• Title/Summary/Keyword: Legacy Service

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A Methodology for Translation of Operating System Calls in Legacy Real-time Software to Ada (Legacy 실시간 소프트웨어의 운영체제 호출을 Ada로 번역하기 위한 방법론)

  • Lee, Moon-Kun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.11
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    • pp.2874-2890
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes a methodology for translation of concurrent software expressed in operating system (OS) calls to Ada. Concurrency is expressed in some legacy software by OS calls that perform concurrent process/task control. Examples considered in this paper are calls in programs in C to Unix and calls in programs in CMS-2 to the Executive Service Routines of ATES or SDEX-20 other software re/reverse engineering research has focused on translating the OS calls in a legacy software to calls to another OS. In this approach, the understanding of software has required knowledge of the underlying OS, which is usually very complicated and informally documented. The research in this paper has focused on translating the OS calls in a legacy software into the equivalent protocols using the Ada facilities. In translation to Ada, these calls are represented by Ada equivalent code that follow the scheme of a message-based kernel oriented architecture. To facilitate translation, it utilizes templates placed in library for data structures, tasks, procedures, and messages. This methodology is a new approach to modeling OS in Ada in software re/reverse engineering. There is no need of knowledge of the underlying OS for software understanding in this approach, since the dependency on the OS in the legacy software is removed. It is portable and interoperable on Ada run-time environments. This approach can handle the OS calls in different legacy software systems.

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Service-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks Ontology for Ubiquitous Services (유비쿼터스 서비스를 위한 서비스 지향 센서 네트워크 온톨로지)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hee;Kwon, Hoon;Kim, Do-Hyeun;Kwak, Ho-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.971-978
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    • 2008
  • This paper designs a service-oriented wireless sensor network ontology model which can be used as a knowledge base in future ubiquitous computing. In contrast to legacy approaches, this paper defines the new service classes (ServiceProperty, LocationProperty, and PhysicalProperty), as well as their properties and constraints that enable the service-oriented service based on service items. The service item merging between the proposed model and the legacy ontology was processed using the "equivalentClass" object property of OWL. The Protege 3.3.1 and RACER 1.9.0 inference tools were used for the validation and consistency check of the proposed ontology model, respectively, and the results of service query was applied to the newly defined property in SPARQL language without reference to the properties of legacy ontology.

Context-aware Ontology Modeling using by Legacy Home Appliences (생활기기 센서를 이용한 상황인지 온톨로지 모델링)

  • Lee, Eunyoung;Min, Ukki;Won, Yusuk;Kim, Bonam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.737-740
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    • 2013
  • The widespread use of smart home appliances with smart home networking is leading to a next generation of a new technology that exploit user contextual information to provide a richer experience. However, in the most part of home networking systems the intelligent personalization services between user and home appliances have not been adequately supplied in respect of the long lifespan of the legacy home appliances. In addition, without installing smart home appliances when constructing new building the users can not use this service. To use this service, the legacy home appliance need to attach enabler equipped with the various sensors just as it is smart home appliances. The goal is to create a service that enables appliances to exchange information and control their actions through the IoT gateway to achieve nonintrusive behavior and customized services without human intervention. In this paper, we propose a ontology model to represent the user context to be able to induce right service automatically and use it to discover, utilize and enhance different services in real time that the user may be interested in.

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A Study on an e-Service Platform for Financial Institutions (금융 기관을 위한 e-서비스 플랫폼 연구)

  • 송영효
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.136-160
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    • 2002
  • Most important to financial institutions is to provide well designed and built services to the customers by accessing their core bank systems and affiliated systems in their partners. This will be essential to introduce new products and services and still be able to count on legacy and collaborative affiliated systems. Winning the war on such service competitions among financial institutions is attainable by seizing the "e-bank" opportunities in B2Bi and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Such application integrations among systems and "e-bank" services need to be available in the new IT environment. In this article, an If and service architecture adopting unified e-business services platform is proposed. This architecture is able to achieve application integrations among legacy, affiliated, and e-business systems and services. We derive an architecture in unified e-business services platform by investigating current and future e-business services platforms involved in domestic and global international banks. Several financial interchange standards which are involved in B2B business of e-procurement, e-placement, e-payment are also investigated.

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The Future Paradigm of VoIP Services (인터넷전화 서비스의 향 후 패러다임 제안)

  • Kim, Byung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2009
  • It has been 10 years long since the emergence of Dialpad, the first commercial VoIP service from Saerome Technology launched on 1999. In spite of so many research papers and implementations of the VoIP and commercial services with hundreds of VoIP-related products vendors and tens of VoIP service providers during the last decade, the resulting market share of the VoIP callings at the year 2007 in Korea is just about 0.3%, which is extraordinary lower one than expected. There have been proposed several facts for the reason including the QoS issue and the incomplete governing system. In this paper we suggest that the reason is based on the sociocultural issue and further we assert and verify that it can never replace the existing legacy telephone system for the current VoIP service model, as long as the telecommunication companies continue the legacy telephone service. We also suggest the another choice, to upgrade the concept of the current VoIP service to a new paradigm based on SIP and presence service, while letting the legacy telephone system be as it is.

Real-time monitoring system of the legacy systems data -Focused on Manufacturing Shop Floor- (레거시 시스템 데이터의 실시간 모니터링 시스템 개발 -제조업 생산 현장을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Nam, Ho-Ki;Yoo, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2016
  • As the development environment is changing with the development of information communication technology, the systems that were used by each service became used with integration. In the process of integrating from existing legacy systems to new system, it should be smoothly integrated or shared, however, it cannot help holding existing technology or component due to significant cost burden for conversion. In this paper, it was not only classified by types with analyzing the various elements that make up legacy system but an approach and monitoring system were developed to each type. After System application results, data's information generated in each process is provided to other system in real time, so that it has not only secured the work efficiency and reliability but also it is made possible by integrating data in various formats for efficient data management, rapid search and tracking to history. With real-time monitoring system developed in this study, It can be very useful in a variety of industries which require real-time monitoring of distributed legacy system data.

Development of HIS System through the HL7-Based Combination of Legacy System (레거시 시스템과의 HL7 기반 연동을 통한 HIS 시스템 개발)

  • Lee Sang-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2004
  • Tn the modern integrated healthcare environment, digital technology plays a critical role in the success of its operation. For overcoming the deteriorated healthcare management environment is to improve business service ability, cost and management efficiency through information processing of the business service process and the decision support system. For a solution of these problems, the Hospital Information System(HIS) was introduced. In this paper we proposed HIS system through the HL7-based with legacy system that improves both the efficiencies of medical of office and medical treatments. The implementation of HIS system enables combination of legacy systems including HL7 based OCS and PACS. And we proved the effective HIS development method provided by analysis of total module.

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A Study of The Function-Oriented Model for SOA Development Process (서비스지향 개발 프로세스의 기능기반 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Yu, Chun-Gun;Rhim, Chul-Woo;Kang, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.554-566
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    • 2011
  • Service-oriented architecture(SOA) is a paradigm where reusable units are independently executable and only accessible through outer interfaces. Standardized methodology based on SOA has not been decided yet although a lot of efforts have been made for systems using SOA. Therefore Development of system using SOA is facing many difficulties currently. In this paper, service oriented methodology of function based model for supporting legacy system is proposed. Standardized methods for function based reusability through analysing SOA methodology are proposed and guide lines for improvement of service reusability are presented.

The Implementation of Enterprise Application Integration System in ERP Environment (ERP 환경에서 EAI시스템 실증적 적용 사례 연구)

  • Nam, Ho-Ki;Park, Sang-Min;Kim, Jhong-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2010
  • The company protects the information of legacy system to satisfy all member in company. Integrating between applications is increasing recently because of e-Business activation. The e-Business activation also make between extra companies and intra companies integrated. This paper suggest on implementing the ERP using Phased Approach Method and the EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) with legacy system. This paper also suggest the standard method which would be used in implementing the EAI in another company and reduce the mistake during the EAI project. Therefore, it would be the one system between complicated systems through application integration, it would be also make shop floors visualized. This research would help users and service suppliers getting more advantages of e-Business system.

The Performance Experiments on the Tactical Data Communication over the Legacy Radio Systems (기존 전술 무전기를 이용한 전술 데이터 통신 성능 실험)

  • Sim, Dong-Sub;Kang, Kyeong-Sung;Kim, Ki-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2010
  • The military has been putting great efforts into applying data communication on existing voice communication systems being used in NCW(Network Centric Warfare). Data communication will be an effective choice in one of many effort to yield a minimum kill chain, comparing to legacy voice communications, when tactical units conduct their missions. However, the required budget will be enormous, in case of the replacement of a lot of legacy communication systems with new one. As a cost-effective alternative, the tactical data communication systems using the conventional radio systems instead of the development of new radio systems has been proposed. It is mandatory, though, to ensure QoS while maintaining data communication by making use of legacy radio systems already in use. This paper focuses on the performance issues experimented and analyzed for tactical data communication through the legacy radio systems as the first step towards guaranteed QoS. We have conducted various experiments such as the transmission error rate on certain tactical messages, performance evaluation of redundant transfers, the relationship between the transmission frame size and rate of error, the identification of error points in the transmission frame, and techniques to reduce the errors in both hopping and non-hopping modes. As a result of the performance experiments, The adaptive communication module which decides the redundant transmission or the Forward Error Correction(FEC) technique by analyzing channel status and current transmission status(hopping/non-hopping) of the legacy radio should be designed. the FEC technique in non-hopping, and the redundant transmission technique in hopping mode was recommended from the result of experiment with the frame size is 20bytes in non-hopping and 10Bytes frame size in hopping mode.