• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning improvement element

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An Upshift Improvement in the Quality of Forklift's Automatic Transmission by Learning Control (학습제어를 이용한 지게차 자동변속기 상향 변속품질 개선)

  • Jung, Gyuhong
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2022
  • Recently, automatic transmissions caused a good improvement in the shift quality of a forklift. An advanced shift control algorithm, which was based on TCU firmware, was applied with embedded control technology and microcontrollers. In the clutch-to-clutch shifting, one friction element is released and the other friction element is activated. During this process, if the release and application timings are not synchronized, an overrun or tie-up occurs and ultimately leads to a shift shock. The TCU, which measures only the speed of the forklift, inevitably applies the open-loop shift control. In this situation, the speed ratio does not change during the clutch fill. The torque phase occurs until the clutch is disengaged. In this study, an offline shift logic of the learning control was proposed. It induced a synchronous shift when the learning control progressed. During this process, the reference current trajectory of the release clutch was corrected and applied to the next upshift. We considered the results of the overrun/tie-up characteristics of the upshift performed immediately before. The vehicle test proved that the deviation in shift quality, which was caused by the difference in the mechanical characteristics of the clutch, could be improved by the learning control.

An Exploration on Elements of e-Teaching Portfolio for Enhancing Teaching Expertise in Higher Education (대학 교수자의 수업전문성 향상을 목적으로 하는 e-티칭 포트폴리오의 구성요소 탐색)

  • Lee, Eun-Hwa
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.236-248
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    • 2008
  • This study has explored the elements of e-teaching portfolio for enhancing teaching expertise in higher education. This study is carried out through the literature review and expert's focus group interview. As the result of this study, seven elements of e-teaching portfolio for enhancing teaching expertise in higher education have been found. First, 'personal background' include curriculum vitae, course responsibility, and other educational activities. Second, 'teaching philosophy' include the principals on teaching and learning, statements of teaching philosophy. Third, 'learning environment' include the characteristics of students, the previous learning contents, and physical environment. Forth, 'course contents and methods' include teaching strategies and instructional materials, Fifth, 'instructional evaluation' includes the principals of evaluation and the examples of learning outcomes. Sixth, 'endeavor for improvement of instruction' include evidence of activity for teaching improvement and instruction feedback from peer and students. And e-teaching portfolio also includes research career and awards history element.

Empirical Study and Evaluation of Case-Based Learning for Improvement of Learning Outcome (학습 성과 개선을 위한 사례기반 학습의 실험적 연구 및 평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Kee;Kim, Young-Hak;Yoon, Hyeon-Ju
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes and evaluates empirically a new recommendation method in order to improve the learning achievement of learners using case-based method. In this paper, we first carried out a survey targeting teachers who work currently in Gyeongbuk area, and constructed learning cases depending on critical factors of learning. We next recommended differentiated learning methods to learners classifying according to learning cases by achievement level through this survey. The students of a middle school took part in the experiment in order to evaluate empirically the proposed learning cases. The students were divided into three groups by their achievement level and three separate learning cases were applied to each group. The weights among learning improvement elements applying to each group were added through the survey result of teachers. The experiment using the proposed case-based recommendation method showed that the learning achievement of learners is improved considerably compared to the previous one.

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A Pedagogical Model Reflecting on Competency Analysis of of the Female Engineering Students in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (제 4차 산업혁명시대의 공과대 여학생 역량분석을 반영한 교수법 모델)

  • Baik, Ran
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an educational model based on the capacity analysis of college students. In order to measure the learning ability of female science and engineering students, we used various tools to derive core competencies. The competency element of human resources implementation, the element of learning achievement area in the undergraduate education actual condition survey, and the analysis of the learning achievement elements of the engineering certification program were analyzed and the development of teaching method was searched to find ways to increase the competence of female students. In addition, we developed a model that can apply the development of pedagogy in the curriculum to the liberal arts, majors, and comparative courses, and presented the internship in field experience area, the improvement of on the spot learning, and teaching method and guidance to enhance the female students' competence. Also, as a case study of the proposed teaching method, new curriculum of 'Understanding of Big Data' which is the basis of the fourth industrial revolution technology in the second semester of 2016 was developed and applied to the education model. The results of this study are very positive, and we can expect the effectiveness of the new education model to enhance the learning ability and capacity of female students.

Modeling Element Relations as Structured Graphs Via Neural Structured Learning to Improve BIM Element Classification (Neural Structured Learning 기반 그래프 합성을 활용한 BIM 부재 자동분류 모델 성능 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Youngsu;Lee, Koeun;Koo, Bonsang;Lee, Kwanhoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2021
  • Building information modeling (BIM) element to industry foundation classes (IFC) entity mappings need to be checked to ensure the semantic integrity of BIM models. Existing studies have demonstrated that machine learning algorithms trained on geometric features are able to classify BIM elements, thereby enabling the checking of these mappings. However, reliance on geometry is limited, especially for elements with similar geometric features. This study investigated the employment of relational data between elements, with the assumption that such additions provide higher classification performance. Neural structured learning, a novel approach for combining structured graph data as features to machine learning input, was used to realize the experiment. Results demonstrated that a significant improvement was attained when trained and tested on eight BIM element types with their relational semantics explicitly represented.

Some Problems of e-Learning Market in Korea (최근 우리나라 e-Learning 시장의 주요 동향 및 향후 전망)

  • Yoon, Young-Han
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-120
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    • 2007
  • The knowledge based economy requires more and more people to learn new knowledge and skills in a timely and effective manner. These needs and new technology such as computer and Internet are fueling a transition in e-learning. According to specialist's opinion, imagination experience studying is generalized, and learning environment that language barrier by studying, multi-language studying Machine that experience past things that disappear through simulation, and travel area, and experience future changed state disappears is forecasting to come. This is previewing finally that it may become future education that education and IT, element of entertainment is combined. Already, became story that argument for party satellite of e-Learning existence passes one season already. e-Learning is utilized already in all educations that we touch by effectiveness by corporation's competitive power improvement and implement of lifelong education in educational institutions through present e-Learning. It is obvious that when see from our viewpoint which is defining e-Learning by one industry and rear by application to education as well as one new growth power about these, e-Learning industry becomes very important means that can solve dilemma of growth real form. Only, special quality of digital industry that e-Learning is being same with other digital industry and repeat putting out a fire rapidly, and is repeating sudden change that these evolution is not gradual growth of accumulation and improvement of technology that is appearing consider need to. In the meantime, we need to observe about evolution of Information Technology. Because there is some scholars who e-Learning's concept foresees to evolve by u-Learning.(although, a person who see that these concept is not more in marketing terminology by some scholars' opinion is). This u-Learning's concept means e-Learning that take advantage of ubiquitous technology as Ubiquitous-Learning's curtailment speech. Ubiquitous, user means Information-Communication surrounding that can connect to network freely regardless of place without feeling network or computer. There is controversy about introduction time regarding these direction, but e-Learning is judged to evolve by u-Learning necessarily. Because keep in step and age that study all contents that learner wants under environment of 3A (any time, any whrer, any device) by individual order thoroughly is foreseen to come in ubiquitous learning environment that approach more festinately.

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A Study on Quality Dimension and Improvement Priority for Enhancing University Educational Service Satisfaction (대학 교육서비스 만족도 향상을 위한 품질차원 및 개선우선순위 도출)

  • Chang, Youngsoon;Jung, Dajung;Kim, Donyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study is on the priority for improving students satisfaction in university educational service. It explores the dimension of service quality and analyzes the relationship among quality elements, service satisfaction, and loyalty. Methods: This paper performs empirical studies by questionnaire survey. The Timko model is used for finding the degree of possible improvement of quality elements, and structural equation and regression models are used to analyze the effect of them on service satisfaction and loyalty. Also, explanatory factor analysis is used to investigate the quality determinants. Results: The quality dimension is composed of curriculum, employment support, interaction with outsiders, start-up support, learning support, counselling, and administration service. Curriculum, learning support, and administration service are positively correlated with service satisfaction, and service satisfaction has a positive effect on loyalty. Counselling service is an attractive element, and curriculum, start-up support, and learning support are indifferent elements. Conclusion: Comprehensive analysis shows that curriculum, academic advisor, and administration service have high priorities for improving educational service satisfaction.

Machine Learning Methodology for Management of Shipbuilding Master Data

  • Jeong, Ju Hyeon;Woo, Jong Hun;Park, JungGoo
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.428-439
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    • 2020
  • The continuous development of information and communication technologies has resulted in an exponential increase in data. Consequently, technologies related to data analysis are growing in importance. The shipbuilding industry has high production uncertainty and variability, which has created an urgent need for data analysis techniques, such as machine learning. In particular, the industry cannot effectively respond to changes in the production-related standard time information systems, such as the basic cycle time and lead time. Improvement measures are necessary to enable the industry to respond swiftly to changes in the production environment. In this study, the lead times for fabrication, assembly of ship block, spool fabrication and painting were predicted using machine learning technology to propose a new management method for the process lead time using a master data system for the time element in the production data. Data preprocessing was performed in various ways using R and Python, which are open source programming languages, and process variables were selected considering their relationships with the lead time through correlation analysis and analysis of variables. Various machine learning, deep learning, and ensemble learning algorithms were applied to create the lead time prediction models. In addition, the applicability of the proposed machine learning methodology to standard work hour prediction was verified by evaluating the prediction models using the evaluation criteria, such as the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (RMSLE).

The Effect of Project Learning Utilizing Prezi on Creativity, Science Process Skills and Attitudes Toward Science of Scientific Gifted Children in Elementary School (Prezi를 활용한 프로젝트 수업이 초등과학영재반 학생들의 창의성, 과학탐구능력 및 과학에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Hye-Jin;Lee, Hyeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2013
  • Prezi, which is an implemented software in the form of flash-based online presentation, is considered to be a new appropriate smart-learning tool. This study aimed to investigate an impact of project learning utilizing Prezi on the creativity, attitudes toward science and science process skills of scientific gifted children in elementary school. The results of this study were as follows; First, after project learning utilizing Prezi, their creativity was raised meaningfully, especially in sub-elements of patience, adaptability and variety of interestings. Second, project learning utilizing Prezi showed meaningful effect on their improvement of science process skill, especially in integrated science process skills. Third, project learning utilizing Prezi improved their attitudes toward science meaningfully. In almost sub-elements, except the element of ordinariness of scientist, positive meaningful improvements were showed.

A Study of Big Data Domain Automatic Classification Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 빅데이터 도메인 자동 판별에 관한 연구)

  • Kong, Seongwon;Hwang, Deokyoul
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2018
  • This study is a study on domain automatic classification for domain - based quality diagnosis which is a key element of big data quality diagnosis. With the increase of the value and utilization of Big Data and the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the world is making efforts to create new value by utilizing big data in various fields converged with IT such as law, medical, and finance. However, analysis based on low-reliability data results in critical problems in both the process and the result, and it is also difficult to believe that judgments based on the analysis results. Although the need of highly reliable data has also increased, research on the quality of data and its results have been insufficient. The purpose of this study is to shorten the work time to automizing the domain classification work which was performed from manually to using machine learning in the domain - based quality diagnosis, which is a key element of diagnostic evaluation for improving data quality. Extracts information about the characteristics of the data that is stored in the database and identifies the domain, and then featurize it, and automizes the domain classification using machine learning. We will use it for big data quality diagnosis and contribute to quality improvement.