• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Building

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An Optimal Traveling Algorithm Based on Map Building for Mobile Robots (이동로봇의 맵 빌딩 기반 최적 주행 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Kyu;Lim, Jae-Kwon;Han, Seong-Bong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.192-199
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    • 2008
  • In order for a mobile robot to move under unknown or uncertain environment. it is very important to collect environmental information. This paper suggests a traveling algorithm which leads to the map building algorithm and the $A^*$ algorithm under the assumption that environmental information should already be collected. In order to apply the proposed traveling algorithm to a real mobile robot. this paper additionally discusses a path amendment algorithm. For the purpose of verifying the proposed algorithms, several simulations are executed based on a UI host program-based simulation interface and an experiment is executed using a mobile robot under a real unknown environment.

A localization method using sensor fusion system (다중 센서 시스템을 이용한 로봇 위치 인식 제어 방법)

  • Lim, Jea-Gyun;You, Jong-Jin;Hyun, Woong-Keun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1767-1768
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    • 2007
  • This paper represents a map building system of Embedded Linux mobile robot. We propose a localization method which uses multiple sensors such as indoor GPS and encoder sensor for simultaneous map building system. In this paper we proposed a multiple sensor system for SLAM. For this, we developed a sensor based navigation algorithm and grid based map building algorithm under the Embedded Linux O.S. We proved this system's validity through field test

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Building of Occupancy Grid Map of an Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Stereo Vision (스테레오 비전 방식을 이용한 자율 이동로봇의 격자지도 작성)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyup;Choi, Chang-Hyuk;Song, Jae-Bok;Park, Sung-Kee;Kim, Mun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents the way of building an occupancy grid map which a mobile robot needs to autonomously navigate in the unknown environment. A disparity map resulting from stereo matching can be converted into the 2D distance information. If the stereo matching has some errors, however, the subsequent map becomes unreliable. In this paper, a new morphological filter is proposed to reject 'spikes' of the disparity map due to stereo mismatch by considering the fact that these spikes occur locally. The new method has advantages that it is simpler and more easily realized than existing similar algorithms. Several occupancy grid maps based on stereo vision using the proposed algorithm have been built and compared with the actual distance information to verify the validity of the proposed method.

Thinning Based Global Topological Map Building with Application to Localization (세선화 기법을 이용한 전역 토폴로지컬 지도의 작성 및 위치추적)

  • Choi, Chang-Hyuk;Song, Jae-Bok;Chung, Woo-Jin;Kim, Mun-Sang
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.822-827
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    • 2003
  • Topological maps have drawn more attention recently because they are compact, provide natural interfaces, and are applicable to path planning easily. To build a topological map incrementally, Voronoi diagram was used by many researchers. The Voronoi diagram, however, has difficulty in applying to arbitrarily shaped objects and needs long computation time. In this paper, we present a new method for global topological map from the local topological maps incrementally. The local topological maps are created through a thinning algorithm from a local grid map, which is built based on the sensor information at the current robot position. A thinning method requires simpler computation than the Voronoi diagram. Localization based on the topological map is usually difficult, but additional nodes created by the thinning method can improve localization performance. A series of experiments have been conducted using a two-wheeled mobile robot equipped with a laser scanner. It is shown that the proposed scheme can create satisfactory topological maps.

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A Study on the criteria map building method for MCDA based on GIS - using daysimetric mapping technique - (GIS 기반의 다기준 의사결정분석을 위한 평가기준도 구축 방안에 관한 연구 - dasymetric mapping 방법을 이용하여 -)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae;Ahn, Jae-Seong;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2008
  • In MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) based on GIS, building the CM(Criteria Map) which represents the space phenomenon properly is important process to deduce precise and efficient site analysis result. The CM using administrative district data is widely used for site analysis process. But, there are not enough studies on site analysis using dasymetric mapping technique. For MCDA, this study suggests building the CM by using dasymetric mapping technique, which re-assigns the social-economic attribute value to more detail space unit. The suggested method is used for industrial site analysis. The criteria map for workforce and criteria map for the distance to the city were built and criteria map which represents attribute's space distribution pattern is documented. The criteria map is successfully applied to multi-criteria decision making process and eventually the analysis result of proposed suitable industrial site is derived.

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The Improvement Method of Position Accuracy of Digital-Map in Small Area (소규모 지역에서 수치지도의 위치정확도 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 이근상;장영률
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2001
  • With increasing of utilization of 1/1,000 Digital-Map being constructed with NGIS project, it is entering upon the stage that problem as the inspection of position accuracy of Digital-Map before its use. This paper evaluated position accuracy of Digital-Map being based on the construction of college facility management system into small area and presented modification/renovation of Digital-Map on area being occurred position error. With a view to evaluation of position error to building using RTK survey, position error was shown more than 0.5mm that is prescribed in survey-law. In order to acquire good position accuracy, first we carried out Static survey to college and selected control point. And, we evaluated coordinate value to important building from control point and compared these results with RTK survey results. Second, we carried out Affine transform based on the control point of building being surveyed with RTK, transformed pre-constructed Digital-Map and compared these results with RTK Survey results. We analyzed first and second method and presented improvement method of position accuracy of Digital-Map suited on small area.

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A Novel Technique for Human Traffic based Radio Map Updating in Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning Systems

  • Mo, Yun;Zhang, Zhongzhao;Lu, Yang;Agha, Gul
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1881-1903
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    • 2015
  • With the fast-developing of mobile terminals, positioning techniques based on fingerprinting method draws attention from many researchers even world famous companies. To conquer some shortcomings of the existing fingerprinting systems and further improve its performance, we propose a radio map building and updating technique, which is able to customize the spatial and temporal dependency of radio maps. The method includes indoor propagation and penetration modeling and the analysis of human traffic. Based on the combination of Ray-Tracing Algorithm, Finite-Different Time-Domain and Rough Set Theory, the approach of indoor propagation modeling accurately represents the spatial dependency of the radio map. In terms of temporal dependency, we specifically study the factor of moving people in the interest area. With measurement and statistics, the factor of human traffic is introduced as the temporal updating component. We improve our existing indoor positioning system with the proposed building and updating method, and compare the localization accuracy. The results show that the enhanced system can conquer the influence caused by moving people, and maintain the confidence probability stable during week, which enhance the actual availability and robustness of fingerprinting-based indoor positioning system.

Global Map Building and Navigation of Mobile Robot Based on Ultrasonic Sensor Data Fusion

  • Kang, Shin-Chul;Jin, Tae-Seok
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2007
  • In mobile robotics, ultrasonic sensors became standard devices for collision avoiding. Moreover, their applicability for map building and navigation has exploited in recent years. In this paper, as the preliminary step for developing a multi-purpose autonomous carrier mobile robot to transport trolleys or heavy goods and serve as robotic nursing assistant in hospital wards. The aim of this paper is to present the use of multi-sensor data fusion such as ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor for mobile robot to navigate, and presents an experimental mobile robot designed to operate autonomously within both indoor and outdoor environments. The global map building based on multi-sensor data fusion is applied for recognition an obstacle free path from a starting position to a known goal region, and simultaneously build a map of straight line segment geometric primitives based on the application of the Hough transform from the actual and noisy sonar data. We will give an explanation for the robot system architecture designed and implemented in this study and a short review of existing techniques, Hough transform, since there exist several recent thorough books and review paper on this paper. Experimental results with a real Pioneer DX2 mobile robot will demonstrate the effectiveness of the discussed methods.

Analysis of Collapse Accidents in Demolition Work using AcciMap and STAMP (AcciMap과 STAMP를 활용한 해체공사 붕괴사고 분석)

  • Hyeon-Ji Jeong;Jeong-Hun Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2023
  • Investigation of the cause of the relatively recent building collapse accident in Gwangju revealed a lack of awareness about the safety of the dismantling construction system among stakeholders, in the form of issues such as illegal subcontracting, unauthorized design changes, and insufficient safety supervision. This study was conducted to analyze the safety interactions between the building dismantling construction system and the involved stakeholders and to propose ways to prevent accidents in related institutions and workplaces. AcciMap and STAMP-CAST analysis methods were used to evaluate safety interactions among the various stakeholders participating in building demolition work. Analysis results revealed that the collapse accident during the dismantling work was caused not only by structural causes occurring in the construction stage, but also by various causes throughout the system, such as the dismantling plan preparation stage and the construction permit stage. The results also revealed the need for proper implementation of safety control measures by various stakeholders to prevent collapse accidents during dismantling construction.

Development of Infrastructure Maintenance Map based on GIS Data for Efficient Budget Management

  • Changjun Lee;Taeil Park;Yongwoon Cha
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2024
  • Many developed countries, including Korea, are rapidly aged owing to years of use. Infrastructures such as roads, water, and sewage are Social Overhead Capital (SOC), which provide convenience to the nation and support national economic growth. Thus, continuous maintenance and investment are required because infrastructure deterioration is directly related to social effects, such as quality of life and safety. In addition, because infrastructure maintenance costs a lot of the budget, it is necessary to appropriate criteria for budget allocation, given assessing the condition of infrastructure. This study developed an Infrastructure Maintenance Map (IMM) based on a Geographic Information System (GIS) for infrastructure maintenance budgets and investment priorities. The IMM uses maintenance information for roads, bridges, water, and sewage, obtained from Bridge Management System (BMS), Pavement Management System (PMS) and facility data in South Korea. The IMM can calculate deterioration levels and maintenance costs of infrastructure repair methods. Maintenance priorities are also evaluated based on Multi-Attribute Utility Theory using the deterioration level, economic feasibility, and effect of facilities. This study contributes to easy decision-making regarding infrastructure investment priorities and maintenance budgeting to the status of facility on the 3D map by IMM.