• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning tools

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A study on the Evaluation of Reading Ability for the Literature Reading of Korean College Students: the Freshmen of A University (우리나라 대학생들의 문헌 독해능력 평가 연구 - A대학 1학년생을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to identify the problems of college students in reading the literature and on the basis of the identified problems, to suggest the approaches to solve the problems. To this end, time required for reading passages, reading patterns, understanding, memory and reading habits and attitudes were analyzed with the freshmen in A university. In accordance with the analysis results, 58% of subjects was good and 42% was not sufficient on the basis of the averages in Scholastic Aptitude Test. Second, 77% of subjects had the good patterns but 23% showed certain problems in reading patterns. Third, 69% and 67% of subjects illustrated good results in the analysis on understanding and memory, respectively. However, 31% and 33% were evaluated as being on the general level or requiring efforts in the analysis on understanding and memory, respectively. Next, according to the analysis on reading habits and attitudes, 77% had no problems but 23% required improvement. For solving the problems identified through the analysis, it is recommended to develop the scientific and standardized evaluation tools for evaluating the reading ability of college students. Second, it is necessary to evaluate the reading ability, habit and attitude during the screening process for admission or after admission. Finally, it is required to operate the Fundamental Academic Ability Learning Center(tentative name) to improve the ability of students who show the insufficient results in evaluation.

A study on the Development of Physics Education Program for Foreign Students of Natural Science and Engineering College in Korea (이공계 대학의 유학생을 위한 물리교육 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Soocheol
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to develop a physics education program for foreign students of university in Korea to improve their ability to major in the field and to prevent them from becoming dropout. The subjects of the study are five Chinese students attending a natural science and engineering college. Prior to the development of the physics education program, the researchers developed basic physics textbooks for the foreign students and questionaries for diagnosis and summative evaluation, and utilized them to apply a total of seven classes. After the application of the classes, the results of the student's diagnosis and summative evaluation, the teacher's diaries, the observer's diaries, and the transcripts were analyzed by triangulation method. In addition, Nvivo12 was used for the analysis of the teacher's and observer's diaries to help with qualitative analysis. The results of the study are as follows: First, the oder and contents of physics education program for students of the natural science and engineering college were presented in detail, and basic physics textbooks and tools for diagnosis and summative assessment were developed. Second, as a result of the analysis of the diagnosis and summative assessment results of the program, the students' basic physics achievement improved by an average of 40 points due to the application of the developed program. Third, as a result of the application of the program using Nvivo12, meaningful node and actual cases were extracted. There were 10 types of nodes created such as understanding of the students, teaching method, rate of the participation, level differences, language problems, relevance to majors, curriculum and methods of education in the country of origin, cooperative learning, and interest inducement. The researcher provided suggestions on physics education methods for students of science and engineering colleges in Korea based on the related cases.

An Empirical Case Study on Self-Efficacy of Career Guidance and Theory of Reasoned (진로지도 자기효능감과 합리적 행동에 대한 실증 사례연구)

  • Um, Myoung-Yong;Choi, Yeon-Sook
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2010
  • Career guidance refers to services intended to assist students to make educational and occupational choices and to manage their careers. Young students, specially enrolled in vocational high schools, need programs to help them make transitions to the working world and to re-engage with further learning, and career guidance needs to be part of such programs. Teachers assume the critical roles in planning and organizing the career guidance programs in vocational high schools. The program includes career information provision, assessment and self-assessment tools, career counseling, work search, etc. In this study, we developed a research model based upon TRA(theory of reasoned action) developed by Ajzen and Fishbein to investigate the factors influencing the intention to provide career guidance services to students in vocational high schools. Based on 155 survey responses from vocational high school teachers, we show that attitude and subjective norm motivate teachers to provide career guidance services, and that attitude toward career guidance is directly influenced by self-efficacy for career guidance and burden from extra work. It was also confirmed that facilitating condition is the antecedent of self-efficacy. But contrary to our expectation, self-efficacy for career guidance has no significant effect on the intention for providing career guidance services at 5% significance level. In light of these findings, implications for theory and practice are discussed.

A Corpus-based Analysis on Primary English Education Research for the Past 20 Years (초등영어교육 연구 논문의 변천: 코퍼스 기반 분석)

  • Choi, Wonkyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2019
  • It has been about 20 years since the English subject was formally taught in public elementary schools in Korea. The present research aims to analyze the studies regarding 'primary English' implemented in Korea during the time period. I have investigated 6,467 theses or research papers in total that were published in Korea with the help of the corpus programs Utagger and WordSmith Tools. The results show that for the last 20 years the number of overall studies appears to have increased since the year 1997, although the recent trend seems to be in recession. The research scope ranges from 'teaching-learning interaction' to 'curriculum' and 'assessment', which have been steadily investigated for 20 years. Furthermore, researchers sometimes appear to have followed the English education policy by conducting particular investigations like 'immersion program' or 'native English speaking teachers' in a certain time period. Recently, researchers started to have interest in the cutting-edge ICT. In conclusion, the academic field of 'primary English' in Korea has grown in quantity, and the spectrum of research areas has been expanded for the past 20 years. It is hoped that the results of this research will help set a new direction for future research.

Analysis of Elementary School Students' Visual Representation Competence for Shadow Phenomenon (그림자 현상에 대한 초등학생의 시각적 표상 능력)

  • Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.295-305
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    • 2019
  • In previous study, visual representation competence taxonomy (VRC-T), which is composed of two dimensions, was developed for the purpose of promoting effective visual representation use and research in science education. In this study, elementary school students' visual representation competence for shadow phenomenon was investigated using VRC-T. In terms of visual representation competence, 'interpretation' was the highest score, followed by 'construction' and 'integration'. It also showed that students' visual representation competence was not high even after learning shadow-related units in the regular curriculum. On the other hand, text-based scientific knowledge was not correlated with all categories of visual representation competence. This indicates that there is a need to emphasize visual representation more in science class. Finally, hierarchical relationship among cognitive processes of VRC-T was explored according to ordering theory. If the tolerance level is somewhat loosened, a linear hierarchical relationship was found between the six cognitive processes. This suggests that VRC-T is an analytical framework that can be useful when designing assessment tools, tasks, and science class activities to enhance visual representation competence.

A Study on the Educational Meaning of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence for Elementary Artificial Intelligence Education (초등 인공지능 교육을 위한 설명 가능한 인공지능의 교육적 의미 연구)

  • Park, Dabin;Shin, Seungki
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.803-812
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    • 2021
  • This study explored the concept of artificial intelligence and the problem-solving process that can be explained through literature research. Through this study, the educational meaning and application plan of artificial intelligence that can be explained were presented. XAI education is a human-centered artificial intelligence education that deals with human-related artificial intelligence problems, and students can cultivate problem-solving skills. In addition, through algorithmic education, it is possible to understand the principles of artificial intelligence, explain artificial intelligence models related to real-life problem situations, and expand to the field of application of artificial intelligence. In order for such XAI education to be applied in elementary schools, examples related to real world must be used, and it is recommended to utilize those that the algorithm itself has interpretability. In addition, various teaching and learning methods and tools should be used for understanding to move toward explanation. Ahead of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the revised curriculum in 2022, we hope that this study will be meaningfully used as the basis for actual classes.

An Inquiry into the U. S. Elementary School Teachers' Science Teaching Storylines (미국 초등교사의 과학교수에 대한 스토리라인 탐색)

  • Kim, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.402-415
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to inquire into the U. S. elementary school teachers' storylines for science teaching methods, scientific knowledge and interactions with students. As research subjects, two American elementary school teachers, named Christina and Melissa, were selected. As test tools, this study adopted Storyline Test and semi-structured interviews. Firstly, in regard to the science teaching method, Christina evaluated that she gradually improved her science teaching skills up to positive 6 points, starting from 2 points in the first year of teaching career, while Melissa sustained a stable state with 5 points in the 9th year of teaching career, starting from 1 point in the first year of teaching career. It was found that both the teachers had more confidence in their science teaching methods by participating in various training programs. Secondly, Christina evaluated her scientific knowledge in the first year of teaching career as 4 points, but evaluated her present scientific knowledge as stable as 6 points since she started studying teaching materials actively, discussing with other teachers and having more ability of application through science class integrated with other school subjects, in the 7th year of her teaching career. On the other hand, Melissa evaluated her scientific knowledge in the first year of teaching career as 1 point since she did not exactly know what to teach elementary school students, but in the 6th year of teaching career, she sustained a stable state with points through joint-activities with other teachers. It was found that chances to research with other teachers had important effect on both the teachers' confidence in scientific knowledge. Thirdly, in regard to interactions with students in science class, Christina said that she did not have any interaction with students when instructing inquiry activities in the first year of teaching career, but since the 10th year of her teaching career, she had sustained a stable state with 6 points through active interaction with students, by leading learning projects and science competitive exhibitions, etc. On the other hand, Melissa evaluated her interaction with students in the first year of teaching career as 1 point because her class was reading-oriented, but since the 9th year of teaching career, she had sustained a stable state with 6 points so far, by developing inquiry activity strategies to improve interaction with students. Overall, it was found that inquiry activities played a central role in improving both the teachers' interaction with students.

A Model for Teaching Film Literacy through Movie English (영화영어를 통한 영화리터러시 교육방안)

  • Seo, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.779-790
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    • 2021
  • Film literacy comprises the process of producing a new creation through understanding the elements that make up a film, the content of a film, and a critical and creative thinking process. Film literacy is employed in fields such as composition, science, social studies, and geography, and, additionally, it is used to cultivate humanities literacy and critical thinking skills. Yet despite the large proportion of the film script in the movie, it is not easy to find literacy education cases that use film English as a teaching method. Film English is a practical and authentic material, and is suitable as an English learning material in an EFL context like Korea. However, the approach of using films to teach and learn differs according to the content and genre of a film. Thus, the teacher may have a difficult time organizing and preparing for class. This study suggests six class activities that can be commonly applied to English classes using films based on the areas of critical, cultural, and creative (3Cs) activities. Four hundred and five college students taking Movie English classes participated in the present study and frequency analysis was conducted to find out their preferences through a questionnaire survey. The results from conducting class activities in university liberal arts classes suggest that the most preferred activities of students are related to cultural, critical, and creative, in that order. Creative activities that are far beyond English instruction utilizing various digital tools or providing additional reading materials can be a burden on learners.

The Usage of Modern Information Technologies for Conducting Effective Monitoring of Quality in Higher Education

  • Oseredchuk, Olga;Nikolenko, Lyudmyla;Dolynnyi, Serhii;Ordatii, Nataliia;Sytnik, Tetiana;Stratan-Artyshkova, Tatiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2022
  • Information technologies in higher education are the basis for solving the tasks set by monitoring the quality of higher education. The directions of aplying information technologies which are used the most nowadays have been listed. The issues that should be addressed by monitoring the quality of higher education with the use of information technology have been listed. The functional basis for building a monitoring system is the cyclical stages: Observation; Orientation; Decision; Action. The monitoring system's considered cyclicity ensures that the concept of independent functioning of the monitoring system's subsystems is implemented.. It also ensures real-time task execution and information availability for all levels of the system's hierarchy of vertical and horizontal links, with the ability to restrict access. The educational branch uses information and computer technologies to monitor research results, which are realized in: scientific, reference, and educational output; electronic resources; state standards of education; analytical materials; materials for state reports; expert inferences on current issues of education and science; normative legal documents; state and sectoral programs; conference recommendations; informational, bibliographic, abstract, review publications; digests. The quality of Ukrainian scientists' scientific work is measured using a variety of bibliographic markers. The most common is the citation index. In order to carry out high-quality systematization of information and computer monitoring technologies, the classification has been carried out on the basis of certain features: (processual support for implementation by publishing, distributing and using the results of research work). The advantages and disadvantages of using web-based resources and services as information technology tools have been discussed. A set of indicators disclosed in the article evaluates the effectiveness of any means or method of observation and control over the object of monitoring. The use of information technology for monitoring and evaluating higher education is feasible and widespread in Ukrainian education, and it encourages the adoption of e-learning. The functional elements that stand out in the information-analytical monitoring system have been disclosed.

Exploring Ways to Improve Science Teacher Expertise through Infographics Creation Teacher Training Program: Focus on the Subject Earth Science (인포그래픽 제작 연수 프로그램을 통한 과학교사 전문성 신장 방안 탐색 -지구과학 교과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyunjong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we propose a way to improve science teacher expertise through infographics creation teacher training program by analyzing the infographics types focusing on the Earth Science subject of the 2015 revised curriculum, and inspecting the teachers' utilization of graphic tools. The data visualization characteristics of Earth Science textbooks were analyzed, the execution results of the infographics creation teacher training program were presented, and a survey on science teachers' change in perception and competency of infographics. As a result of the Earth Science textbook analysis, diagram-type, map-type, and comparative analysis-type infographics were frequently used, and were mainly presented as text-assisted-type infographics. The infographics creation teacher training program was conducted five times for 112 science teachers to create the complete, text-assisted, incomplete, and gradient-type infographics. Incomplete infographics for development of evaluation questions were most needed. Although many science teachers recognize the importance of infographics, they lacked the competency to create high-quality infographics because there were no training opportunities for infographics creation. After completing the training, 74.1% of teachers felt that the quality of developments of supplementary textbooks and evaluation questions had improved, and answered that it was helpful in re-educating knowledge and improving teaching-learning methods. Based on the research results, ways to improve science teacher expertise through infographics creation teacher training program were suggested.