• 제목/요약/키워드: Level of Trust

검색결과 715건 처리시간 0.026초

일과 생활의 균형(WLB)과 상사신뢰가 직장행복감 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Work-Life Balance(WLB) and Superior Trust on Workplace Happiness and Organizational Commitment)

  • 서영복;박찬권
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제11권10호
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 일과 생활의 균형(WLB)과 상사신뢰, 직장행복감, 조직몰입 간의 전체적인 구조적 관계를 연구하는 것이다. WLB와 상사신뢰는 직장행복감에 어떠한 영향을 미치며, 직장행복감은 조직몰입에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가 그리고 직장행복감의 매개효과를 연구하는 것이다. 대기업 및 중소기업에 근무하는 직장 재직자들을 대상으로 설문자료를 수집하였으며, 연구항목의 타당성과 신뢰성을 확인하고 경로분석 방식으로 연구가설을 검정하였다. 연구가설의 검정결과 WLB와 상사신뢰는 직장행복감에 정(+)의 영향을 미치며, 직장행복감은 조직몰입에 정(+)의 영향을 미친다. 또한 직장행복감은 WLB와 상사신뢰, 조직몰입 사이를 부분매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 가설검정 결과를 토대로 WLB와 상사신뢰의 수준이 높을수록 직장행복감은 높아지며, 직장행복감이 제고될수록 조직몰입의 수준 역시 높다는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 우리나라 기업 구성원들의 직장행복감과 조직몰입을 달성하기 위한 방안을 제시하였다.

재상업복무교역중적매매관계중상호신임대관계적효적영향(在商业服务交易中的买卖关系中相互信任对关系绩效的影响) (The Effect of Mutual Trust on Relational Performance in Supplier-Buyer Relationships for Business Services Transactions)

  • Noh, Jeon-Pyo
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2009
  • 信任在心理学, 经济学, 社会学中已被广泛研究, 其重要性不仅在市场营销中被强调, 在一般商业原则中也被强调. 供应商和买家之间的关系与过去不同, 过去的关系需要相当大的私人网络优势, 并可能涉及不道德的商业行为. 而在以工业营销成功的为核心的二十一世纪激烈的全球竞争中, 供应商和买家之间的关系是伙伴关系. 在相互合作的高级别信任的基础上, 通过交换的关系, 这会给买家和供应商带来长期的利益, 竞争力增强和交易成本的降低以及其他福利. 尽管现有的研究有信任的重要性, 但是在购买与供应关系中却忽视了信任的作用, 也没有系统地分析信任对关系的影响. 因此, 深入研究, 确定买家和商业服务供应商之间信任和关系绩效之间的联系是绝对需要的. 本研究中的商业服务, 包括那些支持制造业, 正作为下一代经济增长的引擎而吸引着人们的注意. 韩国政府已选择其作为制造业发展的战略领域. 由于商业服务开放市场的需求日趋激烈, 商业服务业的竞争力应该比以往得到更多的提倡. 本研究的目的是探索相互信任对买家和供应商之间的关系绩效的影响. 具体来说, 本研究在商业服务交易中提出了一个关于信任-关系绩效的理论模型, 并实证检验根据模型而提出的假设. 这项研究表明, 研究结果有战略意义. 本研究通过多种方法收集经验数据. 这些方法包括通过电话, 邮件和面试. 作为样本的公司是在韩国供应和购买商业服务的以知识为本的公司. 本研究收集的是二进的基础数据. 每个样本公司对包括购买公司及其相应的供应公司. 并跟踪调查每个公司对的相互信任. 本研究为商业服务的买卖双方提出了信任-关系绩效的模型. 该模型由信任和它的前因和后果. 买家的信任分为对供应公司的信任和对销售人员的信任. 根据Doney 和Cannon (1997)的研究我们在个人水平和组织水平上观察信任. 通常情况下, 买方是信任的受体, 但这项研究我们建议以供应商为观察受体. 因此, 它独特的关注了双边角度的知觉风险. 换言之, 供应商和买家一样, 是信任的主体, 因为交易通常是双边的. 从这个角度来看, 供应商对买家信任和买方对供货商的信赖一样重要. 供应商的信任从某种程度上受它信任的买方公司和买家的影响. 这种使用个人水平和组织水平的信任分类是根据Doney 和Cannon (1997)的研究. 信任影响供应商的选择, 这是一项双向放的工作. 供应商们积极参与供应商选择过程中, 和买家密切的一起工作. 此外, 该过程从某种程度上受每一方信任的合作伙伴的影响. 挑选过程包括一些步骤: 识别, 信息检索, 供应商选择和绩效评价. 作为这一进程的结果, 买家和供应商都进行绩效评估, 并就这些结果为基础, 采取有形或无形的纠正行动. 本研究中使用的关于信任的测量问项是根据Mayer, Davis 和 Schoorman (1995) 以及Mayer和Davis (1999)的研究发展起来的. 根据他们的建议, 有关信任的三个方面的研究包括有能力, 善和完整. 根据商业服务这个背景我们调整了原来的问题. 例如, 如 "他/她的专业能力" 已被改为 "当我们讨论我们的产品时销售人员表现出专业能力. "这项研究使用的测量问项不同于在以往的研究中使用的问项(Rotter 1967; Sullivan和Peterson 1982; Dwyer和Oh 1987. 本研究中有关信任的前因后果的测量问项是根据Doney和Cannon (1997)的研究为基础制定的. 根据商业服务这个背景我们调整了原来的问题. 特别是, 问题被设计为对买家和供应商以解决下列因素: 信誉 (诚信, 客户服务, 良好意愿), 市场地位 (公司规模, 市场份额, 在行业中的地位), 愿意定制(产品, 过程, 交付), 信息共享(专有信息, 个人信息), 愿意保持良好关系, 认为专业, 权威授权, 买方与卖方的相似性, 以及接触频率. 作为信任相应的变量, 我们对关系绩效进行了测试. 关系绩效分为有形的影响, 无形影响, 和副作用. 有形的影响包括财务业绩;无形的影响, 包括关系的改善, 网络开发, 以及内部员工的满意度;副作用包括既不是有形影响也不是无形影响的影响. 我们联系了350对公司, 105对公司答复了我们. 由于不完整我们删除了5对公司, 105对公司被用于数据分析. 用于数据分析的回应率为30%(三百五十零分之一百零五), 高于工业营销的平均回复比率. 至于回复的公司的特点, 大多数的公司运作的商业服务既为买方(85.4%)也为供应商(81.8%). 大部分买家是做消费品贸易(76%), 而供应商的大部分(70%)是做工业品贸易. 这可能意味着买家的过程是购入材料, 部件和组件从而生产消费品成品. 正如他们对他们与合作伙伴关系的长度的报告表示, 供应商比买家有更长的商业关系. 假设1测试买方-供应方特点对信任的影响. 销售人员的专业度(t=2.070, p<0.05)和权威授权(t=2.328, p<0.05)积极影响买方对供应方的信任. 另一方面, 权威授权(t=2.192, p<0.05)积极影响供应方对买方的信任. 对买方和供应方来说, 权威授权的程度对保持对彼此的信任有关键作用. 假设2测试买卖双方关系特点对信任的影响. 买家倾向于信任供应方, 因为供应方总是尽全力联系买方(t=2.212, p<0.05)这种倾向性在供应方方面也表现得很强(t=2.591, p<0.01). 另一方面, 供应商对买方的信任是由于供应商感知买家与自己的相似性(t=2.702, p<0.01). 这一发现证实了Crosby, Evans, 和Cowles(1990)的研究结果. 他们的结果表明供应方和买方通过商务或私务的定期会议来建立彼此的联系. 假设3测试信任对感知风险的影响. 结果表明无论对买方还是供应方, 信任越低, 感知风险就越大(买方: t =-6.621, p<0.01; 供应方: t=-2.437, p<0.05). 有趣的是, 这一趋势已被证明对买方更强. 这种较高水平的感知风险的一个可能的解释是在商业服务交易中买方通常比供应方感知到更大的风险. 为此, 有必要对供应商对买方实施减少风险的战略. 假设4测试信任对信息搜集. 根据结果, 对供应方和买方, 与预期相反, 信任取决于他们合作伙伴的名誉(买方t=2.929, p<0.01; 供应方t=2.711, p<0.05). 这一发现表明, 具有良好信誉的供应商往往是可信的. 以往的经验并没有显示出任何与买家或供应商信任的重要关系. 假设5测试信任对供应方/买方选择的影响. 与买方不同, 当供应方认为以往与买方的交易重要时, 供应方倾向信任买方(t=2.913 p<0.01). 但是, 本研究并没有现实资源忠诚和买方对供应方的信任之间有显著关系. 假设6测试的是信任对关系绩效的影响. 对买方和供应方, 当财务表现被报告提高时, 他们比较信任他们的合作伙伴(买方: t=2.301, p<0.05;供应方: t=3.692, p<0.01). 有趣的是, 这种趋势在供应方比较明显. 类似的, 当竞争力被报告提高时, 买卖双方比较信任他们的合作伙伴(买方t=3.563, p<0.01 ; 供应方t=3.042, p<0.01). 对供应方来说, 当对买方信任时效率和生产力会提高(t=2.673, p<0.01). 其他绩效指标与信任没有显著关系. 这项研究结果有一定的战略意义. 首先和最重要的是, 以信任为基础的交易对供应商和买家而言都是有益的. 根据研究证实, 通过努力建立和保持相互信任可以使财务表现提高. 同样, 可以通过同样的努力提高竞争力. 第二, 以信任为基础的交易能够减少购买情况中的感知风险. 这对供应商和买家都有启示. 人们普遍认为, 在一个高度参与的采购情况中买家感知到更高的风险. 为了减少风险, 以往的研究已建议供应商制定降低风险的策略. 而本研究的特点是从双边角度关注知觉风险. 换言之, 供应商也容易存在风险, 特别是当他们提供的服务, 需要非常先进的技术, 操作和维护. 因此, 购买者和供应商必须一起密切合作解决问题. 因此, 相互信任在问题解决过程中起着关键作用. 第三, 在这项研究中发现, 销售人员有更多的授权, 他或她越被信任. 这一发现从战术角度看是非常重要的. 建立信任是一个长期的任务, 然而, 当互信尚未开发, 供应商能够通过授权销售人员做出某些决定来克服遇到的问题, 这一结论也适用于供应商.

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스마트 팜 기술수용에 영향을 미치는 요인 - 신뢰성의 매개효과 및 IT 수준의 조절효과를 중심으로 - (Factors Affecting Acceptance of Smart Farm Technology - Focusing on Mediating Effect of Trust and Moderating Effect of IT Level -)

  • 강덕봉;정병규;허철무
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.315-334
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to analyze factors affecting acceptance of smart farm technology. Smart farm technology is rapidly being introduced to agriculture in accordance with the progress of the 4th Industrial Revolution, but research on this is still little. Therefore, in this study, based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a research model reflecting the characteristics of smart farm technology was constructed. To test this, empirical analysis was performed. A survey was conducted for students in smart farm technology education and adult male and female farmers who are currently planning to operate smart farms. Valid 204 sample were used for analysis. The hypothesis test was based on multiple regression analysis using SPSS 24 statistical package. For the mediating effect and moderating effect, Process Macro 3.4 based on the regression equation was used. The results of testing the hypothesis are as follows. First, in the causal hypothesis test, it was shown that performance expectancy, social influence and price value have a significant positive effect on the intention to use smart farm technology. On the other hand, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions were not tested for a significant influence on the use of smart farm technology. As a result of analyzing the mediating effect of trust, it was found that trust plays a mediating role between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, price value and intention to use smart farm technology. In particular, the effort expectancy has not been tested for a direct significant effect on intention to use smart farm technology, but it has been shown to have an impact through trust. Trust was found to be a full mediating between the effort expectancy and the intention to use the smart farm technology. The current IT level of prospective users has been shown to play a moderating role between performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and intention to use smart farm technology. In particular, the IT level was found to strengthen the relationship between performance expectancy and intention to use smart farm technology. Based on the results of these studies, academic and practical implications were suggested.

항공사 공유가치창출 행위가 신뢰, 이미지 및 충성도에 미치는 영향 (The Impact of Airline's Creating Shared Value on Trust, Image and Loyalty)

  • 김광일
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2020
  • Despite the importance of Creating Shared Value(CSV), few research has been conducted to understand it. Filling in this existing void, this study was an attempt to provide a clear understanding about what triggers airline customers' decisions according to the airline company's CSV activities. Through this study, we investigated the relationship among CSV, trust, image, and loyalty. An online survey was used as a method to collect data. Through the CFA, we confirmed the adequate level of reliability and validity of the measures. The structural model was found to include an acceptable fit to the collected data. The findings from the structural analysis revealed that CSV exerted and immense on trust and image. Also, trust was significantly associated with image and loyalty while the image was highly associated with loyalty. Based on the findings presented above, implications for practitioners and researchers are stated.

온라인에서 대형마트 쇼핑몰의 이미지가 신뢰를 매개로 만족에 미치는 영향 (The Effect on Satisfaction with Mediation of Trust Caused by Hypermarkets' Online Image)

  • 신문식;김효정
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권10호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - This study analyzed how image affects customer trust and satisfaction in the online shopping mall market, which is becoming more competitive; future implications for customer management in online shopping malls were presented. Consumers visit and prefer a few shopping mall sites instead of many sites. Consumers do not visit sites that cannot provide trust and satisfaction. Therefore, establishing trust and satisfaction with differentiated image is essential for survival and growth. Specifically analyzing company image, shop image, and brand image, I studied how symbolic image, functional image, and empirical image affect satisfaction mediated by trust in the online shopping malls of hypermarket retailers. Research design, data, and methodology - To investigate the relationship between image and satisfaction of big box retailers' shopping malls in the online market, the study is based on analyzed data from questionnaires involving advanced research. From May 1st to 20th in the year 2014, a questionnaire survey targeting university students using big box retailers' shopping malls in Seoul was conducted. A total of 282 questionnaires were conducted, and 276 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis, excluding invalid data. Using the SPSS 21.0 statistics package, factor analysis and regression analysis were implemented, and effects of image on trust and satisfaction were presented. Results - First, symbolic image can affect satisfaction with only trust. Among 3 image factors, symbolic image exerts the most influence on trust; trust is important in coupling the medium to satisfaction. Second, functional image and empirical image affect satisfaction directly and indirectly with trust. Conclusions - As I classified the image of hyper market retailers' online shopping malls into symbolic, functional, and empirical image, I analyzed the effects of image on trust and satisfaction empirically. The results of the study and strategic implications are as follows. First, symbolic image can affect satisfaction with only trust. Among 3 image factors, symbolic image exerts the most influence on trust; trust is important in coupling the medium to satisfaction. The establishment of a distinctive symbolic image, such as the online shopping mall's loyalty, level of awareness, and special service, is needed. With the establishment of symbolic image, trust and satisfaction could be improved. Second, functional image and empirical image affect satisfaction directly and indirectly with trust. Especially, as functional image affects trust more than empirical image, setting and implementing a strategy for empirical image based on the right price, service, and convenience could raise trust and satisfaction. Empirical image affects trust and satisfaction substantially. Even though empirical image's influence on trust is lower than that of other three image factors, empirical image's influence on satisfaction is higher than symbolic image. Therefore, it requires a strategy for providing joyful use, and information research functions and distinctive use experience are important to improve satisfaction. This study analyzed image characteristics of hyper-market retailers' online shopping malls in the fast-growing online market; future strategic implications were presented.

한국인의 복지의식 결정요인 연구: 국가의 공적책임에 대한 태도를 중심으로 (A Study on The Determinants of Koreans' Welfare Consciousness: Focusing on State's Responsibilities upon Public Agenda)

  • 김신영
    • 한국조사연구학회지:조사연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구는 한국인의 복지의식에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 확인하는 작업의 연장선상에서, 과거 연구들이 의존해 왔던 경제적 변수들에서 어느 정도 탈피하여 최근 다양한 차원에서 논의되고 있는 사회적 신뢰가 개인의 복지의식에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 경험적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 복지의식은 국가의 공적책임에 대한 태도를 통해 측정되었다. 마르크스주의적 계급결정론과 제도주의에 입각한 복지지위의 신정치 논리는, 물질적 이해관계에 의한 사회적 인식과 정치적 행위의 결정성을 강조한다는 측면에서 상대적으로 자유로운 사회적 의식의 작동 가능성을 인정하지 않는 모습을 보인다. 사회적 신뢰감은 공적제도에 대한 신뢰를 증가시키고 이는 국가의 복지제도에 대한 인식에 긍정적 효과를 가져 올 것이라는 가설을 토대로 분석한 결과 다른 모든 변수군을 통제한 상태에서도 사회적 신뢰는 응답자의 복지의식 에 정(positive)적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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라이브 스트리밍 커머스 수용과정에서 신뢰전이가 쇼핑행동에 미치는 영향 (A The Effect of Trust Transference on Shopping Behavior in Live Streaming Commerce)

  • 강인원;윤소정;안은종;양람
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2022
  • This study identified consumers' shopping behavior in live streaming commerce. To this end, this study put the uncertainty issue of live shopping and the transfer of trust at the center of the discussion. The verification of the research model resulted in the following conclusions. First, reduced uncertainty in live shopping was a factor in increasing the level of involvement and attachment in the service. These results showed that resolving uncertainty in newly introduced services is a key factor in determining users' positive attitudes. Second, the trust in shopping sites influenced the current live shopping attitude. This is because the transfer of trust is also valid in live shopping, which demonstrated the importance of building trust. Third, this study proposed and validated a research model that could systematically understand the consumption process of live streaming shopping. Furthermore, this study provides a beneficial implication for those who want to use live shopping in practice.

쇼핑가치가 구매의도에 미치는 영향 분석 : 인터넷 구매 경험 차이의 관점에서 (The Impact of Online Shopping Experience on Consumers Shopping Values and Purchase Intention)

  • 김미숙;유철우;최영찬
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2008
  • This study deals with shopping value and trust as the factors to influence consumer attitude and purchase intention in online shopping. Utilitarian and hedonic shopping values, trust, attitude and purchase intention are incorporated into the Value-Attitude-Behavior model to find out how differently shopping values and trust influence online shoppers attitude and purchase intention when they have different purchase experiences. Data are collected from survey of 187 subjects and divided into two groups according to their online purchase experiences : 97 shoppers with low online purchase experiences and 89 with high experiences. PLS(Partial Least Square) method is applied to estimate the research model and to test 7 hypotheses. The results show the difference of the way how shopping value and trust influence purchase intention. In the case of low experienced online shoppers, trust has the greatest influence purchase intention, followed by hedonic shopping value mediated by attitude. However utilitarian shopping values have a bigger impact on it for shoppers with high purchase experiences. In the latter, trust also has a significant impact on purchase intention at confidence level of 0.05. The results also provide useful implications for practitioners to build and manage their marketing strategies. Managers of online shopping mall should react to the different shopping value by shopper's experience.

Effect of Food Neophobia on the Relationships among Perceived Service Attributes, Brand Trust, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Franchise Snack Bar

  • Lee, Sang-Mook
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2017
  • This study performed to test the effect of food neophobia on the formulated model on the relationships among perceived service attributes(food, employee, and physical attributes), brand trust, satisfaction and behavioral intention as perceived by franchise snack bar consumers. Total 299 respondents were used for statistical analysis and SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 program were employed. The findings of current study verified that food attribute among perceived service attributes has positively influence on brand trust and satisfaction, and the employee attribute has only effect on the brand trust. Additionally, the brand trust was critical predictor of satisfaction, but it was not significant antecedent of behavioral intention in context of franchise snack bar restaurant. Furthermore, this study found the moderating effect according to level of food neophobia on the designed hypothesizes, so it has been identified the importance of people's propensity about food neophobia can significantly effect on brand trust and satisfaction in franchise snack bar restaurant. These findings will contribute to provide meaningful suggestion to develop marketing strategic in franchise snack bar business as well as provide the theoretical evidence in the new segmentation.

연구조직에서의 상사에 대한 신뢰와 지식공유활동이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향

  • 정범구;원영숙
    • 기술경영경제학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 기술경영경제학회 2002년도 제21회 하계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2002
  • This study tries to testify that how much knowledge sharing behavior affects organizational effectiveness and is affected by the supervisory trust empirically. The results show that the higher the supervisory trust was the higher the level of knowledge sharing behavior and ultimately, organizational effectiveness is improved. Specially, the supervisory trust affects job-related knowledge sharing behavior and knowledge sharing system behavior. The knowledge sharing culture, however, is no relation with the supervisory trust. Job-related knowledge sharing behavior influenced both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. But knowledge sharing system influenced only job satisfaction and knowledge sharing culture influenced only organization at commitment. The implication from this paper is that knowledge sharing improves the organizational effectiveness and the supervisory trust is important for knowledge sharing in R&D organization.

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