• Title/Summary/Keyword: Lifecycle model

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A Study on Admissibility Framework for Establishing Trust in Digital Records : Focused on the Development of the Trustworthiness Model for Public Digital Records (전자기록의 신뢰가치 확립을 위한 증거능력 구현체계 연구 우리나라 공공 전자기록의 신뢰가치 모델 개발을 중심으로)

  • Hyun, Moonsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.73
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to develop the trustworthiness model for public digital records, as an admissibility framework for establishing trust. The trustworthiness model is deemed to used to identify the qualities of the digital records in their lifecycle, including the identity that could be identified at the time of the creation, integrity obtained from the chain-of-custodial management, the evidence of relationship between business activities and records, and the technical or cognitive accessibility. Based on the analysis of the QADEP model, it was decided to develop a model that could measure the trustworthiness of public digital records in the external measurement type, which are authenticity, reliability, and usability. In line with this direction, the model expanded measurement areas and indicators of the QADEP model through the analysis of ISO 16175-1:2020, and measuring metrics was also proposed so that it could be a measuring instrument for public digital records in Korea, after analysing NAK 19-3. It would be useful to expand the model and to test the approach of the trustworthiness model for public digital records.

Fatigue life prediction based on Bayesian approach to incorporate field data into probability model

  • An, Dawn;Choi, Joo-Ho;Kim, Nam H.;Pattabhiraman, Sriram
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.427-442
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    • 2011
  • In fatigue life design of mechanical components, uncertainties arising from materials and manufacturing processes should be taken into account for ensuring reliability. A common practice is to apply a safety factor in conjunction with a physics model for evaluating the lifecycle, which most likely relies on the designer's experience. Due to conservative design, predictions are often in disagreement with field observations, which makes it difficult to schedule maintenance. In this paper, the Bayesian technique, which incorporates the field failure data into prior knowledge, is used to obtain a more dependable prediction of fatigue life. The effects of prior knowledge, noise in data, and bias in measurements on the distribution of fatigue life are discussed in detail. By assuming a distribution type of fatigue life, its parameters are identified first, followed by estimating the distribution of fatigue life, which represents the degree of belief of the fatigue life conditional to the observed data. As more data are provided, the values will be updated to reduce the credible interval. The results can be used in various needs such as a risk analysis, reliability based design optimization, maintenance scheduling, or validation of reliability analysis codes. In order to obtain the posterior distribution, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique is employed, which is a modern statistical computational method which effectively draws the samples of the given distribution. Field data of turbine components are exploited to illustrate our approach, which counts as a regular inspection of the number of failed blades in a turbine disk.

An User-driven Service Creation Architecture in Consumer Networking Environments (소비자 네트워킹 환경에서의 사용자 주도 서비스의 효율적 생성)

  • Jung, Yuchul;Kim, Jin-Young;Lee, Hyejin;Kim, Kwang-Young;Suh, Dongjun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2016
  • In a Web 2.0 context, users are exposed to numerous smart devices and services that allow real-time interaction between users (or consumers) and developers (or producers). For the provisioning of new user-created services based on user's context, the data management of service creation experiences becomes a non-trivial task. This article introduces a data model for service creation and then proposes a service creation management architecture which enables new service creation using the data model, the management of the service creation data, and the semantic service discovery across internal/external service repositories. The article also explains the use of the proposed architecture with two different scenarios: home and mobile environments. The proposed architecture for service creation data management offers consistent and seamless handling of the service creation data throughout its usage lifecycle.

Process Management Systems for Integrated Real-Time Shop Operations in Heterogeneous Multi-Cell Based Flexible Manufacturing Environment (이기종 멀티 셀 유연생산환경에서의 실시간 통합운용을 위한 공정관리 체계)

  • Yoon, Joo-Sung;Nam, Sung-Ho;Baek, Jae-Yong;Kwon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Dong-Ho;Lee, Seok-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2013
  • As the product lifecycle is getting shorter and various models should be released to respond to the needs of customers and markets, automation-based flexible production line has been recognized as the core competitiveness. According to these trends, system vendors supply cell-level systems such as FMC(Flexible Manufacturing Cell) that is integration of core functions of FMS(Flexible Manufacturing System) and RMC(Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell) that can easily extend components of FMC. In the cell-based environment, flexible management for shop floor composed of existing job shop, FMCs and RMCs from various system vendors has emerged as an important issue. However, there could be some problems on integrated operation between heterogeneous cells to use vendor-specific cell controllers and on seamless information flow with high level systems such as ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning). In this context, this paper proposes process management systems supporting integrated shop operation of heterogeneous multi-cell based flexible manufacturing environment: First of all, (1) Integrated Shop Operation System to apply the process management system is introduced, and (2) Multi-Layer BOP(Bill-Of-Process) model, a backbone of the process management system, is derived with its data structure. Finally, application of the proposed model is illustrated through system implementation results.

Framework of Ship PLM System Based Upon Four-Tier Model (4-계층 모델 기반의 선박 수명주기관리 시스템 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jang-Hyun;Lee, Kyung-Ho;Suh, Heung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.362-374
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    • 2010
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is an integrated business approach to manage the creation and distribution of product information throughout the product development process. From the product perspective, PLM encompasses a holistic approach to product development and product information management. It supports the integrated product information in conjunction with the efficient product structures and BOM (Bill Of Material), user interfaces, proper functions, design processes and enterprise integration. Therefore, PLM should not only satisfy required functions as an enterprise software but also offer a systematic method for the efficient application from the initial stage of its development. Recently, many shipyards have been considering the PLM as a strategic solution to get the efficient management of product information such as 3-D models, BOM, drawings, documents, and the other product data. Though many studies on PLM are performed, most of them are performed in a function-based approach adequate for mass productive assembly industries. It could not help having limitations on applying the proper PLM system to the shipbuilding business since the requirements of shipbuilding PLM are too diverse and huge to design the architecture. This study presents the PLM framework which effectively reflects the diverse requirements of shipbuilding PLM. In order to get the macroscopic architecture of shipbuilding PLM, authors suggest the four-tier architecture model which considers the various requirements collected from shipyards. Entities of ship design data are modeled BOM in terms of product structure and hierarchical class diagram. Applicable functions of shipbuilding PLM are also investigated by analysis of issues of ship design. Finally, by reflecting the design process of shipbuilding, To-Be ship design procedure cooperated with the suggested PLM framework has been summarized.

Development of an Editor for Reference Data Library Based on ISO 15926 (ISO 15926 기반의 참조 데이터 라이브러리 편집기의 개발)

  • Jeon, Youngjun;Byon, Su-Jin;Mun, Duhwan
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.390-401
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    • 2014
  • ISO 15926 is an international standard for integration of lifecycle data for process plants including oil and gas facilities. From the viewpoint of information modeling, ISO 15926 Parts 2 provides the general data model that is designed to be used in conjunction with reference data. Reference data are standard instances that represent classes, objects, properties, and templates common to a number of users, process plants, or both. ISO 15926 Parts 4 and 7 provide the initial set of classes, objects, properties and the initial set of templates, respectively. User-defined reference data specific to companies or organizations are defined by inheriting from the initial reference data and the initial set of templates. In order to support the extension of reference data and templates, an editor that provides creation, deletion and modification functions of user-defined reference data is needed. In this study, an editor for reference data based on ISO 15926 was developed. Sample reference data were encoded in OWL (web ontology language) according to the specification of ISO 15926 Part 8. iRINGTools and dot15926Editor were benchmarked for the design of GUI (graphical user interface). Reference data search, creation, modification, and deletion functions were implemented with XML (extensible markup language) DOM (document object model), and SPARQL (SPARQL protocol and RDF query language).

Improving Estimation Ability of Software Development Effort Using Principle Component Analysis (주성분분석을 이용한 소프트웨어 개발노력 추정능력 향상)

  • Lee, Sang-Un
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.1
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2002
  • Putnam develops SLIM (Software LIfecycle Management) model based upon the assumption that the manpower utilization during software project development is followed by a Rayleigh distribution. To obtain the manpower distribution, we have to be estimate the total development effort and difficulty ratio parameter. We need a way to accurately estimate these parameters early in the requirements and specification phase before investment decisions have to be made. Statistical tests show that system attributes are highly correlation (redundant) so that Putnam discards one and get a parameter estimator from the other attributes. But, different statistical method has different system attributes and presents different performance. To select the principle system attributes, this paper uses the principle component analysis (PCA) instead of Putnam's method. The PCA's results improve a 9.85 percent performance more than the Putnam's result. Also, this model seems to be simple and easily realize.

New shipyard layout design for the preliminary phase & case study for the green field project

  • Song, Young Joo;Woo, Jong Hun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.132-146
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    • 2013
  • For several decades, Asian nations such as Korea, Japan and China have been leading the shipbuilding industry since the decline in Europe and America. However, several developing countries such as India, Brazil, etc. are going to make an entrance into the shipbuilding industry. These developing countries are finding technical partners or information providers because they are in situation of little experiences and technologies. Now, the shipbuilding engineering companies of shipbuilding advanced countries are getting a chance of engineering business against those developing countries. The starting point of this business model is green field project for the construction of new shipyard. This business model is started with a design of the shipyard layout. For the conducting of the shipyard layout design, four kinds of engineering parts are required. Those are civil engineering, building engineering, utility engineering and production layout engineering. Among these parts, production layout engineering is most important because its result is the foundation of the other engineering parts and it determines the shipyard capacity during the shipyard operation lifecycle. Previous researches about the shipyard layout design are out of the range from the business requirements because most research cases are in the tower of ivory, which means that there are little consideration of real ship and shipbuilding operation. In this paper, a shipyard layout design for preliminary phase is conducted for the target of newly planned shipyard at Venezuela of South America with an integrated method that is capable of dealing with actual master data from the shipyard. The layout design method of this paper is differentiated from the previous researches in that the actual product data from the target ship and the actual shipbuilding operation data are used for the required area estimation.

Design and Verification of Connected Data Architecture Concept employing DataLake Framework over Abyss Storage Cluster (Abyss Storage Cluster 기반 DataLake Framework의 Connected Data Architecture 개념 설계 및 검증)

  • Cha, ByungRae;Cha, Yun-Seok;Park, Sun;Shin, Byeong-Chun;Kim, JongWon
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2018
  • With many types of data generated in the shift of business environment as a result of growth of an organization or enterprise, there is a need to improve the data-processing efficiency in smarter means with a single domain model such as Data Lake. In particular, creating a logical single domain model from physical partitioned multi-site data by the finite resources of nature and shared economy is very important in terms of efficient operation of computing resources. Based on the advantages of the existing Data Lake framework, we define the CDA-Concept (connected data architecture concept) and functions of Data Lake Framework over Abyss Storage for integrating multiple sites in various application domains and managing the data lifecycle. Also, it performs the interface design and validation verification for Interface #2 & #3 of the connected data architecture-concept.

An Object-Oriented Design Framework for Developing Product-Service Systems (제품-서비스 시스템 개발을 위한 객체 지향 설계 프레임워크 개발)

  • Oh, Hyung Sool;Moon, Seung Ki
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2015
  • Trends of integrating products and services lead to the emergence of Product-Service System (PSS). To implement and embody a PSS solution in new product development, a comprehensive design framework is allowed designers to facilitate the design factors of the PSS in complex business environments. A physical product, containing functionalities for services, is the role of medium between customers and a manufactures. Customers can access those metaphysical interfaces to utilize the product fully or expand its performances. The PSS is aiming to prolong its lifecycle while maintaining its expected quality. Since the quality can be represented as a measure which belongs to user's perspective, guaranteeing certain level of quality can be interpreted to sustaining customer satisfaction. The objective of this paper is to propose a PSS design framework to identify design factors for developing products and services by integrating object-oriented concepts and blueprinting in context of a business ecosystem. The proposed model is developed based on relationship products and services matching with their design factors. The products and the services are then brought together to form a PSS. Functions and processes can be categorized to identify the design factors in different levels using the object-oriented concepts. Objected-oriented concepts provide PSS analysis tools for describing a business process or a workflow process in the PSS. The blueprint is used to identify the relationships between the products functions and the service processes that are offered as part of a job. To demonstrate of the effectiveness of the proposed model, we use a case study involving a smart phone.