• Title/Summary/Keyword: Light color

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A Study on Image Evaluation consequent on Lighting Environment in time of reading in Learning Space (학습공간에서의 독서 행위 시 조명환경에 따른 이미지평가 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Sook;Park, Ji-Young;Seo, Eun-Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study is to deduce color temperature and illuminance by conducting the preference & affective evaluation consequent on illuminance change of ambient light in case of the lighting method of ambient light mixed with task light in time of reading which is visual work action among the action in learning space. As a result of the prior survey on preferred lighting method in time of the act of reading targeting 20 experts before doing evaluation, the method of lighting mixed with ambient light and task light was found to be the highest. Such a result is analyzed to be attributable to the fact that the less the difference in illuminance of nearby space and work surface because of the mixed method of lighting, the less the glare, which makes a reader feels easy and concentrate on reading. On the basis of descriptive statistics of evaluation results and impact analysis by category, this study recommends the application of combinations of ambient light illuminance ranging from 40lx to 100lx with color temperature of 5500~6000K in case of the method of lighting mixed with general light and task light.

Structural Design of Facial Contact Parts in Computerized Tongue Diagnosis System to Block Out External Light (외부광 차단을 위한 설진기 안면접촉부 설계)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Nam, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The aim of this study is to design a part in contact with the face of computerized tongue diagnosis system (CTDS), so that external light is effectively shielded even if the facial appearance and degree of protrusion differ when a patient opens or closes his/her jaws. Methods Each of the 4 researchers manually produced clay models of the part in contact with the face of CTDS. Shielding and contact feeling of the clay models were evaluated by 20 assessors. Based on the evaluation, we selected the appropriate model and produced the final silicon model. Then we evaluated the performance of the shielding of the completed silicon model. We took tongue pictures of 60 participants with a CTDS applying the silicon model in condition with external light and without it. The color values in RGB color model and gray scale of the tongue pictures in condition with external light were compared with those without external light. Results There was no significant difference between the color values of the picture taken in condition with external light and those without external light. Conclusions We concluded that the produced part in contact with the face of CTDS can effectively block out the external light.

The Image and Color Characteristic of Fashion Tinged with Beige (현대패션에서 나타난 베이지의 색채특성과 배색이미지)

  • Seo, In-Kyung;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2012
  • This study was done to define the color range, images and color characteristics of beige in fashion by analyzing the characteristics of beige that appears in contemporary fashion. In reference research, the general characteristics, the color name and range of beige was examined. In investigation research, color characteristics and images of beige that appear in contemporary fashion was defined, and it was discovered that the cases that the use of beige took more than 50% of the entire in the major collection from S/S season in 2007 to F/W season in 2010 as the subject of color analysis. The result of the study could be summarized as follows: First, the color range of beige consisted of the standard color from 2.5YR to 5YR, and color tone was pale and light gray. Second, the analysis of color beige that appear in contemporary fashion didn't show big differences according to year, season, and region. The color tones consisted of light grayish, pale, light, soft focusing colors from 5YR to 10YR. As for the arrangement of colors, it was arranged with black and it was used with the affiliation of YR, R, Y in many cases. Third, beige monochromatic image appeared soft, plain and classic. The arrangement of the image, modern, feminine, luxurious, gentle, intelligent five types were derived. Arrangements with achromatic colors were expressed in contemporary and sophisticated styles and arrangements with chromatic colors appeared to be soft, feminine and luxurious. This study draws the result to apply the fashion image of beige that was insufficient in other various color researches to design various color aspects by defining the image of beige that appears in contemporary fashion. Based on practical analysis for the color beige, it is evident that beige is an important factor and a powerful influence on fashion images.

A Study on the Change of EEG for the Writing Task When CCT is Changed (색온도에 따른 글씨쓰기 과제수행과 뇌파의 변화)

  • Park, Yun-Hee;Yang, Yeong-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.757-762
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    • 2015
  • This paper examine how CCT affected to writing task performance and EEG through 24 elementary students from in July to September, 2014. The study analyzed EEG that was changed in a task performance under an orange color light and a white color light in a laboratory for stabilization and relaxation. The study results showed that an alpha wave, beta wave, high-beta wave were high under the white color light. The task performance time, however, showed significant fast performance under the orange color light. Although pre-existing low CCT has been considered as typical type for stabilization and relaxation, this study provides that the various applications in the elements of cognition, tasks, and types can affect improvement of task performance and occupation ability.

Optimized Optical Design of LCD Color-matching BLU Using an RGB Light Source (RGB 광원을 사용한 고효율 LCD Color-matching BLU의 광학적 설계)

  • Jeon, Hwa Jun;Gwag, Jin Seok;Kwon, Jin Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 2019
  • An LCD backlight unit (BLU) using RGB light sources is designed and simulated, in order to improve its optical energy efficiency. A color-matching BLU is designed with a lenticular lens array (LLA) with elements that image the linear RGB light sources onto the RGB subpixels of the color filter. Type-A and Type-B simulations are performed, according to the location of the light sources. As a result, the luminance increases to 210% in Type-A and 270% in Type-B respectively. The optimum values for the height and the gap of the LLA for maximum efficiency are found to be $25{\mu}m$ and $3{\mu}m$ respectively.

Combination Dyeing of Juniperus Chinensis Heartwood and Alnus Japonica Heartwood Extracts

  • Sa, A-Na;Lee, Jung Soon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine improvements in dye uptake, expression of various colors, and color fastness when washed or exposed to light. We examined these improvements by doing the combination dyeing of Juniperus chinensis heartwood and Alnus japonica heartwood extracts. In this study, two combination dyeing methods were used. One-bath dyeing involves combining Juniperus chinensis heartwood extract and Alnus japonica heartwood extract. Two-bath dyeing involves dyeing by sequence, which means that we dyed the Juniperus chinensis heartwood extract first and then dyed Alnus japonica heartwood extract sequentially (or in the opposite order). In terms of improving dye uptake, two-bath dyeing was more effective than one-bath dyeing. For cotton, dyeing Juniperus chinensis heartwood extract first and then dyeing Alnus japonica heartwood extract sequentially showed higher dye uptake in the two-bath method, while for silk, there wasn't much difference in the dyeing order. Through combination dyeing, red-violet color from Juniperus chinensis heartwood and brown color from Alnus japonica heartwood made various Y, YR, R series of color as a result. Moreover, combination dyeing improved fabric's fastness when washed or exposed to light. In the case of cotton, fabric dyed using two-bath dyeing, with Juniperus chinensis heartwood extract being the first dye, showed improvement in fastness to washing and light. And in the case of silk, fastness to washing and light improved regardless of dyeing order in two-bath dyeing.

A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Broadcasting Shooting Halogen Lights and LED Lights (방송 촬영용 할로겐 조명과 LED 조명의 성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jang-Weon;Han, Seok-Woo;Im, Ji-Won
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2011
  • In this study, two types of LED spot light with the development of the current broadcast studio-light is installed in the space being used in many products, companies in the UK Arri-650W, 1000W Fresnel spot light and illumination, color temperature and color rendering comparison of data measured compared with the target of the shooting and the color rendition on images was measured by comparing the color. In the future, broadcast - shooting LED spot light replacing whether the available studies on the performance evaluation were analyzed. Experimental evaluation of a replacement for halogen lights in LED Spot light is potential was confirmed.

The Effect of the Contrast Color Coordination of Clothing and Makeup on Image Formation (의복과 메이크업의 대비색상 코디네이션이 이미지에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.30-44
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of eyeshadow color(brown, purple), lipstick color(red, red purple, and yellow red), and lipstick tone(vivid, light, dull, and dark), clothing tone(vivid, light, dull, and dark) on image formation. Sets of stimulus and response scales(7 point semantic) were used as experimental materials. The stimuli were 64 color pictures manipulated with the combination of eyeshadow color, lipstick color, lipstick tone, and clothing tone using computer simulation. The subjects were 384 female undergraduates living in Gyeongnam-do. Image factor of the stimulus was composed of 4 different components (attractiveness, visibility, gracefulness, and tenderness). In the 4 image components, eyeshadow color and clothing tone showed independent effect. Lipstick tone influenced independently on the visibility and tenderness. In the contrast color coordination of clothing and makeup, visibility image by the coordination of lipstick color with lipstick tone, lipstick color with clothing tone or lipstick tone with clothing tone, gracefulness image by the coordination of eyeshadow color with lipstick color, tenderness image can be produced by the coordination of eyeshadow color with lipstick color, eyeshadow color with lipstick tone or eyeshadow color with clothing tone.

Design and Implementation of an LED Mood Lighting System Using Personalized Color Sequence Generation

  • Jeong, Gu-Min;Yeo, Jong-Yun;Won, Dong Mook;Bae, Sung-Han;Park, Kyung-Joon
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.3182-3196
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present a new LED (Light Emitting Diode) mood lighting system interacting with smartphones based on the generation of different light sequences. In the proposed system, one light sequence is considered to be one unit of the service contents, which is then transmitted through a network and played in an LED lighting system. To this end, we propose a novel generation scheme using a smartphone, and a decoding/playing mechanism in an LED lighting system. The lighting sequences have a fixed period divided into predefined time units. Two modes - basic and interpolation - are supported in each time unit when playing a color sequence. In the basic mode, the color is maintained for the entire time unit, whereas in the interpolation mode the color is interpolated. The sequence is decoded and played in the lighting circuit by changing the duty cycle of a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal. A demonstration system of the overall proposed method was using smartphones, a server and an LED lighting system. The results from this experiment show the validity and applicability of the proposed scheme.

Single Image-based Enhancement Techniques for Underwater Optical Imaging

  • Kim, Do Gyun;Kim, Soo Mee
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.442-453
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    • 2020
  • Underwater color images suffer from low visibility and color cast effects caused by light attenuation by water and floating particles. This study applied single image enhancement techniques to enhance the quality of underwater images and compared their performance with real underwater images taken in Korean waters. Dark channel prior (DCP), gradient transform, image fusion, and generative adversarial networks (GAN), such as cycleGAN and underwater GAN (UGAN), were considered for single image enhancement. Their performance was evaluated in terms of underwater image quality measure, underwater color image quality evaluation, gray-world assumption, and blur metric. The DCP saturated the underwater images to a specific greenish or bluish color tone and reduced the brightness of the background signal. The gradient transform method with two transmission maps were sensitive to the light source and highlighted the region exposed to light. Although image fusion enabled reasonable color correction, the object details were lost due to the last fusion step. CycleGAN corrected overall color tone relatively well but generated artifacts in the background. UGAN showed good visual quality and obtained the highest scores against all figures of merit (FOMs) by compensating for the colors and visibility compared to the other single enhancement methods.