• Title/Summary/Keyword: Living Characteristics

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Factors Affecting Loneliness in Community Dwelling Korean Elders (노인 외로움의 영향요인 분석 - 지역사회 거주 노인을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Jun-Ah;Jang, Sung-Ok;Lim, Yeo-Jin;Lee, Sook-Ja;Kim, Soon-Yong;Seol, Geun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate the relationship of family function, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and general characteristics to loneliness in community dwelling Korean elders and identify factors affecting loneliness. Method: With a cross-sectional causal-relationship design and a convenience sample, 205 elders residing in three districts of the city of Seoul, S. Korea were recruited. Participants were assessed using the Family APGAR Score, Self-Esteem Scale, Life-Satisfaction Scale, and Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. Results: The mean score for degree of loneliness (Mean=39.61, SD=10.09) was just below the mean for the scale (Possible range 20-80). Loneliness had significant negative correlations with family function (r= -.400, p<.001), self-esteem (r= -.399, p<.001), and life satisfaction (r= -.644, p<.001). Other general characteristics that had significant or nearly significant relationships with loneliness were perceived current financial and health status, whether doing any exercise or physical activities, degree of close relationship with family members, and length of living in current residence. Among variables, life satisfaction (Standardized ${\beta}\;=\;-.589$, p<.001) and length of living in current residence (Standardized ${\beta}\;=\;-.136$, p<.05) significantly predicted degree of loneliness. Conclusion: Findings of this study allow a comprehensive understanding of loneliness and related factors among community dwelling elders in Korea. However, further studies with a larger random sample from various living environments are necessary.

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Analysis of Sub-Behaviors according to Elderly Resident's Level of Independence for Performing the Behaviors at Home (주거공간에서의 고령자 행위별 자립도에 따른 세부행위 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh-Jung;Kim, Dongsook;Lee, Yongmin
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2016
  • This study specifies daily behaviors that elderly residents perform in their living space and verifies the behaviors that they have difficulties in performing. The study categorized elderly people according to the level of difficulties they have when performing household activities (independence of behavior performance) and verified characteristics of the sub-behaviors and the level of difficulties of performing them in each type. For this purpose, the study conducted observation investigation on the behavior of elderly people by directly visiting houses of 52 elderly people over the age of 65. The characteristics of sub-behavior were also examined through photograph shooting and in-depth interview. In this study, behaviors of elderly people inside living space were categorized into the following nine behaviors. The study investigated the difficulties of performing these sub-behaviors according to the elderly people's level of independence by each behavior. Analyzing the difficulties of sub-behaviors according to the independence level, elderly people felt more structural problems and inconvenience in using facilities when they have lower independence level. Moving from independence to dependence, their performance of behaviors gradually became difficult, making them inevitable to use tools. At last, they came to need caregiver's help. For continuous sustenance of elderly people's independent living inside house, policy measures are required that can address the difficulties of sub-behaviors that are observed in a series of process of one's becoming dependent from independent in this study.

Daily Life Perspectives on Living Arrangements of the Elderly after the Modernization Era (근대 이후 노인의 생활과 생활공간 변화에 대한 일상사적 고찰)

  • Hong, Hyung-Ock;Jun, Nam-Il;Yang, Se-Hwa;Eun, Nan-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2006
  • The study analyzed the characteristics of the daily life and the living arrangements use of the elderly with literature review after the modernization period based on the daily life perspectives. The changes in the ideology, social system, and family system, which influenced the society and families, also affected the status of the elderly and their daily lives. Consequently, they had been facing conflicts, acceptance, and internal differentiations. The characteristics of the changes in the daily lives of the elderly in different periods were as follows. The contents were written from three different perspectives, phenomenological, symbolic interaction, and Marxist. During the modernization period, the family system and the hierarchy within a family had been reformed. However, the elderly were still considered as the symbolic leader and the respected figure of the family. From a phenomenological perspective, elderlies teach the next generations and influence the family's lives. On the other hand, from a perspective of symbolic interactions, spatial adjustment behaviors toward the largest room between the elderly and the next generation were detected. The actual authority was given to the next generation. However, the elderly were still treated as the symbolic authority. Yet, as the society became more industrialized, conflicts aroused about the support of the elderly. Those, who were neglected from the family, even spent their daily time at the elderly center or the community center. The daily lives from the Marxist perspectives suggested that modernization caused the young generations, who were well-educated and had financial powers, to have initiatives. The role of the elderly was reduced and they became negligible people, who spend meaningless daily lives. The interested the Third Ages is a new perspective on the elderly, who were neglected from the industrialized society. From a phenomenological perspective, the Third Ages are the generations that seek and demand for new housing.

The Relation between the Problem Solving Ability and Clinical Practice Satisfaction of Dental Hygiene Students (일부 치위생과 학생의 문제해결능력과 임상실습만족도와의 관계)

  • So, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Myung-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study was carried out to provide basic materials to draw up measures for courses operation and effective clinical practice operation for the cultivation of future effective problem solving ability by identifying the relationship between problem solving ability and clinical practice satisfaction of dental hygiene students. Methods: This study targeted 215 dental hygiene students from 3 universities located in Gyeonggi-do from November 30 to December 4, 2015. We analyzed the data with frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test. One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, Regression analysis by using SPSS. Results: Clinical practice satisfaction between grades according to the general characteristics of the study subjects was analyzed and as a result, clinical practice satisfaction showed a significant difference depending on grade (t=-2.355, p=.019), major satisfaction(F=9.548, p=.000), health status(F=4.909, p=.008). The problem solving ability according to the general characteristics of the study subjects was compared and as a result, the problem solving ability score of students 'living apart from their family or living in lodgings' was found to be higher than that of students 'living with their family' (p=.023) and the problem solving ability of students who answered 'satisfied' with their major was higher than that of students who answered 'moderate' (p=.000). As the problem solving ability and major satisfaction are higher and health status is better, clinical practice satisfaction showed higher results (p<.01). Conclusions: The above results showed a correlation between the problem solving ability and clinical practice satisfaction of dental hygiene students and clinical practice satisfaction showed higher scores as the problem solving ability level was higher. Therefore, efforts to enhance dental hygiene students' clinical practice satisfaction are considered necessary by developing and providing a program to strengthen students' problem solving ability.

A Study on the Hierarchy and Relationship in Spatial Configuration of Nursing Homes for the Elderly (노인요양시설의 공간구조적 위계 및 연결관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Kyoung;Oh, Chan-Ohk;Kim, Suk-Tae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2011
  • As the elderly population are rapidly growing, the elderly who needs special care and nursing homes for them are also growing. However, many nursing homes were planned without considering the hierarchial space organization such as division of housing unit and nursing unit based on the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of the elderly or accessibility and supportiveness of the staff. This study was to examine the hierarchial characteristics in space organization of nursing homes by using Space Syntax. The subjects were 8 nursing homes in Busan. First, spaces in nursing homes were divided into five areas based on the literature review. Then the hierarchy of space organization for the access layer and layers of living floors was grasped by using G-graph. The access layer has a tree-type hierarchical structure and high visuality. Also, average depth of the space was 5. Then the full integration was analyzed. Mobile area, such as elevator, hallways, or living rooms has a high accessibility and the middle corridor type has commonly been characterized. The nursing stations were analyzed through the control degree and it was low in three nursing homes such as B, C, and G. The low clarity was showed in B, D, and F. The low clarity means that it is relatively difficult to recognize the whole space organization of nursing home. Even though the hierarchy of their living floors was tree-type structure with a high visuality, they has a type of grouping spaces around hallways and spreading, or a ring type.

A Study on the Characteristics of Residential Space Use and Furniture Arrangements according to Child Age - With Priority Given to One-child Double-income Families in 3 Bed-room Apartments - (자녀 연령에 따른 주거공간의 사용 및 가구배치 특성에 관한 연구 - 3침실형 아파트에 거주하는 1자녀 맞벌이 가정을 중심으로 -)

  • Chong, Kyong-Suk;Kang, Hye-Yoen;Lee, Eunjoo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2016
  • Currently, there is a gradual increase in double-income households in our country, and one-child families gradually become the norm as well due to a decrease in the birth rate. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of spatial use and furniture arrangements in the residential spaces of one-child double-income households in an effort to be of use for spatial planning suitable for their living. 30 cases of double-income households whose children's ages ranged from infancy to secondary school years were visited to have in-depth interviews and make on-site inspections. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the most common spatial use pattern for three bedrooms was using one for the parents, another for their child and the third for personal computers and clothing storage. It signified that the parents and their child used one room respectively, and that there were personal computers and clothing in the third room. Second, as for the pattern of using the rooms according to furniture arrangements, there were great disparities in that regard according to child age. It implies that there were differences in their living and needs for furniture arrangements according to their children's growth. The findings of the study made it possible to determine the state of living in the double-income households in detail, and suggest that differentiated house planning is required depending on children's age groups.

The Characteristics of Combustion for Living Leaves in Quercus variabilis with Monthly Seasonal Variations (굴참나무 생엽의 월별 연소특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Ju;Oh, Jin-Youl;Lee, Si-Young;Lee, Hae-Pyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we have examined the monthly combustion characteristics of Quercus variabilis, a representing Quercus Spp. in Korea, using its living leaves over the period of from June to October. As a result, we were able to identify that their moisture content was about 114%~155%. The leaves of Quercus variabilis collected in October showed the lowest moisture content and nonflaming ignition temperature. The leaves of July showed the fastest flaming ignition time of 27s while those from September showed the longest persistence of flame with 105s, and also showed the highest total heat release amount. There was a noticeable difference in each month of the above period regarding total heat release amount and total smoke release amount with a gradual increase from June to October. The maximum smoke density was a bit higher in October leaves but there was no significant monthly difference. In addition, July leaves were shown to reach the maximum value in the shortest time of 795s.

Household Characteristics and Housing Deficits of Low-Income Renter Households in Housing Poverty: Focused on the 2014 Korea Housing Survey (주거빈곤 저소득 임차가구의 특성 및 주거문제: 2014년도 주거실태조사를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jeong
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2016
  • This study explored the characteristics, housing deficits and expectations for support programs of low-income renter households in housing poverty in order to provide housing policy development and improvement information. Microdata of the 2014 Korea Housing Survey was utilized as secondary data for this study. A total of 2,508,672 low-income renter households (weighted count) in the bottom 40% income ranks of entire general households living in private rental units were selected as study subjects. The major findings were as follows. (1) One point four percent of the subjects were living in non-house living quarters (e.g., shanties, vinyl greenhouses, container houses, and mud huts), 1.4% were in dosshouses, 9.9% were in basements, semi-basements or rooftop units, and 8.2% were in sub-standard units. (2) Among the households whose housing costs burdens were measurable, 75.7% were found to have housing cost burdens to pay 30% or more of their household income towards housing costs (rental costs and maintenance costs), but only 7.5% of the burdened households received a housing voucher. (3) Eighty-one percent were found to be in a housing poverty status as defined by the researcher; in addition, low-income renter households in housing poverty in Seoul tended to have a greater proportion of households headed by females, the elderly, and be persons with low-education or disabilities. (4) Households in housing poverty showed greater expectations for financial support and/or extended provisions of public rental housing than other low-income renter households.