Sung Won Youn;Sang Kwon Lee;Yongmin Chang;No Hyuck Park;Jong Min Lee
Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Purpose : To introduce and demonstrate the advantages of the new hybrid two-dimensional (2D) proton spectroscopic imaging (SI) over the single voxel spectroscopy (SVS) and conventional 2D SI in the clinical application of spectroscopy for pediatric cerebral disease. Materials and Methods : Eighty-one hybrid 2D proton spectroscopic imaging was performed in 79 children (36 normal infants and children, 10 with hypoxic-ischemic injury, 20 with toxic-metabolic encephalopathy, seven with brain tumor, three with meningoencephalitis, one with neurofibromatosis, one with Sturge-Weber syndrome and one with lissencephaly) ranging in age from the third day of life to 15 years. In adult volunteers (n=5), all three techniques including hybrid 2D proton SI, SVS using PRESS sequence, and conventional 2D proton SI were performed. Both hybrid 2D proton SI and SVS using PRESS sequence were performed in clinical cases (n=). All measurements were performed with a 1.5-T scanner using standard head quadrature coil. The 16$\times$16 phase encoding steps were set on variable field of view (FOV) depending on the size of the brain. The hybrid volume of interest inside FOV was set as $75{\times}75{\times}15{\;}\textrm{mm}^3$ or smaller to get rid of unwanted fat signal. Point-resolved spectroscopy (TR/TE=1,500 msec/135 or 270msec) was employed with standard chemical shift selective saturation (CHESSI pulses for water suppression. The acquisition time and spectral quality of hybrid 2D proton SI were compared with those of SVS and conventional 2D proton SI. Results : The hybrid 2D proton SI was successfully conducted upon all patients.
A series of DTPA-bis(amides) functionalized by pyridine (1a-c) and N-phenylpicolinamide) (1d-e) and their Gd(III)-complexes of the type [Gd(1)($H_2O$)]·x$H_2O$ (2a-e) were prepared and characterized by analytical and spectroscopic techniques. Potentiality of 2a-e as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI CA) was investigated by measuring relevant physicochemical properties and relaxivities and compared with [Gd(DTPA-BMA)($H_2O$)] (DTPA-BMA=N,N''-di(methylcarbamoylmethyl)diethylenetriamine-N,N',N''-triacetate) ($Omniscan^{(R)}$). The R1 relaxivities of aqueous solutions of 2a-c are in the range of 3.33 -5.02 $mM^{-1}$$sec^{-1}$, which are comparable with those of $Omniscan^{(R)}$ (r1=4.58 $mM^{-1}sec^{-1}$). Complexes 2d-e, insoluble in water, exhibit relatively higher R1 values (8.1- 8.3 $mM^{-1}sec^{-1}$) in HP-$\beta$-CD solutions.
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
Purpose: To investigate whether there are significant changes in regional brain metabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease after thalamotomy using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (lH MRS). Methods: Fifteen patients with Parkinson's disease of mean age 56.5 years (7 males and 8 females; mean age, 56.5 years) that have treated with levodopa were included. All patients with tremor experienced amelioration of their symptoms on the side contralateral to the thalamotomy. As a single-voxel technique, 1H MR spectra were obtained from the volume of interested regions in thalamus and primary motor cortex. Spectral parameters were: 20 ms TE, 2000 ms TR, 128 averages, 2500 Hz spectral width, and 2048 data points. Results: We found that NAA/Cho ratios showed generally low levels in thalamus in Parkinson's disease patients with clinical improvement following thalamotomy. Conclusions: 1H MRS may be a useful utility for the aid in better understanding the pathophy-siologic process in Parkinson's disease patients on the basis of the variation of NAA/Cho ratio. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by a grant of the Center for Functional and Metabolic Imaging Technology, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (02-PJ3-PG6-EV07-0002).
Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
The aim of this study is to develop the $^1H$-MRS data postprocessing software for both single-voxel and multi-voxel technique, which plays and important role as a diagnostic tool in clinical field. This software is based on graphical user interface(GUI) under windows operating system of personal computer(PC). In case of single-voxel MRS, both of raw data in time-domain and spectrum data in frequency-domain are simultaneously displayed in a screen. Several functions such as DC correction, zero filling, line broadening, Lorentz-Gauss filtering and phase correction, etc. are included to increase the quality of spectrum data. In case of multi-voxel analysis, spectroscopic image reconstructed by 3-D FFT was displayed as a spectral grid and overlapped over previously obtained T1- or T2-weighted image for the spectra to be spatially registered with the image. The analysis of MRS peaks were performed by obtaining the ratio of peak area. In single-voxel method, statistically processed peak-area ratios of MRS data obtained from normal human brain are presented. Using multi-voxel method, MR spectroscopic image and metabolite image acquired from brain tumor are demonstrated.
Jeon Yong Sun;Cho Soon Gu;Choi Sun Keun;Kim Won Hong;Kim Mi Young;Suh Chang Hae
Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Purpose : To know the differences of proton MR spectroscopic features between recurrent rectal cancer and fibrosis in post-operative period, and to evaluate the possibility to discriminate recurrent rectal cancer from post-operative fibrosis by analysis of proton MR spectra. Materials and Methods : We evaluated the proton MR spectra from 25 soft tissue masses in perirectal area that developed in post-operative period after operation for the resection of rectal cancer. Our series included 11 cases of recurrent rectal cancer and 14 of fibrotic mass. All cases of recurrent rectal cancer and post-operative fibrosis were confirmed by biopsy. We evaluated the spectra with an attention to the differences of pattern of the curves between recurrent rectal cancer and post-operative fibrosis. The ratio of peak area of all peaks at 1.6-4.1ppm to lipid (0.9-1.6ppm) [P (1.6-4.1ppm/P (0.9-1.6ppm)] was calculated in recurrent rectal cancer and post-operative fibrosis groups, and compared the results between these groups. We also evaluated the sensitivity and specificity for discriminating recurrent rectal cancer from post-operative fibrosis by analysis of $^1H-MRS$. Results : Proton MR spectra of post-operative fibrosis showed significantly diminished amount of lipids compared with that of recurrent rectal cancer. The ratio of P (1.6-4.1ppm)/P (0.9-1.6ppm) in post-operative fibrosis was much higher than that of recurrent rectal cancer with statistical significance (p < .05) due to decreased peak area of lipids. Mean (standard deviations of P (1.6-4.1ppm)/P (0.9-1.6ppm) in post-operative fibrosis and recurrent rectal cancer group were $2.71{\pm}1.48\;and\;0.29{\pm}0.11$, respectively. With a cut-off value of 0.6 for discriminating recurrent rectal cancer from post-operative fibrosis, both the sensitivity and specificity were $100\%$ (11/11, and 14/14). Conclusion : Recurrent rectal cancer and post-operative fibrosis can be distinguished from each other by analysis of proton MR spectroscopic features, and $^1H-MRS$ can be a new method for differential diagnosis between recurrent rectal cancer and post-operative fibrosis.
Purpose: The purposes of this study are to evaluate normal MR spectroscopy (MRS) data of the cerebellum and pons, and to evaluate intra-unit and inter-unit differences of the results. Materials and methods: Nine normal volunteers (mean age 23 years) were studied with two 1.5 Tesla MR units (A and B units). A total of four sessions of MRS study were performed with two sessions in MR unit in each volunteer. In each session, MRS data were obtained from bilateral cerebellar hemisphere and pons. MRS was performed using spin-echo single voxel technique with repetition time of 2000 ms, echo time of 288ms and 128 averagings. Voxel size was $2{\;}{\times}{\;}2{\;}{\times}{\;}1.5{\;}cm$ in the cerebellum and $1.5{\;}{\times}{\;}1.5{\;}{\times}{\;}1.5{\;}cm$ in the pons. Metabolite ratios of NAA/Cho, NAAcCr, NAAc(Cho+Cr) and Cr/Cho (both peak heights and the peak areas) were compared among the results of four sessions of MRS for evaluation of intra-unit and inter-unit differences. Results: In the cerebellum, mean (SO values of peak height NAA/Cho, NAA/Cr, NAA/(Cho+Cr) and Cr/Cho ratios obtained in the first session of A unit were $1.08{\pm}O.16,{\;}1.44{\pm}O.286,{\;}0.61{\pm}O.09{\;}and{\;}O.76{\pm}0.13$, respectively. Comparing with the results of the second session, intra-unit differences were 3-7%. In B unit intra-unit differences were 1-9%, except for 22% of Cr/Cho ratio. Inter-unit differences between A and B units were 1-26%. In the pons, mean ISD values of peak height NANCho, NANCr, NANICho + Cr) and Cr/Cho ratios obtained in the first session of A unit were $1.51{\pm}O.35,{\;}3.35{\pm}O.78,{\;}1.02{\pm}0.16{\;}and{\;}0.47{\pm}O.14$, respectively. Mean NAAfCho, NANCr and NAAI(Cho+ Cr} ratios of the pons were significantly higher than those of the cerebellum. Intra-unit differences were 2-21 % in A unit and 4-18 % in B unit. Inter-unit differences between A and B units were 1-18%. The mean values obtained by using peak area were generally higher and wider in range than those of peak height in both units. Conclusion: Mean NAAfCho, NAAlCr and NAAf(Cho+Cr) ratios of the cerebellum were significanHy lower than those of the pons. Intra-unit differences of most metabolites ratios were generally not significant, whereas inter-unit differences were greater than intra-unit differences in more metabolite ratios. Therefore, normal MRS data of the cerebellum and the pons should be obtained in every MR unit, before MRS applications in the diseases of the cerebellum and the pons.
Purpose : To evaluate the proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) findings of early and late ischemic infarcts and to compare these MRS findings with clinical symptoms. Materials and Methods : We obtained MRs spectra of 28 consecutive patients with early ischemic infarct (15 me, 13 women) between 2-10 (mean 6.2) days after stroke onset. Follow-up MRS was carried out between 20-32 (mean 25) days in 12 patients. The MRs spectra were acquired at 1.5T MR unit using single voxel technique with PRESS sequence, TR of 2000ms, TE of 288 (144)ms, and voxel size of 2cm x 2cm x 2cm in the three areas; an infarct lesion, the brain parenchyma adjacent to the lesion, and contralateral normal brain parenchyma. The NAA/creatine, choline/creatine, and lactate/creatine ratios were calculated in each spectrum. The spectra of MRS were compared with clinical symptoms. Results : In early infarct, decreased NAA/creatine ratio (n=22) and increased lactate/creatine ratio (n=25) were found in the infarct lesion. Choline/creastine ratio was within normal range (n=25). On follow-up MRS in late stage, NAA/creatine ratio in the infarct lesion decreased further (n=5), did not change (n=6), or increased (n=1). Lactate/creatine ratio became less elevated (n=10), or did not changed (n=2). Choline/creatine ratio had a trend for increase. The decreased NAA/creatine and increased lactate/creatine ratios were correlated well with the severity of symptoms, respectively. Conclusion : Decreased NAA/creatine and increased lactate/creatine ratios were common MRS findings characteristic in early ischemic infarct and correlated well with clinical severity. On follow-up MRS in late stage, NAA/creatine ratio decreased further or did not change, and lactate/creatine ratio became less elevated.
Kang Young Hye;Lee Yoon Mi;Park Sun Won;Suh Chang Hae;Lim Myung Kwan
Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness and reproducibility of $^1H$ MRS in different 1.5 T MR machines with different coils to compare the SNR, scan time and the spectral patterns in different brain regions in normal volunteers. Materials and Methods : Localized $^1H$ MR spectroscopy ($^1H$ MRS) was performed in a total of 10 normal volunteers (age; 20-45 years) with spectral parameters adjusted by the autoprescan routine (PROBE package). In all volunteers, MRS was performed in a three times using conventional MRS (Signa Horizon) with 1 channel coil and upgraded MRS (Echospeed plus with EXCITE) with both 1 channel and 8 channel coil. Using these three different machines and coils, SNRs of the spectra in both phantom and volunteers and (pre)scan time of MRS were compared. Two regions of the human brain (basal ganglia and deep white matter) were examined and relative metabolite ratios (NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, and mI/Cr ratios) were measured in all volunteers. For all spectra, a STEAM localization sequence with three-pulse CHESS $H_2O$ suppression was used, with the following acquisition parameters: TR=3.0/2.0 sec, TE=30 msec, TM=13.7 msec, SW=2500 Hz, SI=2048 pts, AVG : 64/128, and NEX=2/8 (Signa/Echospeed). Results : The SNR was about over $30\%$ higher in Echospeed machine and time for prescan and scan was almost same in different machines and coils. Reliable spectra were obtained on both MRS systems and there were no significant differences in spectral patterns and relative metabolite ratios in two brain regions (p>0.05). Conclusion : Both conventional and new MRI systems are highly reliable and reproducible for $^1H$ MR spectroscopic examinations in human brains and there are no significant differences in applications for $^1H$ MRS between two different MRI systems.
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- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.