• Title/Summary/Keyword: Lee Joonik

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Comparison of (1962) and (2005) - Focusing on the Collapse of Order (<폭군 연산>(1962)과 <왕의 남자>(2005) 비교연구 - 질서의 붕괴를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyunsu;Yi, Hyoin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2017
  • The historical film is complex genre that give various messages of directors besides a historical fact. Shin Sangok and Lee Joonik are important historical film directors. Their films show director's style by various method of historical reproduction. Sin Sangok and Lee Joonik portrayed same person Yeonsan, in and . They described identical person and historical fact in a different way. This is due to director's view of history, time of reinterpretation of history, and so forth. Therefore this paper is going to analysis the method of representation on history.

Interaction Between Partially Premixed and Premixed Swirl Flames in a Hybrid/Dual Swirl Jet Combustor (하이브리드/이중 선회제트 연소기에서 부분예혼합-예혼합 선회화염의 상호작용)

  • Jo, Joonik;Hwang, Cheol-Hong;Lee, Kee-Man
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 2012
  • The effects of interaction between partially premixed and premixed swirl flames on CO and NOx emissions were experimentally investigated using a hybrid/dual swirl jet combustor for a micro-gas turbine. Under the condition of constant angle ($45^{\circ}$) for outer swirl vane, the angle and direction of inner swirl vane installed for a partially premixed flame were varied as main parameters with a constant fuel flow rate for each nozzle. It was found that for all conditions, CO and NOx emissions were measured below 4 ppm and 15 ppm at 15% $O_2$, respectively, in a wide range of equivalence ratio (0.6~0.9). For co-swirl flows, CO emission increased dramatically as the angle of inner swirl vane increased from $15^{\circ}$ to $45^{\circ}$ near lean-flammability limit (i.e. equivalence ratio of 0.5). On the other hand, the case of swirl $angle=45^{\circ}$ provided the lowest NOx emission at higher equivalence ratios than 0.6. For counter-swirl flows, the case of swirl $angle=45^{\circ}$ extended the lean-flammability limit but higher NOx emissions were found compared to those of co-swirl flows. These results could be inferred by interaction between (inner) partially premixed and (outer) premixed swirl flames. However, these estimations were not clear yet because there was insufficient data on turbulent flow structure and fuel-air mixing in the present experimental approach.

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