Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Volume 3 Issue 2
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- Pages.146-153
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- 1999
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- 2384-1095(pISSN)
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- 2384-1109(eISSN)
MR Spectoscopic Patterns Early and Late Cerebral Ischemic Infarct: Correlation with Clinical Findings
초기 및 지연기 허혈성 뇌경색의 양자 자기공명분광양상 : 임상소견과의 비교
Purpose : To evaluate the proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) findings of early and late ischemic infarcts and to compare these MRS findings with clinical symptoms. Materials and Methods : We obtained MRs spectra of 28 consecutive patients with early ischemic infarct (15 me, 13 women) between 2-10 (mean 6.2) days after stroke onset. Follow-up MRS was carried out between 20-32 (mean 25) days in 12 patients. The MRs spectra were acquired at 1.5T MR unit using single voxel technique with PRESS sequence, TR of 2000ms, TE of 288 (144)ms, and voxel size of 2cm x 2cm x 2cm in the three areas; an infarct lesion, the brain parenchyma adjacent to the lesion, and contralateral normal brain parenchyma. The NAA/creatine, choline/creatine, and lactate/creatine ratios were calculated in each spectrum. The spectra of MRS were compared with clinical symptoms. Results : In early infarct, decreased NAA/creatine ratio (n=22) and increased lactate/creatine ratio (n=25) were found in the infarct lesion. Choline/creastine ratio was within normal range (n=25). On follow-up MRS in late stage, NAA/creatine ratio in the infarct lesion decreased further (n=5), did not change (n=6), or increased (n=1). Lactate/creatine ratio became less elevated (n=10), or did not changed (n=2). Choline/creatine ratio had a trend for increase. The decreased NAA/creatine and increased lactate/creatine ratios were correlated well with the severity of symptoms, respectively. Conclusion : Decreased NAA/creatine and increased lactate/creatine ratios were common MRS findings characteristic in early ischemic infarct and correlated well with clinical severity. On follow-up MRS in late stage, NAA/creatine ratio decreased further or did not change, and lactate/creatine ratio became less elevated.
목적 : 초기 및 지연기 허혈성 뇌경색에서 양자자기공명분광법 (proteon MR-spectroscopy)을 시행하여 특징적인 소견을 알알아보고 임상적 증상과 비교하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 초기 허혈성 뇌경색으로 진단 받은 28명 (37-83세, 남자 15명, 여자 13명)의 환자를 대상으로 발병 후 2-10일 (평균 6.2일)에 단일 복셀 양자자기공명분광법을 시행하였다. 12명에서는 지연기에 추적 양자자기공명분광법을 시행하였고 그 시기는 20-32일 (평균 25일) 이었다. 자기공명분광법은 1.5 T장치에서 PRESS(Point Resolved Spectroscopic Sequence)기법으로 TR 2000ms, TE 288 (144)ms, 관심 영역