• 제목/요약/키워드: Life Workers

검색결과 1,082건 처리시간 0.027초

Development of Wholistic Hospice Nursing Intervention Program for In-patient of Hospice Palliative Care Unit (병동형 호스피스 대상자를 위한 전인적 호스피스 간호중재 프로그램의 개발)

  • Kang, Eun-Sil;Choi, Sung-Eun;Kang, Sung-Nyun
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2007
  • People in the end of life and their families suffer in their physical disease and other aspects as a whole person. They need hospice care to palliate their total suffering in physical, emotional, social and also spiritual aspect through professional hospice team. To care their whole personal needs, hospice team must be a multi-discipline team which consists of medical doctors, nurses, social workers, pastors and volunteers. Recently those who die in hospice palliative care unit have trend to increase more than in home year by year. So it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention program to be performed by multi-discipline team approach for in-patient of hospice palliative care unit. The purposes of this study were to develop of wholistic hospice nursing intervention program for inpatient of hospice palliative care unit. The subjects of study were collected from 30 patients those who were over 18 years old and admitted in hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The period of data collection was from December 15, 2003 to March 15, 2004. The result were as follows : 1. The result of Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program's development was as follow : A Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program was developed by me in this study is one of the service program for hospice palliative care unit. It was named as ‘Rainbow Program’ to be approached easily by hospice patients. The purposes of it are to improve the quality of life of the terminal patients with their dignity, to help them live in abundant and meaningful in their lives, to care them in peaceful in dying process with understanding them in whole personal, and also to palliate the grief and suffering of the bereaved. It was provided by hospice professionals(nurses, medical doctors, social worker, pastors, art therapists) and volunteers those who were educated in hospice for multi-diciplinary team approach to collaborate with each role play I 20-30 minuters of each through visiting their rooms individually and a place of hospice palliative care unit of S hospital in P city. The subjects of it were the terminal patients those who admitted hospice palliative care unit and their familes. with agreement in hospice palliative care in their terminal disease. The characteristics of it were multi-disciplinary team approach, whole personal care, individual care and total care according to their needs in their condition. The contents of it were pain control, symptom control, counseling patient, counseling family, hair cutting, hair shampooing, bed bath, recreation, taking a walk, event of culture(screen, recital, festival of praises, exhibition and so on), pastoral counseling, ritual service in bed, praying, service in bed, sing a worship praise, listening to the music, sharing remembrance of life, individual visiting music service(sing and praying), meditation Bible, art therapies(dance and drawing), social worker's counselling, confessing and sharing love and thanksgiving. The experimental group subjects participated in Wholistic Hospice Nursing Program which takes 120 minutes per session, total 10 sessions(total 1,200 minutes) altogether. In conclusion, this Wholistic Hospice Nursing Intervention can be used actively for whole personal well-being of the patients in hospice palliative in hospice palliative care unit and also applied in hospice practice as an useful model of multi-disciplinary team approach by hospice professionals.

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The Effects of Wearing Protective Devices among Residents and Volunteers Participating in the Cleanup of the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill (허베이스피릿호 유류유출사고 방제작업 참여자의 보호장비착용 효과)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Ha, Mi-Na;Kim, Eun-Jung;Jeong, Woo-Chul;Hur, Jong-Il;Park, Seok-Gun;Kwon, Ho-Jang;Hong, Yun-Chul;Ha, Eun-Hee;Lee, Jong-Seung;Chung, Bong-Chul;Lee, Jeong-Ae;Im, Ho-Sub;Choi, Ye-Yong;Cho, Yong-Min;Cheong, Hae-Kwan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To assess the protective effects of wearing protective devices among the residents and volunteers who participated in the cleanup of the Hebei Spirit oil spill. Methods : A total of 288 residents and 724 volunteers were surveyed about symptoms, whether they were wearing protective devices and potential confounding variables. The questionnaires were administered from the second to the sixth week following the accident. Spot urine samples were collected and analyzed for metabolites of 4 volatile organic compounds(VOCs), 2 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), and 6 heavy metals. The association between the wearing of protective devices and various symptoms was assessed using a multiple logistic regression adjusted for confounding variables. A multiple generalized linear regression model adjusted for the covariates was used to test for a difference in least-square mean concentration of urinary biomarkers between residents who wore protective devices and those who did not. Results : Thirty nine to 98% of the residents and 62-98% of volunteers wore protective devices. Levels of fatigue and fever were higher among residents not wearing masks than among those who did wear masks(odds ratio 4.5; 95% confidence interval 1.23-19.86). Urinary mercury levels were found to be significantly higher among residents not wearing work clothes or boots(p<0.05). Conclusions : Because the survey was not performed during the initial high-exposure period, no significant difference was found in metabolite levels between people who wore protective devices and those who did not, except for mercury, whose biological half-life is more than 6 weeks.

의료인의 호스피스가정간호에 대한 지식과 태도 조사연구

  • Kim, Ok-Gyeom
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.28-48
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    • 2002
  • The advances of medical technologies have not only prolonged human life span, but also extended suffering period for the patients with incurable medical diseases. Hospice movement was developed to help these patients keep dignity and lives peaceful at the end of their life. Since many patients prefer to spend the last moment of life at home with their family, hospice home care has become very popular worldwide. The purpose of this study for a promotion and development of hospice home care in Korea, and features basic research on medical profession's knowledge and attitudes to hospice home care. This study which was used for the research questionnaires developed by the researcher that were answered by 100 physicians and 127 nurses in a general hospital. Data were collected from April 22, 2002 to May 10, 2002. The SPSS was used to make a comparative analysis of the frequency, percentile, ANOVA, and x2-test. The results of the study were as follows; 1.The medical profession showed high level of knowledge of the definition and philosophy of hospice. However, the physician group of the examinees showed insufficient knowledge of the fact that hospice care includes bereavement care, while the nurse group's response to the same question showed a significant difference(x2=10.752, p=.001). 2.For whom the hospice home care is provided, 95.6% of the respondents showed very high level of knowledge as answering that the incurable terminal illness patients and their families are the beneficiaries of hospice care. The respondents counted nurses, volunteers, pastors, physicians and social workers, consecutively, as hospice care providers. More nurse were positive toward pastors than physicians in regarding as a hospice care provider by a significant difference(x2=11.634, p=.001). 3.For when to referral hospice home care to the patients, only 34.2% answered that patients with less than 6 months of survival time are advised to receive hospice care, reflecting very low level of knowledge. 23.0% of the physicians and 48.0% of the nurses answered that hospice care should be provided when death is imminent, making a significant difference between the two groups(x2=6.413, p=.000). 4.To promote hospice activities, 87.2% pointed out that it is crucial to make general people, including those engaging in the medical field, more aware of hospice. 79.7% answered that a national hospice management should be developed, marking a significant difference between the physician group and nurse group(x2=10.485, p=.001). 5.Advantages of hospice home care are 87.2% responded that patients can have better rest at home receiving hospice home care. Economical merit was brought forward as one of the advantages also, where there was a significant difference between the physicians group and nurse group(x2=7.009, p=.008). 6.The medical professions' attitude to hospice home care are 92.8% of the physicians answered that they would advise incurable terminally ill patients to be discharged from hospital, with 44.3% of them advising the patients to receive hospice home care after leaving the hospital. From the nurses' point of view, 20.9% of the terminally ill patients are being referred to hospice home care after discharge, which makes a significant difference from the physicians' response(x2=19.121, p=.001). 7. 30.6% of physicians have referred terminally ill patients to hospice home care, 75.9% of whom were satisfied with their decision. Those physicians who have never referred their patients to hospice home care either did not know how to do it(66.7%) or were afraid of losing trust by giving the patients an impression of giving up(27.3%). 94.9% of the physicians responded that they would refer their last stage patients to a doctor who is involving palliative care. 8.Only 36.2% of nurses have suggested to physicians that refer the terminally ill patients discharged from the hospital to hospice home care. Once suggested, 95.8% of the physicians have accepted the suggestion. Nurses were reluctant to suggest hospice home care to the physicians, as 48.8% of the nurses said they did not want to. From the result of this study the following conclusion can be drawn, the medical profession's awareness of general hospice care has been increased greatly compared to the results of the previously performed studies. However, this study result also shows that their knowledge of hospice home care is not good enough yet. There is a need for high recommended that medical education institute and develop regular courses on various types of hospice care. Medical field training courses for physicians and nurses will be very helpful as well. It is also important to train hospice experts such as palliative physicians and develop a national hospice management urgently in order to improve the hospice care in Korea.

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A Study of Effect on Quality of Life of Cancer Patient's Caregiver : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Feeling of Burden and Growth (사회적 지지와 암환자 가족의 삶의 질의 관계에서 돌봄부담감과 내적성장의 매개효과)

  • Rhee, Young-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제61권2호
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    • pp.325-348
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    • 2009
  • This study intends to investigate the main and mediating effects which caregiving appraisal and positive reappraisal exert on quality of life (QOL) of primary family caregivers of cancer patient considering the relationship with social support. The processes of this study areas follows. First, the variables which research model were chosen on the basis of stress-appraisal-coping theory through reviews of the previous studies. Second, a survey was conducted upon 295 primary caregiver of patient with cancer at National Cancer Center. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method using AMOS 5.0. The summary of the result is as follows. First, the entire model including measurement and structural model shows sufficient fit index of CFI(.951), TLI(.940) and RMSEA(.062). Second, the results of analysis of direct effects among variables are as follows. The 'Social support' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'feeling of burden' and 'growth'. The 'feeling of burden' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'growth' and 'QOL-mental and physical'. The 'growth' has statistically significant direct effect on the 'QOL-mental'. Third, the results of analysis of mediating effects of the 'social support and QOL' and 'feeling of burden and QOL' are as follows. The effects of 'social support' on 'QOL-mental' are significantly mediated by the 'feeling of burden' and 'growth'. The effects of 'social support' on 'QOL-physical' are significantly mediated by the 'feeling of burden'. The effects of 'feeling of burden' on 'QOL-mental' are significantly mediated by 'growth'. Through this research, these implications in social work study and practice are found: (1) this study extended the scope of study in the caregiver's health area from negative sides into positive ones by using growth variables as positive reappraisalof caregiving in research model, which has not been tried on the Korean family caregivers of the cancer patient. (2) The effects of positive reappraisal on QOL-mental can provide a foundational necessity for social workers to help family caregivers find positive meaning in their caregiving experience. This approach of social work practice will improve QOL of family caregivers. (3) This study present a framework including social support, negative appraisal, positive reappraisal, and QOL variables available to social work practice and explaining affective relationships among these variables in various aspects.

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Dose Rate of Restroom in Facilities using Radioisotope (방사성동위원소 사용시설(내/외) 화장실의 외부선량률)

  • Cho, Yong-Gwi;An, Seong-Min
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2016
  • This study is therefore aimed at measuring the surface dose rate and the spatial dose rate in and outside the radionuclide facility in order to ensure safety of the patients, radiation workers and family care-givers in their use of such equipment and to provide a basic framework for further research on radiation protection. The study was conducted at 4 restrooms in and outside the radionuclide facility of a general hospital in Incheon between May 1 and July 31, 2014. During the study period, the spatial contamination dose rate and the surface contamination dose rate before and after radiation use were measured at the 4 places-thyroid therapy room, PET center, gamma camera room, and outpatient department. According to the restroom use survey by hospitals, restrooms in the radionuclide facility were used not only by patients but also by family care-givers and some of radiation workers. The highest cumulative spatial radiation dose rate was 8.86 mSv/hr at camera room restroom, followed by 7.31 mSv/hr at radioactive iodine therapy room restroom, 2.29 mSv/hr at PET center restroom, and 0.26 mSv/hr at outpatient department restroom, respectively. The surface radiation dose rate measured before and after radiation use was the highest at toilets, which are in direct contact with patient's excretion, followed by the center and the entrance of restrooms. Unsealed radioactive sources used in nuclear medicine are relatively safe due to short half lives and low energy. A patient who received those radioactive sources, however, may become a mobile radioactive source and contaminate areas the patient contacts-camera room, sedation room, and restroom-through secretion and excretion. Therefore, patients administered radionuclides should be advised to drink sufficient amounts of water to efficiently minimize radiation exposure to others by reducing the biological half-life, and members of the public-family care-givers, pregnant women, and children-be as far away from the patients until the dose remains below the permitted dose limit.

The Influence of over Foraging, and Pollinating Activities on Tomato Fruits by a Korean Native Bumblebee, Bombus ignitus S, (Hymenoptera : Apidae) in Cherry-tomato Houses (시설방울토마토에서 호박벌(Bombus ignitus)의 방화활동 및 과도한 방화가 토마토에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Bum;Bae, Tae-Woong;Kim, Sam-Eun;Yoon, Hyung-Ju;Lee, Myung-Ryul;Chae, Young
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the foraging activities and the Influence of excessive foraging activity by B. ignitus workers on the quality of cherry-tomato fruits in cherry-tomato green-house. The peak time of pollination by B. ignitus worker was recorded at 8:00 and the average of foraging time on each flower was 11.7 secs. The total pollinating time of B. ignitus was 41 mins and 37 secs and its total number of visiting flowers was 195.2. The average time of staying on flowers was 8.8 ${\pm}$5.4 secs when two bumblebees were allowed to pollinate per Pyong (3.954 square yards) in the green house of tomatoes for 24 hours, but it was two times shorter (4.0${\pm}$3.1 secs) compared with that when one bumble-bee was allowed to pollinate per Pyong for one hour. The stamen color of tomato flowers visited by the bumblebee for one hour was brown while the stamen color for 24 hours was dark brown due to the frequent visiting. The average fruit bearing rate of the 4th-6th clusters of tomatoes visited for one hour was 48.9%, which was not significantly different from those allowed to visite for 24 hours. However, the number of seeds of flowers visited for 24 hours was 64.0, which was more than 55.3 seeds of flowers visited for one hour. The weight of fruit was 25.4 g and 24.4 g, respectively. The sweetness was not different significantly between one and 24 hours of visit (P > 0.05). The result revealed that end pro-duct of cherry-tomato was not influenced by over foraging activity of B. ignitus workers on tomato flowers.

A Study of Competency for R&D Engineer on Semiconductor Company (반도체 기술 R&D 연구인력의 역량연구 -H사 기업부설연구소를 중심으로)

  • Yun, Hye-Lim;Yoon, Gwan-Sik;Jeon, Hwa-Ick
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.267-286
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the advanced company has been sparing no efforts in improving necessary core knowledge and technology to achieve outstanding work performance. In this rapidly changing knowledge-based society, the company has confronted the task of creating a high value-added knowledge. The role of R&D workforce that corresponds to the characteristic and role of knowledge worker is getting more significant. As the life cycle of technical knowledge and skill shortens, in every industry, the technical knowledge and skill have become essential elements for successful business. It is difficult to improve competitiveness of the company without enhancing the competency of individual and organization. As the competency development which is a part of human resource management in the company is being spread now, it is required to focus on the research of determining necessary competency and to analyze the competency of a core organization in the research institute. 'H' is the semiconductor manufacturing company which has a affiliated research institute with its own R&D engineers. Based on focus group interview and job analysis data, vision and necessary competency were confirmed. And to confirm whether the required competency by job is different or not, analysis was performed by dividing members into workers who are in charge of circuit design and design before process development and who are in the process actualization and process development. Also, this research included members' importance awareness of the determined competency. The interview and job analysis were integrated and analyzed after arranging by groups and contents and the analyzed results were resorted after comparative analysis with a competency dictionary of Spencer & Spencer and competency models which are developed from the advanced research. Derived main competencies are: challenge, responsibility, and prediction/responsiveness, planning a new business, achievement -oriented, training, cooperation, self-development, analytic thinking, scheduling, motivation, communication, commercialization of technology, information gathering, professionalism on the job, and professionalism outside of work. The highly required competency for both jobs was 'Professionalism'. 'Attitude', 'Performance Management', 'Teamwork' for workers in charge of circuit design and 'Challenge', 'Training', 'Professionalism on the job' and 'Communication' were recognized to be required competency for those who are in charge of process actualization and process development. With above results, this research has determined the necessary competency that the 'H' company's affiliated research institute needs and found the difference of required competency by job. Also, it has suggested more enthusiastic education methods or various kinds of education by confirming the importance awareness of competency and individual's level of awareness about the competency.

Industrial Policy as a Development Strategy: Cuba' s Experience and Policy Implications (개발전략으로서 산업정책: 쿠바의 경험과 정책적 시사점)

  • Cin, Beom Cheol
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.3-27
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    • 2018
  • This paper analyzes Cuba's market-oriented reforms to alleviate essential problems with socialist countries such as soft budget constraints and incentive problems. It also discuss about effectiveness of industrial policy as a development strategy. The soft budget constraints and incentive problems resulted in the collapse of Soviet bloc and COMECON in early 1990s. After the collapse, Cuban economy suffered a steep dive, and national income tumbling down rapidly. Cuban faced serious shortages of food, gasoline, and other basic necessities of life. To halt and partially reverse economic downturn and dire austerity in the 1990's, the Cuban government made some partial reforms to the inherited Soviet system of cental planningand faced severe shortage in food, energy, and daily necessities. In response to the economic crisis. Cuba introduced economic reforms and implemented industrial policy as a development strategy as long as Cuba maintained a strong socialist country. Cuban government established the economic free zone law and attempted to induce foreign direct investment by implementing export-led industrial policy. Fiedel Castro approved the Law No. 165 "Free Zones and Industrial Parks", in 1996. However, Cuba's ESZ strategy seems to have failed because of the U.S. sanctions, but also because of Cuba's own policies, which do not allow foreign investors to hire workers directly and impose a high implicit tax on wages. By limiting advanced techniques of personnel and organization management, indirect employment can result in lowering work efforts and productivity of workers, and aggravating production efficiency in the ESZs. Another reason to fail comes from the double wage structure due to the double monetary-exchange rate system. Most of the high non-wage costs result from the double exchange rate system. Due to Cuba's imbalanced industry and production structures, concentrated labor force, and urbanization and centralization of agriculture production, the industrial transformation development model suggested by Lewis has not been successful unlike other Asian agriculture-led development model. Cuba has to overcome many difficulties in implementing industrial policy as a development strategy.

Exploratory Study of Person Centered Care Practice in Korean Long-term Care Facilities using DCM(Dementia Care Mapping) as a tool (DCM(Dementia Care Mapping)을 활용한 한국 요양시설에서의 사람중심케어 실천의 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Dongseon
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to evaluate Person Centered Care practice and characteristics of care services in Korean long-term care facilities using Dementia Care Mapping as a tool. DCM, systematic observational evaluation tool for measuring dementia patients' QOL, was transformed into self-report rating scale. The process of transforming DCM into a scale of 34 items involves operationalization of DCM concepts and it's adaptation into Korean long-term care practices. Review by research team of Bradford university was added to maintain DCM concept and meaning in this scale. The scale with Cronbach alpha of .88 was surveyed on 343 care workers. Survey result shows PCC value practiced by them is 3.77(of 5 likert scale) and values on each categories of PCC reveal the characteristics of care in Korean facilities; attachment(4.02), comfort(3.95), inclusion(3.89), identity(3.67) and occupation(3.41). Dementia care in Korean facilities focuses on recipients'safety, comfort but lacks individualistic care and the meaningful and fulfilling occupation for patients. Looking at the organizational and individual factors influencing DCM values, the small facilities showed higher PCC values and there are no significant difference in PCC values between public and private facilities. Managers and care workers with career of 1~2 years showed higher PCC values compared to other career ranks and lengthes. This study suggests care practice should be centered on personhood of patients in long-term care facilities, for which introduction of unit care and education of PCC for service providers including support personnel are needed. DCM and Korean DCM scale developed in this study are suggested for the PCC-based assessment on care quality.

A Checklist to Improve the Fairness in AI Financial Service: Focused on the AI-based Credit Scoring Service (인공지능 기반 금융서비스의 공정성 확보를 위한 체크리스트 제안: 인공지능 기반 개인신용평가를 중심으로)

  • Kim, HaYeong;Heo, JeongYun;Kwon, Hochang
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.259-278
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    • 2022
  • With the spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI), various AI-based services are expanding in the financial sector such as service recommendation, automated customer response, fraud detection system(FDS), credit scoring services, etc. At the same time, problems related to reliability and unexpected social controversy are also occurring due to the nature of data-based machine learning. The need Based on this background, this study aimed to contribute to improving trust in AI-based financial services by proposing a checklist to secure fairness in AI-based credit scoring services which directly affects consumers' financial life. Among the key elements of trustworthy AI like transparency, safety, accountability, and fairness, fairness was selected as the subject of the study so that everyone could enjoy the benefits of automated algorithms from the perspective of inclusive finance without social discrimination. We divided the entire fairness related operation process into three areas like data, algorithms, and user areas through literature research. For each area, we constructed four detailed considerations for evaluation resulting in 12 checklists. The relative importance and priority of the categories were evaluated through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). We use three different groups: financial field workers, artificial intelligence field workers, and general users which represent entire financial stakeholders. According to the importance of each stakeholder, three groups were classified and analyzed, and from a practical perspective, specific checks such as feasibility verification for using learning data and non-financial information and monitoring new inflow data were identified. Moreover, financial consumers in general were found to be highly considerate of the accuracy of result analysis and bias checks. We expect this result could contribute to the design and operation of fair AI-based financial services.