• Title/Summary/Keyword: M-algorithm

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An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum Origin Destination Flow Path in the Transportation Network (수송 네트워크에서 최대물동량경로 문제의 최적해법)

  • 성기석;박순달
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1991
  • This paper studies an optimal algorithm for the Maximum Origin-Destination Flor Path (MODFP) in an acyclic transportation network. We define a Pseudo-Flow each are so that it can give an upper bound to the total flow of a given path. And using the K-th Shortest Path algorithm we obtain upper bound of MODF which is decreasing as the number of searched path grows. Computational Complexity of optimal algorithm is O(K + m) $n_{2}$), K being the total number of searched path. We proved that the problem complexity of finding MODFP in an acyclic network is NP-hard, showing that the-satisfiability problem can be polynomialy reduced to this problem. And we estimated the average of the number K as being (m/n)$^{1,08}$ Exp (0.00689gm) from the computational experiments.

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Performance Improvement of the Fractionally-Spaced Equalizer with Modified-Multiplication Free Adaptive Filter Algorithm (변형 비분적응필터 알고리즘을 적용한 분할등화기 성능개선)

  • 윤달환;김건호;김명수;임채탁
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.30B no.6
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 1993
  • An algorithm for MMADF(modified multiplication-free adaptive filter) which need not to multiplication arithmatic operation is proposed to improve the performance of FSE (fractionally spaced equalizer) which reduce the ISI(intersymbol interference) in signal transfer channel. The input signals are quantized using DPCM and the reference signals is processed using a first-order linear prediction filter. The convergence properties of Sign. MADF and M-MADF algorithm for updating of the coefficients of a FIR digital filter of the fractionally spaced equalizer (FSE) are investigated and compared with one another. The convergence properties are characterized by the steady state error and the convergence speed. It is shown that the convergence speed of M-MADF is almost same as Sign algorithm and is faster than MADF in the condition of same steady state error. Especially it is very useful for high correlated signals.

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Improved Decoding Algorithm on Reed-Solomon Codes using Division Method (제산방법에 의한 Reed-Solomon 부호의 개선된 복호알고리듬)

  • 정제홍;박진수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.30A no.11
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1993
  • Decoding algorithm of noncyclic Reed-Solomon codes consists of four steps which are to compute syndromes, to find error-location polynomial, to decide error-location, and to solve error-values. There is a decoding method by which the computation of both error-location polynomial and error-evaluator polynimial can be avoided in conventional decoding methods using Euclid algorithm. The disadvantage of this method is that the same amount of computation is needed that is equivalent to solve the avoided polynomial. This paper considers the division method on polynomial on GF(2$^{m}$) systematically. And proposes a novel method to find error correcting polynomial by simple mathematical expression without the same amount of computation to find the two avoided polynomial. Especially. proposes the method which the amount of computation to find F (x) from the division M(x) by x, (x-1),....(x--${\alpha}^{n-2}$) respectively can be avoided. By applying the simple expression to decoding procedure on RS codes, propses a new decoding algorithm, and to show the validity of presented method, computer simulation is performed.

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A Heuristic Method for n/m Job-Shop Scheduling Using the SDME (SDME를 이용한 n/m Job-Shop 스케쥴링에 대한 발견적 방법)

  • 김제홍;조남호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.45
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 1998
  • To make a scheduling for minimizing the tardiness of delivery, we present an efficient heuristic algorithm for job-shop scheduling problems with due dates. The SDME(Slack Degree Modified Exchange) algorithm, which is the proposed heuristic algorithm, carries out the operation in two phases. In the phase 1, a dispatching rule is employed to generate an active or non-delay initial schedule. In the phase 2, tasks selected from a predetermined set of promising target operations in the initial schedule are tested to ascertain whether, by left-shifting their start times and rearranging some subset of the remaining operations, one can reduce the total tardiness. In the numerical example, the results indicate that the proposed SDME algorithm is capable of yielding notable reductions in the total tardiness for practical size problems.

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PSO-optimized Pareto and Nash equilibrium gaming-based power allocation technique for multistatic radar network

  • Harikala, Thoka;Narayana, Ravinutala Satya
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2021
  • At present, multiple input multiple output radars offer accurate target detection and better target parameter estimation with higher resolution in high-speed wireless communication systems. This study focuses primarily on power allocation to improve the performance of radars owing to the sparsity of targets in the spatial velocity domain. First, the radars are clustered using the kernel fuzzy C-means algorithm. Next, cooperative and noncooperative clusters are extracted based on the distance measured using the kernel fuzzy C-means algorithm. The power is allocated to cooperative clusters using the Pareto optimality particle swarm optimization algorithm. In addition, the Nash equilibrium particle swarm optimization algorithm is used for allocating power in the noncooperative clusters. The process of allocating power to cooperative and noncooperative clusters reduces the overall transmission power of the radars. In the experimental section, the proposed method obtained the power consumption of 0.014 to 0.0119 at K = 2, M = 3 and K = 2, M = 3, which is better compared to the existing methodologies-generalized Nash game and cooperative and noncooperative game theory.

A Study of the Modulus Multiplier Design for Speed up Throughput in the Public-key Cryptosystem (공개키 암호시스템의 처리속도향상을 위한 모듈러 승산기 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 이선근;김환용
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2003
  • The development of the communication network and the other network method can generate serious social problems. So, it is highly required to control security of network. These problems related security will be developed and keep up to confront with anti-security field such as hacking, cracking. The way to preserve security from hacker or cracker without developing new cryptographic algorithm is keeping the state of anti-cryptanalysis in a prescribed time by means of extending key-length. In this paper, we proposed M3 algorithm for the reduced processing time in the montgomery multiplication part. Proposed M3 algorithm using the matrix function M(.) and lookup table perform optionally montgomery multiplication with repeated operation. In this result, modified repeated operation part produce 30% processing rate than existed montgomery multiplicator. The proposed montgomery multiplication structured unit array method in carry generated part and variable length multiplication for eliminating bottle neck effect with the RSA cryptosystem. Therefore, this proposed montgomery multiplier enforce the real time processing and prevent outer cracking.

Development of Green-Sheet Measurement Algorithm by Image Processing Technique (영상처리기법을 이용한 그린시트 측정알고리즘 개발)

  • Pyo, C.R.;Yang, S.M.;Kang, S.H.;Yoon, S.M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is the development of measurement algorithm for green-sheet based on the digital image processing technique. The Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) technology can be defined as a way to produce multilayer circuits with the help of single tapes, which are used to apply conductive, dielectric and / or resistive pastes on. These single green-sheets have to be laminated together and fired in one step all. Main functionality of the green-sheet film measurement algorithm is to measure the position and size of the punching hole in each single layer. The line scan camera coupled with motorized X-Y stage is used for developing the algorithm. In order to measure the entire film area using several scanning steps, the overlapping method is used. In the process of development of the algorithm based on the image processing and analysis, strong background technology and know-how have been accumulated.

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Decoupled Location Parameter Estimation of 3-D Near-Field Sources in a Uniform Circular Array using the Rank Reduction Algorithm

  • Jung, Tae-Jin;Kwon, Bum-Soo;Lee, Kyun-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2011
  • An algorithm is presented for estimating the 3-D location (i.e., azimuth angle, elevation angle, and range) of multiple sources with a uniform circular array (UCA) consisting of an even number of sensors. Recently the rank reduction (RARE) algorithm for partly-calibrated sensor arrays was developed. This algorithm is applicable to sensor arrays consisting of several identically oriented and calibrated linear subarrays. Assuming that a UCA consists of M sensors, it can be divided into M/2 identical linear subarrays composed of two facing sensors. Based on the structure of the subarrays, the steering vectors are decomposed into two parts: range-independent 2-D direction-of-arrival (DOA) parameters, and range-relevant 3-D location parameters. Using this property we can estimate range-independent 2-D DOAs by using the RARE algorithm. Once the 2-D DOAs are available, range estimation can be obtained for each source by defining the 1-D MUSIC spectrum. Despite its low computational complexity, the proposed algorithm can provide an estimation performance almost comparable to that of the 3-D MUSIC benchmark estimator.

Experimental Verification on Corrective Machining Algorithm of Hydrostatic Table (유정압테이블 수정가공 알고리즘의 실험적 검증)

  • Park, Chun-Hong;Lee, Chan-Hong;Lee, Hu-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2002
  • Effectiveness of corrective machining algorithm is verified experimentally in this paper by performing corrective machina work practically to single side and double sides hydrostatic tables. Lapping is applied as machining method. Machining information is calculated from measured motion errors by applying the algorithm, without information on rail profile. It is possible to acquire 0.13$\mu$m of linear motion error, 1.40arcsec of angular motion error in the case of single side table, and 0.07$\mu$m of linear motion error, 1.42arcsec of angular motion error in the case of double sides table. The experiment is performed by an unskilled person after he experienced a little of preliminary machining training. Experimental results show that corrective machining algorithm is very effective, and anyone can improve the accuracy of hydrostatic table by using the algorithm.

A Study on the Reliability Comparison of Median Frequency and Spike Parameter and the Improved Spike Detection Algorithm for the Muscle Fatigue Measurement (근피로도 측정을 위한 중간 주파수와 Spike 파라미터의 신뢰도 비교 및 향상된 Spike 검출 알고리듬에 관한 연구)

  • 이성주;홍기룡;이태우;이상훈;김성환
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2004
  • This study proposed an improved spike detection algorithm which automatically detects suitable spike threshold on the amplitude of surface electromyography(SEMG) signal during isometric contraction. The EMG data from the low back muscles was obtained in six channels and the proposed signal processing algorithm is compared with the median frequency and Gabriel's spike parameter. As a result, the reliability of spike parameter was inferior to the median frequency. This fact indicates that a spike parameter is inadequate for analysis of multi-channel EMG signal. Because of uncertainty of fixed spike threshold, the improved spike detection algorithm was proposed. It automatically detects suitable spike threshold depending on the amplitude of the EMG signal, and the proposed algorithm was able to detect optimal threshold based on mCFAR(modified Constant False Alarm Rate) in the every EMG channel. In conclusion, from the reliability points of view, neither median frequency nor existing spike detection algorithm was superior to the proposed method.