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An Exploratory Study on the Sharing and Application of Public Open Big Data (공공 빅데이터 개방 및 활용 활성화 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Jin;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2017
  • With the growing interest in the 4th industrial revolution and big data, various policies are being developed for facilitating the use of public open big data, which are leading to a wide range of added values created from use of such data. Despite the expanded requirements for public data disclosure and the legal system improvement, however, the use of public open big data is still limited. According to the literature review, there are studies on policy proposals for the government guiding directions for public open big data, but there is a lack of studies that handle the issue from the users' viewpoint. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the public open data ecosystem in Korea and to analyze public open big data through interviews with the providers (the government and public institutions) and users (private sector companies and citizens). This way, the study finds inhibition factors and facilitation factors, draws out issues and suggests solutions through a causal relationship analysis between each factor. Being a research on finding measures for facilitating both public big data release and use, this study has theoretical implications. In the meanwhile, the derived issues and alternatives provide practical implications also for stakeholders who are planning to facilitate release and use of public open big data.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Pharyngocutaneous Fistula After Treatment of Oral Cavity and Pharyngolaryngeal Cancer (구강과 인후두의 악성종양 치료시 발생한 누공의 진단과 치료)

  • Hong, Hyun Joon;Song, Seung Yong;Lee, Won Jai;Lew, Dae Hyun;Rah, Dong Kyun
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.611-616
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The rate of fistulas occuring followed by resection of oral cavity, oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer are reported to be 9 ~ 23% according to various documents. Neglected treatment of the fistula can result in a setback in proper treatment with restrictions in oral intake leading to delayed return to daily life. Furthurmore, in severe cases, it may injure important vessels and adjacent structures of the neck area. The author reviewed previously reported cases of treatment methods for fistulas recurring after diverse head and neck operations and with sharing the treatment experiments of our patients, we tried to present a treatment algorism for different fistula types. Methods: Our study was based on retrograde analysis of 64 patients who were clinically diagnosed with fistula after operation for cancer of the head and neck from 1997 to 2008 at Severance Hospital. Their primary sites of cancer were 8 oral cavity, 22 oropharynx, 25 hypopharynx, and 9 larynx. The patients were aged 45 to 75 years and the male to female ratio was 11 to 1. The patient's operation records and progress notes were evaluated for determination of degree of fistula and treatment methods. Results: Most fistulas were clinically suspected after postoperative 5 days and symptoms noted for detection of the fistula were erythema, purulent discharge, edema, tenderness, and fluctuation. The fistula was definitely diagnosed at postoperative 2 weeks with barium test and treatment method ranging from conservative management to operative procedure were applied to each patients. Total 21 patients were managed with conservative protocol. In 15 cases, direct repair of the fistula was done and more stable repair of the fistula was possible with using of TachoComb(R). Pharyngostoma was performed in 14 patients. Among them, 4 patients healed spontaneously, 5 patients were taken direct closure, 4 patients were taken pectoralis major musculocutaneous flap, and one patient was taken esophageal transfer. The other 14 patients were taken 11 pectoralis major musculocutaneous flaps and 3 free flaps without pharyngostoma formation. Conclusion: Fistula is a troublesome complication resulting after resection of head and neck cancer. Early detection and adequate treatment according to the period and condition of the fistula may prevent further complications and reduce the pain of the patient.

Cinnamaldehyde Derivatives Inhibit Coxsackievirus B3-Induced Viral Myocarditis

  • Li, Xiao-Qiang;Liu, Xiao-Xiao;Wang, Xue-Ying;Xie, Yan-Hua;Yang, Qian;Liu, Xin-Xin;Ding, Yuan-Yuan;Cao, Wei;Wang, Si-Wang
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2017
  • The chemical property of cinnamaldehyde is unstable in vivo, although early experiments have shown its obvious therapeutic effects on viral myocarditis (VMC). To overcome this problem, we used cinnamaldehyde as a leading compound to synthesize derivatives. Five derivatives of cinnamaldehyde were synthesized: 4-methylcinnamaldehyde (1), 4-chlorocinnamaldehyde (2), 4-methoxycinnamaldehyde (3), α-bromo-4-methylcinnamaldehyde (4), and α-bromo-4-chlorocinnamaldehyde (5). Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and HeLa cells infected by coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) were used to evaluate their antiviral and cytotoxic effects. In vivo BALB/c mice were infected with CVB3 for establishing VMC models. Among the derivatives, compound 4 and 5 inhibited the CVB3 in HeLa cells with the half-maximal inhibitory concentrations values of 11.38±2.22μM and 2.12±0.37μM, respectively. The 50% toxic concentrations of compound 4 and 5-treated cells were 39-fold and 87-fold higher than in the cinnamaldehyde group. Compound 4 and 5 effectively reduced the viral titers and cardiac pathological changes in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, compound 4 and 5 significantly inhibited the secretion, mRNA and protein expressions of inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 in CVB3-infected cardiomyocytes, indicating that brominated cinnamaldehyde not only improved the anti-vital activities for VMC, but also had potent anti-inflammatory effects in cardiomyocytes induced by CVB3.

High frequency direct plant regeneration from leaf, internode, and root segments of Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)

  • Yadav, Rakesh;Arora, Pooja;Kumar, Dharmendar;Katyal, Dinesh;Dilbaghi, Neeraj;Chaudhury, Ashok
    • Plant Biotechnology Reports
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2009
  • Simple, reproducible, high frequency, improved plant regeneration protocol in Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) clones, WIMCO199 and L34, has been reported. Initially, aseptic cultures established from axillary buds of nodal segments from mature plus trees on MS liquid medium supplemented with 0.25mg11 KIN and 0.25mg11 IAA. Nodal and internodal segments were found to be extra-prolific over shoot apices during course of aseptic culture establishment, while 0.25mg11 KIN concentration played a stimulatory role in high frequency plant regeneration. Diverse explants, such as various leaf segments, internodes, and roots from in vitro raised cultures, were employed. Direct plant regeneration was at high frequency of 92% in internodes, 88% in leaf segments, and 43% in root segments. This led to the formation of multiple shoot clusters on established culture media with rapid proliferation rates. Many-fold enhanced shoot elongation and growth of the clusters could be achieved on liquid MS medium supplemented with borosilicate glass beads, which offer physical support for proliferating shoots leading to faster growth in comparison to semi-solid agar or direct liquid medium. SEM examination of initial cultures confirmed direct plant regeneration events without intervening calli. In vitro regenerated plants induced roots on half-strength MS medium with 0.15mg11 IAA. Rooted 5- to 6-week-old in vitro regenerated plants were transferred into a transgenic greenhouse in pots containing 1:1 mixture of vermicompost and soil at 27±2C for hardening and acclimatization. 14- to 15-week-old well-established hardened plants were transplanted to the field and grown to maturity. The mature in vitro raised poplar trees exhibited a high survival rate of 85%; 4-year-old healthy trees attained an average height of 8 m and an average trunk diameter of 25 cm and have performed well under field conditions. The regeneration protocol presented here will be very useful for undertaking genetic manipulation, providing a value addition to Eastern Cottonwood propagation in future.

Proteomic Analysis to Identify Tightly-Bound Cell Wall Protein in Rice Calli

  • Cho, Won Kyong;Hyun, Tae Kyung;Kumar, Dhinesh;Rim, Yeonggil;Chen, Xiong Yan;Jo, Yeonhwa;Kim, Suwha;Lee, Keun Woo;Park, Zee-Yong;Lucas, William J.;Kim, Jae-Yean
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.685-696
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    • 2015
  • Rice is a model plant widely used for basic and applied research programs. Plant cell wall proteins play key roles in a broad range of biological processes. However, presently, knowledge on the rice cell wall proteome is rudimentary in nature. In the present study, the tightly-bound cell wall proteome of rice callus cultured cells using sequential extraction protocols was developed using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics methods, leading to the identification of 1568 candidate proteins. Based on bioinformatics analyses, 389 classical rice cell wall proteins, possessing a signal peptide, and 334 putative non-classical cell wall proteins, lacking a signal peptide, were identified. By combining previously established rice cell wall protein databases with current data for the classical rice cell wall proteins, a comprehensive rice cell wall proteome, comprised of 496 proteins, was constructed. A comparative analysis of the rice and Arabidopsis cell wall proteomes revealed a high level of homology, suggesting a predominant conservation between monocot and eudicot cell wall proteins. This study importantly increased information on cell wall proteins, which serves for future functional analyses of these identified rice cell wall proteins.

An Exploration of Cognitive Demand Level in MiC Textbook based on the Tasks of 'Data Analysis and Probability' (MiC 교과서의 과제에 대한 인지적 요구 수준 탐색 -'자료 분석과 확률' 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Hye Jeang;Jeong, Ji hye
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2017
  • Mathematical tasks in general introduce and deal with real-life situations, and they derive to students' thinking fluently in solving the given tasks. The tasks might be considered as an important and significant factor to lead a successful mathematical teaching and learning situation. MiC Textbook is a representative one showing such good examples and tasks. This study explores concretely and in detail the cognitive demand level of mathematical tasks, by the subject of MiC Textbook. To accomplish this, this study is to reconstruct more elaborately the analysis framework developed by Hwang and Park in 2013. The framework basically was set up utilizing 'the cognitive demand level' suggested by Stein, et, al. The cognitive demand level is divided into two levels such as low level and high level. The low level is comprized of two elements such as Memorization Tasks(MT), Procedures Without Connections Tasks(PNCT), and high level is Procedures With Connections Tasks(PWCT), and Doing Mathematics Tasks(DMT). This study deals with the tasks on the area of 'data analysis and statistics' in MiC 1, 2, 3 level Textbook. As a result, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook led learners to deal with and understand mathematical content for themselves, and furthermore to do leading roles for checking and reinforcing the content. Also, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook are comprized of the tasks suitable to enhance mathematical thinking ability through communication. In addition, mathematical tasks of MiC Textbook tend to offer more learning opportunity to learners' themselves while the level of MiC Textbook is going up.

Relationships Among Participation Motives in Virtual Community, Sense of Community, Loyalty and Purchase Intention (가상공동체 참여동기와 공동체의식, 충성도 및 구매의도간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Jun-Yean;Choi, Ji-Hoon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.71-90
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    • 2003
  • Virtual communities have been suggested to play important roles such as attracting customers, building customer loyalty, and leading to commercial transactions. Little research in marketing has focused on virtual communities in spite of its importance indicated by many practitioners and conceptual studies. More specifically, little research has empirically examined factors of customer participation and its consequences. This research investigate if customers' participation motives in virtual communities affect their sense of community and if sense of community affects customers' loyalty towards and purchase intentions from the website offering the community service. One hundred ninety six questionnaires were collected from individuals who have participated in and have been involved in online activities in various virtual communities. Major results of this research can be summarized as follows. First, participation motives employed significantly affected customers' sense of community and more specifically, perceived ease of use and perceived playfulness had a large influence on the customers' sense of community. Second, customers' sense of community positively affected their loyalty toward the community and more specifically, membership and emotional connection had a large influence on loyalty. Third, customers' sense of community did not affect directly their purchase intentions. Fourth, customers' loyalty toward virtual communities had a significant, positive, although marginal, influence on their purchase intentions.

'Picnic', a New Mid-season Apple Cultivar with Medium Size and Good Taste (식미가 우수한 중과형 사과 '피크닉' 육성)

  • Kwon, Soon-Il;Park, Jong-Taek;Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, Mok-Jong;Kim, Jeong-Hee
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.784-788
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    • 2015
  • A new cultivar 'Picnic' originated from an artificial cross between 'Fuji' and 'Sansa' at National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science in 1994. The cultivar was preliminarily selected among the elite siblings for its high fruit quality in 2003. After regional adaptability tests in five districts for four subsequent years as 'Wonkyo Ga-34', it was ultimately selected in 2008. Optimum harvest time is late September. Mature fruit has mean weight of 233 g and is conic with light red skin on a greenish yellow ground and yellowish white flesh. The fruit contains a favorable total soluble solids content at 13.8Brix and titratable acidity at 0.43%, which results in gustatory harmony between sugars and acids. It is not resistant to bitter rot or Marssonina blotch. 'Picnic' exhibits a physiological cross compatibility with leading cultivars such as 'Fuji', 'Hongro' and 'Tsugaru'. Tree topology is semi-spreading with a weak growth habit.

A Study on the U.S Emergency Communications Operating System and Standard Operating Procedures Analysis (미국 재난통신 운영체계 및 표준운영절차 분석 연구)

  • Han, Cheol-Hee;Park, Su-Hyeong;Yoon, Myong-O
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2017
  • Disasters in South Korea are taking on more diverse and intricate aspects than before, while being affected by the industrial development and deterioration of the cities. Therefore, it is urgently needed for success in disaster countermeasures to secure emergency communications operating system which would make it possible to share various information between the control tower and field personnel quickly and accurately. This study proposes a method of improving the national emergency communications operating system based on the Federal disaster management system, emergency communications system, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) employed in the US, which is the leading country in the field of disaster management. First, the organization of the emergency communications needs to be more systematized than in the past. The organization of the emergency communications of the central and local governments have to be administered according to their different roles and objectives. Furthermore, they must cooperate with each other based on interoperability. Second, emergency communications councils need to be established, composed of representatives related to disasters, and national and regional units need to be formed and operated separately. Third, the SOPs should not only cover both the operational and technical elements, but also assign the roles and responsibilities to the members of the disaster communications system. These improvements will assure the correct functioning of the disaster communications system in the field, which is expected to increase the probability of success in disaster countermeasures.

An Experimental Study of Sprinkler system for Sandwich Panel Wall Protection (샌드위치패널 벽면보호용 스프링클러설비 적용 실험)

  • Seo, Dong-Hun;Kim, Won-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Lee, Young-Jae
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2017
  • Domestic sandwich panel buildings are widely used on walls and roofs of factories and warehouse facilities. Factory and warehouse facilities have high fire load and rapid spread of fire due to their use characteristics, leading to large fires. Due to the characteristics of materials, walls and roofs are collapsed, resulting in life damage and property damage. In this regard, this study examined domestic and international standards of sprinkler facilities to prevent ignition of sandwich panel walls. Also, in order to check whether the fire was prevented by installing the head on the wall of the sandwich panel, the fire test was carried out with 10 cm, 60 cm, and 120 cm from the wall along the sprinkler head installation standard of domestic fire safety standards. As a result of the fire test, it was confirmed that the sandwich panel was prevented from igniting when the head of water pressure 0.1 MPa and water quantity K-80 was installed. According to the separation distance, it was impossible to measure the temperature at 10 cm, but at 60 cm, At the maximum temperature of 525C and 120 cm, the maximum temperature of the wall of the sandwich panel was measured as 276C. As a result of the fire test, considering the fire point of 450 degrees Celsius in the fire test of the sandwich panel, the distance from the sandwich panel wall to the combustible is more than 120 cm.