-Hyo;Son, Chang-Gue
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Fatigue is a prevalent symptom encompassing both acute and chronic manifestations. Most fatigue symptoms can be cured by taking a rest or removing underlying causes. However, chronic fatigue is frequently problematic due to its duration and effect on quality of life. There are no particularly effective therapies for chronic fatigue of unknown causes, and patients in Korea usually visit an Oriental clinic. This study aimed to analyze the current status of treatments and patients with chronic fatigue, and then map out of a strategy for development of generalized-treatments for chronic fatigue in Oriental Medicine. Methods: Clinical information related to chronic fatigue was selected from various different databases such as PubMed, KoreaMed, KStudy, DBPIA, OIM, and KOMS. Also, to understand current tendency of medical examination and treatment related with chronic fatigue, we requested Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service for clinical datum from 2003 to 2007. Results: The medical fees of National Health Insurance related with fatigue show an explosive year-on-year increase. On the other hand, it has been decreasing annually in the western medical fields. To take charge of clinical fields related with chronic fatigue by Oriental Medicine, we should make a unified diagnostic system. Then, we should also make standard evaluation tools and develop herbal drugs according to this unified diagnostic system. Conclusions: Fatigue-related symptoms will be a main target of Oriental medicine in the future. We expect that various studies related with chronic fatigue will be undertaken hereafter.

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The Study on the Delineation of the Busan Metropolitan Region, Korea (부산광역도시권 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Yul;Ju, Mee-Soon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2007
  • The newly adopted Korea Geodetic Datum (a.k.a. KGD2002) calls for massive reengineering work on geospatial dataset. The main focus of our study is placed on the strategy and system implementations of the required data reengineering with a keen attention to integrated approaches to interoperability, standardization, and database utilization. Our reengineering strategy includes file-to-file, file-to-DB, DB-to-file, and DB-to-DB conversion for the coordinate transformation of KGD2002. In addition to the map formats of existing standards such as DXF and Shapefile, the newly recommended standards such as GML and SVG are also accommodated in our reengineering environment. These four types of standard format may be imported into and exported from spatial database via KGD2002 transformation component. The DB-to-DB conversion, in particular, includes not only intra-database conversion but also inter-database conversion between SDE/Oracle and Oracle Spatial. All these implementations were carried out in multiple computing environments: desktop and the Web. The feasibility test of our system shows that the coordinate differences between Bessel and GRS80 ellipsoid agree with the criteria presented in the existing researches.

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The Study of Coastal Change Detection Ortho Aerial Photo and Hydrographic Survey: Parcels Submerged (정사항공사진과 해양조사측량을 이용한 해안선변화 탐지에 관한 연구: 포락지 중심으로)

  • Choi Chul Eung;Kim Youn Soo;Suh Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2005
  • The coastal erosion and the look of a heap which are mainly occurred in the district along the coast are found for various forms such as the estuary closing, the estuary sand bar the development of the coast sand bar, and the modification of coastline. Recently, due to the coastal development, these transformations have been intensified. The change of coast, which has been made slow progress is required long-term study on a searching examination of the root cause and a suggestion of a counter measure. In this research, ortho aerial photos were produced to analyze volumes of topographical alternations that have been progressed fer the long run, by 10s cycle from 1940s through 1990s, to compute accurate volumes of coastline variation, through a datum point and G.C.P (Ground Control Point). Also in this study, without respect to water level, the coastline variation was analyzed by using comparatively analyzed a Idlest land map, a cadastral map. And to analyze topographical variation volumes, the tidal station's materials was used under consideration f3r tide. Finally, topographical variation volumes are comparatively analyzed through surveying and sounding and a point of fine of aviation photographing was calculated and revised. After this research, by using ortho aerial photos, We can understand efficiency of these in computing volumes of variations of coastline by analyzing quantitatively erosion and look of a heap. Besides, in the future, these will be used for information gathering of the coastline integration control system.

Leveling the Gamma-ray Spectrometric Data using Baseline Survey (Baseline 탐사를 이용한 항공 방사능 탐사 자료 맞추기)

  • Park, Yeong-Sue;Rim, Hyoungrea;Lim, Mutaek;Shin, Young Hong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2015
  • KIGAM has surveyed most of the Korean territory since 1982 using airborne gamma-ray spectrometry, and complete the nationwide scale map in the near future. However, since the duration of survey is too long and the conditions of survey is not consistent, the data does not have physical consistency. In addition, the window counts (count/sec) were recorded instead of potassium, uranium and thorium radioelement concentrations. Thus, the data could not be registered to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) radioelement datum. This limits the usefulness of the data and it is not possible to easily combine surveys into regional compilations or make quantitative interpretations between different survey areas. To solve these problems, we undertook a test baseline survey over Jincheon-Eumseong area, to level the different two sets of data and to map radioelement concentrations. This survey confirms to IAEA radioelement baseline. The method and procedures of data leveling prepared by this study improve the usefulness and usability of the radiometric data, and make it enable to compile the nationwide scale radioelement concentration maps.

The Effects of Supportive Information Types in Web-Based Learning Using 4C/ID Model (4C/ID 모형을 적용한 웹기반 학습에서 지원정보 유형에 따른 효과)

  • Kim, Kyung;Kim, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.655-672
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of prior-knowledge level and supportive information types in web-based learning using 4C/ID model(Four-Components Instructional Design model) on cognitive load and schema acquisition. To achieve the purpose, this study applied a web based learning. 166 university students participated in web-based learning for 4 weeks. After web-based learning, they checked self report for cognitive load and made concept map for schema acquisition and the datum from them were used for 2 ways ANOVA. According to the findings, groups in prior-knowledge level invested significantly differences on cognitive load and a question group in case of supportive information types didn't invested significant differences on cognitive load with statement group. Second, groups in prior-knowledge level invested significantly differences on schema acquisition and a question group in case of supportive information types invested significantly higher schema acquisition than a statement group. Furthermore, it happened interaction effect between supportive information types and prior-knowledge level on schema acquisition. This research has several implications with regard to suggesting the guidelines and conditions for the authentic task of the novice.

A Study on the Unification Scheme of Surveying Policy and Geographic Information of South and North Korea (남북한 측량제도 및 지리정보 통합방안 연구)

  • Choi Yun-Soo;Park Hong-Gi;Lee Ho-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2006
  • Geographic information and surveying products are a momentous national infrastructure since it is an essential basis for land management and environmental preservation. Hence, it is necessary to set up a systematic plan and countermeasure for the upcoming unification of Korea. Otherwise there would be tremendous confusion and it will cause enormous expenses to establish the national surveying and geographical information standard. In order to show the vision of policies preparing for the unification of North and South Korea, we analyzed the case of Germany and the current status of surveying and Geographical Information in South and North Korea by taking the internet investigation, having a seminar, interviewing experts, and visiting related organizations. First of all, we should predict the change of surveying circumstances after the reunification and establish a plan that unifies laws, systems, and surveying standards of North and South Korea. We need to modify the datum point and unify the surveying product of South and North Korea in World Geodetic System. To accomplish these goals, we must make the map of Korean peninsula and neighboring nations, especially urban area of North Korea. It is considered that National Geographic Information Institute should take a major role in the unification of Korea. With these active preparations and plans, we will achieve the goals of establishing the reinforced surveying policy and minimizing the reunification expenses.

Estimation of Inundation Damages of Urban area Around Haeundae Beach Induced by Super Storm Surge Using Airborne LiDAR Data (항공 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 슈퍼태풍 내습시 해운대 해수욕장 인근 도심지역 침수 피해 규모 추정)

  • Han, Jong-Gyu;Kim, Seong-Pil;Chang, Dong-Ho;Chang, Tae-Soo
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2009
  • As the power and scale of typhoons are growing due to global warming and socioeconomic damages induced by super-typhoons are increasing, it is important to estimate inundation damages and to prepare proper adaptation plans against an attack of the super-typhoon. In this paper, we estimated the inundation damages of urban area around Haeundae beach induced by super-typhoons which follow the route of Typhoon Maemi with the conditions of Typhoon Vera (Ise Bay in Japan, 1959), Typhoon Durian (Philippine, 2006) and Hurricane Katrina (New Oleans in U.S.A, 2005). The coastal area around the Haeundae beach (Busan and Gyeongnam province) is expectedly damaged by severe storm surges. In this study we calculated the rise of sea level height after harmonizing the different datum levels of land and ocean and estimated the inundation depth, inundation area and the amount of building damages by using airborne LiDAR data and GIS spatial analysis techniques more accurately and quantitatively. As many researchers are predicting that super-typhoon of overwhelming power will occur around the Korean peninsula in the near future, the results of this study are expected to contribute to producing coastal inundation map and evacuation planning.

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