• Title/Summary/Keyword: Liberal International Order

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The Effect of Leisure Activities on School Life Satisfaction in Teenagers -The Intermediation Effect of Happiness and Life Satisfaction-

  • Jung, Seon-Jin
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the impact of leisure activities on school life satisfaction in the cultural rights and self-determination of teenagers who spend most of their time in school in the college entrance exam-oriented climate, and examined the effects of happiness and life satisfaction on the school life satisfaction through a process macro applying Bias Corrected Bootstrapping in these relationships. For research purposes, 2,590 cohorts in the first year of the 2018 Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey were analyzed through process macros. The result was that leisure life had a significant effect on school life satisfaction. It was also found that happiness and satisfaction in life affect satisfaction, and happiness and satisfaction in life affect satisfaction in school life and serve as a medium. This study confirmed that teenagers' participation in leisure activities greatly affects school life satisfaction and that happiness and life satisfaction have a mediating effect on school life satisfaction. In addition, we could recognize the importance of leisure activities to the satisfaction of school life of teenagers, and find it necessary to develop and provide various program graphs of schools and communities for happiness and satisfaction in life. This study verified that the participation of leisure activities of adolescents has a significant effect on school life satisfaction, and that happiness and life satisfaction have a mediating effect on school life satisfaction. In addition, we could recognize the importance of leisure activities to the satisfaction of school life of teenagers, and find it necessary to develop and provide various program graphs of schools and communities for happiness and satisfaction in life. Therefore, this research is believed to be possible to contribute to academic and practical programs for youth leisure activities and school life relationships, and to make policy suggestions for the development and participation of various leisure activities in order to fully enjoy and protect youth's rights to culture and self-determination of leisure activities.

A study on ways to make employment improve through Big Data analysis of university information public

  • Lim, Heon-Wook;Kim, Sun-Jib
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.174-180
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    • 2021
  • The necessity of this study is as follows. A decrease in the number of newborns, an increase in the youth unemployment rate, and a decrease in the employment rate are having a fatal impact on universities. To help increase the employment rate of universities, we intend to utilize Big Data of university public information. Big data refers to the process of collecting and analyzing data, and includes all business processes of finding data, reprocessing information in an easy-to-understand manner, and selling information to people and institutions. Big data technology can be divided into technologies for storing, refining, analyzing, and predicting big data. The purpose of this study is to find the vision and special department of a university with a high employment rate by using big data technology. As a result of the study, big data was collected from 227 universities on www.academyinfo.go.kr site, We selected 130 meaningful universities and selected 25 universities with high employment rates and 25 universities with low employment rates. In conclusion, the university with a high employment rate can first be said to have a student-centered vision and university specialization. The reason is that, for universities with a high employment rate, the vision was to foster talents and specialize, whereas for universities with a low employment rate, regional bases took precedence. Second, universities with a high employment rate have a high interest in specialized departments. This is because, as a result of checking the presence or absence of a characterization plan, universities with a high employment rate were twice as high (21/7). Third, universities with high employment rates promote social needs and characterization. This is because the characteristic departments of universities with high employment rates are in the order of future technology and nursing and health, while universities with low employment rates promoted school-centered specialization in future technology and culture, tourism and art. In summary, universities with high employment rates showed high interest in student-centered vision and development of special departments for social needs.

Optimization of Gas Mixing-circulation Plasma Process using Design of Experiments (실험계획법을 이용한 가스 혼합-순환식 플라즈마 공정의 최적화)

  • Kim, Dong-Seog;Park, Young-Seek
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.359-368
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    • 2014
  • The aim of our research was to apply experimental design methodology in the optimization of N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (RNO, which is indictor of OH radical formation) degradation using gas mixing-circulation plasma process. The reaction was mathematically described as a function of four independent variables [voltage ($X_1$), gas flow rate ($X_2$), liquid flow rate ($X_3$) and time ($X_4$)] being modeled by the use of the central composite design (CCD). RNO removal efficiency was evaluated using a second-order polynomial multiple regression model. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a high coefficient of determination ($R^2$) value of 0.9111, thus ensuring a satisfactory adjustment of the second-order polynomial multiple regression model with the experimental data. The application of response surface methodology (RSM) yielded the following regression equation, which is an empirical relationship between the RNO removal efficiency and independent variables in a coded unit: RNO removal efficiency (%) = $77.71+10.04X_1+10.72X_2+1.78X_3+17.66X_4+5.91X_1X_2+3.64X_2X_3-8.72X_2X_4-7.80X{_1}^2-6.49X{_2}^2-5.67X{_4}^2$. Maximum RNO removal efficiency was predicted and experimentally validated. The optimum voltage, air flow rate, liquid flow rate and time were obtained for the highest desirability at 117.99 V, 4.88 L/min, 6.27 L/min and 24.65 min, respectively. Under optimal value of process parameters, high removal(> 97 %) was obtained for RNO.

Enhancement of 4 Bar Parallelogram Linkage for a Medical Bed (의료용 침대를 위한 평행 4절 링크의 개선)

  • Lee, Youngdae;Kim, Changyoung;Choi, Moonsoo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.515-520
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    • 2020
  • The design and actual implementation of the four-bar parallel link was studied in the paper. The parallel four-section link is widely used as a basic kinematic mechanism for transmitting the rotation of one axis to the rotational motion of the other axis. However, the parallel 4 link has a problem that phase reversal occurs at the turning point during the movement. In order to prevent the link reversal, it is known that a double parallelogram-type link is formed by attaching an additional phase reversal suppression link with an offset. However, as a result of the actual fabrication experiment, the movement is not smooth at the transition point. In order to solve this problem, in this study, a link for smooth movement is added in addition to a link that provides an offset to prevent phase reversal, so that the phase reversal does not occur at a specific point when the driven shaft rotates along the drive shaft. The test result confirms the validity of our suggestion.

The Case and Implications of Terminology Mapping for Development of Dankook University Hospital EHR-Based MOA CDM (단국대학교병원 EHR 기반 MOA CDM 구축을 위한 용어 매핑 사례와 시사점)

  • Yookyung Boo;Sihyun Song;Jihwan Park;Mi Jung Rho
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • Purposes: The Common Data Model(CDM) is very important for multi-institutional research. There are various domestic and international CDM construction cases to actively utilize it. In order to construct a CDM, different terms from each institution must be mapped to standard terms. Therefore, we intend to derive the importance and major issues of terminology mapping and propose a solution in CDM construction. Methodology/Approach: This study conducted terminology mapping between Electronic Health Record(EHR) and MOA CDM for constructing Medical Record Observation & Assessment for Drug Safety(MOA) CDM at Dankook University Hospital in 2022. In the process of terminology mapping, a CDM standard terminology process and method were developed and terminology mapping was performed by applying this. The constructions of CDM mapping terms proceeded in the order of diagnosis, drug, measurement, and treatment_procedure. Findings: We developed mapping guideline for CDM construction and used this for mapping. A total of 670,993 EHR data from Dankook University Hospital(January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2021) were mapped. In the case of diagnosis terminology, 19,413 were completely mapped. Drug terminology mapped 92.1% of 2,795. Measurement terminology mapped 94.5% of 7,254 cases. Treatment and procedure were mapped to 2,181 cases, which are the number of mapping targets. Practical Implications: This study found the importance of constructing MOA CDM for drug side effect monitoring and developed terminology mapping guideline. Our results would be useful for all future researchers who are conducting terminology mapping when constructing CDM.

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Medvedev Administration's New Foreign Policy Line (메드베데프 정부의 새로운 대외정책노선 : 정책기조, 변화의 원인, 수행과정 분석을 중심으로)

  • Jeh, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-60
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    • 2011
  • Medvedev administration has adopted new foreign policy line because of Obama administration's 'Reset' policy and Global economic crisis. The objectives of Medvedev's new foreign policy are the creation of a favorable external environment and the efficient use of external resources for Russia's economic modernization. To achieve these goals, Medvedev's government fleshed out such specific action plans as the avoidance of conflicts with other powers, the prevention of conflicts around Russia's borders, the activation of capital investment, and the introduction of advanced technology from the outside. This foreign policy line takes shape in the building of a foundation for strategic cooperation with the United States, the preparation for 'Modernization Alliance' with Europe, the management of cooperation and conflict with China and Japan, and the introduction of a dual strategy of strategic stability and economic integration in relations with post-soviet states. In Russia's new foreign policy line the strengthening of relations with the United States and Europe acquires highest priority. However, this does not mean a return to a 'pro-Western liberal line' in the early 1990s. The ultimate goal of Russia's 'modernization' program still lies in the rebuilding of a powerful Russia in accordance with the multipolar world order that was Putin administration's foreign policy line. In this context, foreign policy change under Medvedev administration could be defined as a 'program change at international level' that signifies a change in the means to achieve goals without changing them.

Effects of Turbid Water on Fish Ecology in Streams and Dam Reservoirs

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Lee, Jong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2008
  • Turbid water or suspended sediment is associated with negative effects on aquatic organisms; fish, aquatic invertebrate, and periphyton. Effects of turbid water on fish differ depending on their developmental stage and a level of turbidity. Low turbid water may cause feeding and predation rates, reaction distance, and avoidance in fish, and it could make fish to die under high turbidity and long period. Therefore, it is very important to find out how turbid water or suspended sediment can affect fish in domestic watersheds. The objectives of this study were 1) to introduce international case studies and their standards to deal with suspended sediment, 2) to determine acute toxicity in 4 major freshwater fishes, and 3) to determine in relation to adverse effect of macroinvertebrates and fish. Impacts of turbid water on fish can be categorized into direct and indirect effects, and some factors such as duration and frequency of exposure, toxicity, temperature, life stage of fish, size of particle, time of occurrence, availability of and access to refugia, etc, play important role to decide magnitude of effect. A review of turbidity standard in USA, Canada, and Europe indicated that each standard varied with natural condition, and Alaska allowed liberal increase of turbidity over natural conditions in streams. Even though acute toxicity with four different species did not show any fatal effect, it should be considered to conduct a chronic test (long-term) for more detailed assessment. Compared to the control, dominance index of macroinvertebrates was greater in the turbid site, whereas biotic index, species diversity index, species richness index, and ecological score were smaller in the turbid site. According to histopathological analysis with gills of macroinvertebrate and fishes, morphological and physiological modification of gills due to suspended sediments can cause disturbance of respiration, excretion and secretion. In conclusion, in order to maintain good and healthy aquatic ecosystem, it is the best to minimize or prevent impact by occurrence of turbid water in stream and reservoir. We must make every effort to maintain and manage healthy aquatic ecosystem with additional investigation using various assessment tools and periodic biomonitoring of fish.

Contamination Levels of Pharmaceuticals and Pesticides in the Gotjawal Regions of Jeju Island and Associated Ecotoxicities (곶자왈 지역의 의약물질과 농약의 오염수준과 생태독성영향)

  • Kang, Ha Byeong;Koh, Su Rim;Choi, Yoonsong;Lee, Sangwoo;Kho, YoungLim;Oh, Dalyoung;Choi, Kyungho
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.426-437
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    • 2013
  • Objective: Gotjawal refers to a special geographical designation found in Jeju Province, Korea, where vegetation forms over a rocky area. Due to the important ecological value of Gotjawal, international concern about such areas is growing. However, only limited information is available regarding environmental contamination of Gotjawal. This study was conducted in order to investigate the levels of contamination and associated ecotoxicological effects of surface water bodies in Gotjawal. Methods: Surface water samples were collected at three sampling sites in two Gotjawal areas and were analyzed for several pharmaceuticals and pesticides in consideration of the potential sources of contamination. The ecotoxicity of the samples was measured using water fleas (Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa) and zebrafish (Danio rerio). In addition, effects on the gene transcription of zebrafish were investigated following exposure to the samples. Results: Nine pharmaceuticals were detected in the samples, but none of the target pesticides were detected. Following acute exposure to two surface water samples, the survival of waterfleas was significantly reduced, but reproduction was not affected. In zebrafish, time-to-hatch was delayed and fry survival was decreased in some samples. On the other hand, at the transcriptional level, there were no genes significantly influenced by exposure to the samples. Conclusion: This is the first study investigating environmental contamination in Gotjawal areas and associated ecotoxicities. Further studies are warranted to identify the cause of acute Daphnia toxicity and to determine potential consequences of longer-term exposure in Gotjawal areas.

A Study for Oxidants Generation on Oxygen-plasma Discharging Process Discharging System (산소-플라즈마 공정에서 산화제의 생성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Seog;Park, Young-Seek
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1561-1569
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    • 2013
  • This study carried out a laboratory scale plasma reactor about the characteristics of chemically oxidative species (${\cdot}OH$, $H_2O_2$ and $O_3$) produced in dielectric barrier discharge plasma. It was studied the influence of various parameters such as gas type, $1^{st}$ voltage, oxygen flow rate, electric conductivity and pH of solution for the generation of the oxidant. $H_2O_2$ and $O_3$.) $H_2O_2$ and $O_3$ was measured by direct assay using absorption spectrophotometry. OH radical was measured indirectly by measuring the degradation of the RNO (N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline, indicator of the generation of OH radical). The experimental results showed that the effect of influent gases on RNO degradation was ranked in the following order: oxygen > air >> argon. The optimum $1^{st}$ voltage for RNO degradation were 90 V. As the increased of $1^{st}$ voltage, generated $H_2O_2$ and $O_3$ concentration were increased. The intensity of the UV light emitted from oxygen-plasma discharge was lower than that of the sun light. The generated hydrogen peroxide concentration and ozone concentration was not high. Therefore it is suggested that the main mechanism of oxidation of the oxygen-plasma process is OH radical. The conductivity of the solution did not affected the generation of oxidative species. The higher pH, the lower $H_2O_2$ and $O_3$ generation were observed. However, RNO degradation was not varied with the change of the solution pH.

Developmental Direction for East Asia Maritime Security Cooperation (동아시아 해양안보협력 발전방안)

  • Park, Eung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.1596-1606
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    • 2016
  • Today the ocean is a treasure trove of the resources that prosperous country and the passage of the trade to lead the world economy. Due to the development of the latest science and technology, human activities are increasingly expanding into the ocean from land. Modern east Asian countries have also recognized the value of the ocean and competitively pursue their own interests at sea. For this reason, the conflict between the East Asian countries is rising. On the other hand, the means of International organizations and maritime security to resolve these issues are very limited. In order to solve this problem, we should reexamine the scope and agenda of the maritime security issues, and re-evaluate the process and results of the various security cooperation which have been implemented. If we solve these problems successfully, the troubled Asian waters will be changed to 'sea of peace and prosperity'.