• Title/Summary/Keyword: Male Parenting

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Marital Conflict, Parenting Behavior, and Parental Monitoring Related to Adjustment of Adolescents (부부갈등, 부모의 양육행동, 부모의 감독과 청소년의 적응 간 관련성)

  • Lee, Hyong-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1083-1094
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender difference in adolescent's problem behavior and depression, and to analyze the effects of marital conflict, parenting behavior, parent's monitoring on adolescents' problem behavior and depression. Data obtained from 453 students in middle school was used for final analysis. This study found that female adolescents showed higher level of depression than male adolescents. Male adolescents reported higher level of marital conflict than female adolescents. On the other hand, female adolescents showed more mother's monitoring than male adolescents. Path analysis revealed that parenting behavior and parent's monitoring were negatively influenced by marital conflict. Adolescents' depression was negatively influenced by parenting behavior, but problem behavior was not influenced by parenting behavior. Father's monitoring had an impact on problem behavior of male and female adolescents. Depression was influenced directly by marital conflict, but problem behaviors were not directly influenced by marital conflict.

The Effects of maternal Materialism and Parenting on Materialism in Adolescents (어머니의 물질주의 가치관 및 양육태도가 청소년의 물질주의 가치관에 미치는 영향)

  • 백지숙;박성연
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of maternal materialism and parenting on materialism in adolescents. Moreover, the relative significance of maternal materialism and parenting materialism in adolescents was also explored. The study subjects were 199 (98 male, 101 female) high school students in Seoul and their mothers. The following are the major findings. 1) Maternal materialism was not related with male adolescents' materialism but was with female adolescents'. 2) Maternal support, and open communication were negatively related with female adolescents' materialism while maternal control, and permissiveness were positively related. On the other hand, only maternal control was positively related with male adolescents' materialism. 3) Stepwise regression analysis revealed that maternal support, followed by maternal materialism, was the most important variable affecting female adolescents'. However, for male adolescents, maternal control was the only one variable affecting their materialism.

The Relationships among the Mother's Parenting Behavior, Home Environment and Stress of Male Child (어머니의 양육행동 및 가정환경의 질과 남아의 스트레스의 관계)

  • Jung, Hyun-Jung;Moon, Hyuk-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1199-1208
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to understand a mother's parenting behavior and home environment in relation to the stress of a male child. The subjects were 200 mothers of 4-6 years old children in early childhood programs located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Instruments used in this study were the Mother's Parenting Behavior Scale (Park Seong Yeon & Lee Suk, 1990), Home Scale (Jang Yeong Ae, 1981), and Children's Usual Stress Scale (Yeom Hyeon Gyeong, 1998). Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that (a) stress was shown to be higher if the mother's parenting behavior was authoritarian and over-protective, (b) children of lower economic background showed a higher stress level than middle and upper economic background subjects, and (c) the mother's educational background, authoritarian and over-protective parenting behavior and quality of the family background were meaningful variables for children's stress.

The Relationships between Prematurity Stereotype, Optimism and Parenting Stress (어머니의 미숙아에 대한 고정관념, 낙관주의 그리고 양육스트레스와의 관계)

  • 김경희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2000
  • The study of prematurity stereotyping is important because the optimal development of premature infants may be threatened by the operation of the stereotape. The study was conducted in which mothers were asked to rate unfamiliar infants shown on videotapes. The infants were described as either full term or premature and as either male or female. Each mother was asked to rate the infant on 23,7-point adjective scales(S-KISS) and to answer several other questionnaires(LOT, PSI). In the study, infants labeled premature were rated more negatively than were infants labeled full term, but infants labeled male and female were rated similarly. The behavioral implications for child rearing as a result of this "prematurity stereotyping" were considered. Correlational analyses revealed significant relationships between prematurity stereotyping and parenting stress, optinism and parenting stress. Optimism effects parenting stress.

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The Effect of Individual and Environmental Variables on Children's Problem Behavior (개인변인과 환경변인이 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Young Hi
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2003
  • Data were collected from 392 4th and 6th grade students by questionnaires and analyzed by Pearson's correlation, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. More problem behavior was reported by 4th than by 6th graders and by boys than by girls; the gender difference was larger in 4th than 6th graders. Low school satisfaction, authoritative parenting, male gender, and higher age predicted problem behavior. Within group variables that predicted problem behavior were low authoritative parenting, low school satisfaction. Male gender, and low self-control in the 4th graders ; low self-control and school satisfaction in the 6th graders; low authoritative parenting and school satisfaction in girls ; and low school satisfaction, higher age, and low self-control in boys.

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The Effects of Grandfathers' Positive Parenting Behavior, and Fathers' Positive Parenting Behavior on School-age Boys' School Adjustment (조부의 긍정적 양육행동이 부의 긍정적 양육행동을 통해 학령기 남아의 학교적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohn, Han Gyeol
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study examined the effects of grandfathers' positive parenting behavior, and fathers' positive parenting behavior on school-age boys' school adjustment. Methods: A total of 217 5th and 6th grade male elementary school students (126 5th graders and 91 6th graders) and their fathers living in Seoul and Gyeongnam province participated in the study. The data were analyzed using correlations, and structural equation modeling. Results: Grandfathers' positive parenting behavior indirectly influenced boys' school adjustment through their fathers' positive parenting behavior. It means that fathers who perceived their fathers' parenting behavior as more positive showed a higher level of positive parenting behavior, which led to a more positive school adjustment for their sons. Conclusion/Implications: These results uncovered the pathways from grandfathers' positive parenting behavior to school-age boys' school adjustment through their fathers' positive parenting behavior in an aspect of the intergenerational transmission of parenting. In addition, these findings have implications for future research of developing intervention programs for school-age boys' school adjustment and parent education programs to facilitate fathers' positive parenting behavior for school-age children's school adjustment.


  • Kim, Do-Hoon;Moon, Yoo-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2001
  • Objectives:Dysfunctional parent-child relationships have been associated with various mental and conduct disorders in adolescence and mental problems in adulthood as well. Most studies have done in clinical settings and little is known about the relationship between parenting and adolescent problem behaviors in community settings. This study is done to compare the perceived parenting and problem behaviors between problem behavior group and those of non-problem behavior group in male adolescents. Methods:The subjects of this study were 147 male high school students in Seoul, who do not have any known mental or conduct disorders and live with their real parents. Parental Bonding Instrument and Youth Self Report were administered to evaluate the perceived parenting and problem behaviors of adolescents. Results:There were significantly higher scores of mother overprotection in problem behavior group when comparing to non-problem behavior group. There was a significant association between mother overprotection and problem behavior when adjusting the number of family members, mother's job, parents' education level, grades, and religion. Conclusion:The parenting such as mother overprotection can be helpful to predict the problem behaviors in male adolescents, and appropriate parenting may prevent various problem behaviors in male adolescents.

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Influence of Marital Conflict on Children's Aggression: The Mediation Effect of Co-Parenting (부부갈등이 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향: 부부공동양육의 매개효과)

  • Jang, Mi-yeon;Choi, Mi-Kyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.567-580
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the relation of marital conflict, co-parenting, and children's aggression and the mediating role of co-parenting between marital conflict and children's aggression. Participants consisted of 380 elementary school fifth, sixth graders (152 male and 228 female students) and their mothers from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeongsangnam-do. Children completed questionnaires on marital conflict and the mothers completed questionnaires on co-parenting and children's aggression. The collected data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and a multiple regression analysis. The Baron and Kenny's method was used to determine the mediating model's significance. It was adapted to SPSS ver. 20.0 for Windows. The major findings were as follows: first, the marital conflict (intensity/resolution) positively influenced children's aggression. Second, supportive co-parenting negatively influenced children's aggression. In addition, the marital conflict (frequency/resolution) negatively influenced co-parenting. Co-parenting (supportive/reprehensive) also played a perfectly mediating role between marital conflict and children's aggression. Marital conflict had an indirect influence through co-parenting on the children's aggression. The results indicate that co-parenting plays a crucial role in the relationship between marital conflict and children's aggression.

The Effects of Parenting Behavior and Peer Relationships on Adolescent Self-Concept Development (부모의 양육행동과 또래관계가 청소년 자아개념에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sa-Rah;Oh, Yun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how parenting and peer relationships influence the development of adolescent self-concept by using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). The subjects were 198 first graders (94 male and 104 female) from four high schools within the Seoul area. Descriptive and comparative statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS (Version10.0), while AMOS (Version 4.0) was used to assess structural equation modelling of parenting, peer relationship and the self-concept. Results showed that, in terms of correlation, more positive parenting behaviors induced more positive self-concept. In addition, better peer relationships demonstrated more positive self-concept. Regression analysis showed that peer relationships explained the variance in adolescents' self-concept more effectively than parenting behavior. This was confirmed by the SEM.

Relationship Between Parenting Attitude and Academic Achievement of Middle School Students : Moderating Effect of Individualism and Collectivism (중학생이 지각한 부모의 양육태도와 학업 성취간의 관계 : 개인주의-집단주의 성향의 조절 효과)

  • Jeong, Gwang-Phil;Lee, Hee-Yeong;Choi, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.923-933
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of cultural disposition in the relationship between parenting and academic achievement. Five-hundred thirty five middle school students(male 247; female, 288) participated in this study, These students completed parenting scale and Individualism-Collectivism Scale. Academic achievement was calculated using academic scores from language, english, mathematics and science. Collected data were analyzed using multiple regression. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, parenting was significantly associated with academic achievement albeit weak. Second, influence of affective and autonomy parenting on academic achievement for both father and mother were not significant. Third, moderating effects of individualism were significant in only fathers' autonomy parenting. Fourth, moderating effects of collectivism were significant in fathers' affective parenting and autonomy parenting. These results were discussed in relation to pervious studies. Finally limitations were commented and future study were suggested.