• 제목/요약/키워드: Learner needs

검색결과 179건 처리시간 0.028초

Analysis of the Effectiveness of the University Convergence Curriculum using the CIPP model (CIPP 모형을 활용한 대학 융복합 교육과정의 효과성 분석)

  • Kang, Kyunghee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제11권9호
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of university convergence curriculum using CIPP model. With 758 data surveys of professors and students participating in K University's convergence education, the analysis of differences according to group characteristics and the factors affecting performance recognition and course satisfaction were analyzed. As a result of analysis, first, class activity(CA) was the highest (M=3.85), and coursework design(CD) was the lowest (M=3.35), and there were significant differences in the course objectives, course content, and class activities according to the characteristics of the group. Second, the factors affecting the performance recognition and course satisfaction of the convergence curriculum were needs analysis, coursework design, learner activity, performance recognition, and course satisfaction. In conclusion, it suggests that from the planning stage, it should be designed to reflect the needs of professors and students, and to improve satisfaction and performance recognition with novel contents and active teaching and learning activities. This study can be used as basic data for improving the quality of the convergence curriculum.

Application of the Rapid Prototyping Instructional Systems Design in Meridianology Laboratory (경혈학실습 체제적 교수설계를 위한 RPISD 모형 적용 연구)

  • Cho, Eunbyul;Kim, Jae-Hyo;Hong, Jiseong
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : Instructional design is the systematic approach to the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of learning materials and activities. We aimed to apply the rapid prototyping to instructional systems design (RPISD) in meridianology laboratory, a subject in which students train acupuncture to develop lesson plan. Methods : The needs of the stakeholders including client, subject matter expert and students were analyzed using the performance needs analysis model. Task analysis was implemented by observation and interview. First prototype was drafted and implemented in meridianology laboratory class once. The second prototype was modified from the first, by usability evaluation of the stakeholders. Results : The client requested an electronically documented manual to improve the quality of acupuncture training. The learner requested an extension of practice time and detailed practice guidelines. The main problems of students' performance were some cases of violation of clean needle technique, the lack of communication between the operator and recipient in direct, and lack of confidence in their own performance. Stakeholders were generally satisfied with the proposed first prototype. Second prototype of lesson plan was produced by modifying some contents. Conclusions : A lesson plan was developed by applying the systematic RPISD model. It is expected that the developed instructional design may contribute to the quality improvement of meridianology laboratory education.

Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Simulation Program on Patient Rights Education using Integrated Decision Making Model for Nurse Students (가치통합 의사결정모델을 이용한 간호학생 대상 웹기반 환자권리교육 시뮬레이션 프로그램 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Ki-Kyong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was designed to develop and evaluate the a web-based simulation program on patient rights education using integrated decision making model into values clarification for nurse students. Methods: The program was designed based on the Aless & Trollip model and Ford, Trygstad-Durland & Nelms's decision model. Focus groups interviews, surveys on learning needs for patient rights, and specialist interviews were used to develop for simulation scenarios and decision making modules. The simulation program was evaluated between May, 2011 and April, 2012 by 30 student nurses using an application of the web-based program evaluation tools by Chung. Results: Simulation content was composed of two scenarios on patient rights: the rights of patients with HIV and the rights of psychiatric patients. It was composed of two decision making modules which were established for value clarifications, behavioral objective formations, problems identifications, option generations, alternatives analysis, and decision evaluations. The simulation program was composed of screens for teacher and learner. The program was positively evaluated with a mean score of $3.14{\pm}0.33$. Conclusion: These study results make an important contribution to the application of educational simulation programs for nurse students' behavior and their decision making ability in protecting the patient rights.

NCS academic achievement and learning transfer ARCS motivation theory in ICT in the field of environmental education through interactive and immersive learning (NCS환경에서 ICT분야 교육에 ARCS 동기이론이 상호작용성과 학습몰입을 통해 학업성취도와 학습전이에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Dongcheul;Kwon, Dosoon;Hwang, Changyu
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.179-200
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    • 2015
  • Recent national policies National Competency Standards(NCS) to develop teaching-oriented education in the field of industry and learning is taking place. Plan to take advantage of the Internet and multimedia classes, information and communication technology (ICT) for ways to leverage the integration appearing in various forms. The purpose of this study is causal influence on the ARCS motivation theory can determine the basic psychology of human motivation factors and the desires of a typical human nature theory dealing with the psychological needs of interactivity and immersion is learning achievement and learning transfer and to validate the demonstration. By applying information and communication technology sector in the development of learning in information and communication equipment training program modules from a field study conducted at the NCS with a clear empirical and empirical research through the synchronization to the learner and to explore the possibility of generalization.

Action Plan for English Learners with Diverse Backgrounds:Case of Eastview High School (EVHS) in Minnesota, U.S.A (외국인을 위한 언어교육 액션플랜 사례와 농촌지역 외국인 대상 한국어 교육의 시사점:미국, 미네소타주 이스트뷰 고등학교 사례)

  • Nam, Bu-Hyun
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.243-292
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    • 2008
  • T미국 공립학교들에 다양한 문화적, 언어적, 인종적 배경을 가진 학생들이 점차 늘고 있다. 최근 10년간 이 학생들의 수는 52% 이상 증가하였으며 (from 1.4 to 3.04 million) 전문가들은 이 학생들의 수는 계속적으로 증가하여 2020년에 50% 에 도달할 것으로 예상한다. 그리고 이들을 위한 영어 교육을 위해 효율적인 연구와 투자를 계속적으로 하고 있다. 미네소타 주 역시나 공립학교 등에서 30% 이상의 외국인 학생들이 특별한 영어 교육 프로그램으로 교육을 받고있다. 따라서, 이 연구는 미네소타 주의 한 주요도시에 위치한 고등학교를 모델로 이 학생들의 효율적인 영어교육을 위해 액션 프랜을 개발하는 과정을 설명하고 이 액션 플랜을 위한 주요 이론들을 소개하는데 목적을 둔다. 주요이론들은 Differentiated Instruction, SWOT Analysis, 그리고 Action Research Methods 등 이며 Special Educational Needs 개념을 정리하였다. 본 연구는 국제 교류의 증가에 따라 한국에 늘어나고 있는 외국인들과 그들의 자녀들을 위한 한국어 교육방법과 노력들을 제고해 보는 계기로 삼고자 한다. 그리고 이 연구 방법은 현재 한국 농촌 지역에 사는 다문화 가정 자녀들의 한국어 교육을 위한 프로그램 개발 및 실천 연구에 응용되어질 수도 있다.

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An integrative review of learning experiences for nursing students in Korea: Based on qualitative research (한국 간호대학생의 학습경험에 대한 통합적 문헌고찰: 질적연구를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Soomin;Kim, Sanghee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nursing education will change in a different way than before. The purpose of this study was to analyze characteristics of qualitative research on learning experiences for nursing students, and to suggest directions for nursing education geared to the needs of the future. Methods: An integrative review method was used. Based on Whittemore & Knafl's approach, five steps were applied. Results: Eleven papers met the selection criteria and had above average ratings in quality appraisals. Three characteristics related to the learning experiences of nursing students were derived: (1) overcoming difficulties in the learning process and concentrating on problem-solving, (2) improving self-efficacy through experiencing achievement in the learning process, (3) establishing nursing professionalism, (4) identifying the importance of self-directed and self-reflected learning, and (5) developing teamwork. Conclusion: This review found that various learning experiences were conducted for practical experience and learner-oriented learning. Nursing students overcame difficulties to achieve their learning outcomes, and developed their professionalism. Further study is required to comprehensively explore research including other countries, and the experiences of instructors.

Development and Evaluation of the Educational Program Regarding Life Safety for Children of Low Grade Elementary Schools (초등학교 저학년 아동의 생활안전 교육프로그램 개발 및 효과연구)

  • Doo Kyoung-Ja;Yoon Yong- Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the educational program of life safety for low grade elementary school students. The objectives of the life safety education were established, and the contents and instructions of the educational program were organized according to the needs of the 560 children and their mothers. Both experimental and control groups were evaluated before, immediately after and 3 weeks after the education in terms of knowledge about safety, attitudes and behaviors. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Twelve contents for safety education consisted of safety for electronic games, playing facility, mobile exercise machines, elevator/escalators, traffic and prevention for injury, pricking/cutting, collision/fall/slippery, drowning, burning, electric shock, food toxicity and child missing/sexual harassment/kidnapping. 2. The score of knowledge for safety, attitude, and behavior of the experimental group was improved after the post-tests. Thus, the educational effects were demonstrated to be significant in all evaluation sections.

Analysis of G4 Science Digital Textbook according to Universal Design for Learning (보편적 학습 설계의 관점에서 초등학교 4학년 과학 디지털 교과서 분석)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hee;Sung, Jung-Hee;Koo, Yang-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.442-458
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    • 2011
  • Digital textbook project is one of government-driven project to improve education due to integrating technology. Digital textbook need to be universally designed to fit for each student. Recently, universal design for learning( UDL) gains great attention as one of promising approaches for the development of the digital textbook through giving various options and flexibility to all students. UDL has three main principles, first provide multiple means of representation, second provide multiple means of action and expression, third provide multiple means of engagement. The purpose of the study is to analyze fourth grade science textbook according to three UDL guidelines and suggest implications to improve an existing science textbook. The results indicated that fourth grade science digital textbook has been partly applied UDL guidelines like implementing multimedia and multi- mode contents, learning and communication tools, and motivation strategies. But options which students can choose according to their needs and styles are insufficient and tools for expression and communication need to enhance for helping each student to overcome his/her obstacles for learning and need to be more and elaborate to support learner-centered science digital textbook.

Development and Effects of a Simulation-based Education Program for Newborn Emergency Care (시뮬레이션 기반 신생아 응급간호 교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Yoo, So Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.468-477
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a simulation-based education program for newborn emergency care based on most needed topics found from the needs assessment. This study consisted of two phases: developing the program and evaluating its effectiveness. Methods: The effectiveness of the program was tested in July, 2012, with 49 junior nursing students from C Nursing College in Seoul, who did not have any clinical experience in newborn care. The experimental group was given a three-hour lecture, three hours of clinical training, and a two-hour simulation program, whereas the control group only had the three-hour lecture. Results: There was significant improvement in knowledge in both groups, but no significant differences according to educational methods. The experiment group was more confident of their care ($4.32{\pm}.29$) than the control group ($3.60{\pm}.29$) with the difference being significant (t=8.85, p<.001), and the experimental group was also more satisfied with the program (${\chi}^2$=4.60, p=.032). Conclusion: As the results indicate 'the neonatal emergency care program' increased learners' knowledge, confidence and satisfaction with the program, it should be integrated into clinical training in pediatric nursing curriculum and in-service programs for nurses. To increase generalization further verification studies with various learner groups are needed.

A Proposal for the Future of Medical Education Accreditation (의학교육 평가인증의 미래를 위한 제언)

  • Lim, Ki-Young
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2020
  • For the past 20 years, the medical education accreditation program of Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation (KIMEE) has contributed greatly to the standardization and improvement of the quality of basic medical education in Korea. Now, it contributes to establishing and promoting the future of medical education. Since its inception in 2019, Accreditation Standard of KIMEE 2019 (ASK2019) aims to achieve world-class medical education through the application of learner-centered curriculum using a continuum framework for the three phases of formal medical education: basic medical education, post-graduate medical education, and continuing professional development. ASK2019 also promotes medical education which meets community needs and employs systematic assessments throughout the education process. These are important changes that can be used to gauge the future of the medical education accreditation system. Furthermore, internationalization, interprofessional education, health systems science, and on-going, permanent self-assessment systems in every medical school are emerging as important topics for the future of medical education. It's time for the medical education accreditation system in Korea to observe and adopt new trends in global medical education.